5 Family Indictments 1990-Present)

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Re: 5 Family Indictments 1990-Present)

Post by Wiseguy »

gohnjotti wrote: Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:51 pmDo you know anything about the family's control over Local 1 of the Plumber's union? There's court testimony that shows Jackie DeRoss controlled the union in the 1990s, and since everybody in his crew (Skippy DeRoss, John Cerbone, Thomas Scorcia, etc.) all ended up being bigtime plumbers, I'm wondering if that control is ongoing today. I don't recall DeRoss or any of his associates being arrested for Local 1 control.

Garbage might have been the Sopranos' bread-and-butter, but I'd make the case that the Colombos have made the plumbing business work for them. Giovanni Floridia alluded to organized robberies of worksites by Skippy DeRoss, Cerbone was using his plumbing business to launder money, and who knows what Scorcia was doing with his business (no allegations have been laid against Scorcia's handling of his company). Apparently, when the FBI went to arrest Scorcia at 6:00 in the morning, he had already left for work at his plumbing business, so he had a warrant outstanding for a few hours before the FBI could figure out where he went. I don't see why a Colombo soldier would be clocking in for work pre-dawn every day if there wasn't some angle or ulterior motive.

EDIT: Local 1 business agent Domenick Goffredo referred to in this article (https://www.villagevoice.com/2004/01/27 ... he-depths/) was transferred from the Gambino family to the Colombo family in the mid-1990s, according to Michael DiLeonardo. Nothing about his mob ties came up in Tom Robbins' article or in the news following his arrest on larceny charges. Goffredo may have been forced out of his post, but the fact that Local 1 hasn't had a large degree of federal scrutiny (according to Robbins' article, the union volunteered to work with an independent watchdog in Dec. 2003 for 18 months, but we didn't see any cases or government action against union members with mob ties), it's possible the union is still mobbed-up. We've seen time-and-time again that the FBI's ability to rid a union of the mob varies, but it relies on sustained federal oversight like the Waterfront Commission, and even that can only be described as a partial success. Hell, the Scopos were able to blatantly crawl back into the concrete unions even after the heads of all Five Families were busted for the Concrete Club in '86. Local 1 control would be an interesting topic to explore, it might be one of - if not the only - union(s) the Colombos have left.
Traditionally, the Colombos had control over Plumbers Local 1. The Genovese controlled Local 2.

Losing LIUNA Local 6A, if that was in fact the case, would be a big blow to the family. I remember in those Wikileaks that came out, there was a report of the Gambinos and Luccheses meeting about taking control of that local after the Colombo indictment.

Judging by the past decade or so, the Colombos seem to be getting down to Bonanno-levels when it comes to union influence. Both families continue to have involvement in construction and related things like demolition, trucking, etc. but the union side of things is becoming less and less.

The family does (or did before the 2014 indictment) have influence in the Newspaper & Mail Deliverers Union but so did several other families.
queensnyer wrote: Fri Apr 17, 2020 3:30 pmlocal 1 hasn't been in howard beach for 10+ years. 638 is not controlled by gambinos...nor is local 1. the building trades have eradicated 95% of mob influence over their locals in nyc. the mob is involved in the non union sector where they have a lot more control and less eyes watching. they are also starting "ROGUE" locals like 295 operating engineers and 355 which does plumbing/hvac. in direct competition to building trades locals. they abuse their members. pay low wages and cut corners. pilfer jobsites and basically have free reign. the building trades biggest mistake was washing the mob out.
queensnyer wrote: Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:22 pm
the plumbing industry isn't necessarily local 1.... and concrete forget about it. that's mob almost 100% blatently. as those guys work hard its not considered a "skilled trade" union. and a lot of those unions you refer to are what we call" rogue" they are not part of the building trades and do not have the power to get into jobsites that require building trades workers such as schools and any major job in nyc receiving funds from tax payers. they can sneak on but will get tossed if found. that is the reason for what is called "open shop" or non union being allowed to work onsite with union workers. its a push by private developers and the mob controlled businesses to gain sway on these projects. construction will always have the boys around but they are weak with legitimate building trades locals in nyc.
It's hard to address you posts above because, at first, you seem to be talking about all the "building trades," i.e. construction in general. But in your second post, you focus more on "skilled trades." You'll have to specify what you consider those to be.

While nobody would deny it's been significantly reduced, to say that mob influence has been removed from 95% of construction-related unions would be overly optimistic, I think. Due to the nature of the industry, the mob has remained involved in that industry (including it's unions) more than any other. In 2014, the FBI talked about how some unions were definitely cleaned up, other unions weren't completely clean and other unions were cleaned up but had been infiltrated again. In 2016, it was reported by the Manhattan DA that mobsters continued popping up in no-show, lucrative union jobs in the construction, trucking, and waterfront industries. Over the past decade, most of the NY families have had indictments involving different unions, though perhaps not the ones you're referring to.

I will agree about the rogue unions. The Genovese family basically created Amalgamated Carpenters & Joiners Union. Also the International Union of Journeymen & Allied Trades Local 124 in the waste industry. LIFE 890 (also garbage) also seems to have some mob connections. The Gambinos created International Union of Journeymen & Allied Trades Local 175. These, of course, were the results of being kicked out (or at least losing influence) in previous "legit" unions. And only recently did the Business Integrity Commission be given the powers to regulate them as well.

That's interesting about Operating Engineers Local 295 (other IUOE locals certainly mobbed up in the past) and USWU LOCAL 355.
Bklyn21 wrote: Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:21 pm I'm pretty sure 638 is Gambino Or was up until a few years ago . There was a certain person who I'm not gonna put they're name on here since they've never been indicted or arrested and was going into retirement a few years back and was the Head of the Union who dropped the position due to investigation and ended up taking on another position with more freedom and less oversight . You would know who it is ! I didn't even know Local 1 wasn't in HB anymore , That's how much I pay attention to this stuff
Local 638 was obviously Gambino-controlled in the past. The last case I am aware of was when some officials/members of the local were indicted back in 2015 for taking bribes for union memberships, though I didn't see any specific mention of the LCN.
Bklyn21 wrote: Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:30 pmPeople would say I'm crazy but the Carpenters union is also still under control to a nice extent as well as the Javits center which they say is cleaned up
Javits (like the garment center, airport, and food markets) appears to basically be clean. There hasn't been a mob case there in nearly 25 years.

I think the jury is still out on the Carpenters Union. After the Forde, etc. bust in 2009, the officer appointed to oversee the union by the Southern District issued 9 reports between 2010 and 2014. In the final report, he said that while there were still a few things (like some Genovese members being employees of signatory contractors, another who was involved in trade shows attempting to influence the union, etc.) the District Council, affiliated local unions, and the benefit funds were free of organized crime influence. No mention of the LCN in subsequent interim reports through last year. One of the reasons the family was said to have created the Amalgamated Carpenters & Joiners Union, which I mentioned above, was to make up for lost influence with the Carpenters. Time will tell.
Bklyn21 wrote: Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:04 pm
I agree , Concrete is still a big money maker etc.. Local 20 is still under control I'm pretty sure by the Luccheses along with a few other big conctee locals . They're parent Council DC16 I'm not sure if the entire Council is corrupted and controlled ? I doubt it , But that Council is huge and has numerous different locals under they're command and represent a very diverse amount of industries and workers . DC16 was one of the most corrupted councils since its beginnings and was at one time totally controlled and run by the Colombos with wild Bill at the top . That was his council lock stock and barrel
Regarding Local 20, there was a case back in 2017 involving a Lucchese associate Brian Baughan (former member of Local 20 and godson of soldier Joseph "Jo Jo" Truncale) using his LCN ties to shake down workerse for better jobs or unions positions, as well as to extort lunch truck vendors.
queensnyer wrote: Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:49 pm yeah concrete/laborers and still 282 teamster trucking are still very much mobbed up. 580 ironworkers are rumored but i doubt its enough to have a real impact if so. 46 metal lathers.rebar
Local 282 seems to be clean for the most part, though it remains a target of frequent mob ripoffs as far as diverting payments that should be going to the union, via fraud rather than control of the union itself. Same thing happened in a case with the Genovese and Metallic Lathers Union Local 46. Haven't seen any cases involving Local 580 in years.
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Re: 5 Family Indictments 1990-Present)

Post by queensnyer »

'Building Trades is not construction in general...but I probably should explain...Building Trades Unions are members of the Building Trades Council which legitimizes if nothing else a local union. the btc are the "real" locals the big guys with accredited apprentice programs and are set up "for the rank and file" for lack of better term. the unions not in the building trades council are the "rogue" unions local 355 does plumbing/steamfitter/Sheetmetal work among others. the Building Trades Council refused their attempt to join as only one of each trade is recognized and that 355 nonsense can be seen through a mile away as a scam union to undercut the building trades workers. only building trades council locals are recognized as Union on closed shop jobsites, they also set the prevailing wages.. if 355 was on a union site and it was reported the trade they undercut would replace them. skilled trades is just that.. work that takes skill and thought not just bull work like laborers/demo etc. 95% is pretty solid. the amount of eyes on the building trades over the last 10 ears is ridiculous. hence the reason for the open shop push
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Re: 5 Family Indictments 1990-Present)

Post by queensnyer »

whether an actual contractor is mobbed up is a different story and has nothing to do with union control. the days of pilfering funds nd controlling jobsites are over
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Re: 5 Family Indictments 1990-Present)

Post by Wiseguy »

queensnyer wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:08 am 'Building Trades is not construction in general...but I probably should explain...Building Trades Unions are members of the Building Trades Council which legitimizes if nothing else a local union. the btc are the "real" locals the big guys with accredited apprentice programs and are set up "for the rank and file" for lack of better term. the unions not in the building trades council are the "rogue" unions local 355 does plumbing/steamfitter/Sheetmetal work among others. the Building Trades Council refused their attempt to join as only one of each trade is recognized and that 355 nonsense can be seen through a mile away as a scam union to undercut the building trades workers. only building trades council locals are recognized as Union on closed shop jobsites, they also set the prevailing wages.. if 355 was on a union site and it was reported the trade they undercut would replace them. skilled trades is just that.. work that takes skill and thought not just bull work like laborers/demo etc. 95% is pretty solid. the amount of eyes on the building trades over the last 10 ears is ridiculous. hence the reason for the open shop push
Looking at the list of "affiliated unions" at the link below, I guess it becomes a question of what's the time cutoff you consider a case to no longer be relevant. If you go back to the early to mid-2000's, there were mob cases involving several locals on that list. But only a few if you want to only look at it in the last decade or so.

queensnyer wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:10 am whether an actual contractor is mobbed up is a different story and has nothing to do with union control. the days of pilfering funds nd controlling jobsites are over
Agreed. That's what I was talking about in relation to IBT Local 282, for example. There have been a number of mobbed up contractors trying to get away with ripping off the local through fraud. But it didn't involve actual control of the union.
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Re: 5 Family Indictments 1990-Present)

Post by queensnyer »

yes attempts to rip of the local and its contractors will go on forever in all locals..some are more lets say easily swayed to go along with them then others
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Re: 5 Family Indictments 1990-Present)

Post by queensnyer »

as far as time restraints..my first hand knowledge just relates to the last 10 years or so
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