Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by Angelo Santino »

Wiseguy wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:23 am
Chris Christie wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:19 amIt has been established. By the FBI who have an indictment and are investigating the Buffalo Family. These are your rules I'm quoting, broheim. To argue that this is all circumstantial is quite a Dan-like argument to make.
How many times do I (or others) have to repeat that we've seen several examples of residual mob activity (cases, new members inducted, etc.) after a family is defunct? How...many...times? Other than perhaps the media hype around it, how has Buffalo proven to be any different? People in this thread have incorrectly stated that "nothing was happening up until 2014" or whenever in an effort to show a contrast between then and now. That's not entirely correct. As in other places, we still saw minor, ad-hoc residual activity in Buffalo. Much of it, as the FBI stated, "loosely connected individuals committing Mafia-style crimes." I have a list going back to 2000. When we honestly consider this, there simply being an investigation or even an indictment no more automatically establishes what you guys or the media are alleging - the existence of a reestablished formally structured, active LCN family in Buffalo - than similar investigations and even indictments have elsewhere. This is not me "not debating in good faith" or trying to move the goal posts in a vain effort to save my ego. It's what I've been saying from the start.

While I didn't agree it amounted to what some allege, at least with Violi we could establish a real connection to the Buffalo LCN. What we've seen so far in the cases revolving around Bongiovanni is the very definition of circumstantial. For those who need a reminder, circumstantial evidence "relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact." People see two of Todaro's nephews and a few other associates busted as part of an investigation into "Italian Organized Crime" in Western New York, and infer this must mean their and the media's theories of a resurgent, reorganized Buffalo LCN family must be true.

I'm happy to let the prosecution make their case. Don't forget, 99.9% of the time, I'm right there with the prosecution. But it's a high bar if they want to take this to the next level. It's going to take more than vague references to "Italian Organized Crime" in Western New York. For example, we know the Geraces are Todaro's nephews. But is their blood relation to him the extent of the connection to the Buffalo LCN or is there more? Show evidence they (and the others identified as "associates") were conducting their crimes sponsored by, and in behalf of, a larger criminal enterprise. Not simply criminals, with some loose connection to the LCN, committing their own crimes.

Some people here, perhaps in a desire to prematurely claim a victory of sorts, seem all to happy to rush into believing the media hype surrounding this. And, in the long run, it's going to bite them in the ass.
You're arguing against the Feds at this point.
https://buffalonews.com/news/local/crim ... df23c.html
Wiseguy wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 9:23 am
Chris Christie wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:46 am There's no Mafia quota for crime, no prerequisite that they have to leave bodies in the street. Granted it's usually a byproduct of their operations but not always. Chances are Buffalo was never dead. Made members thrive on connections and congregation. We on the board that looked at Todaro's businesses and concluded he "wouldn't want the headache" fail to recognize the Mafia as a subculture and not just an organization made popular by Godfather and the Sopranos. These aren't so much Crime Families as they are Families willing to resort to Crime. What's the difference? Unlike other OC groups that specialize and are joined together for a criminal endeavor, Sicilians have a 200-year old Tradition or confraternity that they are carrying on that involves kinship, intermarriages and hometown origins. This is so much more than just a gang or a highly organized criminal outfit that hierarchies and "criminal viability" misses the whole point.
We've discussed this before. In a purely theoretical, academic sense, you may be correct. But in more practical, real world terms - especially for the points argued here - the connection between ongoing crimes and a viable Mafia family is undeniable.
Yes we have, and you consider the modus operandi of the mafia and its own members to be an academic argument while you regard your viability argument to be practical and real world when it fails to explain Cleveland or D'Elia and why both NY and Philadelphia recognized the latter as a Boss.

Both of our theories have its limitations and exceptions. For instance, Pueblo and San Francisco didn't carry on the "Tradition" that I speak of which fits your viability argument. On the flipside, D'Elia and Cleveland as single-member Bosses recognized by the national Mafia doesn't fit yours. If NY and Philly said, "Sorry Big Bill, but you have no members, we're not gonna call you a boss and we'd like you to leave. And stop calling yourself amico nos" that would be one thing, but that never happened. I'm willing admit my 'theory' has its limitations, why can't you admit the same about yours?
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by Wiseguy »

Chris Christie wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:16 pmYou're arguing against the Feds at this point.
https://buffalonews.com/news/local/crim ... df23c.html
Now who's not debating in good faith?

This does not prove what some people here are claiming and you know it.
Chris Christie wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:46 amYes we have, and you consider the modus operandi of the mafia and its own members to be an academic argument while you regard your viability argument to be practical and real world when it fails to explain Cleveland or D'Elia and why both NY and Philadelphia recognized the latter as a Boss.

Both of our theories have its limitations and exceptions. For instance, Pueblo and San Francisco didn't carry on the "Tradition" that I speak of which fits your viability argument. On the flipside, D'Elia and Cleveland as single-member Bosses recognized by the national Mafia doesn't fit yours. If NY and Philly said, "Sorry Big Bill, but you have no members, we're not gonna call you a boss and we'd like you to leave. And stop calling yourself amico nos" that would be one thing, but that never happened. I'm willing admit my 'theory' has its limitations, why can't you admit the same about yours?
None of us are in the Mafia, are we? We're outsiders looking in. I understand the argument that it should only matter who the mob themselves recognizes but their formal recognition, based on LCN protocol, doesn't necessarily reflect the state of a given family.

And that is what is really at the heart of these arguments, whether it be Buffalo, Detroit or whatever. The state of the family. Sure, we can say that other families recognized D'Elia. Doesn't change the fact that he was just about the last living member.

New York may have given it's OK for Violi to be made underboss. Doesn't mean that family has nearly tripled in size, reactivated, reorganized, and come back into existence.
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by Angelo Santino »

I never said you weren't debating in good faith, that was others. But my point still stands- the FBI is investigating the Buffalo Mafia as an entity and not in theoretical terms.

No, but I've spoken to several former members, one of whom is a 5th generation member about this very subject. Additionally, one does not need to be in the mafia to observe their behavior over the course of two centuries to make connections unless one disregards all these ongoing connections, links and intermarriages as pure coincidence.

Ok, so you admit NY gave the ok for Violi to become underboss. That's NY recognizing them as an entity. So what's the argument still about?

No one said the group tripled in size. Who said that on here? (Please don't list the 30, that came from wiretaps, not this board.)
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by Moscone65 »

@wiseguy, if you give it up now, I think people will have more respect for you if you admit you were wrong
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by Wiseguy »

Chris Christie wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:42 pm I never said you weren't debating in good faith, that was others. But my point still stands- the FBI is investigating the Buffalo Mafia as an entity and not in theoretical terms.

No, but I've spoken to several former members, one of whom is a 5th generation member about this very subject. Additionally, one does not need to be in the mafia to observe their behavior over the course of two centuries to make connections unless one disregards all these ongoing connections, links and intermarriages as pure coincidence.

Ok, so you admit NY gave the ok for Violi to become underboss. That's NY recognizing them as an entity. So what's the argument still about?

No one said the group tripled in size. Who said that on here? (Please don't list the 30, that came from wiretaps, not this board.)
Didn't I just explain this above? New York can follow LCN protocol and give formal acknowledgement or consent to whoever is left in Buffalo to make Violi underboss. I never said otherwise. But that formal recognition isn't necessarily reflective of the actual state of things. As we've both said, D'Elia received formal recognition and he was one guy.

And anyone who claims the Buffalo family now has 30+ members is essentially claiming it has nearly tripled in size from the dozen known members to at least 32, i.e. Todaro, Violi and the "30 guys" he beat out for the underboss position.

Or they are at least saying that, from the time the FBI had the family at 23 members in 2006, Buffalo has secretly made about 20 new members to not only make up for those who have died but go back up to over 30.

Either way, it's ridiculous. Or extremely unlikely. And before people say, "But...but...Violi said so," examples have already been given where members have cited inflated numbers. So this rush to take what Violi said at face value, at the expense of all the other evidence, is disingenuous. Or at least hints at an non-objective approach looking for a specific outcome. In short, wishful thinking.
Moscone65 wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:45 pm @wiseguy, if you give it up now, I think people will have more respect for you if you admit you were wrong
This isn't about respect. At least not for me. It's about the facts. Time will show this idea of a reorganized/reactivated Buffalo mob simply isn't true. And I fully expect you to be one of those who will just sneak out the side door when it does.
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by Angelo Santino »

Wiseguy wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:53 pm
Chris Christie wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:42 pm I never said you weren't debating in good faith, that was others. But my point still stands- the FBI is investigating the Buffalo Mafia as an entity and not in theoretical terms.

No, but I've spoken to several former members, one of whom is a 5th generation member about this very subject. Additionally, one does not need to be in the mafia to observe their behavior over the course of two centuries to make connections unless one disregards all these ongoing connections, links and intermarriages as pure coincidence.

Ok, so you admit NY gave the ok for Violi to become underboss. That's NY recognizing them as an entity. So what's the argument still about?

No one said the group tripled in size. Who said that on here? (Please don't list the 30, that came from wiretaps, not this board.)
Didn't I just explain this above? New York can follow LCN protocol and give formal acknowledgement or consent to whoever is left in Buffalo to make Violi underboss. I never said otherwise. But that formal recognition isn't necessarily reflective of the actual state of things. As we've both said, D'Elia received formal recognition and he was one guy.

And anyone who claims the Buffalo family now has 30+ members is essentially claiming it has nearly tripled in size from the dozen known members to at least 32, i.e. Todaro, Violi and the "30 guys" he beat out for the underboss position.

Or they are at least saying that, from the time the FBI had the family at 23 members in 2006, Buffalo has secretly made about 20 new members to not only make up for those who have died but go back up to over 30.

Either way, it's ridiculous. Or extremely unlikely. And before people say, "But...but...Violi said so," examples have already been given where members have cited inflated numbers. So this rush to take what Violi said at face value, at the expense of all the other evidence, is disingenuous. Or at least hints at an non-objective approach looking for a specific outcome. In short, wishful thinking.
So you're saying Violi lied on wiretap about the 30 members just to fuck with the board?

Regarding formal recognition... you're underestimating it. Formal recognition is what makes the mafia the mafia. Did NY ask Todaro, "Well wait, how many crimes has he committed?.. 14, in Canada?.. He has our ok." Never came up. Because this isn't Avon Barksdale giving Marlo Stanfield a corner to run, this is a 200 year old secret society that is willing to commit crime. We as outsiders can measure their crimes, they themselves don't care, it's a means not an objective for them.
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by B. »

I don't know that the FBI ever had a comprehensive count of the membership. The FBI's list of confirmed members from previous years is not comparable to the total membership estimated by Violi. They may well have had other members who the FBI never confirmed, as well as inducted members in the interim who to date haven't been confirmed given the lack of inside corroboration (i.e. informants or recordings, the FBI's basis for confirming members).

I don't believe they made a "comeback" -- I believe they've continued to be a small family who occasionally holds induction ceremonies and promotes its members. Something motivated Todaro Jr. to induct and promote new Canadian members, but I don't believe Violi said anything about a "comeback." Families periodically induct and promote members, sometimes in spurts. Hard to speculate beyond this one instance how they reached 30 members.
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by Wiseguy »

Chris Christie wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:19 pmSo you're saying Violi lied on wiretap about the 30 members just to fuck with the board?
LOL. I doubt he's even aware of our existence, much less cares. As I said in a post earlier today - I guess that didn't get read either? - all things considered, the most likely explanation is he was engaging in hyperbole.
Regarding formal recognition... you're underestimating it. Formal recognition is what makes the mafia the mafia. Did NY ask Todaro, "Well wait, how many crimes has he committed?.. 14, in Canada?.. He has our ok." Never came up. Because this isn't Avon Barksdale giving Marlo Stanfield a corner to run, this is a secret society that is willing to commit crime. We measure their crimes, they don't, it's a means not an objective.
I'm not underestimating the importance of formal recognition within LCN protocol. I'm saying that doesn't necessarily have any bearing to what is being debated here. If you or anyone else wants to say there's a family in any given location where the LCN still formally recognizes one, so be it. But we also need to address the specific details of said family. For example, if you want to refer to the New Orleans LCN family today, OK. But that doesn't change the fact the "family" consists of Joseph Gagliano.
B wrote:I don't know that the FBI ever had a comprehensive count of the membership. The FBI's list of confirmed members from previous years is not comparable to the total membership estimated by Violi. They may well have had other members who the FBI never confirmed, as well as inducted members in the interim who to date haven't been confirmed given the lack of inside corroboration (i.e. informants or recordings, the FBI's basis for confirming members).

I don't believe they made a "comeback" -- I believe they've continued to be a small family who occasionally holds induction ceremonies and promotes its members. Something motivated Todaro Jr. to induct and promote new Canadian members, but I don't believe Violi said anything about a "comeback." Families periodically induct and promote members, sometimes in spurts. Hard to speculate beyond this one instance how they reached 30 members.
This ignores a clear pattern.

1989 - 45 members (FBI)

1997 - 37 members (Hamilton PD)

2006 - 23 members (FBI)

Moreover, it assumes 20 members - 2/3 of the family by Violi's count - could fly under the radar and be unaccounted for by the FBI in this day and age. And that's just not likely. It's basically a return to the inflated membership counts that had Detroit at 30-60 members 10-15 year ago. But heck, at least with Detroit there were names. We don't even have that with Buffalo.
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by NickleCity »

The news keeps coming:

Alleged organized crime associate faces new charges of Covid-19 fraud, money laundering

Here is the link:
https://buffalonews.com/news/local/crim ... 21276c4868
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by OcSleeper »

Can we stop repeating the same 5 points over and over again. I think it's clear neither side will concede. Let's move on.

Am I the only one interested in the Gerace and Outlaws connection. In the indictment it said many of the employees were members of the OLMC. Maybe it's nothing, but unlikely. Hopefully that'll be the next thing revealed from all this.
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by Dave65827 »

Can someone post for us without an account pls
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by NickleCity »

Dave65827 wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:39 pm Can someone post for us without an account pls
Alleged organized crime associate faces new charges of Covid-19 fraud, money laundering

Dan Herbeck Mar 3, 2021 Updated 1 hr ago 6

Joseph Bella
Joseph Bella, a Buffalo man who federal law enforcement authorities said defrauded customers while selling Covid-19 test kits during the pandemic. Authorities raided his business in April, seized $114,063 from its bank account, and charged Bella with possessing drugs, a gun and ammunition.
Court exhibit from U.S. Attorney's Office

A Buffalo man who federal prosecutors have claimed is an organized crime associate faces new felony charges of wire fraud, loan fraud and money laundering in connection with alleged schemes seeking to take advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Joseph C. Bella III, 48, is accused of running a company that made unauthorized purchases of Covid-19 test kits and then tried to sell them at nearly four times the price he paid for them.

He also is accused of using another company he ran to fraudulently obtain a $149,900 loan from a federal Small Business Administration program designed to help small businesses hurt by the pandemic.

The new charges against Bella were filed under seal last week by the U.S. Attorney’s Office and detailed in court papers obtained Wednesday by The Buffalo News.

Bella, who is also a small-time film actor and producer, already faces felony drug and weapons charges that were filed against him by federal prosecutors last year. He has pleaded not guilty to those allegations.

During a detention hearing last April, federal prosecutor Joseph M. Tripi repeatedly called Bella an associate of “Mafia” and “organized crime” figures in Buffalo. That claim has been denied by Bella’s attorney, Thomas J. Eoannou.

"Joe Bella denies these allegations and has pleaded not guilty," Eoannou said late Wednesday, when asked about the latest charges.

According to the indictment, Bella and a family member ran a Buffalo medical staffing company called Medcor Staffing Inc. that made false statements last year when it purchased 5,000 Covid-19 test kits from a company in Utah.

Bella’s company purchased the kits for $8 each after falsely claiming that Medcor was a government-approved laboratory with cold storage facilities for the tests, and facilities for analyzing the tests, the indictment alleges.

“In fact, Medcor was not a laboratory, did not own or have access to laboratory equipment necessary to safely store and process the COVID-19 Tests, and intended to re-sell the COVID-19 Tests at a significant markup,” prosecutor Nicholas T. Cooper said in indictment papers. “In fact, Medcor was not authorized to distribute the COVID-19 tests and did not employ doctors or others who could provide support to customers after the sale.“

Bella and Medcor took out an advertisement on Facebook, seeking to sell the tests for $30 each, according to the indictment, and the company falsely claimed that it had 50,000 tests available.

The News reported Jan. 11 that Bella and Medcor were under investigation for alleged fraud involving Covid-19 tests.

Another company run by Bella, called BuyMyCard, lied on an application it used last July to obtain a $149,900 loan from the Small Business Administration, the indictment states.

BuyMyCard, a business that buys and sells gift cards, made false representations to the SBA about past profits and how the company’s business had been harmed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the indictment states.

A company employee acting at Bella’s direction, “falsely and fraudulently represented to the SBA that BuyMyCard’s revenue between Jan. 31, 2019, and Jan. 31, 2020, was $500,000, when, in fact, the revenue for BuyMyCard in that period was less than $100,000,” the indictment states.

Government attorneys are seeking forfeiture of more than $200,000 seized from bank accounts of Bella’s companies.

Bella is one of six individuals federal prosecutors are focusing on in an ongoing investigation into alleged “Italian Organized Crime” activities in Western New York, The News reported Feb. 28.

A cellphone seized from Bella in 2016 contained contact information for 45 individuals connected to "organized crime groups, drug traffickers or debt collection," Tripi said at the detention hearing last year.

Tripi said Bella's phone contained contact information for Peter Gerace Jr., the owner of a Cheektowaga strip club called Pharaoh's Gentlemen's Club, and Joseph Bongiovanni, a retired U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent charged with taking bribes from Gerace and others with alleged organized crime ties.

Bella "does not recall ever meeting" Bongiovanni and wouldn't know who he was if he walked into the courtroom, Eoannou told the judge at the hearing.

Gerace was arrested in Florida on Monday. He is accused of felony drug trafficking and of paying bribe money to Bongiovanni. Both Bongiovanni and Gerace have pleaded not guilty and denied any illegal activities.
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by Dave65827 »

Thank you

Pardon my ignorance but what led to these 6 guys being arrested? Did one of the get pinched and they had all the information right there and arrested the other 5? Or did the actions of the corrupt agent tip them off ?
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by Angelo Santino »

Wiseguy wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:45 pm I'm not underestimating the importance of formal recognition within LCN protocol. I'm saying that doesn't necessarily have any bearing to what is being debated here. If you or anyone else wants to say there's a family in any given location where the LCN still formally recognizes one, so be it. But we also need to address the specific details of said family. For example, if you want to refer to the New Orleans LCN family today, OK. But that doesn't change the fact the "family" consists of Joseph Gagliano.
We... agree! We've reached a consensus!

I don't weigh these groups on how much crimes they commit or how impressive their crimes are. Although that is certainly an important factor in evaluating each group. But if that's the debate I don't think anyone is claiming this is a supercriminal outfit. I'm viewing this through the scope of the organization and when we have NY recognizing Nola, Buffalo and Cleveland as Formal Groups and part of LCN then this must be factored in, criminality or not. On the flip, you're evaluating these groups through criminal activity and effectiveness in the local area.

Wiseguy, my man, we broke ground today. We made Buffalo thread history! Salut.
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Re: Buffalo/Ontario Mob Acitivity

Post by NickleCity »

Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney’s Office
Western District of New York
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Buffalo Man Facing 25 Charges, Including Drug, Gun And COVID Fraud Charges, In Two Separate Indictments

CONTACT: Barbara Burns
PHONE: (716) 843-5817
FAX #: (716) 551-3051

BUFFALO, N.Y. - U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. announced today that a federal grand jury has returned two separate indictments against Joseph Bella, 48, of Buffalo, NY. A superseding indictment charges the defendant with possessing with intent to distribute, and distributing cocaine; maintaining a drug involved premises; possessing a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime; being an unlawful user of a controlled substance in possession of a firearm; and threatening to injure a person through interstate communications. The charges carry a mandatory minimum penalty of five years in prison, a maximum of life, and a $1,000,000 fine.

The second indictment charges Bella with committing wire and mail fraud, money laundering, and making false statements on a loan application. The charges in the second indictment carry a maximum possible sentence of 30 years in prison and a $1,000,000 fine.

“The common thread running through the allegation in these two indictments is defendant’s willingness to do anything to make a buck, even if it means jeopardizing the health and safety of others,” noted U.S. Attorney Kennedy.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Nicholas T. Cooper and David J. Rudroff, who are handling the cases, stated that the according to the superseding indictment, indictment and a previously filed criminal complaint, on April 23, 2020, Special Agents and Officers from Homeland Security Investigations, U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the Buffalo Police Department executed a search warrant at a residence on Summer Street in Buffalo. The defendant was present during the execution of that warrant. During the search, a quantity of cocaine, plastic bags, and a digital scale were seized. In addition, agents also discovered: a shotgun and numerous rounds of ammunition; THC gummies, lollipops, and other THC edibles; marijuana cigarettes and loose marijuana; THC vape cartridges; suspected Psilocybin mushrooms; a small quantity of MDMA; various pills; and THC resin.

In addition, Bella is alleged to have defrauded a Salt Lake City, Utah, corporation (Victim) that developed and manufactured COVID-19 test kits. Bella falsely represented that his company, Medcor Staffing, Inc., was laboratory certified to perform high-complexity molecular testing, that Medcor was an “end-user” of the tests, and that Medcor would not attempt to resell them. As a result, the Victim sold Bella 5,000 COVID-19 tests that he could not safely and accurately process, could not provide end-user support for, and, in fact, intended to re-sell at a substantial mark-up.

In March 2020, Bella advertised on his personal Facebook account that he was selling “FDA approved COVID-19 Test Kits.” In April 2020, the defendant communicated with an undercover federal agent by telephone, text message, and email, falsely telling the agent that he had 50,000 COVID-19 tests for sale; that the COVID-19 tests were being stored in a warehouse in San Diego, California at -20 degrees Celsius; that Medcor was an “exclusive licensed reseller” of the tests; and that Medcor employed doctors and scientists to answer customers' questions. Bella attempted to sell the tests to the agent for $30 per test, or more, after fraudulently obtaining the tests for only $8 apiece.

The defendant is also accused of fraudulently obtaining a loan from the Small Business Association under the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program, which is designed to provide low-interest loans to qualifying small businesses to help them meet financial obligations and operating expenses in the event of a disaster. At Bella’s direction, a subordinate submitted a falsified application for a loan under the EIDL Program for another business Bella owns called BuyMyCard, a purchaser and re-seller of gift cards. The application grossly inflated BuyMyCard’s annual revenue, grossly underreported BuyMyCard’s annual expenses, and falsely stated that Bella was not subject to formal criminal charges at the time of the application. As a result of the falsified application, the SBA approved and funded a $149,900 loan to BuyMyCard under the EIDL Program.

Bella has been under home confinement since May 2020. Following his arraignment on these two indictments, U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael J. Roemer revoked Bella’s release and he was ordered detained pending trial.

The indictments are the result of an investigation by the Homeland Security Investigations, under the direction of Special Agent-in-Charge Kevin Kelly; Customs and Border Protection, under the direction of Director of Field Operations Rose Brophy; Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Unit, under the direction of Director Brian Manaher; U.S. Border Patrol, under the direction of Chief Patrol Agent Eduardo Payan; the United States Postal Inspection Service, under the direction of Inspector-in-Charge Joseph W. Cronin of the Boston Division; the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, under the direction of Special Agent-in-Charge John B. Devito, New York Field Division; and Buffalo Police Department, under the direction of Commissioner Byron Lockwood.

The fact that a defendant has been charged with a crime is merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.
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