Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by CabriniGreen »

Were Magi and Tony Suzuki connected?
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Re: RE: Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by dixiemafia »

Lupara wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:30 pmHe was a dead man walking for a long time. Never was he going to get a pass. I'm suprised
you're suprised.
No joke. If any of them were going to die it was going to be Magi. This is without a doubt Vito from the grave.

As someone else mentioned at Lupara answered, this leaves probably only Desjardins as the only one still walking...
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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by antimafia »

Cross-posting here, having first posted on Gangster BB.
Link to Daniel Renaud and Vincent Larouche's French-language article in La Presse appears below. The list you see first -- it appears before the article -- was authored by Renaud only. ... C___0.html

Google Translate translation is below.


By Daniel Renaud

SEPTEMBER 16, 2011

Attempted murder on Raynald Desjardins

Desjardins is suspected of having been part of an alliance to overthrow the Rizzuto at the head of the Montreal mafia in 2009-2010. An armed man, arrived by watercraft, fired several times at him on Lévesque Boulevard, along the Rivière des Prairies in Laval, without reaching it. According to police sources, it is the Sicilian clan that is behind this murder attempt.

DECEMBER 13, 2011

Attempted murder on Antonio Pietrantonio

Formerly close and faithful Rizzuto, Antonio Pietrantonio, aka Tony Suzuki, would have rallied to one of the rebel clans of the mafia in 2009-2010. He was shot several times when he left a restaurant on Jarry Street and survived.

NOVEMBER 4, 2012

Murder of Giuseppe Di Maulo

The brother-in-law of Raynald Desjardins would have lacked loyalty and would not have acted in a way to defend the interests of the Rizzuto while the godfather was imprisoned thousands of kilometers in Colorado. He was killed while returning to his residence in Blainville by an individual who was waiting for him, lurking in a grove. Di Maulo was shot dead one month after Vito Rizzuto was released and returned to Canada.

APRIL 9, 2013

Murder of Juan Ramon Fernandez

The former lieutenant and trusted man of Vito Rizzuto was found dead in Sicily. Police sources believe that Fernandez was killed because he walked into the local ganglands, but others believe that the avenging arm of the Montreal mafia godfather has crossed the Atlantic and caught up with his former lieutenant, who would have shown too much loyalty to Raynald Desjardins.

JULY 8, 2013

Murder of Giuseppe de Vito

De Vito was reportedly part of the alliance of clan leaders who attempted to overthrow the Rizzuto. He was poisoned with cyanide at Donnacona Penitentiary where he was serving a sentence imposed in the wake of Operation Coliseum which hit hard the traditional Italian organized crime in 2006.

NOVEMBER 10, 2013

Murder of Moreno Gallo

Formerly very close to Vito Rizzuto, the Calabrian would have lacked loyalty to the latter and is part of the coup plotters of 2009-2010. He was murdered in the restaurant of a hotel in Acapulco, Mexico, in what looks like a trap, a November 10, the same day as the murder of the old godfather Nicolo Rizzuto committed three years earlier .

AUGUST 1, 2014

Murder of Ducarme Joseph

The gang leader and his men have always been suspected - but never accused - of killing Federico Del Peschio and Nicolo Rizzuto Jr. Joseph was literally stared at by a gunshot fired at close range in his stronghold of Saint-Michel. Documents from the Magot-Mastiff investigation revealed that Vito Rizzuto wanted to torture Joseph to avenge his son's death and that several groups of killers were on his heels. Joseph was killed after the natural death of Vito Rizzuto in December 2013.

Vito Rizzuto's posthumous vengeance is now complete, police say

By Daniel Renaud and Vincent Larouche

"He was on the list of those who had to leave. It had been years since we wondered why this guy was still breathing, "a police source told La Presse.

"It was the last file to settle," adds another.

The posthumous vengeance of former Montreal Mafia supporter Vito Rizzuto - who died naturally five years ago - is the assumption favored by the police specialized in the fight against organized crime to explain the assassination of the building contractor Antonio Magi.

The body of the 59-year-old businessman was found shot several times, some at the head, around 11:15 am yesterday morning in front of a garage door of a building under construction on Beaconsfield Street near Saint-Jacques Street, in the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce area. The death was found on the spot, although, officially, the authorities first stated that the man was in critical condition.


The businessman has been on a tightrope for years, especially since December 28, 2009, when his partner, Vito Rizzuto's eldest son, Nicolo was killed near the offices of the Magi company, FTM Construction, on Upper Lachine Street.

The names of Magi and a gang leader who worked for his safety, Ducarme Joseph, have constantly come back in the police investigation into the murder of the godfather's son over the years. The entrepreneur has always denied his involvement.

In 2005, Magi was kidnapped for a suspected Mafia affair and managed to flee her captors with her hands still tied behind her back.

In 2008, he was riddled with missiles while on his vehicle on Cavendish Boulevard and miraculously survived. Magi suspected the Rizzuto of being behind this attack and these also denied.

Subsequently, Magi moved in armored SUV, flanked by bodyguards, including former police officers. In September 2010, he was arrested for possession by the investigators of the SPVM, including Philippe Paul, now retired.

"At the time, it was presumed that there was an opportunity contract on Tony Magi and Ducarme Joseph. "

- Philippe Paul

In the criminal environment, an "open contract" is an open contract that can be executed by anyone who wants to earn tens of thousands of dollars. The offer circulates by word of mouth, and the first person to accomplish the fatal mission can come to the premium.

When they searched the businessman's home, the investigators found a semi-automatic pistol in his bedside table and rolls of plastic to apply on the windows to make them bullet-proof. Magi pleaded guilty, but received an absolute discharge. He was often told by the police that his life was in danger and he used this argument to justify his behavior.

After the murder of Nicolo Rizzuto, Tony Magi was the victim of at least two known failed bombings, while a man opened fire in the direction of the car driven by his wife in the winter of 2011 and an individual had was seen, with a long gun, on his private land in 2013.

"In my opinion, Magi had lowered his guard," responded a policeman, trying to explain how he was killed after so many years.


According to police officers, Tony Magi's problems and his links with the mafia began when the businessman had financial problems related to the construction of the 1000 luxury condominium building, the Commune, in a old cold store in Old Montreal.

Investors, who feared losing their money, asked Vito Rizzuto to get involved. It was at this point that the godfather placed his son Nicolo with Tony Magi, according to what he himself told investigators who visited him at the penitentiary in Florence, Colorado, where he was serving a sentence. for a triple murder committed in New York in 1981, and investigators Charbonneau commission.

"My son should not die! He had told Pascal Leclair and Jean-François Veillette of the SPVM, banging a table in the common room of the penitentiary in Florence with his fist.

It would be in the late 2000s that Magi would have hired Ducarme Joseph for his protection. According to our information, investigators have uncovered clues suggesting that Ducarme Joseph and some of his men were present on the scenes of the murders of Nicolo Rizzuto Jr and Federico Del Peschio, co-owner of restaurant La Cantina and close friend of Rizzuto killed during the summer of 2009.

Joseph was killed in 2014. "It was a matter of time" before Magi suffered the same fate, yesterday we wrote sources from the judiciary and police. Especially as the time passed, more these delays could have been interpreted as a sign of weakness on the part of the Sicilian clan.

"It's the influence of the family. It was necessary to avenge the violent death of the son. The loop ended yesterday, "concluded another police officer.


But even if the posthumous revenge of the godfather is the preferred thesis, the investigators will also have to examine the affairs of Magi, who was not reputed to be an easy partner.

For example, Tony Magi and his family had been involved for years in extremely acrimonious litigation with financier Allan Schachter. The case came from a loan of 2.4 million granted in 2008 by Schachter to support the realization of a real estate project in the area of ​​the rue Bois-des-Caryers, in which the construction company Magi . The case was to return to court in February, after a dozen round trips to the judge over the years.

Schachter claimed that the loan had been renewed verbally at the interest rate of 12% in 2013, which the Magi denied. A chemical expert had come to analyze the ink of the signatures on certain documents because of suspicions of irregularities. Allegations of hundreds of thousands of cash dollars secretly collected from buyers of homes and condos in the area were launched. The judge had even had to look into the betrayal of Schachter's childhood friend who had gone to work for the Magi family. Some estimates now estimated the claim at $ 5 million because of accumulated interest.

In December 2017, Allan Schachter's residence in Mount Royal was the target of a Molotov cocktail. Then, last May, a building in the Bois-des-Caryers sector was the target of arson. A 61-year-old woman died in the fire. According to our information, the police suspect that the deadly fire could have some connection with this dispute between the lender and the borrowers.
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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by willychichi »

I wonder if the Canadian Authorities are just letting these guys take each other out to save them the trouble, not to mention they are scared to death of these fucking stone cold killers. :o
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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by antimafia »

CabriniGreen wrote: Thu Jan 24, 2019 11:07 pm Just some clarification....

Magi was the Rizzutos " clean" point man in contruction?

So,...... Is Tony Suzuki the man in Montreal construction now?

Was Magi the guy Dom Violi introduced to Morena?
When he was saying " Montreal was stabilizing.."

Do you guys think this had anything to do with the Violis being locked up? The timing, I mean....
With respect to whom Domenico Violi had suggested that Vincenzo Morena contact in Quebec, I think -- I may be wrong -- that you are thinking of Tony Mucci, not Tony Magi. From the French-language article published last December 13 ( ... ppe-drogue):

En septembre 2016, Domenico Violi affirme que la situation se stabilise dans la métropole québécoise. Tout le monde travaille ensemble de nos jours, les vieilles barrières ont disparu, a-t-il dit, selon l’agent double.

Domenico Violi l’invite d’ailleurs à rencontrer les Montréalais Frank Arcadi, Frank Cotroni Jr. et Antonio « Tony » Mucci.

I forgot that the author of the article, Gaétan Pouliot, is also another Canadian journalist, along with Adrian Humphreys, Molly Hayes, and Greg McArthur, who had access to the Project OTremens documents. The excerpt below, taken from the article, contains mostly a translation of the conversation Violi had with Morena.

De retour d’un voyage en Floride, fin 2017, Domenico Violi a de bonnes nouvelles pour son entourage. Il vient d’avoir une promotion.

« Tu vas apprendre quelque chose de nouveau… de très, très bien », affirme-t-il à son associé avec qui il fait du trafic d’ecstasy, de PCP et de méthamphétamine depuis Hamilton, en Ontario. « Tu es mon ami, dis-moi », insiste l’associé.

« Ne répète rien à personne », dit Violi avant de se confier.

D. Violi : Ils m’ont fait numéro deux, « underboss » de…

Associé : De?

D. Violi : Pas d’ici.

Associé : De toute l’affaire?

D. Violi : Toute l’affaire.
Associé : Fuck, félicitations, Dom. Je suis content pour toi.
D. Violi : Il m’a dit : “Domenic, tu sais que tu as fait l’histoire? [...] Personne au Canada n’a jamais eu ce poste”.
Associé : C’est vraiment gros. Tu as le droit de prendre de grosses décisions.


Pietrantonio was and is known for being a drug trafficker. In the court transcripts from the current trial of El Chapo, Pietrantonio's name comes up -- see ... -his-money and ... C___0.html (either another poster or I posted one of these here on TBHF).

Pietrantonio had longstanding ties to Raynald Desjardins going back to at least 1993, when the both of them were arrested in relation to Project Jaggy, the law-enforcement investigation that ultimately resulted in Desjardins going to jail for a relatively long time (by Canadian standards) before finally getting out in 2004. (Desjardins had refused a plea bargain because at that time he would never consider testifying against Vito Rizzuto.) What Pietrantonio and Desjardins also had in common was a close friendship with Giovanni Bertolo, who was murdered in 2005.

I do not recall Pietrantonio being involved in construction, either legitimately or illegitimately. As others, such as Lupara, have suggested, Pietrantonio seems to have rehabilitated his image in the eyes of the Rizzuto loyalists. In fact, two days before Rizzuto was released from FCI Florence on October 5, 2012, Daniel Renaud, writing back then for Le Journal de Montréal, was told by both police sources and underworld sources that Pietrantonio was considered very loyal to the Rizzuto clan -- see ... eu-hostile, an article in which, incidentally, Renaud describes Pietrantonio as a made man (so another possible Bonanno member, depending on when Pietrantonio was made).

You might also recall that I posted earlier in this thread ( ... fia#p96930) about Pietrantonio's being identified at a table of "Rizzuto clan" members who were guests at the wedding reception last December that received a lot of press in Quebec.

If Domenico Violi said to Morena in September 2016 that the situation had stabilized in Quebec and that everyone was working with one another, with previous obstacles removed, I'm not sure whether Violi's being imprisoned could be connected in any way to Magi's murder. There are some interesting relationships, though, between guys in Ontario and Quebec -- as my post to which I provided the TBHF link above shows, Tony Iavarone of the Hamilton area, brother of the murdered Al, was also at the table of "Rizzuto clan" members. Given that there was a previously known relationship between Montreal Mafia members (Rizzuto, Francesco Arcadi) and Pat Musitano, what is the significance, if any, of Iavarone's associating with people in the orbit of the Montreal Mafia, especially since Al Iavarone's murder was possibly an act of revenge for the murder of Angelo Musitano?
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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by SonnyBlackstein »

Translations from the above:

In September 2016, Domenico Violi says that the situation is stabilizing in the Quebec metropolis. Everyone is working together nowadays, the old barriers are gone, he said, according to the double agent.
Domenico Violi invited him to meet Frank Arcadi, Frank Cotroni Jr. and Antonio "Tony Mucci

Back from a trip to Florida in late 2017, Domenico Violi has good news for his entourage. He just had a promotion.
"You're going to learn something new ... very, very good," he says to his partner with whom he is trafficking ecstasy, PCP and methamphetamine from Hamilton, Ontario. "You're my friend, tell me," insists the partner.
"Do not repeat anything to anyone," Violi said before confiding.
D. Violi: They made me number two, "underboss" of ...
Associate: De?
D. Violi: Not from here.
Associate: Of the whole affair?
D. Violi: The whole thing.
Associate: Fuck, congratulations, Dom. I'm happy for you.
D. Violi: He said to me, "Domenic, do you know that you made history? [...] No one in Canada has ever had this job. "
Partner: It's really big. You have the right to make big decisions
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Re: RE: Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by Lupara »

antimafia wrote:I do not recall Pietrantonio being involved in construction, either legitimately or illegitimately. As others, such as Lupara, have suggested, Pietrantonio seems to have rehabilitated his image in the eyes of the Rizzuto loyalists. In fact, two days before Rizzuto was released from FCI Florence on October 5, 2012, Daniel Renaud, writing back then for Le Journal de Montréal, was told by both police sources and underworld sources that Pietrantonio was considered very loyal to the Rizzuto clan -- see ... eu-hostile, an article in which, incidentally, Renaud describes Pietrantonio as a made man (so another possible Bonanno member, depending on when Pietrantonio was made).

You might also recall that I posted earlier in this thread ( ... fia#p96930) about Pietrantonio's being identified at a table of "Rizzuto clan" members who were guests at the wedding reception last December that received a lot of press in Quebec.
This being the case most likely proves that Pietrantonio was not involved in the hits on the Rizzuto group and joined Montagna afterwards.

I've speculated that Pietrantonio may have betrayed Agostino Cuntrera to his killers because he was part of his crew and was reportedly the first one who arrived at the crime scene. But if this was the case he would certainly be dead right now with Cuntrera's son looking to avenge his father.

Speaking about those that may still be on a dead list... the Arcuris.

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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by chin_gigante »

Jesus, I've been reading this thread all day from start to finish and the carnage is just staggering. Even taking out the murders that could just be attributed to street gangs, the west end and the hell's angels and it's still madness. And all the 'Ndrangheta murders in Toronto and what's going on in Hamilton with the Musitanos... World War Three's been going on up there for almost 15 years. How can anyone make any sense out of this
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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by Mikeymike12 »

SWas Cotroni and Violi under the bonanno’s while they were running Montréal ? Or did That happen when the Rizzuto family took over and made them have more power?
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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by dixiemafia »

Mikeymike12 wrote: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:30 pm SWas Cotroni and Violi under the bonanno’s while they were running Montréal ? Or did That happen when the Rizzuto family took over and made them have more power?
They were under the Bonanno's before the Rizzuto's took over
If I didn't have my case coming up, I would like to come back with you gentlemen when this is over with and really lay the law down what is going on in this country.....
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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by antimafia »

Great article by Peter Edwards and Daniel Renaud, who work for different papers, that has mentions of Raynald Desjardins and the murdered Johnnie Raposo.

“Veteran Ontario stuntman Dean Copkov killed in double slaying on eve of sentencing for drug offences” ... ences.html
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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by antimafia »

Link to French-language article: ... ans-un-bar

Translation (using Google Translate):

Stumped in a long past bar.
The place had already been the target of a Molotov cocktail in an attack linked to Italian organized crime.

The Rivière-des-Prairies bar, where a man was stabbed on Monday morning, has a troubled past that has resulted in two long suspensions of his liquor license and a criminal arson attack on the mafia.

At approximately 3:50 am, a 37-year-old man was stabbed in the upper body at 6th Ave. Bar & Grill for a reason that remained to be cleared up by the investigators.

"The people inside refuse to cooperate, so it is impossible for the moment to determine the reason for the attack and to know more about the suspect," said Andrée-Anne Picard, spokesman for the Service de Police of the City of Montreal.

The life of the victim, however, was not in danger.


The licensed establishment of boulevard Maurice-Duplessis, formerly known as Café Liana, has been repeatedly targeted by the authorities.

Its liquor sales licenses had been suspended for 20 days by the Liquor, Racing and Gaming Authority (RACJ) because of multiple shortcomings last July.

In addition to tolerating the presence of miners on site, the tenant was exploiting one of the permits without having the required and functional layout. Among the many commitments that the owner had made to the RACJ to preserve his rights, he had to "actively collaborate with the police service" and "install and keep functional a surveillance camera system".

The commissioners had also banned the operation of the establishment for 23 days in April 2016 for the same reasons. A local employee had also tried to hinder the work of a police officer.

In September of the same year, while the bar was still called Café Liana under the same manager, he had been the target of a Molotov cocktail.

The SPVM investigators suspected that the beginning of the fire was a message sent to Marco Pizzi, a major player in the new Italian organized crime watchdog.

A month earlier, the 48-year-old man had been the target of a spectacular murder attempt in Montreal East. For several weeks, other businesses related to him had been hit by arsonists, just like his car.
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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by JCB1977 »

Where is Leonardo Rizzuto and Stefano Sollecito at since being released? Are they still even in the picture?
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Re: RE: Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by Lupara »

JCB1977 wrote:Where is Leonardo Rizzuto and Stefano Sollecito at since being released? Are they still even in the picture?
Taking a low profile probably. Sollecito had also been dealing with cancer.
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Re: Montreal Mafia status - Post Rizzuto Era

Post by antimafia »

Caisse suspends subsidiary vice-president over alleged ties of spouse with Mafia ... ith-mafia/
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