Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

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Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Wiseguy »

Scott Burnstein

The boys in the Philadelphia mafia were all together again this summer, enjoying the nice weather, partying at the Jersey Shore and trying to settle old beefs, with some even finding their way into new trouble. For the first time since the late 1990s, the top-tier of Philadelphia’s organized crime family were free and allowed to congregate with each other.

Large swaths of current and former members of the syndicate’s administration, high-profile local mob figures like Joseph (Skinny Joey) Merlino, Steven (Handsome Stevie) Mazzone, George (Georgie Boy) Borgesi, John (Johnny Chang) Ciancaglini and Marty Angelina, were fully back on the scene – Merlino, the dynamic and camera-friendly don of the City of Brotherly Love for better part of the past two decades, got “off paper” (had government supervision lifted) in April, after a short return to prison in the winter for a parole violation, and Borgesi, his one-time consigliere followed in July. The good times didn’t last too long though – trouble began brewing quickly, according to exclusive Gangster Report sources.

First, Borgesi, allegedly angered by his treatment while incarcerated for almost a decade and a half on racketeering charges, began a set of sitdowns with syndicate leaders to try and resolve the lingering hostilities, then Mazzone’s younger brother and reputed fellow button-man, Salvatore (Sonny) Mazzone, got into hot water for a suspected domestic-violence dispute.

Merlino, Borgesi, the elder Mazzone, his current acting boss, Ciancaglini, his current acting underboss and Angelina, his former underboss, were all convicted of a racketeering conspiracy in 2001 and served time behind bars throughout the majority of the 2000s, and in the case of Skinny Joey Merlino and Georgie Boy Borgesi, into the 2010s. Skinny Joey, 53, walked in the winter of 2011, Borgesi, 52, sprung the coop in early 2014 after a pair of mistrials in another racketeering case that landed less than three months after Merlino was released and prevented Borgesi from immediately joining his boyhood pal Skinny Joey on the outside.

Per sources on the street in South Philly, Borgesi is in a bitter feud with Angelina, another childhood buddy and hot-tempered Cheese Steak City Goodfella, who was named alongside Georgia Boy in the 2011 bust, but unlike Borgesi pled guilty and did time in prison as a result of it. The 53-year old Angelina got out in July days following Borgesi shedding his parole restrictions, setting the stage for the situation between the pair to come to a boiling point, which according to sources, it has, with tensions “only increasing by the day.”

The ill will is rooted in Borgesi’s belief that Angelina sought to raid his rackets while he was imprisoned, muscling in and trying to shakedown his then-right-hand man on the streets and future government witness Louis (Bent Finger Lou) Monacello, the individual Georgie Boy relied on most to look after his affairs with him in the joint (Borgesi & Monacello are photographed together in this article’s featured image). The testimony Monacello eventually delivered at Borgesi’s two mistrials indicated that his decision to flip was due to his fear that he was marked for death by Philly mob leaders for seeking to kill and/or physically assault Angelina in retaliation for his predatory tactics towards Borgesi and himself.

According to sources, Borgesi is currently harboring similar intentions. These sources tell Gangster Report that Borgesi wishes to get permission from Merlino to murder Angelina and is pushing Merlino to allow it as compensation for Skinny Joey not stopping Angelina’s siege on his territory in the first place, a subject of conversation at as many as three sitdowns occurring in the Philadelphia-New Jersey area in the past 8 weeks. Borgesi is also upset, per sources, that he hasn’t received a bigger portion of his rackets back upon his release – Johnny Ciancaglini now oversees Delaware County, once Georgia Boy’s gangland stomping grounds in the late 1990s and first part of the 2000s.

While never convicted of a homicide, Borgesi is a suspect in a series of mob hits from the 1990s, part of his and Merlino’s “young turk” crew’s violent takeover of the Philadelphia mafia and more than one “follow up” slaying tied to the group of then-Thirtysomething gangsters’ efforts to maintain power. Bent Finger Lou Monacello told authorities Borgesi informed him that he had killed or helped kill 11 people.

Since his release from prison in 2011, Merlino has been living in Florida. He spent most of the summer back home in Philly and at the Jersey Shore in Margate, New Jersey, partying openly with the friends and mafia cohorts he was previously barred from associating with (Skinny Joey violated his parole for dining with Johnny Ciancaglini in Boca Raton, Florida in July 2014).

Regarding the issue of Borgesi-v-Angelina, people are taking sides and Johnny Chang, 59, and his dad, Joseph (Chickie) Ciancaglini, sr., the organization’s 81-year old elder statesman and reputed underboss, are trying to mediate the long-simmering conflict, according to sources, but not finding much success. Merlino and Stevie Mazzone are standing behind Angelina, with former acting boss and current consigliere, Joseph (Uncle Joe) Ligambi, Borgesi’s uncle, lining up in support of Borgesi, per these sources. Ligambi and his nephew butted heads while Borgesi was incarcerated, however have since mended fences and Borgesi’s mom, Uncle Joe’s sister, is pressuring Ligambi to “make things right for Georgie Boy,” per sources.

Allegedly, Borgesi was angered in his first meeting with Merlino after they both got off parole in early July when Skinny Joey and Mazzone, once his closes friends, rejected his pleas for remedy. The Ciancaglinis stepped in and arranged a second sitdown at the end of July, calming the notoriously-worrisome Georgie Boy slightly, sources say and then former acting consigliere Gaeton Lucibello arranged another one in mid-August where Borgesi “left in a huff.”

Angelina hasn’t attended any of the sitdowns, these sources assert because he feels comfortable with Merlino and Mazzone representing his interests. There has yet to be a resolution and those on the street in South Philly “worry the situation could careen out of control.”

In the middle of all these sitdowns taking place, during the final week of July, Stevie Mazzone’s baby bro Sonny was allegedly arrested, although never charged, after getting into a fight with his wife that reportedly turned physical at a bar on the Jersey Shore, an altercation Merlino was present for, say more than one source familiar with or at the incident. Sonny Mazzone was let go from police custody hours later and the complaint against him dropped the next day.

“Joey wasn’t happy, he doesn’t want that kind of attention when he’s around,” said a source who parties with the Merlino faction. “Everyone heard that he gave Sonny an earful. He likes attention, not heat.”

Well, whether he likes it or not, Skinny Joey is the focus of a multi-agency federal criminal investigation, a probe sources in law enforcement claim includes the FBI, IRS and state police departments in Florida, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. ... o-a-close/
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Pogo The Clown »

Wiseguy wrote:According to sources, Borgesi is currently harboring similar intentions. These sources tell Gangster Report that Borgesi wishes to get permission from Merlino to murder Angelina and is pushing Merlino to allow it as compensation for Skinny Joey not stopping Angelina’s siege on his territory in the first place, a subject of conversation at as many as three sitdowns occurring in the Philadelphia-New Jersey area in the past 8 weeks.

All this sounds like a lot of bullshit. Any one in a postion to actually know this is certainly not telling Scott about it. If there actually were an active murder conspiracy by a top made guy againt another top made guy that is so well known that a cvilian like Scott is writting about it on the internet Borgesi and company would have been busted long ago.

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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Rocco »

You know who Scott's sources are? Online posters in Mob forums.. Lmao. Who is feeding him info? Picasso again from an all you can eat Chinese buffet in get the fuck atta here.
On a serious note. Merlino will more then likely be indicted again on RICO charges within the next few yrs. Borgesi will probably get himself killed because he seems to annoy the shit out of everyone with his Bullshit. If there is any truth to the article Merlino not siding with Borgesi is foreshadowing to his demise. Fuck him he looks like an Irish man anyways.
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Ivan »

Rocco wrote:Fuck him he looks like an Irish man anyways.
more like an Irish lesbian with fetal alcohol syndrome
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Rocco »

Ivan wrote:
Rocco wrote:Fuck him he looks like an Irish man anyways.
more like an Irish lesbian with fetal alcohol syndrome
:o :lol:
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Angelo Santino »

I thought it was a great article. Very interesting as Philly always is.

Two things I would ask Scott:

1) His sources.

2) That he please, never, ever, EVER refer to somebody as "Cheese Steak City Goodfella" ever ever again. I can live with "Godfather" this and "Don" that but THAT is too damn hokey. Sorry.
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Ivan »

Chris Christie wrote: 2) That he please, never, ever, EVER refer to somebody as "Cheese Steak City Goodfella" ever ever again. I can live with "Godfather" this and "Don" that but THAT is too damn hokey. Sorry.
I work as a professional editor sometimes. People actually pay me for it. But I'd do it for Scott for free, just for the common good.

I wanna make and wear a t-shirt that says "Cheese Steak City Goodfella".

That phrase is even funnier if you think about it while looking at this photo:


Also, just try to apply that phrase to Nicky Scarfo Sr. It's almost impossible, feels like you're committing blasphemy.
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by phatmatress »

Rocco wrote:You know who Scott's sources are? Online posters in Mob forums.. Lmao. Who is feeding him info? Picasso again from an all you can eat Chinese buffet in get the fuck atta here.
On a serious note. Merlino will more then likely be indicted again on RICO charges within the next few yrs. Borgesi will probably get himself killed because he seems to annoy the shit out of everyone with his Bullshit. If there is any truth to the article Merlino not siding with Borgesi is foreshadowing to his demise. Fuck him he looks like an Irish man anyways.
i have about the same options as you Rocco. I don't believe that Scott had all these superb contacts in philly. It does seen like gathers gossip from here and real deal. He also seems to feed into what us readers want to hear... That there is action and violence going on.... All of us atleast myself would rather read good juicy stuff then boring "nothing going on" stuff... That's just my 2 pesos, nothing more !!!

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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by joeycigars »

Chris Christie wrote:I thought it was a great article. Very interesting as Philly always is.

Two things I would ask Scott:

1) His sources.

2) That he please, never, ever, EVER refer to somebody as "Cheese Steak City Goodfella" ever ever again. I can live with "Godfather" this and "Don" that but THAT is too damn hokey. Sorry.
On the RD ,MC Scott said his source in Philly is a law enforcement person , All this stuff was predicted years ago sounds like a lot of conjecture to make a update
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by SonnyBlackstein »

The bones of the article are probably quite good (discontent in Philly, Borgesi/Angelina) but the details are questionable. At best. 'Borgesi looking for permission to hit Angelina'?
He just loses me with statements like that.

I agree with all the above sentiment.
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Rocco »

Ivan wrote:
Chris Christie wrote: 2) That he please, never, ever, EVER refer to somebody as "Cheese Steak City Goodfella" ever ever again. I can live with "Godfather" this and "Don" that but THAT is too damn hokey. Sorry.
I work as a professional editor sometimes. People actually pay me for it. But I'd do it for Scott for free, just for the common good.

I wanna make and wear a t-shirt that says "Cheese Steak City Goodfella".

That phrase is even funnier if you think about it while looking at this photo:


Also, just try to apply that phrase to Nicky Scarfo Sr. It's almost impossible, feels like you're committing blasphemy.
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Giacomo_Vacari »

Which Corky? Chris friend? Or the mob boss's kid that's a veterinarian? Lol
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Rocco »

Giacomo_Vacari wrote:Which Corky? Chris friend? Or the mob boss's kid that's a veterinarian? Lol
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Chucky »

Marty has always been a divisive guy, my thoughts on him are fairly well known that this point so I won't bother rehashing that shit. I think people get the impression that all these guys in Joey's crew were all buddies and life long friends, far from it. Marty and George have always hated each other, and John Ciancaglini has never been a fan of Marty, so I'm not surprised if the old man looks down at him too. Likewise guys like Mazzone and Lance don't like Borgesi even a little bit, and never have even when they were in their 20s or 30s, Merlino has just managed to keep in the infighting at a minimum.

As for the article, a lot of fluff, no disrespect to Scott. I personally doubt Borgesi would try and have Marty clipped, as psycho as he is. He just did 14 years and almost had to do another 10 on top of it, I doubt he's rushing to have a murder indictment thrown at him, the feds would love to throw his ass back in jail, he's not far behind Joey in that regard.
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Re: Scott - Tension in Philly Mob

Post by Lupara »

Ivan wrote:I wanna make and wear a t-shirt that says "Cheese Steak City Goodfella".

That phrase is even funnier if you think about it while looking at this photo:

Joke worked, got me laughing. Well done Sir.
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