Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Yes Johnny. Big splash in the papers. I remember it from back then. Lots of heat
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Bye: Blackie was for you Johnny ok! 😎 .... as you asked
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

SAMUEL DI MAGGIO - born 1925 in NYC. By the mid-1960’s he resided in Deer Park, LI (551 Nichols Road).
Identified the Suffolk D.A.’s office as a Lucchese Family associate.

In 1967, he was described by Suffolk police as the chief operator of the Suffolk branch of an interstate gambling network. Allied with soldier Aniello (Neil) Migliore and associate Thomas (Red) Di Maio.

He had a long criminal history (13 arrests) for; assault, larceny, conspiracy, sale of heroin (four times), possession of gambling records (retrieved from his disabled car on the LIE), and parole violations. Convicted of narcotics sales (three convictions - jail terms from 18 months to 7 years), violating parole, gambling records.

Fell off the radar by the late 1970’s.... nothing more is
Heard from him. No dod available.
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

GIUSEPPE (JOE REESE) SCHIAVO - born 1910, in Italy. Resided in Canarsie, Brooklyn. In the early 1940’s he migrated out to Freeport (123 Nassau Avenue) in Nassau County, LI. By the late-1950’s he had again moved, to the Valley Stream area (75 North Corona Avenue). An original veteran (inducted) “soldier” in the old Gagliano/Lucchese Family.

He was a partner of Benjamin Sackrin, and the co-owner/operator of a garment factory (sportswear and coats) in the East New York section of Brooklyn for decades (Hendrix Coat Co., 587 Hendrix St., and 722 Livonia Ave.). He was also a partner with Lucchese in several additional dress (contractor) factories over the years.

Very close associate of Gaetano (Tommy Brown) Lucchese himself, Lucchese brother-in-law Joseph (Joe Palisades) Rosato, Paul Vario, and Bonanno capo Vincent Morsellino - who was a LI neighbor of Schiavo..... Schiavo was also a cousin (by marriage) to Alfonso (Little Al) D’Arco - who later turned informant.

Activities: garment rackets, labor racketeering, extortion, policy, shylocking.

He had five arrests on his criminal record dating back to 1940 for; disorderly conduct, conspiracy, grand larceny and attempted extortion, policy (twice), vagrancy. He had been convicted of vagrancy (90 days in jail), disorderly conduct, policy, attempted extortion (one year in jail).

Schiavo was a very low-profile mafioso aligned with the Brooklyn (Canarsie) faction of the family, serving under Capo Salvatore (Turiddo) Curiale. He was said to have later been offered a position in the hierarchy during the 1950’s but declined, instead promoting one of his protege’s Paul Vario for higher position of “capo di decina”. Schiavo was happy to “fly under the radar” and stay as a senior (and influential) soldier within the Vario regime.

In 1943, he was one of six men, another being close associate, hoodlum Solomon Massarsky, charged on 17 counts, in the operation of a fake labor union (that would throw up fake picket lines and then approach business owners for cash to remove the pickets) the “Congress of Industrial Unions” that “shook down” various photography firms in New York City. They were nabbed after receiving $1,000. in marked bills from (Wheelan Photo Studio, 370 Seventh Ave., Manhattan) toward the payment of a $15,000. extortion payment.
[Robert DeFilippo, Max Sherman, Jay Cohen and Robert Kaufman - a lawyer, were the other defendants].
By 1945, most had pled guilty or were convicted. Schiavo received one year, Massarsky - 2-1/2-3 years in the penitentiary.

In 1948, Schiavo was accosted on the street in Brooklyn by two armed bandits and robbed of a $5,500. cash payroll for his garment factory.
The bandits allegedly stated “keep quiet and hand over the coconuts”!

Note: cousin and mobster Al D’Arco later stated that he was SURE that Schiavo had “staged” the robbery to collect the business insurance, because that phrase “hand over the coconuts” was a pet phrase that Schiavo would always say in conversation....... Lol! ... typical mob guy, always scheming! 😉

In 1954, he was one of two businessmen honored by the New York civic, business and labor representatives for their economic aid and contributions to Israel - according to the “State of Israel Bonds” organization. Recipients were partners Schiavo and Sackrin.

By the early 1980’s, Schiavo was already in his mid seventies and slowing down. He died in 1987.
........The name “Schiavo” was never a household name known to the public. Who had to know in the mob knew, otherwise “Joe Reese” spent his entire life well in the shadows, and only served a one year prison term! Not bad for a high-level soldier in the thick of things all his life!

Note: [Schiavo mentored and later “proposed” Al D’Arco for induction into the family]
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by AlexfromSouth »

Love reading about Lucchese brooklyn gangsters. Keep it up!
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by AlexfromSouth »

If you can do one about Danny Cutaia, early addresses and all. That would be great! Thanks!
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

MILTON (MILTY) WEKAR - born 1913. Resided for many years at (345 East 56th Street) in Manhattan, he later relocated to (Horizon Place) in Fort Lee, New Jersey. An notorious old-time Jewish racketeer, identified as a Lucchese “associate” and close partner of Pail Vario and other top hoodlums.

He was a major gambling figure and a principal in a nationwide bookmaking lay-off network. A veteran gambler who has worked with numerous mob figures from different families over the years.

In 1951, one of seven arrested in a raid on a Brooklyn wire room in the East New York section, with Barney Kotler - a notorious hood, for operating a large-scale horse bookmaking ring.

In 1961, Wekar was one of fourteen gamblers picked up in a police raid on the White Turkey Restaurant in midtown Manhattan. Among the hoods nabbed were Profaci capo Nicholas (Jiggs) Forlano and his partner Charles (Ruby) Stein, two of the biggest shylocks in the city, and also big bookmakers operating in tandem with Wekar (who had $8,000. cash in his pockets) and other top bookies. Detectives described the fourteen as the “cream of the crop” of city bookmakers.

In 1966, Wekar was one of seventeen gamblers arrested for a $30,000,000. combo policy-bookie ring headed by Capo Paul Vario, operating from Brooklyn to Long Island.

Also in 1966, one of three arrested again in an east side manhattan apt., charged with running a $10,000,000. bookie ring.

In 1967, Wekar was one of nine arrested in another gambling raid on a Long Beach, Long Island apartment in what police said was a $100,000,000. a year interstate operation headed by Gil Beckley. This ring operated through Las Vegas, New Orleans, Miami, and the throughout the Northeast region.

In 1969, he was indicted on two counts of felony bookmaking for accepting $53,000. in bets in two days from labor union boss Cosmo (Casey) Rosado.

Associates have included: Vario, Gilbert (Lee) Beckley, Salvatore (Babe) Vario, Stephen DePasquale, Sol (Pork Chop) Margolies, David Budin, Sam Jacobson, Henry Hill, Robert Cohen, Jerry Einhorn, Jack Singer - [all of the above were top gambling figures].

Activities: bookmaking (horses-sports), bookie lay-off service, police bribery.

Arrest record: bookmaking (nine times), conspiracy (twice), bribery, possession of gambling records (twice).

By the late 1980’s Wekar slowed down, relocating to South Florida. He died in 1994 in Boca Raton, at the age of 81.
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

RAYMOND MONTEMURRO - born 1937 in Manhattan. By 1962 he bought a home in Oceanside (27 Harris Drive) on Long Island.
Identified by local and federal authorities as a Lucchese “associate”, very close to Capo Paul Vario of Island Park. (Henry Hill said that Montemurro had started out with Tommy Agro’s Gambino crew).

Activities: shylocking, bookmaking, hijacking, strong-arm, armed robberies , fencing stolen goods.

Criminal associates: Paul Vario, Carlo Piccioli, Henry Hill, Peter Vario, John Savino, James Burke, Thomas DeSimone. [he had a brother named Cosmo “Monte” Montemurro who also was a mob associate].

He once owned a pizzeria in Long Beach with Lucchese associate and (future informant) Henry Hill.

Criminal record reflects twelve arrests for: assault, homicide, possession of guns, criminal usury (3 times), contempt of Nassau grand jury, criminal solicitation, bookmaking. Convicted of contempt (60 days). He was awaiting trial for shylocking when he was again arrested on shylocking and gambling charges.

In 1968, he was described by Nassau County D.A. William Cahn as an important loanshark and bookmaker working for Lucchese captain Paul Vario.

In January, 1970, Montemurro was jailed without bail after being charged with criminal solicitation for threatening a grand jury witness who had falsely testified before a previous grand jury.

Again in July, 1970, he was arrested and held in a whopping $100,000. bail and remitted to the Nassau County jail after being charged with loansharking and bookmaking in the Long Beach area.

Note: informant Henry Hill states in testimony that Montemurro allegedly helped him pull the armed robbery at “Air France” at Kennedy Airport in Queens. Montemurro was never charged with this crime.

Raymond Montemurro is currently still alive at 82 years old and still living in Oceanside, Long Island.
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

JOHN (JACK) MC CARTHY - born 1921. Resided in Great Neck (27 Arleigh Drive).
Described as an Lucchese Family “associate” and an important labor racketeer. He was a minion of top mob figures James (Jimmy Doyle) Plumeri and his nephew, the notorious (Johnny Dio) Dioguardi.

He was the former “business manager” of Local 1430 - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL-CIO).

He operated several “labor consulting” firms for many years that served as a front and conduit for his labor-extortion rackets.
Federal and local authorities say these firms arrange “sweetheart contracts” for employers.

He had three arrests on labor racketeering charges.
Mc Carthy was convicted several times of conspiracy to take labor payoffs as a union official, labor extortion and bribery.

He had a son, Glenn Mc Carthy, who also became a labor racketeer and an “associate” of both the Genovese and Lucchese Families.

No dod available!
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

THOMAS (RED) DI MAIO - born 1939 in Queens. By the mid-1970’s he resided out in Dix Hills (104 Weeks Drive) in Suffolk County.

Identified as a Lucchese Family “associate” and “key” aide to soldier Aniello (Neil) Migliore.

Allied with Migliore and Samuel Di Maggio in gambling operations, and through Migliore to Capo Joseph (Joe Narrow) Laratro.

In 1967, he was described by the Queens D.A. as an important figure in gambling operations in both Queens and Suffolk Counties.

Charged with Migliore and several others in a police bribery scheme in Queens to protect sports-betting operations in that county.

Di Maio had a record of fifteen arrests for: bookmaking (11 times),
bribery, disorderly conduct and consorting with known criminals.
He had convictions for bookmaking (9 times), disorderly conduct and bribery.... no disposition available.

Seems to have fallen off the radar. No more was heard from Di Maio after the mid-1970’s. ....... No dod available.
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by johnny_scootch »

maxiestern11 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 1:42 pm GIUSEPPE (JOE REESE) SCHIAVO - born 1910, in Italy. Resided in Canarsie, Brooklyn. In the early 1940’s he migrated out to Freeport (123 Nassau Avenue) in Nassau County, LI. By the late-1950’s he had again moved, to the Valley Stream area (75 North Corona Avenue). An original veteran (inducted) “soldier” in the old Gagliano/Lucchese Family.

He was a partner of Benjamin Sackrin, and the co-owner/operator of a garment factory (sportswear and coats) in the East New York section of Brooklyn for decades (Hendrix Coat Co., 587 Hendrix St., and 722 Livonia Ave.). He was also a partner with Lucchese in several additional dress (contractor) factories over the years.

Very close associate of Gaetano (Tommy Brown) Lucchese himself, Lucchese brother-in-law Joseph (Joe Palisades) Rosato, Paul Vario, and Bonanno capo Vincent Morsellino - who was a LI neighbor of Schiavo..... Schiavo was also a cousin (by marriage) to Alfonso (Little Al) D’Arco - who later turned informant.

Activities: garment rackets, labor racketeering, extortion, policy, shylocking.

He had five arrests on his criminal record dating back to 1940 for; disorderly conduct, conspiracy, grand larceny and attempted extortion, policy (twice), vagrancy. He had been convicted of vagrancy (90 days in jail), disorderly conduct, policy, attempted extortion (one year in jail).

Schiavo was a very low-profile mafioso aligned with the Brooklyn (Canarsie) faction of the family, serving under Capo Salvatore (Turiddo) Curiale. He was said to have later been offered a position in the hierarchy during the 1950’s but declined, instead promoting one of his protege’s Paul Vario for higher position of “capo di decina”. Schiavo was happy to “fly under the radar” and stay as a senior (and influential) soldier within the Vario regime.

In 1943, he was one of six men, another being close associate, hoodlum Solomon Massarsky, charged on 17 counts, in the operation of a fake labor union (that would throw up fake picket lines and then approach business owners for cash to remove the pickets) the “Congress of Industrial Unions” that “shook down” various photography firms in New York City. They were nabbed after receiving $1,000. in marked bills from (Wheelan Photo Studio, 370 Seventh Ave., Manhattan) toward the payment of a $15,000. extortion payment.
[Robert DeFilippo, Max Sherman, Jay Cohen and Robert Kaufman - a lawyer, were the other defendants].
By 1945, most had pled guilty or were convicted. Schiavo received one year, Massarsky - 2-1/2-3 years in the penitentiary.

In 1948, Schiavo was accosted on the street in Brooklyn by two armed bandits and robbed of a $5,500. cash payroll for his garment factory.
The bandits allegedly stated “keep quiet and hand over the coconuts”!

Note: cousin and mobster Al D’Arco later stated that he was SURE that Schiavo had “staged” the robbery to collect the business insurance, because that phrase “hand over the coconuts” was a pet phrase that Schiavo would always say in conversation....... Lol! ... typical mob guy, always scheming! 😉

In 1954, he was one of two businessmen honored by the New York civic, business and labor representatives for their economic aid and contributions to Israel - according to the “State of Israel Bonds” organization. Recipients were partners Schiavo and Sackrin.

By the early 1980’s, Schiavo was already in his mid seventies and slowing down. He died in 1987.
........The name “Schiavo” was never a household name known to the public. Who had to know in the mob knew, otherwise “Joe Reese” spent his entire life well in the shadows, and only served a one year prison term! Not bad for a high-level soldier in the thick of things all his life!

Note: [Schiavo mentored and later “proposed” Al D’Arco for induction into the family]
Good one.
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

Thanks Johnny!
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

MICHELE (MIKE) FIERMONTI - born 1897. No positive data on his place of birth. By the 1940’s he resided in Queens Village (80-23 223rd Street). He also had a summer retreat for many years in Shinnecock Hills (33 Hilltop Acres). In his later years he also resided part time in Florida.

Identified as a Lucchese Family “associate”. No specific information available as to his associates.
But suspected of being affiliated with Queens gambling czars Joseph Lucchese and Joseph Laratro.

Identified by the Queens intelligence unit as a (KG) “known gambler” who was active in Queens County. (who also booked bets in the Manhattan garment district).

By the late 1950’s, federal authorities described him as a “major” bookmaker and (interstate) gambler, very active in Queens and also operating in South Florida.

He was alleged to be a partner in a garment factory. Also owned a car-wash firm in Florida.

Criminal arrest record: bookmaking (6 times), conspiracy, assault.
Convicted five times for bookmaking (he paid fines). Never jailed!

He was a little known gambler and mob associate. Not much more was ever uncovered about his activities. By the early 1970’s, Fiermonti was in his mid-70’s.

Note: [he only known “public” exposure was being cited by the newspapers as a mob associate in 1969]
No additional info or dod is known.
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

GIOVANNI (JOE CALABRESE) LAGANO - born 1906 in NYC. aka: “Joseph Lagano”. An early resident and racketeer on the LES. By the early-1960’s he had moved out to the Port Washington area in Nassau County (62 Morewood Oaks).

A Manhattan based mafioso, Lagano was active and later a controlling figure, at least by the early 1960’s (having been elevated to Capo) on the LES for the Lucchese Family. He was one of several “Capo di decina” of varied families who “cut up” districts along downtown borders, Houston St., Broadway, Mott Street, etc.
He was also active in the mid-town “garment district” for the family.

Associates: Gaetano Lucchese, Andimo Pappadio, Anthony Grio, Aniello Dellacroce (who he shared LES jurisdiction with).

Arrests: only one arrest and conviction (1928) for the sale of heroin as a young man (served one year and a day).

Activities: garment racketeering, gambling, ....... “Joe Calabrese” - as a “overseer” of the downtown area, was virtually active in any/all rackets his minions would have been.

Legitimate garment firm interests:

Brunell, Ltd - he was the secretary-treasurer (Thomas Lucchese was vice-President).
Monica Modes, Inc. - Lagano was also secretary-treasurer (another firm in which Lucchese was vice-president).

Suspected of having “hidden interests” in several additional garment firms.

Note: [these two garment firms were among top firms owned by Lucchese. To have Lagano as a partner I think speaks to Lagano’s position with Lucchese]

In 1973 he passed away.
“Joe Calabrese” was a little known figure to the public, having kept a very low profile his entire life!
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Re: Maxie's Lucchese Profiles

Post by maxiestern11 »

PETER (PETE THE GREEK) KOURAKOS - born 1923. Resided in Manhattan, then Astoria. By 1959 he had relocated out to Jericho, LI (85 Mellow Lane).

First came to the attention of authorities starting in the late 1950’s on Long Island when Newsday ran several expose’s on various mob figures infiltrating the Island, and again during the mid and late 1960’s on their activities.
Kourakos was subpoenaed before several grand juries to testify about the mob, and one grand jury specifically probing the “non-Italian” segment of the underworld.
Identified as a Lucchese “associate” and “boss” of the “Greek Mob” based in the Astoria section of Queens.
Kourakos ran a small Greek-ethnic based gang of hoodlums but was subservient to the Lucchese Family. He was the “boss” previous to Spiros Velentzos taking over after Kourakos died. In later years Lucchese Capo Peter (Fat Pete) Chiodo - who later turned informant, was the Greek’s conduit to the Lucchese mob.

Activities: heroin sales, policy, large-scale dice games (specifically “Barbut”, a Greek game”), shylocking.

Kourakos was known to be the owner-operator of a Manhattan diner.

He had an ample arrest record starting in the early 1950’s for: policy, grand larceny, sale of heroin, possession of heroin, dice games (twice).
He was convicted for: policy, sale of heroin (four years), possession of heroin (2.5-5 years).

No dod on Kourakos but we know that by the early 1980’s Valentzos has taken over. So maybe Kourakos had died by that time.

Note: [little known fact, Kourakos had a son, Van Kourakos, who became a heroin addict. He died of an overdose during the 1980’s. (an unfortunate tragedy for the family, but what some might view as possibly “poetic justice” for Peter Kourakos, who had been a veracious “junk” dealer all his life! - a case of “the sins of the father being revisited on the son”!
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