Maxie's Genovese Profiles

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Re: Basil (Bobby Cherry) Cervone - Labor Racketeer Extrordinaire

Post by maxiestern11 »

Cheech wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:01 am
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:03 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 6:22 am Basile (Bobby Cherry) Cervone - born 1914. Long time Genovese “Associate”, and labor-union racketeer in the
NYC construction industry. Lived for many years in the Astoria-LI City section of Queens. Eventually settled in
Nassau County at 141 Bay Blvd., Atlantic Beach, a very
wealthy exclusive enclave. In later life moved to the five
towns area (Woodmere). He was the “power” in Local #13
- Mason Tenders Union of the Laborers of America. A Genovese controlled local, that was the personal domain of Michele (Mike) Miranda - Genovese consigliere for many
years. This local was a pivotal piece in the mob’s mosaic for iron-clad controls of the industry. A violent struggle for power took place in the late 1950’s between Bobby and his brother George, a union official for control of the local. After several failed attempts, George was successfully murdered and total control passed to Bobby. Although brothers, they had been at each other’s throats for years. Basil Cervone was a very greedy guy, and pilfered the local every chance he got. Although indicted through the years on corruption charges, it was not until the later 1980’s, with the federal governments move to purge the union that Cervone was finally removed after his conviction on RICO charges of extortion, coercion, bribery, conspiracy, etc....... But Bobby had one hell of a run! Under his stewardship, in the local he operated a gambling operation, shylock loans, embezzlement, and vast shakedown racket. If any construction firms wanted to operate free of labor problems, they paid Bobby under the table. “Sweetheart contracts” were he stock in trade.
As business agent of Local #13, Mason Tenders (Independent), his activities also included shylocking, all types of labor racketeering, securities fraud, etc. For over 40 years Cervone served his Genovese superiors lining his own pockets in the interim. His greed blinded him to the point of arguing for the death of his brother George, and ultimately led to one of his sons testifying against him in federal court (he had made his sons union officials years before, and once they were indicted, one son (Basil Jr) testified to gain leniency). Both he and son Joseph, who had been president were both convicted. So much for family loyalty. Arrests over the years included assault,
securities act violations, income tax evasion, extortion and eventually multiple Rico counts that led to his conviction and expulsion from the labor movement. As a side note, Bobby had been a close associate and friend of Vincent (Vinny the Sicilian) Siciliano, an old line Astoria hood who’s father had been a hood before him. He’d served several jail terms for robbery and extortion.
Somewhere along the line he also became one of the most notorious of “stool pidgeons” in the Queens area. He operated openly and defied his fate, spitting in the eye of the mob as his informant status was a open secret. Physical assaults, several murder attempts where he was wounded did nothing to deter him from ratting. Cervone was questioned about attempts on his life, the murder of his brother George, and bombing incidents at union headquarters in Astoria. The 1950-60’s was a volatile time for this Local #13 and all connected with it. Mike Miranda has been “eating” off that local since the late 1938’s and he wasn’t about to let anybody or anything interrupt that. As a side note; George Cervone was ultimately shot 4 times and killed as he slept on a porch at his father-in laws Long Beach summer cottage at 37 Maryland Ave., after at least 3 previous murder attempts on him. Cervone’s father-in-law was an old time soldier in the family and was ordered to set up his son-in-law for his killing...... eventually Bobby Cherry faded from the scene and passed at 77-78 years old I believe. But for over half a century, he was a power in the NYC construction industry and loyal minion of the Vito Genovese Family that is LCN.
Note: George Cervone's father-in-law at who's home in Long Beach he was shot and killed at was Daniel (Danny Hogan) Scarlatta - an old time Genovese soldier.
That’s him Cheech
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by bert »

Vincent Siciliano's nickname was "The Cat" not the "Sicilian."
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

bert wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:58 pm Vincent Siciliano's nickname was "The Cat" not the "Sicilian."
Guys in the street called him both!
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

PHILIP (PHILLY BRUSH) TARTAGLIA - born 1930 (?). a veteran Genovese (inducted) “soldier” originally from Lower Manhattan (125 East Broadway). He later resided at (430 E. 14th Street) in Manhattan, Middle Village in Queens (73-12 67th Road) and Brooklyn, before relocating out to Las Vegas, Nevada, by his late forties, where he would settle down and reside for the rest of his life.

Activities: narcotics, policy, dice and card games, extortion, strong-arm man, high-end robberies.

Hangouts: when in the NY area, he liked to eat and hang at Ponte’s Restaurant off the westside Highway. This was one of his mainstays. Of course, Angelo Ponte was a family associate, and garbage carting executive. A multi-millionaire many times over from his carting and real estate investments.

Although often identified as a Bonanno member, I could be wrong but I do not believe he was “with” this family, but rather a Genovese crew from Manhattan. Nearly all his active associates were Genovese connected.

Not much has ever been known or written about “Philly Brush”, so I thought I’d give him a little write up.

Philly was raised in downtown New York and was a nephew to an old time Genovese member (Victor Romano if memory serves me correctly)

He was good with his hands and was known for doing “work”. He had a short “fuse” and was a well known gunman and somewhat of a “hot head”, and quick to resort to violence as a solution to problems.

Philly was a very heavy gambler all his life, and could always be found in the various floating card games and crap games in Lower Manhattan and the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, where he later operated his own social club.

Note: [it was during an evening of card playing at his westside gambling den that he first met a young Jewish kid by the name of Stu Unger. They would become fast friends, with Tartaglia serving as a sort of surrogate father to Unger. As it turned out, Unger became one of the most accomplished and renown “card players”, specifically “Gin Rummy” in the nation. Philly would eventually “back” Unger in his gambling endeavors]

In 1954, he was arrested in Manhattan for the beating of a policeman with his own nightstick. The beat cop tried arresting Philly for disorderly conduct when Tartaglia actually grabbed for the cops revolver to shoot him, but the gun fell, so he grabbed the billy-club and repeatedly struck the officer, knocking him down and shattering the club.

In 1960, he was indicted with (Irving Cole) for shooting a security guard (Leo Dolan) and paralyzing him from the waist down during a gun battle while they were attempting to rob a Brinks armored truck carrying $24,000. cash payroll. Tartaglia and Cole actually shot down two guards that day.

In the late 1950-60’s period, I believe he was one of many indicted for narcotics conspiracy (heroin). I believe he went “on the lam” for awhile. No disposition on the case was available to me.

Tartaglia served several prison terms during his life.

Previous known associates while he resided in New York City:
Victor Romano - old line family soldier and uncle to Philly Brush
Anthony (Hickey) Di Lorenzo - top Family member before his killing.
Cosmo (Gus) Frasca - top old line Family capo
Gaetano (Toddo) Marino - old line Genovese original member
Vincent Rizzo - a jeweler by trade, and major fence, narcotics figure and soldier
Angelo Ponte - Family associate and garbage rackets figure
Matteo Di Lorenzo - Family hoodlum
Gerald DeLorenzo - Family associate

Note: little known hidden facts:

Although I’m not certain of the year it happened, Philly Brush was put on the “carpet”, a very serious carpet in deed, and almost lost his life for one of the most serious of mob infractions.

During a verbal argument, Tartaglia lost his temper (which he was famous for), and actually “struck” another “good fellow”. This created a major problem for him. After a series of “meets” where higher ups pled his case, and asked to spare his life, Philly was banned from the New York area (actually he was banished indefinitely). He was also stripped of all his rackets and any “action” he had going in New York. He lost everything and had to start all over. Luckily he had an “ace in the hole” named Stuey Unger.

He and Stu relocated out to Las Vegas, and the rest is history as they say. Philly recreated himself, concentrating on “nursing” Stuey who was Philly’s “cash cow” in future years. Being that both men loved - eating and breathing - gambling, they were in heaven!

Philly would “earn” well in coming years, slipping into New York City on rare occasions to visit. But of course never staying here.

“Philly Brush” Tartaglia was another of those little known but integral members that made up the various family regimes over the years.

I believe Philly passed away some years ago, the 1990’s or early 2000’s I think, I don’t have an exact dod.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by bert »

Tartaglia was never arrested or charged in any narcotics case Max. Second, he was not arrested for shooing a guard in 1960, he was arrested in 1966 for a robbery where no one was shot, he gave no one up and did 6 years upstate. you have him in frequent drug cases, which is untrue, he was never in even one. He never attacked that cop, the cop was beating a friend of his in public, he asked if the cop could stop, the cop (Patrolman Richards, who turned out to be an out patient from a mental hospital) hit him in the eye, bursting it open, that is when he fought the cop and gave him a beating.

His thing was unions, but I won't go on. Criticizing your wrong info only leads to you throwing fit, and a few jerks running to your aid. You got other stuff wrong, you're a joke.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

bert wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:09 pm Tartaglia was never arrested or charged in any narcotics case Max. Second, he was not arrested for shooing a guard in 1960, he was arrested in 1966 for a robbery where no one was shot, he gave no one up and did 6 years upstate. you have him in frequent drug cases, which is untrue, he was never in even one. He never attacked that cop, the cop was beating a friend of his in public, he asked if the cop could stop, the cop (Patrolman Richards, who turned out to be an out patient from a mental hospital) hit him in the eye, bursting it open, that is when he fought the cop and gave him a beating.

His thing was unions, but I won't go on. Criticizing your wrong info only leads to you throwing fit, and a few jerks running to your aid. You got other stuff wrong, you're a joke.
Always a pleasure to interact with you “Bert”!.... thanks for the positive vibes!..... btw: you’re all wet!.... and very wrong! But I refuse to converse with you because your a jerkoff, plain and simple! Lol
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by bert »

You got it all wrong, where do you get that stuff from, your imagination? I gave more info on the guy in my brief answer than you did in that profile. He was a union guy and into gambling, you fucked up. If it was an honest mistake that would be one thing, but ya lot of your profiles seem to be the same. Guy was never busted for drugs, ever. He did not track cop as you wrote---look, you're full of lies.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

bert wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:38 pm You got it all wrong, where do you get that stuff from, your imagination? I gave more info on the guy in my brief answer than you did in that profile. He was a union guy and into gambling, you fucked up. If it was an honest mistake that would be one thing, but ya lot of your profiles seem to be the same. Guy was never busted for drugs, ever. He did not track cop as you wrote---look, you're full of lies.
NO COMMENT for you, Bert! I don’t talk to idiots! This is idiot rap, for idiots like you, not me! ..... I refuse to dignify any more of your nasty bullshit (no knowledge) statements with an answer. ...... it, and you, are beneath me!
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:43 pm
bert wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:38 pm You got it all wrong, where do you get that stuff from, your imagination? I gave more info on the guy in my brief answer than you did in that profile. He was a union guy and into gambling, you fucked up. If it was an honest mistake that would be one thing, but ya lot of your profiles seem to be the same. Guy was never busted for drugs, ever. He did not track cop as you wrote---look, you're full of lies.
NO COMMENT for you, Bert! I don’t talk to idiots! This is idiot rap, for idiots like you, not me! ..... I refuse to dignify any more of your nasty bullshit (no knowledge) statements with an answer. ...... it, and you, are beneath me!
I think (in fact i’m sure) that you are very jealous of my knowledge and experience..... instead of complimenting my 203 singular and fabulous profiles, you cannot bring your pea-brain to do anything but try and tear me down..... why not do us both a favor, and stop reading my columns if you hate them so much and think they are lies as you say! I’ll tell you why, because you are learning a hell of a lot about OC in NY that’s why!!!! Lol.... stop reading them or stop complaining ok? Who needs your negativity anyway? ..... we on this forum sure do not!
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:43 pm
bert wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:38 pm You got it all wrong, where do you get that stuff from, your imagination? I gave more info on the guy in my brief answer than you did in that profile. He was a union guy and into gambling, you fucked up. If it was an honest mistake that would be one thing, but ya lot of your profiles seem to be the same. Guy was never busted for drugs, ever. He did not track cop as you wrote---look, you're full of lies.
NO COMMENT for you, Bert! I don’t talk to idiots! This is idiot rap, for idiots like you, not me! ..... I refuse to dignify any more of your nasty bullshit (no knowledge) statements with an answer. ...... it, and you, are beneath me!
Btw: there are many novices on the forum, and that’s ok. They are “learning” as we all are. But anyone who “really” knows OC, may not know all I write about (I wouldn’t expect them to - lots of singular, private info here), but experienced guys will KNOW what I print is true!..... any real street guys! I’m sure there was enough written that they can “confirm” to confirm me!..... guys like you are the joke. Ignorant to 99% of what going on, but the first to criticize! .... go zip your lip, mouth closed, eyes and ears open. You might just learn a thing or two from me (or not)! Lol
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by HairyKnuckles »

maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:57 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:43 pm
bert wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:38 pm You got it all wrong, where do you get that stuff from, your imagination? I gave more info on the guy in my brief answer than you did in that profile. He was a union guy and into gambling, you fucked up. If it was an honest mistake that would be one thing, but ya lot of your profiles seem to be the same. Guy was never busted for drugs, ever. He did not track cop as you wrote---look, you're full of lies.
NO COMMENT for you, Bert! I don’t talk to idiots! This is idiot rap, for idiots like you, not me! ..... I refuse to dignify any more of your nasty bullshit (no knowledge) statements with an answer. ...... it, and you, are beneath me!
Btw: there are many novices on the forum, and that’s ok. They are “learning” as we all are. But anyone who “really” knows OC, may not know all I write about (I wouldn’t expect them to - lots of singular, private info here), but experienced guys will KNOW what I print is true!..... any real street guys! I’m sure there was enough written that they can “confirm” to confirm me!..... guys like you are the joke. Ignorant to 99% of what going on, but the first to criticize! .... go zip your lip, mouth closed, eyes and ears open. You might just learn a thing or two from me (or not)! Lol
Philip Tartaglia is still alive and there are other stuff in that post that is incorrect. He was into unions for example, You will have to learn to take critizism or this site will be a tough one for you. And this is the second time I´m asking you to not call another poster an "idiot" when he is critizing your posts. If you have a problem with another poster, go to the graveyard that´s what that section is for. I will not bother with telling you a third time. Next time, I will just close down the thread.
There you have it, never printed before.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

HairyKnuckles wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:53 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:57 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:43 pm
bert wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:38 pm You got it all wrong, where do you get that stuff from, your imagination? I gave more info on the guy in my brief answer than you did in that profile. He was a union guy and into gambling, you fucked up. If it was an honest mistake that would be one thing, but ya lot of your profiles seem to be the same. Guy was never busted for drugs, ever. He did not track cop as you wrote---look, you're full of lies.
NO COMMENT for you, Bert! I don’t talk to idiots! This is idiot rap, for idiots like you, not me! ..... I refuse to dignify any more of your nasty bullshit (no knowledge) statements with an answer. ...... it, and you, are beneath me!
Btw: there are many novices on the forum, and that’s ok. They are “learning” as we all are. But anyone who “really” knows OC, may not know all I write about (I wouldn’t expect them to - lots of singular, private info here), but experienced guys will KNOW what I print is true!..... any real street guys! I’m sure there was enough written that they can “confirm” to confirm me!..... guys like you are the joke. Ignorant to 99% of what going on, but the first to criticize! .... go zip your lip, mouth closed, eyes and ears open. You might just learn a thing or two from me (or not)! Lol
Philip Tartaglia is still alive and there are other stuff in that post that is incorrect. He was into unions for example, You will have to learn to take critizism or this site will be a tough one for you. And this is the second time I´m asking you to not call another poster an "idiot" when he is critizing your posts. If you have a problem with another poster, go to the graveyard that´s what that section is for. I will not bother with telling you a third time. Next time, I will just close down the thread.

So let me get this straight.... he attacks me!... calls me a liar, I’m a joke, I’m fucked up, I’m pulling info from my imagination, etc, etc.... calls other posters who support me “jerks”!... etc.... AND THATS OK WITH YOU???? But if I try and defend myself, or put him in his place for trash talking me, and trying to denigrate me and my info,
THATS NO GOOD? And you’ll shut down the thread?

HOW DARE YOU HK!.... talk about being prejudice against me, and obviously “ganging up” on me is ok!

Anyone who is objective, can clearly see that you don’t like me or my threads, which is ok! It’s a free country! But if you or anyone else on this forum thinks that’s ok gonna swallow shit, especially from guys who don’t know shit from shineola, you better think again! I’m gonna tell you one last time, just because you can’t wrap your head around the info I put forth, doesn’t mean that it’s wrong info or false. Just that you are not familiar with it!

HK, since were talking, wanna ask you 1 question. Is what I said about Philly being banned to Vegas true or false?
I wanna see just how knowledgeable you REALLY are! aside from any other info on him, just answer that question ok? Can you?
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:09 pm
HairyKnuckles wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:53 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:57 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:43 pm
bert wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:38 pm You got it all wrong, where do you get that stuff from, your imagination? I gave more info on the guy in my brief answer than you did in that profile. He was a union guy and into gambling, you fucked up. If it was an honest mistake that would be one thing, but ya lot of your profiles seem to be the same. Guy was never busted for drugs, ever. He did not track cop as you wrote---look, you're full of lies.
NO COMMENT for you, Bert! I don’t talk to idiots! This is idiot rap, for idiots like you, not me! ..... I refuse to dignify any more of your nasty bullshit (no knowledge) statements with an answer. ...... it, and you, are beneath me!
Btw: there are many novices on the forum, and that’s ok. They are “learning” as we all are. But anyone who “really” knows OC, may not know all I write about (I wouldn’t expect them to - lots of singular, private info here), but experienced guys will KNOW what I print is true!..... any real street guys! I’m sure there was enough written that they can “confirm” to confirm me!..... guys like you are the joke. Ignorant to 99% of what going on, but the first to criticize! .... go zip your lip, mouth closed, eyes and ears open. You might just learn a thing or two from me (or not)! Lol
Philip Tartaglia is still alive and there are other stuff in that post that is incorrect. He was into unions for example, You will have to learn to take critizism or this site will be a tough one for you. And this is the second time I´m asking you to not call another poster an "idiot" when he is critizing your posts. If you have a problem with another poster, go to the graveyard that´s what that section is for. I will not bother with telling you a third time. Next time, I will just close down the thread.

So let me get this straight.... he attacks me!... calls me a liar, I’m a joke, I’m fucked up, I’m pulling info from my imagination, etc, etc.... calls other posters who support me “jerks”!... etc.... AND THATS OK WITH YOU???? But if I try and defend myself, or put him in his place for trash talking me, and trying to denigrate me and my info,
THATS NO GOOD? And you’ll shut down the thread?

HOW DARE YOU HK!.... talk about being prejudice against me, and obviously “ganging up” on me is ok!

Anyone who is objective, can clearly see that you don’t like me or my threads, which is ok! It’s a free country! But if you or anyone else on this forum thinks that’s ok gonna swallow shit, especially from guys who don’t know shit from shineola, you better think again! I’m gonna tell you one last time, just because you can’t wrap your head around the info I put forth, doesn’t mean that it’s wrong info or false. Just that you are not familiar with it!

HK, since were talking, wanna ask you 1 question. Is what I said about Philly being banned to Vegas true or false?
I wanna see just how knowledgeable you REALLY are! aside from any other info on him, just answer that question ok? Can you?

Btw: literally hundreds of little “truisms” that I’ve posted on over 203-profiles of various guys, must flip you out huh? Because you just cannot figure out how Maxie knows all these things huh? ..... so they have just GOT to be bullshit right? .....this way you and the other negative Nellies on here feel better about yourselves is that it? Answer the question above, and if you like I’ll
“quiz” you on hundreds more “provable” statements I’ve made, and let the the posters on this forum “really” see who’s “full of baloney”, you....Bert.... or me? (And that goes for anybody else on here who wants to criticize me and say I’m full of it ok)
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:16 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:09 pm
HairyKnuckles wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:53 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:57 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:43 pm
bert wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:38 pm You got it all wrong, where do you get that stuff from, your imagination? I gave more info on the guy in my brief answer than you did in that profile. He was a union guy and into gambling, you fucked up. If it was an honest mistake that would be one thing, but ya lot of your profiles seem to be the same. Guy was never busted for drugs, ever. He did not track cop as you wrote---look, you're full of lies.
NO COMMENT for you, Bert! I don’t talk to idiots! This is idiot rap, for idiots like you, not me! ..... I refuse to dignify any more of your nasty bullshit (no knowledge) statements with an answer. ...... it, and you, are beneath me!
Btw: there are many novices on the forum, and that’s ok. They are “learning” as we all are. But anyone who “really” knows OC, may not know all I write about (I wouldn’t expect them to - lots of singular, private info here), but experienced guys will KNOW what I print is true!..... any real street guys! I’m sure there was enough written that they can “confirm” to confirm me!..... guys like you are the joke. Ignorant to 99% of what going on, but the first to criticize! .... go zip your lip, mouth closed, eyes and ears open. You might just learn a thing or two from me (or not)! Lol
Philip Tartaglia is still alive and there are other stuff in that post that is incorrect. He was into unions for example, You will have to learn to take critizism or this site will be a tough one for you. And this is the second time I´m asking you to not call another poster an "idiot" when he is critizing your posts. If you have a problem with another poster, go to the graveyard that´s what that section is for. I will not bother with telling you a third time. Next time, I will just close down the thread.

So let me get this straight.... he attacks me!... calls me a liar, I’m a joke, I’m fucked up, I’m pulling info from my imagination, etc, etc.... calls other posters who support me “jerks”!... etc.... AND THATS OK WITH YOU???? But if I try and defend myself, or put him in his place for trash talking me, and trying to denigrate me and my info,
THATS NO GOOD? And you’ll shut down the thread?

HOW DARE YOU HK!.... talk about being prejudice against me, and obviously “ganging up” on me is ok!

Anyone who is objective, can clearly see that you don’t like me or my threads, which is ok! It’s a free country! But if you or anyone else on this forum thinks that’s ok gonna swallow shit, especially from guys who don’t know shit from shineola, you better think again! I’m gonna tell you one last time, just because you can’t wrap your head around the info I put forth, doesn’t mean that it’s wrong info or false. Just that you are not familiar with it!

HK, since were talking, wanna ask you 1 question. Is what I said about Philly being banned to Vegas true or false?
I wanna see just how knowledgeable you REALLY are! aside from any other info on him, just answer that question ok? Can you?

Btw: literally hundreds of little “truisms” that I’ve posted on over 203-profiles of various guys, must flip you out huh? Because you just cannot figure out how Maxie knows all these things huh? ..... so they have just GOT to be bullshit right? .....this way you and the other negative Nellies on here feel better about yourselves is that it? Answer the question above, and if you like I’ll
“quiz” you on hundreds more “provable” statements I’ve made, and let the the posters on this forum “really” see who’s “full of baloney”, you....Bert.... or me? (And that goes for anybody else on here who wants to criticize me and say I’m full of it ok)
I am not going to “validate” every single word I print, neither you, me or anyone else is 100% perfect. But I’ll tell you what, I’m match my knowledge with anyone’s, pound for pound, and see where we land ok! .... and ANY little mistakes I might make are just that, “little mistakes”.... I’m printed millions of words on here, if I’ve faulted a few times your have to forgive me, but it the scheme of things...... I KNOW MY STUFF..... period! And for you and some others to try and knock me, is I think in very poor taste, at best! Good night! I’m done!
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Funny thing is, if you guys are jealous and envious now of the information I’ve been able to put forth so far, just wait till some of my future “profiles”, my fans will absolutely eat it up because of its unbelievable “inside” info and the insight it provides..... but my detractors like you and Bert are gonna “stroke out” when you guys read them! .... and you will either put down your swords and come aboard the “Maxie Train”.... or start sticking pins in a “Maxie voodoo doll” to try and “get”me! .... LOL.... I’ve never seen such babyish behavior in my life! (and from grown men no less)
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