Maxie's Genovese Profiles

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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by pharion »

Raven wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:33 am Yeah, if I type in Lorenzo Brescio on I get just as many hits for that as for Brescia. They used both in the newspapers. This is pretty common for Italian surnames to be spelled several different ways.
Yea I remember seeing that. Its crazy how much more info comes up on some of these guys (especially the downtown guys) when you change the last letter.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Def Pharion, one letter can open up a whole bevy of info, or not! Lol..... that’s why sometimes, you gotta just play around with a few slight variations on spelling to get what you need
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

GEORGE (JUMBO) VELLUCCI - born 1914 in East Harlem.
ANTHONY (TONY MISERABLE) VELLUCCI - born 1925 in East Harlem. He had a criminal record for: burglary, sale of heroin (four times - 14-15 years in jail), policy, grand larceny, contempt of court (2 years). He had convictions on burglary (undetermined jail term), grand larceny (6 months), policy, heroin (2 times - 18 months and 15 years).

The notorious cousins were born in the “Mafia heavy” East Harlem section of NYC. Both were listed as being affiliated with the Genovese Family, with Anthony being listed as a family “soldier” at one point in 1969 by (LE) sources leaked to the newspapers (Newsday).
As an adult, George relocated to the Bronx (1025 Aldus Street). His younger cousin Anthony maintained an apartment in East Harlem (310 E.112th Street). Anthony also owned a summer home in Rocky Point, LI (Lincoln Road).

In 1955, Anthony was arrested by NYC police and federal narcotics agents for possession of $1,500,000. in heroin (30 pounds) found hidden behind a false paneled wall in his Harlem apartment at (319 W. 90th Street) in Manhattan......Nathan Behrman was also later grabbed.

Note: [Anthony didn’t actually reside there. This was just a “front”, it was actually a narcotics stash house]

He received a 14-15 year rap which he served in upstate Attica Prison.
Nathan Behrman was his partner. Behrman received a 19-20 year jail term.

In 1957, Anthony would also receive an additional two years in prison for refusing to testify before an upstate NY grand jury probing the narcotics traffic.

In 1956, cousin George Vellucci was one of three hoods (Frank Corona, Dominick Tedesco were the others) indicted on federal charges in Detroit of supplying 1,500 ounces of heroin a month to Detroit dope peddlers at $250. per ounce for years. They had operated this ring out of three candy stores that each of them ran within the boroughs, and operated for approximately two and a half years.

(Detroit was said to have approximately 2,900 heroin addicts craving for a fix. Authorities estimated that this operation supplied 70% of the city’s addicts).
Frank Corona and George Vellucci - brothers-in-law, had also sold $100,000. in heroin (10 ounces) to undercover agents in Manhattan - another count for which they were charged.
They also supplied a large drug ring in Cincinnati, Ohio.
It was said that Vellucci and Corona had inherited the drug operation from their cousin Anthony when he “went away” for fifteen years for his conviction.
In 1957, George Vellucci was among many (forty-six) people named in multiple states indictment for a $20,000,000. heroin importing and distribution ring headed by Jewish mob boss Herman (Nig Rosen) Stromberg of Philadelphia - (Nig Rosen was a very well respected mobster from Philly and New York who had started out as a numbers racketeer and bootlegger in Philadelphia).
The narcotics were smuggled in from France and other foreign countries... the heroin alone (some 50 pounds per month shipped from Paris) by Corsican’s was then distributed by several crime families throughout the United States..... this ring also handled huge amounts of cocaine and opium on a regular basis for years.
The narcotics came in through various ports of entry (Idelwild Airport being one), after ring members had “corrupted” and bribed several customs inspectors.

The narcotics operations beginnings were traced back to at least five years earlier (1952).

On at least one occasion, heroin valued at $3,500,000. (only one shipment) on the open market was smuggled in.

The narcotics network was based and operated in: Washington DC, New York City, Hoboken, NJ, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Boston, and Canada.

Police agencies across the globe interacted together to bring about the indictments: France, Scotland Yard, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Turkey, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Canada) participated.

Note: [this ring and the subsequent indictment is a perfect example of the close working relationship between Jewish and Italian racketeers (and for that matter Corsican and Marseille racketeers as well). Listed below were some of the most notorious and important Jews and Corsicans in the underworld of that era]
In addition to Rosen and Vellucci....others named were:

Robert Williams- Washington, DC

Henry Teitelbaum - New York City

Saul Gelb - New York City

Nathan (Nate) Behrman - New York City [agents said that in 1954 Stromberg passed $40,000. cash to Behrman at the Paddock Bar at 1634 Broadway, Manhattan]

Jean’ Aron - France

James Pierri - New Milford, NJ

Eddie LaBonte and Albert Lean - Montreal, Quebec

George Brisbois - Canada

Henry Samnick - New York City
Prominent New York City-based Italian mobsters involved included:

Joseph (Joe Beck) Di Palermo

Steve (The Bug) Puco

Daniel Lessa

Nicholas Lessa

Martin (Big Jinks) DeSaverio

Vincent Yacono

Saverio (Savvy) Maimone

Anthony (Tony) Mirra

Frank (Big Frank) Pasqua

William Paradiso

Joseph Paradiso

Leo Seto additional (sixteen) were listed as ring co-conspirators but not included as defendants including:

Note: [authorities said that upon arriving in this country, the heroin would go directly to Vellucci and Nate Behrman, where they would “cut” it many times before distributing it around the country]

George (Jumbo) Vellucci - New York City and his cousin.....

..... Anthony Vellucci - [Stromberg allegedly received $75,000. cash from the Vellucci’s for heroin on one occasion that was documented]

Frank (Frankie Irish) Corona - Harlem

Dominick (Doc) Tedesco - Jackson Heights, Queens

Florio (Flo) Isabella - Lower Manhattan

John Di Pietro - Mulberry Street area

Carmine Ciano

Joseph Basile

James Ewing

Henry Marietta

David Robinson

.......... and many, many others too numerous to list here. (46 narcotics violators in all).
This list (if the reader checks) represented a cross section of at least four NYC based families: Lucchese, Bonanno, Gambino and Genovese..... not including the “Jewish Mob” and other families throughout the states.
The FBN (Federal Bureau Narcotics) said most of those indicted were the wholesalers and distributors of the ring.
Many listed were previously known and notorious drug peddlers.
After they were each imprisoned for their convictions, I found it hard to track them any longer.....
No dod or any additional information was available to me for their later years...... if they even survived prison!
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

LOUIS PASCOCELLO - born 1921, in Brooklyn. By the early 1970’s he was residing in East Meadow (2489 Lawn Ave) LI.

Considered a Genovese “associate”.
He was a cousin of “Capo” and “Policy-Kingpin”, Vincent (Jimmy Nap) Napoli of Williamsburg.

He was a trusted aide and central figure in an interstate numbers-lottery operation headed by Napoli (considered the largest policy ring operating in the nation at that time).

This interstate policy network operated in Northern New Jersey, Manhattan, Brooklyn and throughout the greater metropolitan area.

Associates: Napoli, James Napoli Jr., Anthony Napoli, Andrew Biondo, Clarence Carter.

Arrest Record: policy (three times), transporting gambling equipment, absent without leave from the US Army.
Convicted of: policy (twice), transporting gambling equipment (nine months in jail), AWOL (three years).

By the late 1970’s no more is heard from Pascocello. No dod available.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

LAWRENCE (LARRY NOSE) IAROSSI - born 1925 on (East 115th Street) in East Harlem. Moved to the Bronx by 1952 (2235 Quimby Ave). FBI #3567370, NYPD # 218116.

Iarossi was never identified as a made member, but growing up and going to school in East Harlem, he knew and dealt with virtually a “who’s who of the underworld”. I would say he was what we would call an “independent” operator, with access to many mob families and sources of supply (among them the notorious Vincent Papa and Virgil Alessi).

Note: [hanging around mostly Genovese guys, for this reason I will list him under the Genovese as an associate]

By the time he was in his early thirties, he was well entrenched in the drug trade. Subsequently, Iarossi was known as a prolific narcotics dealer basically his entire life.

Note: [And although open to any quick-buck venture (Iarossi was a degenerate gambler) there was no better racket than the narcotics field to score big money quickly!
So “Larry Nose” naturally gravitated to the heroin business! He would make a score, ran and blow it at a crap table, and be back moving junk all over again..... a vicious cycle!]

He was reputed to have been a very active drug wholesaler (both large “kilo quantities” and small “eighth of a key” transactions as evidenced by reading his indictments).

Record commences in 1941 for: wayward minor, assault, burglary, burglary tools, possession of narcotics (heroin), felonious assault (knife attack), sale of heroin (twice), narcotics conspiracy (thrice).
He had several convictions on narcotics related charges, and served several long prison terms (1954 - served four years federal conviction), (1976 - served ten years federal),

In 1959, he was arrested for the stabbing of a Sunnyside, Queens public-garage (Skillman Ave) owner Benjamin Moscowitz, who said Iarossi was the man who grabbed him around the neck while another assailant stabbed him three times in the chest. Iarossi was arrested after Moscowitz picked his picture out of the “Rogues Gallery”.

Note: [detectives at the time suspected this was not a random assault, but a assault ordered by higher-ups for an unknown reason]

In 1976, he was one of seven convicted after a ten day trial of operating a major interstate-heroin trafficking ring from New York to Baltimore from 1968 thru 1973. A key witness against Iarossi was a former partner - Anthony Manfredonia, who turned government informer.

Territory was Harlem and the Bronx,
where he associated with like minded hoods, primarily from the Genovese, Lucchese and Gambino Families.
“Key” criminal associates (all major drug dealers) were:
Vincent (Jimmy Feet) Panebianco
Vincent (Vinny Basile) Pacelli Sr.
Pasquale Anatala
Snider (The Jap) Blanchard
Charles Brooks
Virgil Alessi
Vincent Papa Sr.
Joseph Barone
Robert (Sonny) Guippone
Renato Croce
Louis (Gigi the Whale) Inglese
Leonard Rizzo
Louis (Louie Dome) Pacella
Frank (The Hawk) Borelli
Stevie (The Bug) Puco
Anthony (Tony Nose) Mancuso
Arthur (Chink) Leo
Joseph (Joe Babes) Bendenelli
Vito Panzarino
Fiore (Fury) Siano

Iarossi had never been known to engage in any type legitimate job or business. Although either him or his family, are currently said to own a popular pizzeria located in the Bronx.

“Larry Nose” was released from federal prison in August of 1985, and returned to his home in the Bronx. Believed to have kept a low profile in future years. Alleged to have opened at least one pizzeria as a family income. He is believed to have died in 1996 in the Bronx.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

maxiestern11 wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:31 pm GAETANO (TOMMY PALMER) GRECO - born 1895 in Sicily. Resided for many years on the LES, where he was a partner in Lanza’s Italian Restaurant. By the late 1950’s relocated out to Long Island (51 Trenton Ave., Atlantic Beach). A “Capo di decina” for decades, he was active in bootlegging, labor racketeering, shylocking, extortion, policy, murder. He was a major figure behind building trades extortions, and identified by the State Investigations Commission as the hidden power behind the Mason Tenders Union (Independent), and a central figure in payoffs, corruption, shakedowns and loan shark rackets. His criminal record consisted of five arrests for: homicide (twice), robbery, possessing a gun (twice). But no convictions. “Tommy Palmer” was a original. A low key “sleeper” in the Genovese Family for many years. He was considered an “elder statesman” and respected as such! Believed to have died by 1975 at 80 years old.
Addendum: I just read in MF that by 1959, Greco was partners was a Max Ekelman in Romeo’s Italian Kitchen (1625 Broadway), Manhattan. There were actually “Romeo’s” in Manhattan, Ekelman claimed Greco was only a “buyer” of food supplying the places but not an owner (Greco was a “hidden” partner because of their liquor licenses). Greco was also partnered with a Steve Massano in Florida in a string of restaurants and the building of several housing complexes.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

FRANK (FARBY) SERPICO - born 1916 in Corona, Queens (110-26 Corona Avenue). In later years as he got older and better established he relocated into upper Manhattan (251 W. 74th Street), where he did most of his business. NYCPD # 117354.

A longtime veteran (inducted) “soldier” in the old Genovese Family.
“Farby” had several family members that followed him into the life. A older brother Ralph, called (Ralph Farbs) - who he would join the family with, and several nephews, one of whom Frank (Farby) - his namesake - would later be sponsored into and raise to become, an “acting Boss” of the family.

A very well-liked and active member his whole life. Primarily a policy racketeer, dice-game operator and gambler active with the “Harlem” crew of (Trigger Mike) Coppola, and later under (Fat Tony) Salerno.
And as a partner through his brother Ralph, a notorious (KG), ran floating dice games and numbers for decades in the Corona-Flushing sections of Queens and Harlem.

Activities: policy rackets, floating dice games, counterfeiting, police bribery - “the pad”.

In 1935, as a young man (17) he was arrested in Corona for robbery with a boyhood friend, Mario Riccardi.

Note: [they pled guilty to the holdup and served a 2.5-5 year stretch up in Sing Sing.

In 1943, at age (27), he was investigated by the FBI, and later federally indicted by the Secret Service on counterfeiting charges for the sale and distribution of counterfeit “T-Series gas-ration stamps”, a huge racket during WWII because of the U.S. governments rationing of key provisions to the populous.

Note: [Farby got a 2.5-5 year federal prison term]
Farby Serpico operated this racket throughout all northern Queens at that time.

Although a very serious problem for “the guys”, he was later on often kidded by other mob guys because he had the same name as a police “whistle blower” named Frank Serpico - an undercover “honest” cop who’s information was instrumental in the forming of the
the Knapp Commission Hearings on police corruption in NYC during the early 1970’s.

The focus of the hearings was on the Harlem gambling and drug racketeers.
Farby was exposed as a “key” mob figure who handled “the pad” - systematic bribery of policemen and detectives in Harlem’s 25th precinct.

It brought him a lot of heat and he was indicted with many others in the scandal. It was probably the most exposure he ever received in a very low-keyed career.

Some early and lifelong associates:
his brother Ralph and nephews
Mario Riccardi
Frank (Frankie Bell) Campanello
Joseph (Joe Brown) Lucchese
Joseph (Joey Brown) Laratro
Frank La Polla
Walter Ferrentino
Michael Coppola
Anthony Salerno
Thomas (Moe) Lentini
Alfred (Sharkey) Cupola
Vincent (Fish) Cafaro

Arrest record: robbery, possession of a gun, (OPA) violations-counterfeit ration stamps and conspiracy, vagrancy (twice), policy (several times), operating dice games, bribery and conspiracy.

I am not certain the year he died. Several sources say 2002, but this is incorrect. 2002 is the year his nephew Frank (Little Farby) died...... I believe our subject died in the later 1980’s-90’s.

His older brother Ralph outlived him, passing in 2001.

In closing, let me say that Frank (Farby) Serpico was a trusted member and close to many top figures throughout NYC, but especially in Harlem. And his profile is a “classic” sketch of many of the “rank and file” early membership of all five families!..... R.I.P. “Farby”!
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by Flushing »

Safe to say that Farby Serpico was the architect of the current Federicci/Romanello/Colletti crew in Corona?

It's incredible how geographically widespread the Genovese were.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by Super »

Top info max anything on Louis streaky gatto max you've gone above and beyond in the last month keep it coming buddy
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Super wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2019 3:07 pm Top info max anything on Louis streaky gatto max you've gone above and beyond in the last month keep it coming buddy

I'll probably next do a few more harlem, lower manhattan and queens guys...... later on maybe some jersey guys. De Cavalcante guys first to clean up and complete that thread ok men.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by Super »

Who you thinking max.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Super wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2019 5:45 pm Who you thinking max.
maybe Ralph Serpico, Jimmy Jones Potenza, we'll see. depends who I feel I can do best. Gonna research for a week or so and see what I can put up. So if you don't see me post up soon, know that I'm working on it ok. It could be somebody else also. it'll depend ok buddy.
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Re: Basil (Bobby Cherry) Cervone - Labor Racketeer Extrordinaire

Post by maxiestern11 »

maxiestern11 wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 6:22 am Basile (Bobby Cherry) Cervone - born 1914. Long time Genovese “Associate”, and labor-union racketeer in the
NYC construction industry. Lived for many years in the Astoria-LI City section of Queens. Eventually settled in
Nassau County at 141 Bay Blvd., Atlantic Beach, a very
wealthy exclusive enclave. In later life moved to the five
towns area (Woodmere). He was the “power” in Local #13
- Mason Tenders Union of the Laborers of America. A Genovese controlled local, that was the personal domain of Michele (Mike) Miranda - Genovese consigliere for many
years. This local was a pivotal piece in the mob’s mosaic for iron-clad controls of the industry. A violent struggle for power took place in the late 1950’s between Bobby and his brother George, a union official for control of the local. After several failed attempts, George was successfully murdered and total control passed to Bobby. Although brothers, they had been at each other’s throats for years. Basil Cervone was a very greedy guy, and pilfered the local every chance he got. Although indicted through the years on corruption charges, it was not until the later 1980’s, with the federal governments move to purge the union that Cervone was finally removed after his conviction on RICO charges of extortion, coercion, bribery, conspiracy, etc....... But Bobby had one hell of a run! Under his stewardship, in the local he operated a gambling operation, shylock loans, embezzlement, and vast shakedown racket. If any construction firms wanted to operate free of labor problems, they paid Bobby under the table. “Sweetheart contracts” were he stock in trade.
As business agent of Local #13, Mason Tenders (Independent), his activities also included shylocking, all types of labor racketeering, securities fraud, etc. For over 40 years Cervone served his Genovese superiors lining his own pockets in the interim. His greed blinded him to the point of arguing for the death of his brother George, and ultimately led to one of his sons testifying against him in federal court (he had made his sons union officials years before, and once they were indicted, one son (Basil Jr) testified to gain leniency). Both he and son Joseph, who had been president were both convicted. So much for family loyalty. Arrests over the years included assault,
securities act violations, income tax evasion, extortion and eventually multiple Rico counts that led to his conviction and expulsion from the labor movement. As a side note, Bobby had been a close associate and friend of Vincent (Vinny the Sicilian) Siciliano, an old line Astoria hood who’s father had been a hood before him. He’d served several jail terms for robbery and extortion.
Somewhere along the line he also became one of the most notorious of “stool pidgeons” in the Queens area. He operated openly and defied his fate, spitting in the eye of the mob as his informant status was a open secret. Physical assaults, several murder attempts where he was wounded did nothing to deter him from ratting. Cervone was questioned about attempts on his life, the murder of his brother George, and bombing incidents at union headquarters in Astoria. The 1950-60’s was a volatile time for this Local #13 and all connected with it. Mike Miranda has been “eating” off that local since the late 1938’s and he wasn’t about to let anybody or anything interrupt that. As a side note; George Cervone was ultimately shot 4 times and killed as he slept on a porch at his father-in laws Long Beach summer cottage at 37 Maryland Ave., after at least 3 previous murder attempts on him. Cervone’s father-in-law was an old time soldier in the family and was ordered to set up his son-in-law for his killing...... eventually Bobby Cherry faded from the scene and passed at 77-78 years old I believe. But for over half a century, he was a power in the NYC construction industry and loyal minion of the Vito Genovese Family that is LCN.
Note: George Cervone's father-in-law at who's home in Long Beach he was shot and killed at was Daniel (Danny Hogan) Scarlatta - an old time Genovese soldier.
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Re: Maxie's Genovese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2019 10:02 am FRANK (FARBY) SERPICO - born 1916 in Corona, Queens (110-26 Corona Avenue). In later years as he got older and better established he relocated into upper Manhattan (251 W. 74th Street), where he did most of his business. NYCPD # 117354.

A longtime veteran (inducted) “soldier” in the old Genovese Family.
“Farby” had several family members that followed him into the life. A older brother Ralph, called (Ralph Farbs) - who he would join the family with, and several nephews, one of whom Frank (Farby) - his namesake - would later be sponsored into and raise to become, an “acting Boss” of the family.

A very well-liked and active member his whole life. Primarily a policy racketeer, dice-game operator and gambler active with the “Harlem” crew of (Trigger Mike) Coppola, and later under (Fat Tony) Salerno.
And as a partner through his brother Ralph, a notorious (KG), ran floating dice games and numbers for decades in the Corona-Flushing sections of Queens and Harlem.

Activities: policy rackets, floating dice games, counterfeiting, police bribery - “the pad”.

In 1935, as a young man (17) he was arrested in Corona for robbery with a boyhood friend, Mario Riccardi.

Note: [they pled guilty to the holdup and served a 2.5-5 year stretch up in Sing Sing.

In 1943, at age (27), he was investigated by the FBI, and later federally indicted by the Secret Service on counterfeiting charges for the sale and distribution of counterfeit “T-Series gas-ration stamps”, a huge racket during WWII because of the U.S. governments rationing of key provisions to the populous.

Note: [Farby got a 2.5-5 year federal prison term]
Farby Serpico operated this racket throughout all northern Queens at that time.

Although a very serious problem for “the guys”, he was later on often kidded by other mob guys because he had the same name as a police “whistle blower” named Frank Serpico - an undercover “honest” cop who’s information was instrumental in the forming of the
the Knapp Commission Hearings on police corruption in NYC during the early 1970’s.

The focus of the hearings was on the Harlem gambling and drug racketeers.
Farby was exposed as a “key” mob figure who handled “the pad” - systematic bribery of policemen and detectives in Harlem’s 25th precinct.

It brought him a lot of heat and he was indicted with many others in the scandal. It was probably the most exposure he ever received in a very low-keyed career.

Some early and lifelong associates:
his brother Ralph and nephews
Mario Riccardi
Frank (Frankie Bell) Campanello
Joseph (Joe Brown) Lucchese
Joseph (Joey Brown) Laratro
Frank La Polla
Walter Ferrentino
Michael Coppola
Anthony Salerno
Thomas (Moe) Lentini
Alfred (Sharkey) Cupola
Vincent (Fish) Cafaro

Arrest record: robbery, possession of a gun, (OPA) violations-counterfeit ration stamps and conspiracy, vagrancy (twice), policy (several times), operating dice games, bribery and conspiracy.

I am not certain the year he died. Several sources say 2002, but this is incorrect. 2002 is the year his nephew Frank (Little Farby) died...... I believe our subject died in the later 1980’s-90’s.

His older brother Ralph outlived him, passing in 2001.

In closing, let me say that Frank (Farby) Serpico was a trusted member and close to many top figures throughout NYC, but especially in Harlem. And his profile is a “classic” sketch of many of the “rank and file” early membership of all five families!..... R.I.P. “Farby”!
Correction: Laratro’s nickname was Joey Narrow, not Joey Brown ...... Brown was Lucchese’s nickname
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Re: Basil (Bobby Cherry) Cervone - Labor Racketeer Extrordinaire

Post by Cheech »

maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2019 9:03 pm
maxiestern11 wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 6:22 am Basile (Bobby Cherry) Cervone - born 1914. Long time Genovese “Associate”, and labor-union racketeer in the
NYC construction industry. Lived for many years in the Astoria-LI City section of Queens. Eventually settled in
Nassau County at 141 Bay Blvd., Atlantic Beach, a very
wealthy exclusive enclave. In later life moved to the five
towns area (Woodmere). He was the “power” in Local #13
- Mason Tenders Union of the Laborers of America. A Genovese controlled local, that was the personal domain of Michele (Mike) Miranda - Genovese consigliere for many
years. This local was a pivotal piece in the mob’s mosaic for iron-clad controls of the industry. A violent struggle for power took place in the late 1950’s between Bobby and his brother George, a union official for control of the local. After several failed attempts, George was successfully murdered and total control passed to Bobby. Although brothers, they had been at each other’s throats for years. Basil Cervone was a very greedy guy, and pilfered the local every chance he got. Although indicted through the years on corruption charges, it was not until the later 1980’s, with the federal governments move to purge the union that Cervone was finally removed after his conviction on RICO charges of extortion, coercion, bribery, conspiracy, etc....... But Bobby had one hell of a run! Under his stewardship, in the local he operated a gambling operation, shylock loans, embezzlement, and vast shakedown racket. If any construction firms wanted to operate free of labor problems, they paid Bobby under the table. “Sweetheart contracts” were he stock in trade.
As business agent of Local #13, Mason Tenders (Independent), his activities also included shylocking, all types of labor racketeering, securities fraud, etc. For over 40 years Cervone served his Genovese superiors lining his own pockets in the interim. His greed blinded him to the point of arguing for the death of his brother George, and ultimately led to one of his sons testifying against him in federal court (he had made his sons union officials years before, and once they were indicted, one son (Basil Jr) testified to gain leniency). Both he and son Joseph, who had been president were both convicted. So much for family loyalty. Arrests over the years included assault,
securities act violations, income tax evasion, extortion and eventually multiple Rico counts that led to his conviction and expulsion from the labor movement. As a side note, Bobby had been a close associate and friend of Vincent (Vinny the Sicilian) Siciliano, an old line Astoria hood who’s father had been a hood before him. He’d served several jail terms for robbery and extortion.
Somewhere along the line he also became one of the most notorious of “stool pidgeons” in the Queens area. He operated openly and defied his fate, spitting in the eye of the mob as his informant status was a open secret. Physical assaults, several murder attempts where he was wounded did nothing to deter him from ratting. Cervone was questioned about attempts on his life, the murder of his brother George, and bombing incidents at union headquarters in Astoria. The 1950-60’s was a volatile time for this Local #13 and all connected with it. Mike Miranda has been “eating” off that local since the late 1938’s and he wasn’t about to let anybody or anything interrupt that. As a side note; George Cervone was ultimately shot 4 times and killed as he slept on a porch at his father-in laws Long Beach summer cottage at 37 Maryland Ave., after at least 3 previous murder attempts on him. Cervone’s father-in-law was an old time soldier in the family and was ordered to set up his son-in-law for his killing...... eventually Bobby Cherry faded from the scene and passed at 77-78 years old I believe. But for over half a century, he was a power in the NYC construction industry and loyal minion of the Vito Genovese Family that is LCN.
Note: George Cervone's father-in-law at who's home in Long Beach he was shot and killed at was Daniel (Danny Hogan) Scarlatta - an old time Genovese soldier.
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Guy Fatato said on a tape-recording that Franzese's vig on a $30,000 debt was "like social security" for him. - GohnJotti
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