Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

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Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by chin_gigante »

Using this thread to organise a lot of research I've been doing into Philadelphia recently, this post refers to making ceremonies but I'll be using this thread for other info I've gathered. This post is a revision of the starting point I took with this thread: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=150

Making ceremonies under the John Stanfa administration

November 1991 ceremony:
Joseph F Ciancaglini (source: The Goodfella Tapes, George Anastasia)
Luigi Tripodi (likely)
Ronald Turchi (likely)

[Younger mobsters were picked up on tape 03 Dec 1991 discussing why Stanfa would induct such an ‘old person’ like Tripodi into the family. Turchi was reported to be ‘one of the first initiated’ by Stanfa (Kitty Caparella, 28 Jan 1997). This could have meant that Turchi was initiated at the Sep 1992 ceremony however when Turchi was returned to prison for violating his parole he was cited for meeting with mobsters in Oct 1992 and Mar, Oct and Dec 1996. Had Turchi been inducted in Sep 1992 he would have likely been cited for it, as Merlino was, based on Biagio Adornetto’s information.]

September 1992 ceremony:
Biagio Adornetto
Michael Ciancaglini
Joseph Merlino
Gaeton Lucibello (likely)
Joseph Massimino (likely)

[Adornetto confirmed his initiation with Ciancaglini and Merlino after he began cooperating. Massimino was made by Stanfa in 1992 (2004 New Jersey report) and I can’t find reference of another 1992 ceremony so I’m considering it was likely this one. Lucibello was reported to have been made at this ceremony (Caparella, 29 Aug 1994), however this report also incorrectly identified John Veasey as having been made at the ceremony. I can find no other mention of Lucibello being made at any other ceremony and he had fallen out of favour with Stanfa by Apr 1993. Gaetano Scafidi testified that Michael Ciancaglini identified Lucibello as part of the team sent to kill him Mar 1992. Lucibello could have been made for his role in that murder attempt.]

May 1993 ceremony:
Sergio Battaglia
Raymond Esposito
Frank Martines

[Battaglia testified about this ceremony after turning CW 1996.]

November 1993 ceremony:
Gaetano Scafidi
Giuseppe Gallara (likely)
Vincent Pagano (likely)

[Scafidi testified that Nov 1993 was the date of his initiation while on the witness stand during the 2001 Merlino trial. John Veasey testified that Gallara was inducted ‘a few weeks after’ the 17 Sep 1993 murder of Frank Baldino. Pagano returned to Philadelphia from Florida mid-late September and by December was recorded describing himself as the no. 3 man in the organisation behind Stanfa and Martines.]

December 1993 ceremony:
Vincent Filipelli
Joseph Stanfa
John Veasey

[Veasey testified that he and Filipelli were made together. The ceremony was reported to have taken place in December with Joseph Stanfa as another inductee (Kitty Caparella, 17 Mar 1994).]

Informal induction (c.1993):
Ronald Previte

[Recalled being told by Stanfa that he was carried as a member; formal ceremony never happened after Stanfa was locked up.]

Making ceremonies under the Merlino/ Natale administration (1994-1999)

November/ December 1994 ceremony:
Frank Gambino
Ralph Natale

[Natale testified that he and Gambino were inducted by Merlino in late 1994. Merlino was released from prison Nov 1994.]

Made prior to Natale’s induction:
Martin Angelina
George Borgesi
Michael Lancellotti
Steven Mazzone
[possibly others]

[Natale testified that the above individuals were present as made men for his induction (Caparella, 05 Apr 2001). By Nov 1995, the above members were reported to have been made ‘within the past year’ as well as ‘others’ (Caparella, 20 Nov 1995), possibly a reference to Natale and Gambino or other unconfirmed inductions.]

January/ June/ October 1996:
John Ciancaglini

[Natale testified that he inducted Ciancaglini following the William Veasey murder but provided conflicting dates. Ciancaglini was incorrectly reported to have become consigliere by Oct 1996 (Caparella, 28 Jan 1997), and this is the earliest popular account I can find of his membership, making it possible that he was inducted in October and this is the cause of the confusion.]

1998 (Boston crew inductions):
Robert Luisi
Robert Gentile
Shawn Vetere
David Pepicelli (source: Robert Luisi via Stroccos)
David Pepicelli (source: Robert Luisi via Stroccos)
Robert Puleo (source: Robert Luisi via Stroccos)
Paul Tanso (source: Robert Luisi via Stroccos)

[Possibly two different ceremonies: one for Luisi and one for the rest. Luisi was reported to be a soldier in 1999 likely based on information from a Fall 1998 chart compiled by LE (Anastasia, May 1999). In Oct 1998, Merlino told Previte that he was ‘taking over’ the family and a few days later that he was going to make Luisi a capo (Caparella, 08 Jul 1999). Luisi told George Anastasia that he and George Borgesi went up to Boston and made ‘six or seven guys’ in 1997 or 1998 (Mob Talk Sitdown 9). Those dates are likely off as Luisi did not start associating with Natale and Merlino until 1998 (The Last Gangster). In Feb 1999 Luisi was introduced at a party in Philadelphia as a member (Caparella, 30 Jun 1999). When Luisi was charged he was identified as being promoted to capo in 1999 (Anastasia, Slobodzian, 29 Jun 1999).]

Other late 1990s induction info:
  • Michael Virgilio was promised membership ‘one day’ by Natale following the Mar 1998 murder of Anthony Turra. Virgilio was identified in a Mar 2001 FBI memo as an associate (Caparella, 10 Apr 2001). I haven’t been able to find any official confirmation of Virgilio’s induction (if there is, I’d be interested to see it) though he was likely a member before his death.
  • Philip Ligambi was incorrectly reported to be the family’s consigliere Feb 1999 (Caparella). I think it’s likely that, similar to the John Ciancaglini situation, this was just confusion over his recent induction (though I can’t find anything else about him as a member).
  • An induction ceremony took place at the wedding of Tyrone DeNittis’ daughter in the late 1990’s (Mob Talk Sitdown 33). I haven’t been able to find out when this wedding happened to discern whether this could have been Ciancaglini’s induction or a later one that hasn’t been confirmed yet. Finding out the date of that wedding I think could be quite important in terms of research.
  • As of July 1999, the family was, according to an LE source, at a size of 12 to 20 active members (Caparella). By this point Ligambi, Filipelli, Massimino and Turchi had been released from prison. Taking into account Lucibello, Angelina, Borgesi, Lancellotti, Mazzone, Gambino, Ciancaglini and Philip Ligambi that takes my count up to 12. Factor in Caprio and Centorino from North Jersey and the Boston guys still on the street at that time (Gentile, the Pepicellis, Puleo and Tanso) my count is at 19. Anthony Pungitore Sr was considered active by LE as of 2009 so perhaps he factors in.
Inductions from 2001 to present

15 to 17 guys have been inducted since 2001 (Mob Talk Sitdown 33).

Licata describes seven guys as having been made in recent years during a 2010 recorded conversation and that three members were waiting for Merlino’s release to be inducted:
  • JOSEPH LICATA: It was five before you, and it was two that night. That's seven guys. Seven guys. That's it. That's it. Seven made […] Damion [Canalichio] was before you.
    LOUIS FAZZINI: Before me?
    LICATA: Then he went to the can. Yeah. Damion was before. He might have been with the first five.
    FAZZINI: Right.
    LICATA: Yeah. First five. Then you guys came. And it was five that night supposed to be with youse. When I got there, there was only three. I says what happened? Said when [Merlino] comes home let him do it. He, he… [unintelligible] so I said where's the other three, 'cause we're all sitting in the room. They're all downstairs. When he comes home.
‘First five’ ceremony:
Damion Canalichio
Anthony Nicodemo
Anthony Staino (likely)
[+2 others]

[LE confirmed Nicodemo was made ‘shortly after’ the Nov 2003 murder of John Casasanto. Ceremony likely takes place between Nov 2003 and Mar 2004 as Staino is describes himself as the CFO, ‘on the board of directors’, and that Filipelli is ‘with him’ in a 17 Mar 2004 recorded conversation. Knowledge of the ceremony likely didn’t get out for a while as Staino’s membership is debated following Joseph Curro’s death: ‘Whether or not Ligambi has inducted Staino as a member may not matter, said one law enforcement source’ (Caparella, 07 Apr 2004). New Jersey State report on OC from May 2004 identifies the organisation as having approximately 10 active members on the street, most likely not taking into account the ‘first five’ described by Licata.]

Other possible inductees made in the ‘first five’:
Martin Curro
  • Identified on a Philadelphia police chart as a soldier Sep 2009 (more on the Curro brothers below).
Albert Lancellotti
  • Reportedly identified by CW Michael Orlando as a member during the Ligambi trial (Julie Shaw, 13 Dec 2013). Orlando’s cooperation enabled him to avoid prosecution on a Sep 2003 arrest for fraud, and I think he entered the witness protection program shortly after this, so his knowledge of Lancellotti’s membership likely comes from after he was taken off the streets if Lancellotti was made in the ‘first five’. I listened to a trial recording of Orlando’s cross examination from Nov 2012 where he discussed Albert Lancellotti but didn’t mention him as a member. I don’t think the audio of the court session in which he did is available online.
Frank DePasquale
  • Apparently identified by a Philadelphia police officer as a member while testifying at the Ligambi trial. I haven’t been able to find the audio of this court session either.
2007 ceremony:
Eric Esposito
Louis Fazzini

[Described in Licata’s recorded conversations and his detention memo.]

Other information from Licata’s detention memo:
LICATA stated that, after Steven Mazzone (a member of the Philadelphia LCN Family convicted in the Merlino RICO case), who LICATA identified as the “consigliere”, gets off of supervised release, more people will become fully initiated members of the Philadelphia LCN Family through “making” ceremonies. LICATA explained that Joseph Merlino is calling shots from prison by telling LIGAMBI to “make” certain people. According to LICATA, LIGAMBI will only “make” guys he knows well, and will let Merlino “make” the guys he wants when he comes home from prison. LICATA also stated that the leadership in Philadelphia has asked him if he wants to propose any new members. LICATA stated that, while he is not ready to do it now, he will propose new members in near future. LICATA stated to the CW that he had already proposed [Vito Malgeri] and [Joseph Servidio] previously to LIGAMBI and wants them to be “made” before proposing any new members. LICATA added that he will propose reliable guys who will earn money for him and not give him headaches.
Other identified members:
Dominic Grande
  • Indicted in the Borgata gambling case as an associate. Identified in court as the suspected shooter in the Dec 2012 murder of Gino DiPietro. Accompanied Joseph Merlino and Michael Lancellotti to the Dec 2014 New York Christmas party where Merlino introduced Lancellotti as his ‘main man’. Grande is a capo by 2016 at the latest (Servidio indictment).
Salvatore Mazzone
  • Identified as a member in court documents Jan 2018 following Lucibello’s parole violation.
Joseph Servidio
  • Proposed by for membership by Licata. Released from prison April 2011. Indicted as a member 2018.
October 2015 ceremony:
Reported by Anastasia in Jan 2016. Five associates inducted by Merlino.

Anthony Persiano and Salvatore Piccolo:
Inducted by an ‘old timer’ about 10 years ago with the blessing of former boss Nicodemo Scarfo (Mob Talk Sitdown 33). Eventually recognised as Philadelphia members reporting to Dominic Grande (Servidio indictment).

Joseph and Martin Curro (and Roger Vella)

Joseph Curro is released from prison 1994 and identified in an FBI memo as an associate at the start of the Merlino RICO trial (Caparella, 10 Apr 2001). By October of that year he is first reported in Philadelphia City Paper, citing LE sources, as a made member (Jim Barry, 04 Oct 2001). By Jan 2003 he is reported as the consigliere (Brendan McGarvey, 16 Jan 2003) and this is confirmed by the May 2004 New Jersey state report.

I find it hard to believe that with both Natale and Previte cooperating by Mar 2001 that Curro would have been incorrectly identified as an associate if he had been made by that point. I suspect, though this is the most speculative part of this post on my part, that Curro (and possibly others, namely his brother Martin if he wasn’t made as part of the ‘first five’) could’ve been made at a Jul 2000 ceremony in Atlantic City by Ligambi. I say this because in Apr 2001 Roger Vella began cooperating with the government and told them that he was made in Jul 2000 before quickly taking back that claim, saying he had been ‘exaggerating’ (Anastasia, 11 Nov 2003). I won’t say anything definitive because Vella’s credibility is clearly suspect, but I wonder whether that ceremony was a complete fabrication or just the part about him being made at it. Vella knew Curro and he was cited for parole violation for associating with him (Caparella, 31 Jul 1999). It would explain why LE suddenly starts referring to Curro as a member later in 2001, and I haven’t found an earlier reference to Curro as a member. Schratwieser also identified the 15 to 17 new members as being made ‘since 2001’ so this would fall before that cut off period.

Important questions I have:
  • Anyone know when Tyrone DeNittis’ daughter got married?
  • Anyone have any sources that explicitly refer to Michael Virgilio as a member rather than a proposed member?
  • Anyone have any sources that explicitly refer to Vincent Iannece as a member (I’ve looked quite extensively and can’t find one)?
  • Anyone have any sources referring to Joseph Curro as a member before Oct 2001?
  • Anyone have access to a 1995 list of members compiled by Previte referenced to during the Merlino RICO trial?
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by Pogo The Clown »

Anyone have any sources that explicitly refer to Vincent Iannece as a member (I’ve looked quite extensively and can’t find one)?

He was mentioned in an article (I believe by GA) as being one of the guys made by Merlino in 1994 along with the others you listed. I must say this is some great research you've compiled here. Really answers some questions and poses some new ones. Great work.

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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by B. »

I have greatly enjoyed these breakdowns you've been doing, brother. Given how much Philly has been discussed on the boards over the years, how many books, articles, videos, and virtually every other form of media there is covering them, it is very easy for gossip or speculation to get repeated to the point that it's accepted as fact. By combing through sources you're doing a great job separating the what/when/how behind the info.

I've brought this up before, but I remain unconvinced that the Newark members from the Fresolone ceremony were "remade" and unless concrete info is available that I've overlooked, I believe they show up as members later because that ceremony did end up being recognized, whether after a probationary period or not.

Fresolone talked about some of the issues surrounding that ceremony prior to him being outed as a CI, but it wasn't clear what the result would be and as far as I know it was unresolved at the time he left the streets.

- For one, the acting captain Licata was not told nor invited to the ceremony, so he was believed by Freslone to have stirred the pot about the ceremony by bringing up the fact that a list wasn't circulated to New York for approval. He told Fresolone that this was a problem but they would straighten it out. Fresolone openly hated Licata, who he made into a villain throughout the book, and believed that Licata wouldn't straighten the issue out and would only fan the flames. However, we don't know that was Licata's intention and Fresolone's paranoia and hatred for Licata makes this assumption questionable. It's possible that the Philly leadership did get the issue straightened out with New York, with Licata's assistance or not, as it wasn't solely up to Licata to resolve the matter.

- Fresolone said that some NJ-based New York members were reluctant to be introduced to him because of Licata's comments. I would have to check, but I don't remember if any of the NY members/leaders raised a formal issue about the induction.

- It appears that even in Newark, Philly historically didn't need to circulate a list of members for approval. In the early 1960s Angelo Bruno inducted a number of members in Trenton and Newark without asking for New York's approval and the controversy of these inductions was over the books being closed for east coast families at this time and not because of a list. Ultimately Gerry Catena let these inductions stand, as Bruno had not been made aware of the closed books when he took over. So there is precedent for Philly inducting members in Newark without circulating a list and also precedent for NYC letting the inductions stand despite controversial circumstances. It should be noted that later in the 1960s and possibly throughout the Scarfo regime, the Philly family did request permission from NYC to induct members (even in Philadelphia itself), though it appears to have been permission to hold ceremonies and not a list of individual proposed members (to my knowledge).

- Steve Lenehan used to talk often about the aftermath of the 1990 ceremony on the boards and over the years what he's said has been repeated as fact even by otherwise rational people on the boards, but I'm unwilling to accept any of his info (which was often exaggerated or outright fabrications) without other corroboration and it's important that we don't let that "gossip" creep into the discussion.

We have seen the following inductees from the 1990 ceremony identified as made members of the Philly family in the years since the induction:

- Vincent Centorino
Pogo has said Centorino is described as having been remade by Stanfa in either Goodfella Tapes or the Last Gangster. I can't remember seeing this, but if it says that I would be curious if it describes where the information originally comes from. It is clear either way that Centorino was recognized as a made member by the late 1990s at the latest and he attended at least one member Christmas party during the Ligambi era, being later mocked on the Stefanelli tapes by Ligambi and Licata for being broke.

- Nicholas Olivieri
Identified as a made member on an LE chart listing out the hierarchy and membership of the family during the Ligambi era. I believe this was an NJ State Police chart released during the mid-late 2000s. While not a completely accurate chart, I believe all of the other members are confirmed which gives Olivieri's ID some credibility. I believe it was Chucky who mentioned that Olivieri was identified by LE as attending one of the member Christmas parties with Licata in the 2000s.

- John Praino
This one is interesting. The only NYC-based member of the Newark crew who was said by Fresolone to have been inducted in 1990 almost as an afterthought due to his close relationship to Pat Martirano. Despite being off the public radar for years, we learned recently thanks to an NYC indictment that Praino is recognized as a made member of the Philadelphia family and remains active in Cosa Nostra with a social club in NYC.

- Fresolone of course flipped and is now deceased, and "Turk" Cifelli died in 2008. I have seen no references to Cifelli as a member since his initial induction.

Because these members don't show up in the other induction ceremonies to our knowledge, I have to wonder if the gossip about the ceremony being invalidated is true. Maybe there are articles or other info that elaborate more on all of this and I'm just spinning my wheels, but it has crossed my mind, especially since finding out Praino is a recognized Philly member in NYC.


On another topic, one thing I find very interesting about Philly is that they don't seem to induct members until the original sponsor is available. Sonny Mazzone was a longtime associate well-known to virtually everyone, but as you noted, Ligambi wouldn't induct him until Steve Mazzone was available. The same is true for Anthony Borgesi, who had to wait to be inducted until his brother came home despite the fact that his uncle was the acting boss. Not exactly the same, but Ligambi also wouldn't induct the three mystery associates of Merlino until he was available to induct them himself. Would be interesting to know if this was Ligambi's own edict or always the case in Philly -- we know in New York and other cities that having a "stand in" sponsor is completely fine and I can't think of examples offhand where Philly inductees had a "stand in".
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by Pogo The Clown »

- Vincent Centorino
Pogo has said Centorino is described as having been remade by Stanfa in either Goodfella Tapes or the Last Gangster. I can't remember seeing this, but if it says that I would be curious if it describes where the information originally comes from.

I don't recall it being mentioned in those books. I believe Centorino being remade by Stanfa in 1991 first came up on these boards. Don't recall from where. Lenehan may have been the original source for it. If so we can take with a bucket of salt like you said.

Also let me add that Nicky Oliveri was indicted as a Soldier in 1998.

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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by B. »

Pogo The Clown wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:12 pm
- Vincent Centorino
Pogo has said Centorino is described as having been remade by Stanfa in either Goodfella Tapes or the Last Gangster. I can't remember seeing this, but if it says that I would be curious if it describes where the information originally comes from.

I don't recall it being mentioned in those books. I believe Centorino being remade by Stanfa in 1991 first came up on these boards. Don't recall from where. Lenehan may have been the original source for it. If so we can take with a bucket of salt like you said.

Also let me add that Nicky Oliveri was indicted as a Soldier in 1998.

Ah, thank you for clearing that up and apologies for the confusion. I imagine Caprio would have talked about the aftermath of the 1990 ceremony and the status of those members but I haven't seen much directly from him earlier in the 90s. With Anthony Piccolo staying on as part of the new administration afterward, it gives some credence to the ceremony being recognized.

Would love to know more details about the Mazzone, Borgesi, Lancelotti, etc. induction(s) and whether Merlino considered himself a soldier, acting boss, or what at the time. Curious if he was just doing whatever he wanted (which seems to be the case anyway) or if Natale was able to get NY approval from prison despite being an associate. It's amazing to me there doesn't seem to have been any controversy over those inductions but I guess at the time NYC had enough of its own problems and nobody in Philly was going to stand against the Merlino group.

A reliable source said that in NYC they require two captains to officiate a ceremony. I don't know if Philly even had two captains on the street at that time and they did things their own way anyway.
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by dack2001 »

Wasn't the story that Joe Licata and another guy were bring Beeps down to Stanfa to get remade and they caught LE tailing them so they canceled the ceremony? That may have been in the Goodfella Tapes or in the newspaper, I can't remember where I read it. That's maybe where the remaking rumors started on the board. They could have ended up just being recognized later on. Interesting subject there.
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by chin_gigante »

I dont think Centorino was mentioned in Goodfella Tapes and I've been flicking through it quite extensively recently. Another thing I noticed re Licata. In The Last Gangster, Anastasia describes him as being present at a mid-1996 meeting of the Natale administration with the North Jersey crew (which Sodano didn't attend, contributing to his murder). Anastasia describes Caprio, Centorino and Licata being the North Jersey members attending this meeting however Licata reportedly wasnt released from prison on his 1994 conviction until 1997, and in the Stefanelli tapes he recounts how Sodano wouldn't have been killed if Licata was on the street because if he was he would have convinced Sodano to report to Natale and Merlino. Licata and Olivieri were then indicted in Sep 1998 and convicted I think in May 1999 as members. Licata was described as a capo in that indictment and was incorrectly reported as taking over from Sodano when we know Caprio got bumped up by Natale in January 1997. Maybe Caprio and Licata were both capos at the time. I haven't got my hands on a copy of Blood Oath so I don't know what Fresolone said about the makeup of the North Jersey crew by 1990 but it was quite large by that point (the soon to be deceased Martirano, Bellina, Attanasio, Capozzi and DiNorscio, Napoli, Caprio, Ricciardi, Sodano, Fusella, Licata, Centorino, Cifelli, Praino, Olivieri and Fresolone himself). Both Sodano and Licata were going down to Sal Avena's office to meet Stanfa and after Sodano was convicted in 1992 Licata continued going down to meetings. If I'm remembering correctly Licata received a slightly lighter sentence than Olivieri in the 1998 case and Olivieri was released by March 2003 so Licata would have been out by that point.
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by chin_gigante »

I'm interested in the makeup of the family as described by the 2004 NJ state report about there being approximately 10 active members on the street as of May 2004. Curro had died at this point and Centorino had been sentenced but Massimino was still out at this point awaiting sentencing (and this is excluding the 'first five' i.e. Canalichio, Nicodemo, Staino... as I don't think the authors of the NJ report were aware of their memberships at this point).

May 2004 (excluding 'first five'):

Joseph Ligambi (Acting Boss)
Joseph Massimino (Underboss/ Acting Underboss)*
Michael Lancellotti (Capo)
Joseph Licata (Capo)
Gaeton Lucibello (Capo)
Vincent Filipelli (Soldier)
Philip Ligambi (Soldier)
Nicholas Olivieri (Soldier)

Possibly active:

Anthony Pungitore Sr (Soldier)

Possible members:

Michael Virgilio (promised membership by Natale, possibly made in 2000 if that ceremony occured)
Martin Curro
Vincent Iannece (no results show up for Iannece on the Inquirer or Philadelphia Daily News archives after the Stanfa-Merlino war and I can't find any identification of him as a member)
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by chin_gigante »

On the legitimacy of the 1990 North Jersey ceremony:
  • I haven't found an instance of Anastasia, Schratwieser or Caparella reporting that the 1990 ceremony was invalidated or that anyone from that ceremony was "re-made" by Stanfa or the Natale/ Merlino regime. By contrary, every mention to their induction I have found from GA, DS or KC is about their taped 1990 initiation.
  • To back up what B. said, GA describes Centorino as a member in The Last Gangster and in 2001 he is indicted as a soldier. In the Stefanelli tapes from 2010, Ligambi complains about how Centorino sat next to him at a Christmas party (likely the 2009 event because Ligambi described it as 'that Christmas party we had' or something along those lines, implying it was the latest one) and complained about how poor he was. This was part of the conversation where Licata said he wasn't making any money with Centorino and jokingly suggested having a benefit for him. This is interesting because I also recall a Caparella article from around the time of the Merlino RICO trial where she describes Centorino as a 'multimillionaire soldier' in the family
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by dack2001 »

Not discounting the possibility that the attempted remaking information was generated on this or the old board, however, I think the mention was in a transcript of one of the meetings in Avena's office.
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by B. »

- Centorino was repeatedly listed as the Newark captain on hierarchy charts people made online throughout the 2000s and this went undisputed on the boards, then when Licata was indicted as the captain it never came up again. Like some of the other points, not sure if this was just online gossip that became "fact" or if it was mentioned by a journalist/investigator somewhere. Centorino's alleged wealth also got mentioned any time his name came up online, like in the Caparella article, and of course it's possible he lost his money or was falsely crying broke to Ligambi/Licata as these guys sometimes do, but it's another discrepancy.

- Anastasia and Schratweiser have been doing videos for a long time and they've gone through a few different phases so I'm not sure if they're all still available online, but some unsubstantiated "gossip" def came from a few of those videos. Thinking specifically about ranks given for some of the Philly guys during the Ligambi era like Lancelotti and Lucibello. I don't think the Centorino/captain bit came from them and I have nothing but respect for Anastasia and to some degree Schratweiser but it was clear they didn't have a true inside view of the organization once the indictment finally came down. To be fair, we also can't be sure we know everything that went on during the 2000s and there were probably some promotions/demotions that aren't public knowledge.

- The 1990 inductees are included on the membership list made by the 1990 PA Crime Commission, which was intended to be current as of 12/31/1990. The PCC report is no frills and if nothing else it appears no information had come to them indicating that the new inductees were invalidated in the months after the ceremony. No clue whether or not the PCC was in a position to have up to date info on the Jersey crew post-Fresolone, though.

- I believe Fresolone said in Blood Oath that both Licata and Attanasio were tasked with running the Martirano crew when he went to Italy. There was no indication that it was split into two groups and the book gives the impression that Licata was the more active leader.

- With Stanfa inducting Veasey and some of those Italian kids, then apparently inducting Ron Previte in a casual conversation, it's hard to imagine him forcing the Newark guys to jump through hoops to get their buttons recognized unless it was ordered by NYC. If there is substance to the aborted re-induction of Centorino, it's possible Stanfa gave up on this later and just gave a nod to those memberships ala Previte. By the time Merlino/Natale take over, we have a soldier inducting a bunch of his young friends, Natale getting promoted to boss immediately after being made, and the new regime seemingly having no problem with Previte's membership, so if there was still any issue with the 1990 Newark guys during Stanfa we can assume the Merlino/Natale regime let it slide.
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by Pogo The Clown »

Centorino was indicted as an Acting Capo in 2003. After that fresh street talk had him as the Official Capo of the crew which was of course incorrect.

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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by Stroccos »

Persiano , pelluo , piccolo is it possible they were made in Phil under scarfos sr sponsorship and then transferred to the Lucchese ? The ceremony could of been conducted by John praino ,
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by chin_gigante »

Found some more info on Centorino, Cifelli, Olivieri and Praino.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 20 Nov 1993
Phila. mobster sentenced
Associated Press

The son of jailed organized crime leader Nicodemo Scarfo Sr. was sentenced yesterday to seven years in prison for conspiracy to commit racketeering. State Superior Court Judge Isaiah Steinberg handed down the maximum sentence and imposed a $ 2,500 fine against Nicodemo Scarfo, 27, of Scotch Plains. He pleaded guilty in September to a single conspiracy count. Two associates, John Praino of Bronx, N.Y., and Nicholas Oliveri of Bloomfield, received four-year prison sentences and $ 2,500 fines for their roles in a gambling operation. Both pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit racketeering.
Vincent Centorino and Nicholas Cifelli are also convicted and serving time by Nov 1994 (‘Secret tape captures a mob initiation rite’, George Anastasia, Philadelphia Inquirer). If true then Centorino was obviously released by 1996 to be the backup shooter in the Sodano murder. Praino was out of prison by 1995.
The New York Times, 23 Jun 1996
How the mob is affecting the country
Elsa Brenner

The most recent major action against organized crime in Westchester occurred on Dec. 3, 1995, when 160 state and local police swooped down on 12 gambling telephone banks throughout Westchester minutes before the kickoff of Sunday professional football games. Fourteen men were arrested in the $30 million-a-year operation, the largest gambling bust in Westchester's history. John Praino, 61, who was arrested and later indicted for promoting gambling in the first degree and other charges, was an accused ringleader linked to Philadelphia's Bruno-Scarfo family and associated with the Genoveses, according to law enforcement officials. That crackdown followed the arrests in August 1995 at Yonkers Raceway of 14 people, including 3 harness drivers -- among them Herve Filion, the most successful driver in the sport's history -- and Daniel P. Kramer, 44, of Scarsdale, the accused mastermind, for their participation in a multimillion-dollar gambling ring.
Praino was described as a Philadelphia family soldier operating in New York with the approval of the Gambino and Genovese families ('Police sweep shuts down sports gambling rings', Joseph Berger, The New York Times, 04 Dec 1995). Praino was sentenced to up to 3 years after pleading guilty to promoting gambling Apr 1997 (‘Bet on it: 3 yrs. for mob guy’, Bob Kappstatter, New York Daily News).
Philadelphia Inquirer, 18 May 1999
N.J. mob figure gets 55-month jail term
George Anastasia

Joseph "Scoops" Licata, longtime leader of a North Jersey faction of the Philadelphia mob, was sentenced to 55 months in prison yesterday after admitting that he headed an Essex County-based gambling and loan-sharking ring that federal authorities contend generated millions of dollars for his organized-crime family […] Nicholas Oliveri, 52, a mob soldier who authorities said ran the day-to-day operations of the gambling and loan-sharking racket, was sentenced to 66 months during a separate hearing before Wolin. Three defendants listed as Oliveri associates - Dennis Christy, 54, Carmen D'Archi, 40, and James Polidori, 28 - received sentences of between 18 and 24 months.
Olivieri was released from prison 28 Mar 2003 according to the BOP locator.

Praino died 10 Mar 2013 ( ... o/3158117/)
Cifelli died 17 Jul 2014 ( ... fhid=27086)
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Re: Philly making ceremonies (1990's-present) and misc. research

Post by NJShore4Life »

Nicky O is working at a swimming pool store here at the Jersey Shore in Brick these days, not jk .
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