General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by PolackTony »

Frank wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:37 am Its the same old info or non info, for the post Sarno period. I count 10 names that I have read, that I assume came from the Chicago Crime Commision, that at one point were part of the administration. I dont believe any were confirmed by the Feds or indictment. The closest would be Mandell saying Pete DiFronzo was street boss.
Mandell actually used the term "street boss"? I'm still trying to figure out if the Outfit ever really had this position formally in the admin, and if it was similar to the "relay man" role described in the 60s for Fifi Buccieri. Was Mandell referring to an actual "street boss" position, or an acting boss, or an underboss, or a "front boss" arrangement?
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by PolackTony »

And Mandell's claim about Petey DiFronzo along with his statement about showing what "Elmwood Park is about" does again make one wonder exactly what was happening with EP. Could be that he was just talking shit. Or it could be that he's referencing things that we still just don't know about.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Snakes »

Frank wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:28 am
Coloboy wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:44 am The transition of power (if it really took place) between Sarno to Delaurentis is an interesting one. I was always sort of thought Sarno was ultimately fronting for either Inendino or Solly D, but who knows. It could be that it took Solly a couple years after getting out of prision to re-establish himself and then he took over after Sarno was arrested.

Slightly different topic. Since 1990 we all know the outfit really slowed down with the number of hits. However, if you look at the list from 90-today, it's pretty clear that murders became a very well planned out, highly secretive, and ultimately effective tool. Has there been an outfit murder since 1990 that has been solved? Even up to the more recentish ones.....Jarrett, Chiaramonti, Zizzo, That mexican enforcer associated with Grand Ave Velez I think? All unsolved. Dudes just disappeared.
Its possible that Pete DiFronzo was the boss after Sarno, with John DiFronzo having the top boss or the position described as the man. Not sure, but does anyone know if Sarno is Inendinos son in law?. About the hits you mentioned, all unsolved. I always include the witness in Caruso sons case as Outfit work. It is officially ruled not Outfit related, but come on really. There also has been some more recent murders that could be Outfit connected. Also what about and I think I have his name right, Nick La Coco, who fell off his horse. Was invol ed in I believe an Outfit corruption case.
I believe it was Sarno's niece who married Jimmy Inendino's cousin (or his son's cousin, it's hard to keep track).
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Snakes »

Early 1960s informant info

This was information gathered from an unknown (at least to me) Outfit informant, circa 1963. From the information listed, this individual appeared to have been a made member of the Outfit. I have included my own comments in parentheses, where appropriate.

-Tony Accardo stepped down as boss of the Outfit when he found himself in tax trouble. Sam Battaglia was thought by many in the Outfit to be chosen as successor and were surprised when Giancana was picked instead. Giancana was said to have a "boisterous" personality while Battaglia was more reserved.

-Informant advised that a "Committee" (composed of the top individuals in the Chicago Outfit) run the Outfit with one member (the boss) being in charge. All of the members of the Committee were "made" (which the informant also describes as being in "the life") and Italian. The Committee was assisted by a group of influential and respected non-Italians who advised the Committee concerning certain areas of expertise. These individuals can not give orders to made members but oftentimes their suggestions are put in place by the "Committee" and their word is passed down to the rank and file via the Committee. In many cases, these non-Italians hold more power than most Outfit members, excepting those on the Committee. Paul Ricca is also described as being in an advisory position but does not take a more active role due to threats of deportation.

-The informant described the Committee as consisting of Giancana, Jack Cerone, Fiore Buccieri, Sam Battaglia, and Accardo. The non-Italians are headed by Murray Humphreys and consist of Gus Alex, Ralph Pierce, Leslie Kruse, Edward Vogel, and Leonard Patrick. Buster Wortman is also consulted on Outfit matters in East St. Louis and certain parts of Kentucky.

-Ross Prio was described by the informant as being extremely influential but not a member of the Committee, as far as the informant knew. However, he had heard from various sources that Prio was an active member of the Committee. At any rate, informant related that Prio was considered to be a powerful and respected individual.

-Informant related that Giancana was "made" shortly after he left the 42 Gang and began working for the Outfit If informant is correct, this probably would have been around the time that Capone was convicted on tax evasion and went to prison, although it is more likely that it was further into the 1930s. Informant stated that Battaglia and Marshal Caifano were also made around shortly after Giancana.

-Informant goes on to say that Buccieri had previously worked for Marshall Caifano's brother, Leonard (Fat Lenny), and was sponsored into the Outfit by Lenny before his murder in 1951. Buccieri eventually became close to Giancana and the two became partners in many enterprises. Informant again states that Battaglia had been made in the "Capone years," as well as Accardo. (The informant can probably be forgiven for not being consistent in some of this information as it had been 30 years old at the time of the interview).

-Informant said that Cerone was made in the early 1940s and was sponsored by Accardo and Ricca. Cerone became partners with Joseph Gagliano around this time.

-Informant described the non-Italian element as being particularly influential in gambling, legal matters, and the unions. The informant said that although these non-Italians can become "bosses" they cannot become made members. When new members are initiated into the Outfit the non-Italians are not allowed to be present during the ceremony but may be called in after its conclusion.

-Informant stated that "caporegime" and "soldier" are not commonly used by the Outfit but he equated caporegimes with "district bosses" in Chicago while "soldiers" could be defined as those members working under said bosses. Informant estimated that there were approximately 150 made members of the Outfit but "thousands" in New York.

-Informant described the Rockford area as having "opened up" in 1959, presumably meaning that they were allowed to run as an independent family. Informant described redacted name (probably Frank Buscemi) as the boss of Rockford. Buscemi had previously reported to Jim DeGeorge but informant was unaware of current status of Rockford. It appears that Rockford had previously been an Outfit territory under DeGeorge but was allowed to branch off and become an independent family, although I am not sure of the accuracy of this. Maybe Cavita can weigh in here.

-Chicago Heights and Calumet City are run by Frank LaPorte who reports directly to Sam Giancana.

-Joliet, Illinois is jointly run by William Daddano and Joseph Amato. Amato's influence is limited to Joliet and Lake County while Daddano has interests in several other areas and is a very powerful individual. Both Amato and Daddano were made "many years ago." Daddano was described as formerly being chauffeur for Jake Guzik and as a powerful and close associate of Giancana. Francis Curry is also influential in the Joliet area, particularly as far as political influence is concerned.

-Informant cited Joseph Mendino as the boss of Lake County before he died. Amato and Jim DeGeorge now control Lake County for the Outfit. Edward Vogel and Leslie Kruse also have slot machines and gambling operations in the county, respectively. The sheriff of Lake County is alleged to be under Outfit control.

-Buster Wortman is allowed to operate in East St. Louis, Illinois as long as he kicks up to Giancana and the Outfit.

-Informant describes the brother of Frank Fratto (Louis Fratto, aka Lew Farrell) as being the Outfit's boss of Iowa. Interestingly enough, informant does not believe that Farrell is made although the latter admitted to it in sessions with the FBI near the end of his life.

-Informant described DuPage County as being run by an attorney who is an Outfit associate and possesses a significant amount of political influence.

-Informant stated that Melrose Park was run by Battaglia and Caifano, with Battaglia having the most power. Jack Cerone had previously had an interest in the Melrose Park area but had "sold" his interests to Battaglia, retaining only a piece of a policy racket in the area. Rocco DeGrazio was also described as formerly possessing a "piece" of the territory (he was later removed in favor of Battaglia but allowed to hang onto his club, the Casa Madrid). Phil Alderisio and Albert Frabotta, upon their making in 1956, were given a percentage of the rackets in Melrose Park and were also subordinate to Battaglia.

-The Outfit "made" around 30 individuals in 1956 and "broke up" a number of their districts in order to provide these new members with a percentage of the income in those territories. It can be inferred that older members like DeGrazia were pushed out to make room these new individuals.

-William Daddano runs Kankanee, Illinois.

-William Daddano and Joseph Aiuppa are the two most influential members in Cicero, with Daddano being slightly higher in stature. Frank Eulo supervises gambling in Cicero for both men. Robert Ansani is a partner of Aiuppa in many of the latter's businesses. A number of Greeks are active in the Cicero area but are subservient to Gus Alex. Alex also preserves the peace between the various Greek factions in the Chicago area and none would have any power whatsoever if Alex wished it.

-A large "barbouth" game (a type of dice game) is run in the Cicero area by Fiore Buccieri. Prior to this game, the largest game in the Cicero area was a huge craps game run by Rocco and Joseph Fischetti. This game was later taken over by Claude Maddox, Robert Ansani, and Leslie Kruse, with a large percentage being kicked up to Tony Accardo. It was revealed that Sam Battaglia had attempted to buy a percentage of the game but was unsuccessful. According to informant, this game was raided "several years ago" and $86,000 was confiscated. The take on this craps game averaged between 100,000 and 200,000 dollars a night ($875,000 to 1.75 million dollars in today's money!)

-The Near North Side is mentioned as being under the control of Ross Prio and Joseph DiVarco, with Jimmy Allegretti directly beneath them and responsible for police payoffs, political connections, strip joints, and prostitution. The "Three Doms," Dominick DiBella, Dominick Brancato, and Dominic Nuccio are all made and retain influence in bookmaking and strip joints on the Near North Side. Albert Frabotta and Marshall Caifano also have a piece of some of the proceeds on the North Side. Bill Gold is a bookmaker who works for DiVarco.

-The "Diversey District" (an area encompassing the Diversey Street area on the North Side) is run by Leonard Gianola. Joseph Mendino previously controlled this district prior to his death.

-Alderisio is reported to control the "North Side," (by the informant's definition, those parts of the North Side north of the Diversey District; although it was commonly known that Prio controlled everything on the North Side) with Frabotta and Caifano also controlling interests in this area. Leonard Patrick controls the Jewish areas of the North Side and reports to Alderisio (again, Alderisio no doubt had interests on the North Side but the power ultimately resided with Prio).

-The West Side (modern-day I-90 west to Cicero Avenue) is shared by Jack Cerone and Fiore Buccieri (although not described by informant, it is generally believed that Cerone controlled the "northern" portion of this disctrict, while Buccieri controlled the "southern," with Madison Street considered to be the dividing line between the two). Should Giancana choose to retire as boss, Buccieri was believed to be his successor, although he had suffered a heart attack and now Cerone was viewed as the next in line. With that said, Buccieri handles Giancana's business interests for him when he is out of town.

-Willie Daddano is also said to retain some influence on the West Side, with interests in juice loans and gambling. Frank Teutonica, who is not made, was described as handling juice activities for Daddano in this area. Joseph Giancana and Dominic Blasi, both made, also work for Daddano in this area. Charles Nicoletti, who is made, runs the West Madison Street area and is assisted by John Varelli, who was one of the individuals made in 1956.

-The South Side is almost exclusively policy and numbers, popular among the African American population which encompasses much of the area. Jeff Manno is described as running policy for the Outfit on the South Side although Buccieri, Cerone and Jeff's older brother Pat are described as the main beneficiaries of the racket. Several independent policy "wheels" are still in operation in the area although the Outfit is able to easily take these over by arranging for a raid and then fixing the subsequent case, afterwards muscling 50 percent of the wheel (presumably on the threat of further trouble from police). The numbers racket on the South Side was controlled by Joe Divarco, Ross Prio, and Joe Cappi (Joseph Cappizzi). Prior to his death, Anthony Capezio was influential in this area. The entire South Side is generally considered to be under the influence of Ralph Pierce, who, while not Italian, is still deferred to in many instances concerning the area.

-The Near South Side and southern Loop was described as being bossed by a redacted name (seems to be Frank Ferraro, although I am unsure of why he would be redacted). Ralph Pierce and Gus Alex also described as being influential in this area. Louis Briatta and Ben Fillichio, although not made, also retain influence because of political connections or associations with other influential Outfit figures. Joe Fusco, who is made, was described as being influential but was now considered to be mostly retired and involved in legitimate liquor business. This area was noted as being "cut up" among many different members and in some cases these members are subordinate to non-Italians. Sam Cesario was described as one of these made members who possessed little power.

-The Loop is not described as being a very active area at this time although Gus Alex and Ralph Pierce are said to be "supreme" in this area. A redacted associate of Leonard Gianola was described as being a very large bookmaker who is based in this area.
Last edited by Snakes on Sat Sep 05, 2020 4:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Villain »

Snakes wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 8:28 pm Early 1960s informant info
Great stuff Snakes and thanks.

It confirms a lot of my previous guesses such as Buccieri being previously under Lenny Caifano, and if Blasi answered to Daddono than this confirms the theory that they all previously worked for Belcastro who in turn worked for Mangano. BUT the most interesting is the connection between the North Side faction and Rockford. In the past, i made more than few statements to Cavita that there was some quite close connection between the two groups that needs to be investigated (Cavita can confirm this) in other words, i dont find it strange if previously Rockford kicked up to the Outfit/North Side faction. This also corresponds with the territorial boss theory or major capos controlling much larger areas, including small cities...similar as Battaglia who took his cut from Des Moines through Fratto.

The 30 made guys in 56 also confirms the takeover of Giancanas regime but there are also few conflicting infos, like for example according to Battaglia and Humphreys....they knew the inner workings of the Capone gang while Giancana didnt, meaning he wasnt acquainted with the old Capone regime but instead he came later or during the mid 30s when Ricca took over, and was made right before going to prison or in 1939

Also, by the early 60s Prio was looked upon as one of the most powerful members....Mendino worked for Caifano and Battaglia....besides other guys having interests in Joliet, that area was under the jurisdiction of the Chicago Heights faction also, with Curry and Armand D'Andrea being the real bosses...Capezio on the South Side? When or what time period? The Capone gang originated on the South Side and Capezio was their loyalist but his "specialty" was by being located on the northwest side and Grand, or in the heart of the old Mafia...who knows, maybe Capezio was really the one time acting boss for the Outfit during the conflict between Ricca and Accardo, and received interests on the south....just my two cents

Thanks again
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by PolackTony »

Snakes thanks, this is really great. I'm sure will serve to fuel some useful discussions. It certainly helps to confirm much of what is understood about the Outfit.

I had always assumed that Teutonica and Briatta were made, while I know some have doubted that Fusco was made. Go figure.

The informant states that Giancana, Battaglia, Caifano were.madenin the Capone days. While this is likely an error due to the time elapsed -- as noted above -- it does make me wonder if one or more induction ceremony were conducted during the interim after Capone was recognized as boss by Maranzano and before he was sent away.

As Villain already noted, it's news that Capezio had interest on the Southside. Though I suppose that it's no more surprising then Alderisio's major interests in the Northside (further confirmed by this CI). I wonder if he was also paying a cut out to Caruso (as I assume Alderisio was doing with Prio) for operating in his "district" or if the Southside being considered "open" territory at the time obviated this sort of arrangement. Weird that (presumably) Caruso's name is redacted. Maybe something to do with ongoing case files for Caruso Jr?

The statements on Rockford and DeGeorge are interesting, but if course make sense. I don't know enough about Rockford, but I'd imagine that it was territory of the Near North Side going back to the old Sicilian Chicago family.

From the CI's account, Laporte was not on the ruling Committee but was direct with Giancana. Also unclear as to whether Prio was on the Committee? At least with the Heights one again gets the impression that they were permitted to almost function as their own "family" under the top admin (perhaps overstated a bit, but maybe something close to this).

Any ideas as to the possible identity of the CI? I suppose that you would've reported it already, but any details on the induction ceremony or other protocol?

Additionally, a cool project would be to try to infer the 30 guys made in 1956 (we know at least Alderisio and Frabotta). I wonder also why so many were inducted in that year. Of course the national LCN closed the books in '57, but that has always been understood as a response to the fallout from Appalachin and thus wouldn't have been planned ahead of time.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Villain »

I agree with PolackTony...the 30 made guys would be a good the top of my head, Alderisio, Frabotta, Ferriola, Eldorado, possibly Allegretti etc.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Snakes »

I think the reference to Capezio and the South Side was that he once had an interest in the numbers racket down there because it mentions Cappi taking this over after Capezio died.

I need to make a correction to the above; Frank Ferraro was actually the guy listed as boss of the "near South Side and southern Loop," I erroneously had Caruso there. I made the change in the original post.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

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These are the guys I have as being part of the big '56 ceremony (estimated at 25-30):

Joe Ferriola
Tony Pine Eldorado
Anthony Maenza
Vincent Inserro
Jimmy Allegretti
Phil Alderisio
Albert Frabotta
John Varrelli
Chuck English (possible)
Sam English (possible)
Leonard Gianola (possible)

A possible reason why they made so many guys was that they had apt of younger guys who had proven themselves as money makers or killers and they needed to make room for these guys by pushing some of the older guard out (like DeGrazia). Making these guys just legitimized them being able to do that.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Snakes »

The informant was involved in narcotics, numbers/policy, and bookmaking on the South Side and apparently had familial connections with a made guy from New York now residing in the Houston area. The informant also admitted to being told to "stay away" from his old associates in Chicago as he had recent arrests for narcotics, which made the FBI uncertain of how he would be used as an informant going forward. As I mentioned earlier, the information presented by the informant made it appear as if he was made although there are no details about when or how this person was made but these were probably redacted to protect the identity of the informant.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Villain »

Snakes wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:55 am These are the guys I have as being part of the big '56 ceremony:

Joe Ferriola
Tony Pine Eldorado
Anthony Maenza
Vincent Inserro
Jimmy Allegretti
Phil Alderisio
Albert Frabotta
John Varrelli
Chuck English (possible)
Sam English (possible)
Leonard Gianola (possible)

A possible reason why they made so many guys was that they had apt of younger guys who had proven themselves as money makers or killers and they needed to make room for these guys by pushing some of the older guard out (like DeGrazia). Making these guys just legitimized them being able to do that.
Thanks for the corrections MJ since I was wondering about Ferraro ;) 8-)

Im 100% sure that Gianola and the English bros were also made that same year....i wonder if the third English brother, Joe, was also made member of the Outfit since at first he was also quite active in Chicago and later in AZ...

Also, if the informer was made before the early 60s and belonged to the South Side faction, than I believe that we dont have many Italians in that same area during the previous years, meaning there might be some chances to detect him...ill see if i can find something, especially with the NY and Houston info....he was either with the Ferraro/Pierce/Manno or the Roti clan...and as I already said, the mid 50s inductions very much correspond with the info that during that same time period Ricca and Giancana brought in the so-called "42's".....btw Jeff Manno? Never heard of him since ive heard of Pat, Nick, Sam, Fred, Tom and Pat Jr...never heard of Jeff Manno

As for Capezio, I dunno you might be right since I can see him receiving interests on the south side during the late 40s and early 50s when the policy and numbers racket reached its peak under the Outfit, not before that
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Snakes »

Villain wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:35 am
Snakes wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:55 am These are the guys I have as being part of the big '56 ceremony:

Joe Ferriola
Tony Pine Eldorado
Anthony Maenza
Vincent Inserro
Jimmy Allegretti
Phil Alderisio
Albert Frabotta
John Varrelli
Chuck English (possible)
Sam English (possible)
Leonard Gianola (possible)

A possible reason why they made so many guys was that they had apt of younger guys who had proven themselves as money makers or killers and they needed to make room for these guys by pushing some of the older guard out (like DeGrazia). Making these guys just legitimized them being able to do that.
Thanks for the corrections MJ since I was wondering about Ferraro ;) 8-)

Im 100% sure that Gianola and the English bros were also made that same year....i wonder if the third English brother, Joe, was also made member of the Outfit since at first he was also quite active in Chicago and later in AZ...

Also, if the informer was made before the early 60s and belonged to the South Side faction, than I believe that we dont have many Italians in that same area during the previous years, meaning there might be some chances to detect him...ill see if i can find something, especially with the NY and Houston info....he was either with the Ferraro/Pierce/Manno or the Roti clan...and as I already said, the mid 50s inductions very much correspond with the info that during that same time period Ricca and Giancana brought in the so-called "42's".....btw Jeff Manno? Never heard of him since ive heard of Pat, Nick, Sam, Fred, Tom and Pat Jr...never heard of Jeff Manno

As for Capezio, I dunno you might be right since I can see him receiving interests on the south side during the late 40s and early 50s when the policy and numbers racket reached its peak under the Outfit, not before that
Yeah, I'm not sure why I forgot about Ferraro but maybe I was thinking in my head that he was already dead even that wouldn't happen for a couple more years. I also figured his name wouldn't be redacted since he has been dead 50 years but that's the type of thing you have to deal with in these files.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Villain »

Snakes wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:53 am
Villain wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:35 am
Snakes wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:55 am These are the guys I have as being part of the big '56 ceremony:

Joe Ferriola
Tony Pine Eldorado
Anthony Maenza
Vincent Inserro
Jimmy Allegretti
Phil Alderisio
Albert Frabotta
John Varrelli
Chuck English (possible)
Sam English (possible)
Leonard Gianola (possible)

A possible reason why they made so many guys was that they had apt of younger guys who had proven themselves as money makers or killers and they needed to make room for these guys by pushing some of the older guard out (like DeGrazia). Making these guys just legitimized them being able to do that.
Thanks for the corrections MJ since I was wondering about Ferraro ;) 8-)

Im 100% sure that Gianola and the English bros were also made that same year....i wonder if the third English brother, Joe, was also made member of the Outfit since at first he was also quite active in Chicago and later in AZ...

Also, if the informer was made before the early 60s and belonged to the South Side faction, than I believe that we dont have many Italians in that same area during the previous years, meaning there might be some chances to detect him...ill see if i can find something, especially with the NY and Houston info....he was either with the Ferraro/Pierce/Manno or the Roti clan...and as I already said, the mid 50s inductions very much correspond with the info that during that same time period Ricca and Giancana brought in the so-called "42's".....btw Jeff Manno? Never heard of him since ive heard of Pat, Nick, Sam, Fred, Tom and Pat Jr...never heard of Jeff Manno

As for Capezio, I dunno you might be right since I can see him receiving interests on the south side during the late 40s and early 50s when the policy and numbers racket reached its peak under the Outfit, not before that
Yeah, I'm not sure why I forgot about Ferraro but maybe I was thinking in my head that he was already dead even that wouldn't happen for a couple more years. I also figured his name wouldn't be redacted since he has been dead 50 years but that's the type of thing you have to deal with in these files.
I completely agree...btw i think ive edited my previous msg the same time you answered....regarding Jeff Manno...I never heard of him before since ive heard of Pat, Nick, Sam, Fred, Tom and Pat ever stumbled upon Jeff?
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Snakes »

Additional information from an informant (it doesn't appear to be the same one as above) stated that some of the men "made" by Capone in 1931 after he was recognized as "boss" of the Chicago "Family" by the Commission were Frank Nitti, Tony Capezio, the "Alo" brothers, Paul Ricca, and Tony Accardo. I am unaware of any "Alo" brothers in the Outfit; was this an alias used by the Fischettis?

Informant also stated that Giancana disliked "La Cosa Nostra" and had "forbidden" its use by the Outfit. He also stated that Outfit members operate on a "commission" basis, meaning that they are reward and advanced in stature based on the money they contribute to the organization. This means that newer and younger members can surpass older ones in stature if they are better earners.

The informant described the organization of the Outfit as being broken up into several different sections or "wards," as he described it (this may be interchangeable with "districts" which I have seen other informants use). Informant goes on to say that suburbs are controlled by members, who may run one or more suburb. Note - It could be surmised that at this point in time, made guys controlled individual wards, districts, or suburbs and may have owned stake in other wards or districts, depending on their stature or moneymaking ability. The higher ranking members received a larger piece of certain territories including takes from all of the members controlling areas within the senior members "sphere," i.e., Battaglia in Melrose Park. Members who didn't control areas may have operated a racket (juice or gambling) within a certain territory. Just my own two cents on this time period.
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Re: General Chicago Outfit Info Dumping Ground

Post by Snakes »

Villain wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:55 am
Snakes wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:53 am
Villain wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:35 am
Snakes wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:55 am These are the guys I have as being part of the big '56 ceremony:

Joe Ferriola
Tony Pine Eldorado
Anthony Maenza
Vincent Inserro
Jimmy Allegretti
Phil Alderisio
Albert Frabotta
John Varrelli
Chuck English (possible)
Sam English (possible)
Leonard Gianola (possible)

A possible reason why they made so many guys was that they had apt of younger guys who had proven themselves as money makers or killers and they needed to make room for these guys by pushing some of the older guard out (like DeGrazia). Making these guys just legitimized them being able to do that.
Thanks for the corrections MJ since I was wondering about Ferraro ;) 8-)

Im 100% sure that Gianola and the English bros were also made that same year....i wonder if the third English brother, Joe, was also made member of the Outfit since at first he was also quite active in Chicago and later in AZ...

Also, if the informer was made before the early 60s and belonged to the South Side faction, than I believe that we dont have many Italians in that same area during the previous years, meaning there might be some chances to detect him...ill see if i can find something, especially with the NY and Houston info....he was either with the Ferraro/Pierce/Manno or the Roti clan...and as I already said, the mid 50s inductions very much correspond with the info that during that same time period Ricca and Giancana brought in the so-called "42's".....btw Jeff Manno? Never heard of him since ive heard of Pat, Nick, Sam, Fred, Tom and Pat Jr...never heard of Jeff Manno

As for Capezio, I dunno you might be right since I can see him receiving interests on the south side during the late 40s and early 50s when the policy and numbers racket reached its peak under the Outfit, not before that
Yeah, I'm not sure why I forgot about Ferraro but maybe I was thinking in my head that he was already dead even that wouldn't happen for a couple more years. I also figured his name wouldn't be redacted since he has been dead 50 years but that's the type of thing you have to deal with in these files.
I completely agree...btw i think ive edited my previous msg the same time you answered....regarding Jeff Manno...I never heard of him before since ive heard of Pat, Nick, Sam, Fred, Tom and Pat ever stumbled upon Jeff?
Not sure of a Jeff so perhaps the informant misremembered? Although it seems like he would know based on his apparent experience in the South Side policy racket.
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