Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

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Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by B. »

Here's a Friday headfuck for anyone who needs one.

This is one of those documents on the Mary Ferrell site I keep going back to and I know I did a long post summarizing / theorizing on some of the discussion (which I may or may not have remembered to bring over to the new board), but aside from the info itself, I'd like to try and see what we can come up in terms of the names mentioned. Many of them are phonetic diminutives, and and to make it worse Magaddino has his own weird nicknames for a lot of people, but I'd like to see what our collective knowledge and brainpower can do. ... 2&tab=page

"Paul Scia"
High-ranking Bonanno member visiting Magaddino. This is obviously Paul Sciacca.

"Bill Loffa"
This one is still a mystery. He is an elderly man with a great deal of knowledge on the history and inner workings of the Bonanno family. The FBI speculates that he may be from the West Coast or Montreal, but I have my doubts and think he is simply knowledgeable of those areas. He is definitely a Bonanno member and I personally think he is Nick Alfano.

"Luciano LaRocca" and "Meduda"
These two are said by Magaddino to have played a role, along with Magaddino, Gasparino (DiGregorio), and Angelo Caruso, in helping Joe Bonanno originally get on the Commission. I have to assume Luciano refers to Charlie Luciano but I'm not sure where the "LaRocca" comes in, or who "Meduda" would be. Sounds like "Meduda" was an important Bonanno member around the time Bonanno became boss.

"Della Morra", "Angelino", and "Stefano LoPiccolo"
Magaddino mentions that he was called out by "Della Morra" and the Commission in Chicago and that at this meeting Vincenzo Troia was represented by "Angelino", who was an "Americanized boy" popular in Chicago. Any idea who these might be? My knowledge of families outside of NY and Philly is very limited. "Stefano Lo Piccolo" is someone who Magaddino ran into on the train ride to Chicago during this time.

"Vito/Vitone Tenelivi" and son
This appears to be a Bonanno member who is said to be from Brooklyn, but heavily involved in Canada. It says that whenever this Vito is in NY, his son goes to Canada. One of them asks if the son's name is Frank, but it isn't clarified and the son is described as tall and handsome. I believe they are likely referring to Vito DeFilippo, who represented the Bonannos in Canada after Carmine Galante went to prison. DeFilippo is not from Brooklyn, but he did have a tall son (Patty) who visited Canada. Later Magaddino says he told Vitone that he used to be a capo but was no longer a capo because Joe Bonanno was no longer the boss.

"Father of Vincenzo D'Anna"
This one doesn't require interpretation, but it sounds like Vincent Danna's father may have been a member. The Danna's were from Castellammare I believe and it says that Gaspare Magaddino visited the US for Danna Sr.'s funeral 17 years before these recordings were made, where he first met a number of Bonanno members including Paul Sciacca, who was close to Vincent Danna.

"Carlo Livorzi"
Someone who Sciacca and "Loffa" ran into on their way to Niagara Falls who is apparently not popular with any of these men.

"Figure Carlo"
No idea. Almost sounds like it was someone who worked with Magaddino in Canada.

"Siena Davidde"
No clue. Is referenced along with Gaspare Messina back when he was the "boss of bosses".

"Nostalgia", "Morfemo", "Bruno", and "Mareddo (Marello)"
Sounds like they were all involved in what was going on at the upper levels around the time of the Castellammarese war. Would have to assume Mareddo/Marello is Giuseppe Morello.

"Sparamatano", "Cavaleri", and "Lamucco"
Sparamatano seems to be referenced as being involved in an early part of the Commission, but hard to say. Cavaleri is referred to as "the guilty one" from Marsala. The name makes no sense, but could be Masseria from the context. Lamucco is someone Magaddino was going to contact regarding a situation related to all of this.

"Truppo" and "DaVicchi"
They were either in New York or sent to New York regarding the Maranzano situation. No clue.

"Petroni", "Dan", and "Ciaramoto"
Two guys who met privately with Al Capone, Maranzano, and Magaddino during the Chicago meeting. "Ciaramoto" wasn't at this meeting is referenced along with Maranzano as someone who will pay if he is mistaken.

Someone, possible first name Frank, who ran into some kind of problem with the Commission that required Bonanno and/or Magaddino's help and whose life was spared (?). Magaddino says he told him that Bonanno was 400 or 500 miles from him, while Magaddino was 3000 miles away, so he should consult with Bonanno. This would indicate this guy was not on the east coast and probably somewhere near the west coast.

Mentioned in contact with Joe Profaci's son, Joe Colombo, Magliocco, and Bill Bonanno. He mentions "Salomone" taking advantage of a situation to influence "them" (possibly Profaci's son and Colombo).

"Carlo Monticchio"
Carlo Gambino, no question from the context. Why he repeatedly calls him something sounding like "Monticchio" is one of the many strange things about this transcript.

"Duollantomo Illiru"
He, along with Bonanno, seems to have given Magaddino headaches related to Canada. "Illiru" and Johnny Burns apparently visited Magaddino when they were having trouble with the Calabrese in Canada (Cotroni and co.? On a side note, it sounds like there was conflict between the Sicilians and Calabrians in Canada when Joe Bonanno tried to establish himself there, possibly related to "collecting taxes"). At the time of this recording, "Illiru" is in jail.

"Vittorio" and "Gemignani"
Vittorio might be the same as "Vito Tenelivi" but it's not clear. He is said to have come to Montreal "after Gemignani". If it is Vito DeFilippo, the context would make you believe "Gemignani" could be Carmine Galante, but later it becomes clear that Magaddino doesn't remember Galante's name. Who knows.

"Johnny's cousin Vito", his "cousin Rene", the "brother-in-law of Razzuto's brother", and "Razzuto's brother"
"Loffa" is talking about the Bonanno faction and refers to these names after mentioning Bill Bonanno and Johnny (Burns). Vito DeFilippo was part of that faction but I've never heard of him being related to Johnny Burns. No idea who "Rene" is or whose cousin he could be. The whole "Razzuto" brother/brother-in-law thing is even more confusing... there was Nino Rizzuto, a Bonanno member who I believe was a nephew of Cola Schiro, but I've never heard him mentioned as being involved in any of the family disputes.

"Vincenzo Uase" and sons
This is Vincenzo Asaro. It is an indication if nothing else about how butchered some names are on these transcripts, though.

"Peppino Bonipito"
Is mentioned by Magaddino as having attended Girolamo Asaro's funeral along with himself and Gaspare Milazzo. Refers to Bonipito as from his hometown (Castellammare). I am thinking either Giuseppe Bonventre or Giuseppe Pepitone.

"Ciccino / Ciccio"
Probably Frank Garofalo. When Joseph Asaro caused a problem in Buffalo, Magaddino told "Ciccino" in NYC who communicated it to Joe Bonanno.

"Pineddu Stafford", Magaddino's cousin "Giovannino", and "Vincenzo Borsellino"
Magaddino refers to his cousin Giovannino, apparently a Bonanno member, as a treacherous dog. Apparently Giovannino was sent to replace Gaspare DiGregorio (as capo? this seems to be back when Joe Bonanno was in power) and DiGregorio took a rifle off the wall given to him by "Vincenzo Borsellino" and sent Giovannino back to Bonanno. Magaddino seems to believe that Bonanno was trying to make him choose sides between his cousin Giovannino and his brother-in-law DiGregorio. He later talks about Giovannino telling him (Magaddino) not to trust Bonanno. My only guess can be that Giovannino is Giovanni Bonventre.

"Marco Angelo"
A Bonanno member who became close to Bill Bonanno and Johnny Burns and committed suicide sometime before this recording. Magaddino thinks he was poisoned on Joe Bonanno's orders, but Sciacca and "Loffa" tactfully disagree, as this "Marco Angelo" had personal family problems and had made suicidal comments to Sciacca on the phone right before he killed himself. Note that Sciacca simply refers to him as "Angelo". The "Marco" could just be another Magaddino-ism.

"Joe Losan / Jerosan"
Someone who apparently was close to Joe Bonanno and Johnny Burns and who was conspiring with them against Magaddino. Could be Joe Notaro?

Described by Magaddino as a "miserable wretch" and "stinking specimen" with a bald head and big nose, but he doesn't remember his name. The other men say "Little" or "Li'l" -- obviously Lilo Galante.

"Vincenzo Lato / Lastro", his son "Ammo / Nommo", "Mo", and "Schiacchettano / Mike Scherdano / Cheddano"
"Lato" was apparently rejected by the Commission for "not being good enough", possibly because of his son's reputation. Rejected for what, would be the question... an admin position? His oldest son is referred to by Magaddino and Sciacca as "Ammo", and "Loffa" clarified that "Nommo / Ammo" is just a nickname and that he is rotten. My only guess would be that his nickname might actually be Momo short for Dominic. It's not clear if "Mo" is the same person. "Schiacchettano / Mike Scherdano / Cheddano" is apparently a Neapolitan (the FBI speculates it could be "Giordano") who is close to "Vincenzo Lato", and they both are members of Joe Notaro's crew. I wonder if this "Mike" is Mike Adamo? I believe he was in Notaro's crew at one point.

"Elmo", "Giovanni Ciurnia", "Tony Adamo", and "Leo Ferrari"
"Bill Loffa" mentions having attended a meeting with these guys and the aforementioned "Mo". He also mentions this in the same context as Angelo Caruso having been part of a different borgata than "our borgata" at one point, meaning maybe Caruso was with a different family pre-1930's. Other people mentioned are Bill Bonanno, Joe Notaro, Charlie Battaglia, and a "Mickey".

Someone who was apparently a member of the Tucson crew but left for Los Angeles. Because he left, the Tucson decina was said to no longer exist. Was he the captain of that crew?

"Angelo Puro"
Someone who was sent as an ambassador by the Commission to see Bill Bonanno, but Bill apparently behaved disrespectfully.

"Toto" and "Catone"
Seemingly Gambino members who consented to Carlo Gambino being promoted to acting boss by the Commission. "Toto" is probably Toto Chiri, Anastasia's underboss, and "Catone" could be Nino Conte maybe.

Deceased caporegime who was in charge of 10 to 12 other caporegimes. Magaddino says he ordered the killing of his underboss without telling the Commission (it's not clear if that order was carried out). He seems to have been a Gambino captain, but that's not made explicitly clear. I remember first thinking this was Dellacroce a while back but clearly it's not.

"Mattia Calvo"
Matteo Valvo, obviously.

"Johnny Bollimi / Borrimi"
Mentioned in context with Johnny Burns. Could be another Magaddino-ism for him.

"Lo Ficaglio"
Someone who Magaddino heard was hiding Joe Bonanno on Long Island.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by Pogo The Clown »

"Vincenzo Lato / Lastro", his son "Ammo / Nommo", "Mo", and "Schiacchettano / Mike Scherdano / Cheddano" "Lato" was apparently rejected by the Commission for "not being good enough", possibly because of his son's reputation. Rejected for what, would be the question... an admin position? His oldest son is referred to by Magaddino and Sciacca as "Ammo", and "Loffa" clarified that "Nommo / Ammo" is just a nickname and that he is rotten. My only guess would be that his nickname might actually be Momo short for Dominic. It's not clear if "Mo" is the same person. "Schiacchettano / Mike Scherdano / Cheddano" is apparently a Neapolitan (the FBI speculates it could be "Giordano") who is close to "Vincenzo Lato", and they both are members of Joe Notaro's crew. I wonder if this "Mike" is Mike Adamo? I believe he was in Notaro's crew at one point.

Yeah. Mike Adamo was in that Crew. Another possibly is Michael “Mimi” Sabella whose father (I think father) was also a Capo Dominick “Mimi” Sabella.

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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by Pogo The Clown »

Actually scratch that about Adamo. I was confusing him with Michael “Bruno” Consolo. Adamo was with the DiGregorio Crew (at least in the early 60s).

It's a new morning in America... fresh, vital. The old cynicism is gone. We have faith in our leaders. We're optimistic as to what becomes of it all. It really boils down to our ability to accept. We don't need pessimism. There are no limits.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by B. »

Pogo The Clown wrote:
"Vincenzo Lato / Lastro", his son "Ammo / Nommo", "Mo", and "Schiacchettano / Mike Scherdano / Cheddano" "Lato" was apparently rejected by the Commission for "not being good enough", possibly because of his son's reputation. Rejected for what, would be the question... an admin position? His oldest son is referred to by Magaddino and Sciacca as "Ammo", and "Loffa" clarified that "Nommo / Ammo" is just a nickname and that he is rotten. My only guess would be that his nickname might actually be Momo short for Dominic. It's not clear if "Mo" is the same person. "Schiacchettano / Mike Scherdano / Cheddano" is apparently a Neapolitan (the FBI speculates it could be "Giordano") who is close to "Vincenzo Lato", and they both are members of Joe Notaro's crew. I wonder if this "Mike" is Mike Adamo? I believe he was in Notaro's crew at one point.

Yeah. Mike Adamo was in that Crew. Another possibly is Michael “Mimi” Sabella whose father (I think father) was also a Capo Dominick “Mimi” Sabella.

Dominick Sabella was related (probably uncle), but I believe JD told me that Mike's father was Accursio Sabella.

Sabella is definitely a possibility for what Magaddino said, though, thanks.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by B. »

So "Vincenzo Borsellino" is definitely Vincenzo Morsellino. Limey lists his nickname as "Adamo", which may be where his son's nickname "Ammo" comes into play.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by B. »

Also guessing "Marco Angelo" is Michael Angelina, aka "Mike Angelo". His date of death would correspond to the story, but can anyone confirm he committed suicide?
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by B. »

JD wrote:There were two sets of Bonanno Family Sabellas, you had Dominick 'Mimi' Sabella and his relatives from CDG and Michael Sabella from Sciacca, Agrigento. Maybe the 'Mike Cherdano' is them saying 'Mike Sciaccatano'. [Edit to add they were saying this Mike Cherdano was under Notaro so that wouldn't fit]. Philip Rastelli was referred to as 'Mike' by the Canadian guys so there's another possibility.

Mo could be Angelo Presenzano.
Interesting, so Mike Sabella's family wasn't from CDG, never would have known. Magaddino does initially refer to him as "Schiacchettano".

I bet you're right about Mo being Presenzano. He's generally referred to as Mo or Moey in info I've seen.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by B. »

B. wrote:So "Vincenzo Borsellino" is definitely Vincenzo Morsellino. Limey lists his nickname as "Adamo", which may be where his son's nickname "Ammo" comes into play.
Whoops, confused Morsellino with Vincenzo "Lato / Lastro", whose son was nicknamed Ammo. Nevermind... confusing.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by B. »

"Tony Adamo" would be Antonio Adamo. Limey has him as Mike Adamo's brother.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by HairyKnuckles »

Yeah, I remember this document being discussed on the old forum. But the transcript is extremely hard to "decipher" for the reasons mentioned above. A lot of unfamiliar names/nicknames and events chaneled through Magaddino´s eyes and views which not always coincides with what we know (or what we think we know). Thanks B for trying to sort all this out because it is an extremely interesting document.

""Della Morra", "Angelino", and "Stefano LoPiccolo"
Magaddino mentions that he was called out by "Della Morra" and the Commission in Chicago and that at this meeting Vincenzo Troia was represented by "Angelino", who was an "Americanized boy" popular in Chicago. Any idea who these might be? My knowledge of families outside of NY and Philly is very limited. "Stefano Lo Piccolo" is someone who Magaddino ran into on the train ride to Chicago during this time.

- If memory serves, LoPiccolo was mentioned by Nick Gentile as a high ranking member of the Gambino Family. I believe he passed sometime in the early 1940s.

""Toto" and "Catone"
Seemingly Gambino members who consented to Carlo Gambino being promoted to acting boss by the Commission. "Toto" is probably Toto Chiri, Anastasia's underboss, and "Catone" could be Nino Conte maybe."

- Could very well be those two. Another possibility for "Catone" could be William Cottone, a soldier under Dellacroce. But I don´t think he was that high up to have an opinion on Gambino being promoted to acting boss. (I could be wrong though.)

Deceased caporegime who was in charge of 10 to 12 other caporegimes. Magaddino says he ordered the killing of his underboss without telling the Commission (it's not clear if that order was carried out). He seems to have been a Gambino captain, but that's not made explicitly clear. I remember first thinking this was Dellacroce a while back but clearly it's not."

- We discussed this name, I remember. You kinda convinced me that "Dannarao" is Dellacroce. But considering that "Dannarao" was deceased when this recording was made (something I overlooked), "Dannarao" must be a reference to either Johnny Roberts or Tommy Rava (I think).

I still think that Scia and Loffa were part of two different Families. This comes through later in the document when they name the number of made guys in their respective Families. Scia could very well be Sciacca but my gut feeling tells me that Loffa could have been a Detroit member, or a member of any of the Families based in Ohio/Pennsylvania/NJ. I think it was Loffa who said that his Family had two members based in NY. (NY City or the state of NY, I don´t know.)

A true Friday headfuck for sure! Lol!
There you have it, never printed before.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by rayray »

"Johnny's cousin Vito", his "cousin Rene", the "brother-in-law of Razzuto's brother", and "Razzuto's brother"
"Loffa" is talking about the Bonanno faction and refers to these names after mentioning Bill Bonanno and Johnny (Burns). Vito DeFilippo was part of that faction but I've never heard of him being related to Johnny Burns. No idea who "Rene" is or whose cousin he could be. The whole "Razzuto" brother/brother-in-law thing is even more confusing... there was Nino Rizzuto, a Bonanno member who I believe was a nephew of Cola Schiro, but I've never heard him mentioned as being involved in any of the family disputes.

Could this "Rene" be Paolo Renda? Vito Rizzuto's brother-n-law?
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by Antiliar »

B. wrote:"Della Morra", "Angelino", and "Stefano LoPiccolo"
Magaddino mentions that he was called out by "Della Morra" and the Commission in Chicago and that at this meeting Vincenzo Troia was represented by "Angelino", who was an "Americanized boy" popular in Chicago. Any idea who these might be? My knowledge of families outside of NY and Philly is very limited. "Stefano Lo Piccolo" is someone who Magaddino ran into on the train ride to Chicago during this time.
Della Morra may not be a personal name but could he was called out "by the Morra." Could refer to the period before the Capone boys were brought in to the Mafia, or possibly they retained that distinction even after they merged in 1931. Angelino may not have been a Chicago guy, but just someone who was popular among the Chicagoans. We don't even know if he means among Aiello's faction or Capone's. Lo Piccolo was a guy who Maranzano stayed with, so I thought he was a Bonanno guy. Think he died in the 1930s.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by toto »

Maybe Lasaglie could be La Sala. There was an LA family guy - don't know if he was associate or member called Frank La Sala.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by B. »

HairyKnuckles wrote:Yeah, I remember this document being discussed on the old forum. But the transcript is extremely hard to "decipher" for the reasons mentioned above. A lot of unfamiliar names/nicknames and events chaneled through Magaddino´s eyes and views which not always coincides with what we know (or what we think we know). Thanks B for trying to sort all this out because it is an extremely interesting document.

""Della Morra", "Angelino", and "Stefano LoPiccolo"
Magaddino mentions that he was called out by "Della Morra" and the Commission in Chicago and that at this meeting Vincenzo Troia was represented by "Angelino", who was an "Americanized boy" popular in Chicago. Any idea who these might be? My knowledge of families outside of NY and Philly is very limited. "Stefano Lo Piccolo" is someone who Magaddino ran into on the train ride to Chicago during this time.

- If memory serves, LoPiccolo was mentioned by Nick Gentile as a high ranking member of the Gambino Family. I believe he passed sometime in the early 1940s.

""Toto" and "Catone"
Seemingly Gambino members who consented to Carlo Gambino being promoted to acting boss by the Commission. "Toto" is probably Toto Chiri, Anastasia's underboss, and "Catone" could be Nino Conte maybe."

- Could very well be those two. Another possibility for "Catone" could be William Cottone, a soldier under Dellacroce. But I don´t think he was that high up to have an opinion on Gambino being promoted to acting boss. (I could be wrong though.)

Deceased caporegime who was in charge of 10 to 12 other caporegimes. Magaddino says he ordered the killing of his underboss without telling the Commission (it's not clear if that order was carried out). He seems to have been a Gambino captain, but that's not made explicitly clear. I remember first thinking this was Dellacroce a while back but clearly it's not."

- We discussed this name, I remember. You kinda convinced me that "Dannarao" is Dellacroce. But considering that "Dannarao" was deceased when this recording was made (something I overlooked), "Dannarao" must be a reference to either Johnny Roberts or Tommy Rava (I think).

I still think that Scia and Loffa were part of two different Families. This comes through later in the document when they name the number of made guys in their respective Families. Scia could very well be Sciacca but my gut feeling tells me that Loffa could have been a Detroit member, or a member of any of the Families based in Ohio/Pennsylvania/NJ. I think it was Loffa who said that his Family had two members based in NY. (NY City or the state of NY, I don´t know.)

A true Friday headfuck for sure! Lol!
I'd be willing to bet the farm at this point that "Loffa" is a Bonanno, based on a lot of the comments he makes and the way Magaddino references the Bonanno family to both Sciacca and "Loffa". I agree the different numbers they give is confusing, but if you look at the way it is communicated, first "Loffa" says they have a hundred, then says"more than a hundred" men. Sciacca then follows up, probably clarifying, that it's around 180.

I believe it is Sciacca who says "plus the two in New York", but it dawned on me reading it this time that they probably misheard him say "plus the two in Newark". The Bonannos had only two Newark members at that point in time I believe.

As for the Gambino info, I also overlooked the deceased part when we talked about it last time. I would guess he is more likely talking about Rava, but not sure. Do you know who the underboss is who he (or whoever "Dannarao" is) would have put a contract on? I would think Scalise, but that was when Anastasia was still alive.

Anyway, thanks everyone for offering info and ideas about this... we've chipped away at it a little bit at least.
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Re: Revisiting the Magaddino transcript - names

Post by HairyKnuckles »

Here is the passage where "Dannarao" is mentioned. He is mentioned by Magaddino in practically same sentence as Gambino and how he was made boss. However, it´s possible that Magaddino is bringing up this "Dannarao" as an example of another boss (entirely different Family, and different situation).

"You have to remember that Dannarao (phonetic uncertain) when he as alive was in charge of 10 or 12 "capidecina." He ordered the killing of his underboss without telling us. I told him: What is your law? The law of the jungle? Just because you are in charge of 10 or 12 "capidecina," do you think that they are answerable along with you? You are a "capodecina" like them. You answer for yourself and so do they. They answer one by one. Not for you. I told him that in front of everybody. I said: You claim a violation of the law. But what is that which you are doing?"

If it is a reference to the situation in the Gambino Family at the time of Gambino´s elevation, I´d say this "Dannarao" is Johnny Roberts and that his underboss (meaning the "right hand man", within the faction of 10-12 captains) is Tommy Rava.

And here is the passage where the number of made guys are discussed.

"SM how many are there in the "borgata"?
BILL Something like 100 or over 100
SM How many?
BILL Over 100
SM More than a hundred Huh!! And you Scia?
PAUL 180
SM Over 180 is that how many you are? Huh!
PAUL Now perhaps between 170 and 180
SM Those whom you know
PAUL Plus the two in New York"

And I think you´re possibly right about "New York". It could be actually a reference to Newark.
There you have it, never printed before.
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