Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

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Re: RE: Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by scagghiuni »

Lupara wrote: Sun Jan 06, 2019 4:24 pm The general concensus is that Nick Jr's murder was orchestrated by Tony Magi and Joseph Ducarme. The latter was hired by Magi as protection and to kill Nick, Jr. The Rizzutos had been squeezing money out of Magi's construction projects for years. They were basically extorting him.
i doubt magi orchestrated it on his own, probably montagna told him to do it
anyway at first the rizzuto's probably didn't understand who was behind it
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Re: RE: Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by dixiemafia »

Lupara wrote: Sun Jan 06, 2019 4:24 pmThe general concensus is that Nick Jr's murder was orchestrated by Tony Magi and Joseph Ducarme. The latter was hired by Magi as protection and to kill Nick, Jr. The Rizzutos had been squeezing money out of Magi's construction projects for years. They were basically extorting him.
Agreed. Magi still rolls around with armed security and bullet proof vehicles (supposedly) and I would imagine he is still on the famous "Vito Rizzuto Hit List" that he was rumored to have before he died of people he wanted killed which seems to be true with Leonardo Rizzuto/Stefano Sollecito & Mom Boucher got in trouble with planning Desjardins murder not too long ago. The Rizzuto's were basically extorting everyone in the construction department in Montreal, or at least the heavy builders like Magi, etc.
If I didn't have my case coming up, I would like to come back with you gentlemen when this is over with and really lay the law down what is going on in this country.....
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Re: RE: Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by Lupara »

antimafia wrote:
SonnyBlackstein wrote: Sun Jan 06, 2019 11:12 pm This is direct contradiction to Bonnano acting Capo Dominick Cicale's testimony.
Cicale testified at several racketeering trials. In none of them did he testify about anything regarding Montreal.

The book that Ed Scarpo wrote with him does not contain or discuss any of Cicale's trial testimony.

I'll post some other excerpts from the book regarding the murder of Lo Presti and about Montreal's supposed cessation of tribute per what Vito Rizzuto and Sal Vitale told investigators. What is becoming more and more apparent to me after reading Renaud's latest book is that, when Sal Vitale, Joe Massino, and Vito Rizzuto were being questioned by investigators at various times over the years, the mobsters were not always truthful -- they intentionally lied about certain subjects for a number of reasons that are at least easy to guess at. Vitale and Rizzuto corroborate each other regarding the flow of tribute stopping as a result of Sciascia's murder, but the book reveals -- in my mind and in the minds of other readers as well -- that Vitale, after first providing the dominant, accepted account about Sciascia having killed or having arranged to kill Lo Presti, years later told investigators a different account. Hard to tell who is telling the truth about certain subjects.
Interesting as it more or less confirms the Rizzutos indeed went rogue.

But Cicale also stated that Montagna was acting as a messanger between New York and Montreal in the years that followed, which was corroborated by Renaud himself, so ties weren't severed entirely. So it is hard to believe who here is telling the truth.

Also bear in mind that Rizzuto had read The Sixth Family and likely all other reports about his "family" and relation (or no relation) with the Bonannos so he could have just told them what he thought they wanted to hear. In this case Sonny's argument stands, why would Rizzuto divulge sensative information and basically break Omertà? You have to consider his POV, what did he have to gain by doing so?

And the irony is that this information does strive with information earlier on in the same book, about the meetings with Vitale, when the Montreal mobsters expected a new successor to Sciascia being named until it apparantly became the elder Rizzuto.

The most likely scenario is that the Rizzutos started to act as their own family with the Bonannos, having their own problems in New York and not being able to do much about it at that time, accepting it for the time being.
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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by Lupara »

scagghiuni wrote:
Lupara wrote: Sun Jan 06, 2019 4:24 pm The general concensus is that Nick Jr's murder was orchestrated by Tony Magi and Joseph Ducarme. The latter was hired by Magi as protection and to kill Nick, Jr. The Rizzutos had been squeezing money out of Magi's construction projects for years. They were basically extorting him.
i doubt magi orchestrated it on his own, probably montagna told him to do it
anyway at first the rizzuto's probably didn't understand who was behind it
I've thought about that possibility too which is why I wrote that Magi may have known what was going to happen.
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Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto


CabriniGreen wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 2:55 am Like I KNOW, you have seen this??

Opium base is still used used by legitimate pharma/medical industry in a huge way. Pain pills, morphine, etc.
It is big business world wide. Massive quantities are quietly imported with the permission
of governments. The illegal amounts that are imported pale in comparison to the legal
shipments. Even though taxes are avoided, in some instances the governments still give their tacit approval for the
illegal shipments-they make back room deals for the taxes to be paid under the table to fund
off the books programs. e.g Cocaine, Barry Seal's Mena, Ark operation> Freeway Ricky Ross> Iran,Contra.

I worked at Coke for 10 years (i was executive level). They are the largest importers/consumers of coca leaf in the world.
It is still used in the formula. Tractor trailer loads are regularly brought into the main campus here in ATL.
When the Harrison Narcotics Act was passed in 1915, it did not outlaw the use or importation of opium,
it made it law that taxes were to be paid on the opium shipments. It's all about the $. What George Bush
says on camera to the Pres. of Venezuela is probably not the same he spoke about in their closed door meetings.
Those press events are for main stream consumption. Aside from people like us on these forums, most people
don't know, want to know or care about the reality. Call me a tin-foil hat man if you must. Cool with me.
'three can keep a secret, if two are dead'
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Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by antimafia »

antimafia wrote: Fri Dec 21, 2018 11:51 pm
B. wrote: Fri Dec 21, 2018 10:17 pm[snip]

- Who is Montagna's friend, the New York mafioso married to Vito Rizzuto's niece? Would this be his wife's niece or a daughter of Paolo Renda?


- Desjardins' issues with Rizzuto look to have gone much further back than simply the sudden opportunity to help Montagna take over, so that info on him is important. "Joe Bravo" Fernandez's comments in Sicily about Rizzuto inducting him (Bravo) and his "compare" Desjardins are still so strange to me. In either case -- that a Cosa Nostra member with deep Sicilian mafia roots would induct two non-Italians, or that a non-Italian would be stupid enough to lie about being inducted into the mafia while in Sicily of all places -- it doesn't make sense.

- Interesting that LE apparently believes the Rizzuto faction tried to kill Desjardins, not Montagna. It's said that Desjardins' associate who met with Montagna believed Montagna wasn't responsible either. If that's true, it seems Desjardins' mistaken assumption was a great stroke of luck for the Rizzuto faction. That's assuming that the original Rizzuto group wasn't fractured with some supporting Montagna and others not.
Rizzuto had only one niece and nephew: Domenica and Calogero (Charlie), the daughter and son of Vito’s sister (Maria) and Paolo Renda. Rizzuto’s wife has no siblings.

I think there is a lack of confirmation about Domenica’s married name. The Mafia inc. book states that her husband is Antonio Cammisano (in 2006 he was working at the Loreto funeral home, along with a Tony Di Maulo), but Montreal-based reporter Paul Cherry stated in some articles that her married name is Domenica Manno.

In Cellule 8002 vs mafia, as well as in Renaud’s newest book, Renaud mentions that Montagna was very close to a nephew of Rizzuto—Renaud also mentioned this in one or two articles—but I’m convinced Renaud meant to write that Montagna was close to Joe Renda, who was Sciascia’s nephew.

I see no basis for Montagna having support for his takeover plans from either Paolo Renda’s son-in-law or son.
B. wrote: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:25 am Thank you for the added info, Antimafia. It does sound like there was confusion or a mistranslation over the "New York mafioso married to Rizzuto's niece." Joe Renda would make sense given that you've said he may have been established as a mafia member in New York, was a Montagna supporter, and a relative of the Cattolica Eraclea group.
I am now fairly certain that Manno is the "married name" of Vito Rizzuto's niece, Domenica, the daughter of Paolo Renda.

Domenica Renda was referred to as "Domenica Manno" in a number of articles besides the above-mentioned one by Paul Cherry; the more definitive proof of her husband's surname (Manno) will be found at the French-language legal decision to which I've linked below, where Domenica Renda is also referred to as "Domenica Manno."

http://citoyens.soquij.qc.ca/php/decisi ... Z2vyaW7e_g

Incidentally, one reason there can be difficulty finding the "married name" of a woman in Quebec has to do with a law in that province that requires a married woman keep her maiden name and to be identified as such, more or less, in numerous contexts. My reason for this aside is that, apart from the confusion in keeping track of members of the Manno-Rizzuto-Renda-Cammalleri family clan because of intermarriage, the aforementioned law makes the task of genealogy even more difficult. Domenica Renda is also the married name of Paolo Renda's mother; so Paolo's daughter is easily confused with the grandmother (and I suspect that Paolo, who had two brothers among four siblings, probably had one or two nieces named Domenica Renda). The grandmother went by "Domenica Manno" before she married Paolo's father, Calogero, thus making it also easy to confuse her with Paolo's daughter.

Renaud' stated in both his 2016 and 2018 books, as well as perhaps one or two newspaper articles from 2016, that Montagna was close to a New York mafioso who is married to a niece of Vito Rizzuto; however, only in the latter book that we are currently discussing does Renaud state that the information about this relationship is revealed in FBI documents (la police fédérale américaine is interchangeable with "FBI"). While I am certain that Renaud has repeated what I consider a mistake initially made by the FBI, I am now curious as to whether the FBI was thinking of someone other than Giuseppe "Joe" Renda, as mistakes made by law-enforcement agencies can have posters like us second-guessing our research and possibly leading us down the garden path.

In Quebec, there are Arcuris, Sciascias, and Rendas (I think only those Rendas related to Gerlando by marriage) who have or had relatives in New York, many of whom moved from New York to Quebec. Additionally, there are Piazzas in Quebec who also have relatives in New York -- for example, the wife of Gerlando Sciascia's brother in Quebec, Pasquale, is related to Giuseppe Piazza in New York state (I've never been able to figure out where in the state). I'm at a loss as to which New York mobster Montagna could have been close to when the both of them were living and operating in Quebec. Lorenzo Lo Presti (Joe's son) allied himself with Montagna -- and Lorenzo was the nephew of Domenico Manno (Vito Rizzuto's uncle) -- but, of course, Lorenzo was not New York based.
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Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by dixiemafia »

Man good luck on guessing the lineage of this group lol

I agree Lupara, I think Magi threw enough money out there that it jump started Nick Jr.'s death but I don't think he planned it. He more than likely knew some out there were unhappy and he facilitated a goal so to speak for them to make their move.
If I didn't have my case coming up, I would like to come back with you gentlemen when this is over with and really lay the law down what is going on in this country.....
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Re: RE: Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by Lupara »

antimafia wrote:I'm at a loss as to which New York mobster Montagna could have been close to when the both of them were living and operating in Quebec. Lorenzo Lo Presti (Joe's son) allied himself with Montagna -- and Lorenzo was the nephew of Domenico Manno (Vito Rizzuto's uncle) -- but, of course, Lorenzo was not New York based.
So Domenico Manno was both the uncle of Vito Rizzuto and Lorenzo LoPresti? Did his father Joe marry a daughter of Manno?
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Re: RE: Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by Lupara »

dixiemafia wrote:Man good luck on guessing the lineage of this group lol

I agree Lupara, I think Magi threw enough money out there that it jump started Nick Jr.'s death but I don't think he planned it. He more than likely knew some out there were unhappy and he facilitated a goal so to speak for them to make their move.
I think you misinterpret what I wrote. [emoji2]
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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by Lupara »

antimafia wrote:
Lupara wrote: Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:37 am
antimafia wrote:I'm at a loss as to which New York mobster Montagna could have been close to when the both of them were living and operating in Quebec. Lorenzo Lo Presti (Joe's son) allied himself with Montagna -- and Lorenzo was the nephew of Domenico Manno (Vito Rizzuto's uncle) -- but, of course, Lorenzo was not New York based.
So Domenico Manno was both the uncle of Vito Rizzuto and Lorenzo LoPresti? Did his father Joe marry a daughter of Manno?
Yes, Domenico Manno was both Vito's uncle and Lorenzo's uncle. Joe Lo Presti married the sister of Manno's wife -- respectively, these Lumia sisters are Rosa and Carmela. However, as far as I know, Vito and Joe were not related despite sharing the same uncle.
Interesting. Are these details shared in The Sixth Family? It's been like seven years since I read it. It's a tragedy what happened between the LoPrestis and Rizzutos, considering how close both families were.

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Re: RE: Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by antimafia »

Lupara wrote: Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:37 am
antimafia wrote:I'm at a loss as to which New York mobster Montagna could have been close to when the both of them were living and operating in Quebec. Lorenzo Lo Presti (Joe's son) allied himself with Montagna -- and Lorenzo was the nephew of Domenico Manno (Vito Rizzuto's uncle) -- but, of course, Lorenzo was not New York based.
So Domenico Manno was both the uncle of Vito Rizzuto and Lorenzo LoPresti? Did his father Joe marry a daughter of Manno?
Edit: I deleted my original reply post in order to correct an error and add more details; however, Lupara replied soon after. See my modified reply post immediately below.

Yes, Domenico Manno was both Vito's uncle and Lorenzo's uncle. Joe Lo Presti married the sister of Manno's wife -- respectively, these Lumia sisters are Rosa and Carmela. However, as far as I know, Vito and Joe were not related -- I have not yet come across examples of intermarriage between Rizzutos and Lo Prestis, between Rizzutos and Lumias, or between Rizzutos and Stabiles ("Stabile" is the maiden name of Joe Lo Presti's mother). Similarly, as far as I know, Vito and Lorenzo were not related despite sharing the same uncle.

Below is a post of Lupara's that might have gotten deleted as a result of my attempt to delete my original reply post.
Lupara wrote: Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:13 amInteresting. Are these details shared in The Sixth Family? It's been like seven years since I read it. It's a tragedy what happened between the LoPrestis and Rizzutos, considering how close both families were.
The details about the Lumia sisters respectively being married to Joe Lo Presti and Domenico Manno will be found in the "MANNO FAMILY" tree at the beginning of Mafia inc. The 2014 edition of The Sixth Family does not contain these details, but let me check the 2006 and 2008 editions -- if I don't reply, this means the details aren't in the earlier editions either.
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Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by antimafia »

antimafia wrote: Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:13 amI am now fairly certain that Manno is the "married name" of Vito Rizzuto's niece, Domenica, the daughter of Paolo Renda.
And now I am not certain of anything.

The Quebec business-registry listings for the clan-owned Loreto funeral home have shown different shareholders-directors over the years. At one time, the primary shareholders were the children of Paolo and Maria Renda -- Charlie and Domenica -- and Nick Rizzuto Jr.'s wife (Eleonora Ragusa, daughter of Emanuele). One such listing shows Domenica Renda and Eleonora Ragusa living at addresses that are obviously in proximity to each other. By searching on the street name, I discovered that a B. Rizzuto (possibly Vito Rizzuto's daughter, Bettina) lives close to the other two houses. Google Maps visually reveals that all three houses are next to each other.

When I did a search on "Antonino Cammisano," the person that the Mafia inc. book states is the husband of Domenica, I discovered in an older corporate filing, one that is not in the Quebec business registry, that he was at one time listed as a primary shareholder of the funeral home (which makes sense because he was employed there). The kicker is that his home address, as shown on the corporate filing, is the same as the one for Domenica Renda. I found other corporate filings that show Cammisano in business with an individual in the Greater Toronto area, and again the filings show the same address as for Domenica.

Please bear in mind that home addresses shown in corporate filings reflect the addresses at the time of filing and, therefore, may not be current addresses for shareholders-directors.

Because various newspaper articles and the legal decision I previously linked to show "Manno" as Domenica's "married name," I am wondering whether the confusion could be a result of Domenica's having sought a divorce and then remarrying -- insofar as this is all true, my guess would be that she was previously married to Cammisano before marrying a man with the surname Manno.
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Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by CabriniGreen »

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Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by dixiemafia »

This shit is like trying to find an answer to a Chinese riddle
If I didn't have my case coming up, I would like to come back with you gentlemen when this is over with and really lay the law down what is going on in this country.....
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Re: Daniel Renaud's 2018 book on Vito Rizzuto

Post by antimafia »

dixiemafia wrote: Thu Jan 10, 2019 5:45 am This shit is like trying to find an answer to a Chinese riddle
It is, but this is what drives a good number of us to finally get to the truth. We love the thrill of the chase.

If Paolo Renda's daughter is divorced from Cammisano, then Cammisano could be, per the FBI, the person with whom Montagna was very close. Was a messy divorce between Cammisano and Domenica Renda one reason that Cammisano defected from the Rizzuto clan and helped Montagna? If Cammisano is the New York–born mobster, then perhaps he knew Montagna before ever getting married to Paolo's daughter?
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