Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas

Post by B. »

I won't be online tomorrow or the next day, and I always like to send everyone on here a holiday greeting.

First, I'd like to mention that I unexpectedly lost my Mom nearly two weeks ago due to a rare infection and we were extremely close. I had the honor of being with her as her heart beat for the last time and would not have wanted to be anywhere else. Her wisdom, kindness, and generosity have left me with a great deal of strength to pull from despite the difficulty of it all. She was a beautiful, wonderful person and it will take me the rest of my life to wrap my head around what a gift it was to have a mother like her. You have to see these situations as an opportunity.

I don't want this to be a sad post, but rather to show my gratitude. A lot of people on here have stepped up in the last year and some of you have become great contributors. More importantly, some of you are very sincere in the way you research and share information and that has given the board a major boost. I'm thinking of gohnjotti, chin_gigante, eboli, and some others. Not trying to leave anyone out, but these are newer fellows who come to mind. Of course there are many of you who have been at it for years, too, and are the backbone of this strange, fascinating corner of the world.

Merry Christmas, everyone. May there be many exciting Ganglands to come.
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by johnny_scootch »

Sorry to hear this B. my thoughts and prayers are with you & your family.

And to the rest of the forum....merry christmas ya filthy animals!
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Pogo The Clown »

Jesus that is horrible news. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Merry Christmas to everyone. Hope all is well.

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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by chin_gigante »

My condolences, B., and Merry Christmas to you too
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by bronx »

B. sorry to hear about your loss, remember, we will all see the ones we lost again..i keep an empty chair open on holidays or at times in restaueants hoping they are sitting with me eating and drinking . i believe in remebering the dead ,we will be dead one day also and i hope someone holds that chair open for me.. my respects to you and your family.
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by mafiastudent »

Sorry for your loss B. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by IrishDave »

I'm sorry for your loss. I'm new to the forum but appreciate your posts.

Merry Christmas
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Ed »

Terrible news. Sorry for your loss. Your love for your mother shines through in your post. Very poignant. Christmas will have extra meaning for you this year. G*d bless you, your mother and your entire family.

Merry Christmas to everyone.
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Sol »

B. what a wonderful post about your mother. She is truly in a better place that one day we will all gladly be. Merry Christmas to you and everyone else here at the Black Hand. You all make this place truly the best place for OC info anywhere online.......Soliai
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Nepa31 »

My condolences sir.
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Ivan »

Sorry for loss, B.
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Stroccos »

RIp to your mom ,

merry chirstmas to everyone
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Dwalin2014 »

B., so sorry for your loss....

Merry Christmas to everyone.
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by JohnnyS »

Sorry for your loss, B.

Merry Christmas to you all.
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Re: Merry Christmas

Post by Villain »

RIP to your mom B, i personally know how it feels

Marry Xmas
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