General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Aunt+Baby »

Ivan wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 3:11 pm
Aunt+Baby wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2024 3:34 am Anyone read bernstein’s latest outfit article? As usual it got promptly destroyed on Reddit.

I don’t usually have too big a problem with him & his content, but this one seems to be really reaching. Saw the Lou Rainone news appearances & decided to make a fluff piece by putting 2+2 together.
Rainone going on the news is mentioned in passing at the end, it's mostly about the crew in general being high profile.
The “being high profile” was clearly in regards to the news appearances. What else? How else have they been “high profile”?

He pretty blatantly just used the news appearances to fashion some phantom story
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Timewatcher »

Aunt+Baby wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2024 3:06 am I was thinking the guy to (our) far right, beside Catalano.

Nitti is tight with the LoBue brothers, the zips from Palermo with the restaurant, and there were rumblings of them possibly being behind Catalano’s rubout.
Which restaurant? Thanks
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Ivan »

Timewatcher wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2024 8:01 pm Which restaurant? Thanks
Aunt+Baby wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2024 2:28 am He pretty blatantly just used the news appearances to fashion some phantom story
We actual have a whole thread for this sort of thing. Fire away!

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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Ivan »

funkster wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 9:41 pm I know there’s a YouTube video of him out there somewhere riding a horse as I recall.
Old discussion, but anyway I hunted this down for those who haven't seen it yet.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by NorthBuffalo »

Question for the Outfit experts...Snakes, Polack, etc. - I noted John Rainone was listed as a collector within the Calabrese street crew indictment from the mid 1990s - is this the same John Rainone who is the father of Mario Rainone and was indicted on extortion and drug charges about 10 years ago? ... n-97-4-28/
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Coloboy »

I thought some of you might find this reddit thread from 2010 interesting. If you are not familiar with reddit, they have a thing called "AMA", or Ask Me Anything, where anyone can open themselves up for questions. This guy indicates, very believably, that we was a low level outfit associate, operating in Los Angeles, on behalf of the family sometime in the 1990's. ... with_ties/
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by NorthBuffalo »

Been following the release of this new book by one of the sons of Tommy Ryan Eboli - I am curious if Louis Eboli and the Chicago connections are raised - I believe these are half brothers and always wondered if Tommy Ryan had a bit of a 'secret family' going in Melrose Park. ... B0DQM34JDM
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by PolackTony »

NorthBuffalo wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 1:00 pm Been following the release of this new book by one of the sons of Tommy Ryan Eboli - I am curious if Louis Eboli and the Chicago connections are raised - I believe these are half brothers and always wondered if Tommy Ryan had a bit of a 'secret family' going in Melrose Park. ... B0DQM34JDM
Yes, the son in NYC/NJ was a half-brother, but I don't believe this was a secret. Tommy Ryan was married twice. Not sure if Xavier Eboli talks about this at all in his interview/book though.

I've discussed this before, but to recap. Tommaso "Tommy Ryan" Ebboli (original spelling) was born in 1911 in Scisciano to Luigi Ebboli and Maddalena Maddaloni (Scisciano is a town just to the north of the City of Napoli, in the old Nola district of Caserta province along with important Chicago hometowns Acerra and Marigliano, as well as Vito Genovese's hometown of Roccarainola). He arrived in the US in 1912 with his mother, bound for Chicago's Taylor St community, which had a colony of compaesani from Scisciano and where father Luigi had already settled. They lived in Chicago for several years before decamping for a bit to Boston (where younger brother Pasquale "Patsy Ryan" was born) and NYC, subsequently returning to Chicago in the 1920s, where the Ebboli family lived at 907 S Hermitage in the Taylor St Patch.

In the 1930s, Tommy Ryan married Anna Maria Ariola, a Melrose Park resident and fellow native of Scisciano -- her brother was Chicago LCN affiliate Salvatore "Big Sam" Ariola. They had two kids, Luigi "Louie" and Thomas Jr, born in 1935 and 1936, before divorcing soon after. At this time, Tommy Ryan took up with Mary Ellen Porcello, a Taylor St girl born in 1912 in Chicago to parents from Scisciano. They moved to NYC/NJ and married in 1937, and had three kids: Madeline (named after Tommy's mother), Saverio "Xavier" (the boxer interviewed in the clip above, named after Mary Ellen's father, Saverio "Sam" Porcello), and Mary Ann (named after Mary Ellen's mother, Marianna Savoia). I believe that Tommy Ryan also had two other daughters born out of wedlock to a non-Italian woman with whom he had an affair in Queens.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by PolackTony »

NorthBuffalo wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:41 am Question for the Outfit experts...Snakes, Polack, etc. - I noted John Rainone was listed as a collector within the Calabrese street crew indictment from the mid 1990s - is this the same John Rainone who is the father of Mario Rainone and was indicted on extortion and drug charges about 10 years ago? ... n-97-4-28/
Yeah, I believe it was Mario and Louis's dad, John Rainone, originally from Brooklyn. He was pinched during the period in question for threatening juice loan clients while collecting for that 1993 case we discussed recently that seemed to have been a partnership between Cicero and EP (the Castaldo, Sarno, Cataudella et al case). I don't believe that John Rainone was actually under the Calabrese bros in any formal way (this would have made him an associate on record with the LaPietra crew if he had been) -- I've always understood him to have been a Taylor/Cicero crew affiliate. I believe it was like the Castaldo/Sarno thing, where guys from different crews partnered or spun off clients/accounts to each other's operations for collections at times. The document from the Flood site that you linked only noted John Rainone as one of the guys who Philly Tolomeo's accounts were given to after he was stripped of them and Nick Calabrese, so far as I recall, never mentioned any of the Rainones as being affiliated with the Chinatown crew in any way.

The younger John J Rainone, Mario's son, was like 18 at the time and didn't start getting pinched for anything big that I recall until later in the 2000s. Both Johns were actually busted together for that 2012 drug case, where they were distributing 5000 grams of cannabis. (the younger John has also had convictions for credit card fraud and a triple stabbing on his record).
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Waingro »

NorthBuffalo wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:41 am Question for the Outfit experts...Snakes, Polack, etc. - I noted John Rainone was listed as a collector within the Calabrese street crew indictment from the mid 1990s - is this the same John Rainone who is the father of Mario Rainone and was indicted on extortion and drug charges about 10 years ago? ... n-97-4-28/
Is that Philadelphia boss John Stanfa that they mention in that? If so is Ronald Mazzone a relative of Stevie and Sonny?
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by PolackTony »

Waingro wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 8:22 pm
NorthBuffalo wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:41 am Question for the Outfit experts...Snakes, Polack, etc. - I noted John Rainone was listed as a collector within the Calabrese street crew indictment from the mid 1990s - is this the same John Rainone who is the father of Mario Rainone and was indicted on extortion and drug charges about 10 years ago? ... n-97-4-28/
Is that Philadelphia boss John Stanfa that they mention in that? If so is Ronald Mazzone a relative of Stevie and Sonny?
Yup, same John Stanfa. And I *believe* that Ron Mazzone was an either an uncle or older brother of Steve and Salvatore “Sonny” Mazzone. I don’t know all of these Philly genealogies like I do with Chicago, but I believe they are indeed related.

Phil “Philly Beans” Tolomeo was a former CPD cop and associate of the LaPietra (Chinatown) crew who worked as a collector for the Calabrese brothers’ juice loan operation. After he was chased from Chicago for stealing, he hooked up with Stanfa’s people doing juice loans out there, but wound up beating them on their investment nut for the loans and then went back to Chicago. This was in the early 90s, IIRC, and thus Stanfa had some more pressing matters, to say the least, to deal with at that time.

A number of Philly guys back in the day had ties to Chicago, and I’m sure there are other connections that we don’t know about. I’ve gone into this a bit before, but Stanfa himself has a bunch of relatives in Chicago. He is from Caccamo, a town in Palermo province with strong, longstanding immigration ties to Chicago, so it’s no surprise that he would have had some links to guys there.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by cavita »

PolackTony wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 9:35 pm
Waingro wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 8:22 pm
NorthBuffalo wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 7:41 am Question for the Outfit experts...Snakes, Polack, etc. - I noted John Rainone was listed as a collector within the Calabrese street crew indictment from the mid 1990s - is this the same John Rainone who is the father of Mario Rainone and was indicted on extortion and drug charges about 10 years ago? ... n-97-4-28/
Is that Philadelphia boss John Stanfa that they mention in that? If so is Ronald Mazzone a relative of Stevie and Sonny?
Yup, same John Stanfa. And I *believe* that Ron Mazzone was an either an uncle or older brother of Steve and Salvatore “Sonny” Mazzone. I don’t know all of these Philly genealogies like I do with Chicago, but I believe they are indeed related.

Phil “Philly Beans” Tolomeo was a former CPD cop and associate of the LaPietra (Chinatown) crew who worked as a collector for the Calabrese brothers’ juice loan operation. After he was chased from Chicago for stealing, he hooked up with Stanfa’s people doing juice loans out there, but wound up beating them on their investment nut for the loans and then went back to Chicago. This was in the early 90s, IIRC, and thus Stanfa had some more pressing matters, to say the least, to deal with at that time.

A number of Philly guys back in the day had ties to Chicago, and I’m sure there are other connections that we don’t know about. I’ve gone into this a bit before, but Stanfa himself has a bunch of relatives in Chicago. He is from Caccamo, a town in Palermo province with strong, longstanding immigration ties to Chicago, so it’s no surprise that he would have had some links to guys there.
Years ago when I lived in Rockford I met a Sam Stanfa who I had heard was related to the Philly Stanfa family. I'm not so sure as I believe his father was Ciro who died in Rockford in the 2950s I think. Sam was born in the U.S. but I have no idea where Ciro was born.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by chin_gigante »

Is there a way to access full CCC reports? Thinking specifically about the 1997 report that contained the chart that's accessible through the Laborers website and the 2000 report that Angelo used to create his chart for that year.

I read through the entirety of Fosco's writings (and the comments) on ANP for the first time this week and I fear the Chicago bug has bit me.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by chin_gigante »

While on that note about ANP, I was also able to find several of the articles that have since been deleted but are still preserved on the Internet Archive. That is including the entries where Fosco accuses DiFronzo of authorising the Hatch's murder and ejaculating during the Campise-Gattuso double-homicide. Also preserved is the article about Joey Andriacchi taking over as elder statesman due to DiFronzo's poor health.

The comment sections, which I found in many instances more useful/interesting than the main articles themselves, are also preserved but won't load on the Wayback Machine. You can still see them if you right-click and select View Page Source.

I'll share the links here: ... e-to-hide/ ... nzo-think/ ... -deadline/ ... he-he-was/ ... is-pocket/ ... the-hatch/ ... e-english/ ... agnafichi/ ... -difronzo/ ... fit-greed/ ... olas-rada/ ... t-part-ii/ ... ble-agent/ ... ndo-fosco/
(Only the first page of this article is saved) ... d-respect/ ... osco-show/
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by NorthBuffalo »

chin_gigante wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:06 am Is there a way to access full CCC reports? Thinking specifically about the 1997 report that contained the chart that's accessible through the Laborers website and the 2000 report that Angelo used to create his chart for that year.

I read through the entirety of Fosco's writings (and the comments) on ANP for the first time this week and I fear the Chicago bug has bit me.
Welcome to the dark side :D

The CCC report was compiled by Wayne Johnson - I personally think he's top-notch but others on this forum question his legitimacy. I think most of the CCC reports are buried on John Flood's old website that you can still archive.
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