Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by CabriniGreen »

Also, the Cavataio that he tried to extort, MUST be related to Michele Cavataio, the boss who went to war with Palermo, no?
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by CabriniGreen »

This is old, I posted about awhile ago, but a couple things caught my eye....

Sicily, blow to the new super mandamento
of Editorial board
Sicily, blow to the new super mandamento
April 8, 2013 - 6:06 pm
Anti-mafia blitz in Sicily. The "new mandate of Camporeale", born from the union of the gangs of San Giuseppe Jato and Partinico, is targeted by the police. In handcuffs the mayor of Montelepre

A very hard blow to Cosa Nostra. The new mafia "super mandamento" created in Camporeale, in the western area of ​​Palermo, was literally disjointed (dozens of arrests) by a blitz by the carabinieri led by Colonel Piero Iannotti. The supermandamento sought a bank with the mafia families of New York to consolidate its hegemony on Cosa Nostra. This is what emerges from the investigations of the Palermo District Anti-Mafia Directorate.

The project, according to the investigators, was of the boss Domenico Raccuglia, and after his arrest, a couple of years ago, had been taken over by Antonino Sciortino, the mafia boss of Camporeale, who in the meantime returned to freedom after twelve years in prison. The group born from the merger of the mandates of Partinico and San Giuseppe Jato had established contacts with the American clans.

In the raid the mayor of Montelepre Giacomo Tinervia also ended up among the 37 people arrested by the carabinieri. Tinervia is accused of extortion and extortion; according to the investigators, he had close relations with the town chief Giuseppe Lombardo, who was also among the arrested. The investigation, conducted by the PMs of the Dda Francesco Del Bene, Sergio De Montis and Daniele Paci, has documented numerous episodes of extortion and also the preparation of a murder through an environmental interception.

The creation of the new super mandamento and the internal reorganization of the organization had been entrusted to a sort of manager of Cosa Nostra, who was also arrested today: Antonino Sciortino, 51, a breeder from Camporeale who was released in 2011 after being detained in the regime of 41 bis.

Following his moves, the Carabinieri of the Monreale group have reconstructed the organization charts of the supermandament and its interests, including the links with the overseas "cousins" in the USA. Then there is a case of "white lupara" in the investigations of the Palermo police. Between February and March of last year, strong tensions between the territories of Altofonte and Monreale would have arisen and precisely in this context it would have been decided to eliminate Giueppe Billitteri, who probably wanted to oppose the reorganization started by the boss Antonino Sciortino, in particular in relation to the new assets of the Monreale family.

@B.. ( This puts the Double Affiliate theory to bed, although I still think they made exceptions in the 80s when the transatlantic trade was crucial to Sicilian mafia operations, but it gives us a new mystery man ..)

Chief prosecutor Francesco Messineo praised the gigantic anti-mafia operation: there is no "dual citizenship" for the mafia. Either one is mafia in Sicily, or one is mafia in America. "During the investigation, which started in 2010, the investigators came across a singular case." A Sicilian mafioso, who had emigrated to the United States for over twenty years, after having started his illegal activities overseas, had returned to Italy to ask the gangs of the island for the "certification" of his "status" as a man of honor, as well as "a sort of clearance" that certified its exit "in an honorable way" from the ranks of Cosa Nostra Siciliana.

Anyone have a clue as to who this Sicilian mafiosi could be? Is it Dimino?
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by CabriniGreen »

Bonnano ties? Gambino? Or the most likely scenario, BOTH?
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by CabriniGreen »

No, not Dimino, I think he was incarcerated in 2010..... gotta check.... and he wasnt in the states for over 20 years....

This almost has to be a Bonnano affiliate, right? A Gambino guy in the sicilian faction, I'm thinking they would just get him straightened out.... I dont think an Inzerillo or connected family member would need a reference from Palwrmo to be made with the Gambinos, but that could be wrong too....

Guciarddi maybe?
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by CabriniGreen »

Raccuglia, Corleonesi guy?
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by CabriniGreen »

I've been fascinated with the Partinico family since reading about Theee Fingers Coppolas intrigues with the Vitales....
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by B. »

There would be no "double affiliations" because the US mafia and Sicilian mafia are still the same umbrella organization of Cosa Nostra and they have historically allow transfers as long as it is approved by both sides. Would seem to be extremely rare in recent decades though Felice shared something indicating Giuseppe Gambino facilitated the transfer of a Sicilian member in recent years and it looks like this was done in the 1970s as well. There was also a Sicilian mafia member with a relative in the Garofalo/D'Amico crew who transferred to the Gambino family before he was extradited back to Sicily in the 2000s.

Dimino's background reminds me of Nino Giuffre, who was teaching agriculture classes before he became a made member and eventually capomandamento. Giuffre also claimed the Castellammare family in Sicily maintained close ties to the US, which would be backed up by these recent revelations in the original post of this thread.
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by B. »

A major bust took place in Castellammare Del Golfo in mid-June that again sheds light on modern ties between the Bonanno family and the mafia in Castellammare Del Golfo. ... ti-ft-e-vd

Those arrested:
Boss Francesco Domingo, called 'Tempesta', 64 years old; Diego Angileri, 83 years old; (domiciliary), Felice Buccellato, 79 years old, (domiciliary); Rosario Antonino Di Stefano, 51 years old; Camillo Domingo, 63 years old; Daniele La Sala, 40 years old; Salvatore Mercadante, 35 years old; Maurizio Gaspare Mule ', 54 years old; Antonino Sabella, 63 years old; Sebastiano Stabile, 73 years old (under house arrest); Francesco Sabile, 61 years old; Carlo Valenti, 42 years old; Francesco Virga, 50 years old. The measure was also directed against Benedetto Sottile, 72, but died in 2018.
The real news:
But the authority and role of Domingo Francesco, as the top authority among the Trapani mafia groups, was also recognized in the United States of America where, as is known, "cells" of the Cosa Nostra have long been established and developed.

In fact, numerous visits, intercepted by the Carabinieri's bugs and cameras, by mafia members of the Italian-American Bonanno family from New York who updated the chief of the Castellammare mafia of the dynamics and balances of the Cosa Nostra overseas. But the American mafiosi also asked Domingo for authorization to speak with other members of Alcamo's mandate, pleaded the causes of acquaintances at home, as well as conveyed messages between Domingo and his associates in America.

This is big.

We learned from the Dimino investigation (that this thread is originally about) that Sicilian mafia figures from Sciacca and Castellammare are connected to the Bonanno family in NYC and that this dates back to Sal Montagna's run as acting boss, but this adds a whole new layer. American Bonanno members have been actively meeting with CDG boss Domingo, updating him, asking for favors, and trying to meet other members of his mandamento.

Note that there was a Maurizio Mule arrested above and we know Natale Mule is a younger Bonanno member from Middle Village who was an acting captain for Joseph Grimaldi in recent years. Natale Mule is certainly of Castellammarese heritage, like the historic Mules in the Bonanno family. Didn't Gangland report that Vito Grimaldi was influential with the Bonanno "Sicilian faction" some years back? It should be noted the article says Castellammare member Maurizio Mule is part of the faction opposed to Domingo's leadership, so who knows if he would be facilitating contact between Domingo and the Bonannos, but we still see these names in both families like we're in 1920.
Just with reference to the relationship with the American Cosa Nostra Domingo met, also in the summer of 2018, also the boss of Sciacca (AG) Accursio Dimino, then arrested in November last year, and subsequently his emissaries.
There we go. I figured this was all connected given that Dimino had associates close to the Bonanno family in NYC and was also up to date on activities with the Montreal group. The above wording, translation notwithstanding, suggests that Domingo's connections with the Bonannos somehow connect to his contact with Dimino.

Interesting stuff in the article about the activities on the Sicilian side also. The mayor of Castellammare was investigated in this case. Remember that the mayor of Torretta was arrested in the Inzerillo-Gambino bust last year, too, so there appears to be plenty of local political corruption in Sicilian mafia activities. The Inzerillo-Gambino bust also involved a Sicilian mafia boss, Tommaso Inzerillo.


Other thoughts:

- Salvatore Montagna's brother Franco traveled to Sicily in 2007 with US-based Castellammarese mafia figure Stefano Turricano, who was busted last year with Sciacca boss Accursio Dimino.

- As mentioned earlier in this thread, NYC-based Sciacca mafia figure Sergio Gucciardi was surveilled in a Bonanno social club in 2013 with a number of Bonanno members, including then acting boss Tommy DiFiore and three known captains, including Vincent Asaro. Gucciardi was also busted with Dimino and accused of having Sicilian mafia-owned gambling machines in his NYC bars.

- Gangland said Vincent Asaro was popular with the Bonanno "Sicilian faction" in an article 10(?) years ago where he named Asaro as a candidate for Bonanno boss. Appears Capeci was not off base at all in saying the modern Bonannos have a current Sicilian faction and we know now it is connected to the mafia families in Castellammare and Sciacca. Asaro being surveilled in 2013 with Gucciardi supports Capeci's claim as well.

- There was also the article quite a few years back about how the Sicilians were on the rise again in NYC, which many people on the boards vehemently challenged. This is before we knew Cali and the Inzerillo-Gambino faction were dominating the Gambinos and we knew nothing about the new Bonanno Sicilian connection at the time, but these recent cases in Sicily involving the Gambino and Bonanno families gives credence to that old article.

- There was another article that mentioned Sal Montagna traveling to Sicily himself around 2006, if I remember right. I don't remember if it was a US or Italian article.

Can someone find the excerpts from those Ganglands that mention Grimaldi and Asaro? Can someone also find the old article about the Sicilians being on the rise again in NYC? How about the Montagna->Sicily one? Thanks in advance.


Here is a controversial question:

If the Bonannos are traveling to Sicily and meeting with the boss of Castellammare and asking for favors, including meetings with other members of the Castellammare-Alcamo mandamento, doesn't it seem likely they still have connections to their decina in Montreal?

- We know from the Dimino case that Sciacca boss Accursio Dimino has associates connected to the Bonannos in NYC and he's also up to date on the Ribera family's business with the Cattolica Eraclea group in Montreal.

- Leonardo Rizzuto visited Sicily and stayed in Sciacca during a period where American Bonanno members have ongoing contact with boss Francesco Domingo in Castellammare, who himself is said in this new investigation to have met with Dimino of Sciacca.

- We still don't have any concrete knowledge that the Montreal crew are officially recognized as anything except Bonanno members. Five years ago Buffalo underboss Domenico Violi offered to introduce NYC-turned-Canadian Bonanno member Enzo Morena to several of the Montreal crew members/associates, suggesting there is no bad blood.

It's unlikely to me in the small, interconnected world of the mafia that these events are completely disconnected. At the very least, the mafia network is alive and international in scope.

I'll even take it one step further. If the Bonanno and Gambino families are meeting with Sicilian mafia bosses, keeping each other up to date, and conducting activities together and the Ribera family has a slot machine partnership with the Bonanno crew in Montreal, it shouldn't be difficult to believe Joe Todaro in Buffalo has contact with the New York mafia bosses like his underboss Violi said.

I have no idea what the future holds, but I think we have to reconsider the narratives we've had about the US mafia for the last twenty years. They are keeping the network alive as best they can. Fifteen years ago I never would have believed that Bonanno members are meeting directly with the sitting boss of Castellammare and discussing mafia issues with him.
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by Angelo Santino »

Quite informative. And yeah, I agree. Alot of our preconceived notions on the last 20 years could be reevaluated, sometimes it takes that long for information to filter out.
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by JohnnyS »

Awesome research once again, B. This is what Capeci said about the Grimaldi's in 2013.
The out-of-town visitor also was spotted sitting down with Vito Grimaldi, 73, and his son Joseph, 42. A powerful Queens-based father-and-son mobster team, the duo is extremely influential with the family's Sicilian wing.
Of course we know Mancuso shelved the Grimaldi's along with Joe C. I would be shocked if these guys are going away quietly. Something serious could be brewing in the Bonannos with Mancuso and his faction at odds with the Sicilian faction.
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by JohnnyS »

Now this has me thinking what were the reasons why the Lucchese's initially refused to recognize Mancuso as boss? Were some of the other families wanting somebody within the Sicilian faction to take over similar to what happened in the Gambinos around that time? Did Joe C have the backing of say the Lucchese's and Gambinos when he called the vote to make himself acting boss? A lot of possibilities here.
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by JohnnyS »

Capeci on Asaro and Grimaldi 2010.
Grimaldi, (right) a 70-year-old Sicilian faction mobster whose daughter is married to Joseph (Joe Saunders Jr.) Cammarano, the wiseguy son of longtime capo Joe Saunders Sr., who is serving 15 years for a murder conspiracy rap.

Grimaldi, whose family has operated a bakery in Flushing, Queens for 100 years, is viewed as an advisor to the Zips. He recently ended a three year term of supervised release following a stretch for racketeering and has no restrictions on his activities. His son Joseph is also a Bonanno soldier and runs a lucrative baccarat game out of a social club in Ridgewood, Brooklyn, sources say.

Gang Land’s sources say Asaro, (left) who for many years has had dealings as both a mob supervisor and cohort of Sicilian wiseguys, may win Grimaldi’s support. Another major player with key Sicilian backing is Vincent (Vinny TV) Badalamenti, whose Christmas Party was raided by DEA agents last month.
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by B. »

It keeps coming.

Last night Mariano Asaro was arrested in Castellammare, probably just as I was typing my last post. ... ch&pto=aue

Mariano Asaro previously lived in the United States and has previously been alleged by Italian authorities to have served as a liaison between the US and Sicilian mafia. It doesn't seem like a coincidence that his capomandamento Domingo of Castellammare has been in contact with US Bonanno members while Asaro is capomafia of Castellammare.

Mariano Asaro also might be a distant cousin of Vincent Asaro. The father of Vincent's great-great-grandfather (who was a mafioso active in Castellammare in the 1890s before emigrating) was named Mariano Asaro, suggesting lineage. One of the Sicilian researchers on here once said they were cousins, too.

It appears Francesco Domingo is the capomandamento while Mariano Asaro is the capomafia of Castellammare.


Thanks for those excerpts, Johnny. Capeci makes it clear Grimaldi and Asaro were senior figures within this mysterious new(?) Sicilian faction, which has strong ties to Castellammare as these arrests allude to. Vincent Asaro has Castellammarese heritage while Grimaldi's family came from Santa Ninfa and both are multi-generation Bonanno members.

Salvatore Montagna appears to have played a role with it as well given his Castellammarese heritage and his brother's involvement with the Turricanos. During some research into the Montagnas, I found they are closely connected to Castellammarese Domingos in NYC, though the name Domingo is like "Smith" in Castellammare. I asked Felice many years ago about the Domingos in NYC and he replied with a "wink" emoticon.
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Re: Modern Bonanno + Sicilian Mafia ties

Post by Ozgoz »

Presumably their business, cross continentally, is drugs?

Well, shouldn’t assume but..
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