The Gambinos place in LCN

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The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by CabriniGreen »

You guys know the Gambinos, and especially the Sicilian faction has had me a little preoccupied, to say the least. Just more evidence that they are VERY tied into Sicily..... it's still a little curious to me......

The Agrigento mafia and the Gambino family of New York: the meeting in Favara
The Agrigento mafia and the Gambino family of New York: the meeting in Favara
Giancarlo Buggea and Simone Castello

More than half a century after the famous meeting of the former head of the Agrigento mafia Giuseppe Settecasi, the only representative of the entire Sicilian thing who participated in the historic mafia meeting in Apalachin (held on November 14, 1957, and which was attended by the leading exponents of all the mafia families of America), the Cosa Nostra from Agrigento still boasts a privileged and strong bond with the US one. The extraordinary investigative element emerges from an interception by the Carabinieri del Ros against Giancarlo Buggea, direct expression of the boss Falsone and top member of the Agrigento mafia, with Simone Castello, a 71-year-old mafia from Villabate known as the "postman" of Bernardo Provenzano. The meeting between the two takes place on May 2, 2019 and at the center of the discussion is the creation of a criminal synergy with exponents of the American Cosa Nostra for a transactional illicit investment in the credit card sector with unlimited coverage.

Buggea explains that a certain "Peppe Pirrera, a friend of mine from Favara ... sick with the Mafia" had proposed the deal to him, who had told him that his son had gone to America to find a friendand that the latter had now come to Sicily and wanted to conclude "an operation", through "transfers" and credit cards with which "money" of certain illicit origin could be sent to Italy, evidently the result of activities criminals perpetrated at source by exponents of the American Cosa Nostra. From the analysis of the overall technical activities recorded between 20 and 27 April 2019 from which it emerged that Pirrera had dealt with "triangulating", both on 20 and 23 April, the mafia meetings between Buggea and the emissary of Cosa Nostra American, using his shop located in Favara as an operational base from which to reach the agreed places.

L Once accredited, "the American" had clarified to Buggea the subject of the criminal project which was understood to refer to the transnational laundering of large sums from Singapore. After providing further details about the nature and value of the transaction proposed by the American emissary, Buggea hypothesized operational scenarios to be implemented. In his opinion, the necessary recycling operations that had been proposed to him by the "American" had to be carried out, using the marketing of fruit and vegetables or through a company which, initially with a good turnover, was then stripped of the large sums that they would be sent in as consideration for fictitious business. Noting the wide availability that the promoter of the project had shown on the percentage of money that Buggea himself and the whole thing of ours could have kept against the total sum (laundered),

Different Article here

Mafia, the "Xydi" blitz is triggered: the Ros performs 23 stops: there is also a lawyer, an inspector and police assistant

For 2 years, the mafia bosses of various Sicilian provinces met in the office of a lawyer from Canicattì who was the partner of an already convicted entrepreneur. His firm had been chosen as the logistical base of the clans because the law restricts investigative activities in lawyers' offices


February 2, 2021
The Carabinieri del Ros are executing a decree of arrest of a suspect of crime issued by the Dda of Palermo against 23 suspects, held in various capacities responsible for mafia-type association, external competition in mafia association, personal aiding and abetting, attempted extortion and other crimes aggravated because committed with the aim of facilitating mafia associations.

To carry out the measures of the DDA, the ROS is working with the support of the military of the Arma of Agrigento, Trapani, Caltanissetta, Palermo and of the twelfth "Sicily" regiment of the Sicily Hunters helicopter squadron and of the ninth helicopter group. The operation was named "Xydi".

The Ros blitz: the Stiddra regroups around the principal of the murder Livatino
Mafia boss and boss of Stidda. The investigation affects the mafia families of Agrigento and Trapani and is coordinated by the Palermo prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi, the adjunct Paolo Guido and prosecutors Gery Ferrara, Claudio Camilleri and Gianluca De Leo. The investigation also concerns an inspector of the Penitentiary police and an assistant chief of the state police, accused of external involvement in a mafia association, unauthorized access to the computer system and disclosure of office secrets, and a lawyer.

Law firm "chosen as a logistical base"
For 2 years the mafia bosses of various Sicilian provinces met in the office of a lawyer from Canicattì who ended up in a cell today in the blitz of the carabinieri del Ros. The lawyer, defender of several mafia members, was the partner of an entrepreneur already convicted of mafia association. His firm had been chosen as the logistical base of the clans because the law restricts investigative activities in lawyers' offices. The investigators ascertained that the woman, Angela Porcello, 50, companion of a mafia member, had assumed a leading role in Cosa Nostra by organizing the summits, playing the role of adviser, suggestion and inspirer of many clan activities. Reassured by the lawyer on the impossibility of wiretapping in his office, the heads of the districts of Canicattì, of the family of Ravanusa, Favara and Licata,

Blit "Xydia", the prefect: "Result of the constant action of the police"
The hundreds of hours of interception arranged after, during the investigation, the carabinieri understood the true nature of the meetings, allowed the investigators to shed light on the structure of the clans, on the dynamics within the gangs and to grasp them live, from the viva voce of mafia members from all over Sicily, stories and evolutions.

Clans controlled the agri-food market
The Agrigento mafia controlled and exploited - according to what emerged from the investigation of the DDA of Palermo and the Carabinieri del Ros - the sector of the trade of grapes and other agricultural products in the province, grabbing huge economic resources that went to feed the coffers of the clans and limited the use of risky illegal activities such as drug trafficking
. At the same time the clans presided over the main economic activity of the territory in a province firmly linked to the agri-food market.

Sicilians and US clans still in business
The historical relationships between the Sicilian mafia and the American Cosa Nostra, discovered in the 1970s by Giovanni Falcone, have never ceased. From the Ros investigation it emerged that US emissaries of the Gambino "family" of New York in recent months would have gone to Favara to offer local common businesses to the clans.

The Stidda - the soldiers of the Arma discovered - could count on a real arsenal of weapons.

Couple Things

• I've pretty much known that these contacts have never ceased. Its underestimated how much Siciliy needed NY to make the big money, to get the liquidity for their corporate structures. Yeah, you have windfalls some times, lemons, the construction boom in Palermo Centre, Sulfer mines..... but what's main the resource in Sicily? The land, the location, and the fact they can influence local elections. They absolutely needed to follow the Caruana- Cuntreras-Calabrian model, more colonies, more territories, more business, more money.

• I've always felt that Agrigento had the backing of the Gambinos... I know the Canadian guys are Bonnanos. But specifically the Agrigento people, were kinda in bed with the Gambinos. And yes, Settecasi was a major figure who went to bat for the Rizzutos, they were always tied into the Sicilian mafia TOO, moreso than NY, I would say.

• The Gambinos, in NY, have to open the door for LOCAL Sicilian clans to get into LOCAL businesses in Sicily? Did I read that correct? This tells me they are still reeling from arrest and asset siezure. They have all the organization in the world, they just keep running into police. They cant afford the large scale trafficking anymore, it's too hot, and they are as hot as it gets. They need something else to build liquidity, to invest in corporate structures, so they can take advantage of all their political contacts.

They seem to lack a business foundation at the moment.

• Interesting they mention the port of Catania. I posted an article that had the Sinaloa cartel opening an " Office" in Catania, Sicily.

• Even Diminio was scheduled for a meeting with Frank Cali, I believe the very day he was killed. Is it Denaro who's behind these contacts? I look at this stuff in comparison with the Domingo thing. This seems much more high level. Bigger business in every way, much more than slots or video poker in a couple bars.

This is Agricultural racketeering, international money laundering through a Singapore bank...( Now contrast this with the Campos crew, " hiding" money in the Bank of America, in a checking account, in their own names, lol..) Cali was allegedly involved in Agricultural based business. With Calabrians as well.

• Growing trend, all the mafias are doing business together. Here we have the Stidda, reconciled with Cosa Nostra, the Martiradonna clan from the USC deal with LCN and Ndrangheta, they provide the gambling infrastructure for large scale sports betting, new source of liquidity they can replace drugs with.

Any thoughts? I thought this was pretty interesting..
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by SantoClaus »

If you listen to people speak of the threat the ‘mafia’ poses to other countries, ie. Germany 🇩🇪 etc. It usually implies that there is an overarching theme of the ‘mafia’ being bigger than just one group. The trend of all of the societies working together is something that has been increasing for a while IMO, and really makes the most sense.

The P2 investigations and the massacres of 92-93, included the involvement of military, government and business people as well, it appears now that the system that is used at the highest level, acts as if it’s one organization, any ways.

The Gambino thing is super interesting, since it is connected to the Inzerillo. I even belief that there was a rumour that amongst all the violence in Hamilton, Canada. That the Gambino/Inzerrillo family ended up making someone, whose family member was killed. I don’t know if it’s been confirmed or not?

The Stidda being kinda accepted as a legitimate group is also interesting, since I believe in the Agrigento region that Provenzano and Denaro killed a large number of Stidda members, at one point.
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by CabriniGreen »

I got this from Hollander on the other board.. the article has a pay wall.... eeh.. from La Repubblica.....

You can get money through credit cards," explained the boss Giancarlo Buggea to Simone Castello, one of the postmen of the boss Bernardo Provenzano who, after serving a sentence for the Mafia, had moved to eastern Sicily, managing some farms. The Americans were also interested in the "port areas, there you can make other speeches, the place that interests you is Catania, because Palermo is already there". What was Buggea referring to? He explained that this type of business would yield 20 percent to the local family. "As soon as he comes we meet him - he still said to Castello - we take him to eat."

In April 2019 "the American", as they called him in the interceptions, made a meeting with some emissaries of the clan, in Castrofilippo. And here is the interesting explanation that Buggea gave to Castello, a sign of the ancient ties between the American and Sicilian mafia: "In New York there are good people from Castrofilippo ... I had to go there in 2005, three years before Totò Di Gioia went there, he went to Dominick Acquisto, who is a Castrofilippese close to the Gambinos, to that Calì they killed ». It was from Castrofilippo - also explained this Buggea - the then head of the mafia province of Agrigento, Giuseppe Settecasi, the only representative of Cosa Nostra Siciliana admitted to participate in the historic meeting which was held on November 14, 1957, in Apalachin, among all the families of America. Really the story of the mafia. And the pressing topicality.

In that conversation, all to be deciphered, another deal peeped out that the Gambinos would have set up, in Kosovo - so Buggea said - this time with the Palermo relatives, the Inzerillos. One name was mentioned in particular, that of Sandro Mannino, the godson of Totuccio Inzerillo, recently arrested by the mobile squad in the blitz that stopped the reorganization of the Inzerillo group in Palermo. Precisely in that investigation there was talk of credit cards arriving in Palermo, with a lot of money to invest. But where? "They have the money," Castello commented. The treasure of the old mafia, never seized.
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by eboli »

Here's the full article.
Source: ... 285719295/
Mafia, business between New York and Sicily with the treasure of the old godfathers. A Gambino emissary in Agrigento
by Salvo Palazzolo

The interceptions of the Ros reveal the investment plans of the clans. They also focused on the port area of ​​Catania. A giant recycling channel through a Singapore bank

In the heart of the province of Agrigento, there is an air of reconciliation among the mafia who were once at war. Business is more important now. And in the background there is only one point of reference, the superlatant Matteo Messina Denaro. The latest investigation by the Carabinieri del Ros, which yesterday led to 22 arrests ordered by the Palermo Anti-Mafia District Directorate, photographs Corleonesi and "escaped" together, Cosa Nostra and Stidda. United by the desire for new investments in the legal economy. This is how clans rearrange themselves.

The American mafiosi of the Gambino clan, the relatives of the "losers" in the mafia war of the Eighties, had delivered a very interesting offer to the bosses of Agrigento, those of strict Corleonese faith: through a clean society in Sicily they would have brought a lot of money from a Singapore bank. A maxi-recycling operation. The Americans were also interested in the port area of ​​Catania. Meanwhile, in Sicily, peace trials and new alliances ran between other enemies of the past: the bosses of Cosa Nostra and those of the reconstituted Stidda, which had come back into vogue after the release of two high-ranking life prisoners like Antonio Gallea and Santo Rinallo. The two mafias shared the great deal of brokerage on grape sales in the province of Agrigento. Each clan had its own matchmaker, which was imposed on entrepreneurs. And the bosses pocketed a percentage of the business. From 1 to 3 percent, which is also equivalent to hundreds of thousands of euros.

Communication network

What emerges from the investigation coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Paolo Guido, by the substitutes Claudio Camilleri, Gianluca De Leo and Geri Ferrara is the story of the mafia live. Five authoritative mafiosi from Agrigento ended up in prison, who had relations with bosses from all over Sicily: Calogero Di Caro (at the top of the Canicattì district), Giancarlo Buggea (organizer of the Canicattì district), Luigi Boncori (head of the Ravanusa family) , Giuseppe Sicilia (head of the Favara family), Giovanni Lauria (head of the Licata family).

The prosecutors underline "the uniqueness of Cosa Nostra". And, above all, the privileged channel that the Agrigento godfathers would have had with Matteo Messina Denaro. "They had a current and very secret communication network with the fugitive - the magistrates write in the arrest measure - and they unanimously recognized him as the only one who has the last word" in important decisions. For example, for the appointment of a captain. Or for the deal that the emissaries of the Gambino clan of New York who arrived in Favara proposed to the Sicilians.

What is the channel between the Agrigento bosses and Messina Denaro we do not know. But today there is one more certainty in the long hunt for the boss of Castelvetrano that has not been able to be stopped since 1993: "He is still able to take very delicate decisions for the balance of power of the Cosa Nostra - is the analysis of those who investigate - despite his exceptional ability to obscure and invisibility ».

The American messenger

"You can get money through credit cards," explained the boss Giancarlo Buggea to Simone Castello, one of the postmen of the boss Bernardo Provenzano who, after serving a sentence for the Mafia, had moved to eastern Sicily, managing some farms. The Americans were also interested in the "port areas, there you can make other speeches, the place that interests you is Catania, because Palermo is already there". What was Buggea referring to? He explained that this type of business would yield 20 percent to the local family. "As soon as he comes we meet him - he still said to Castello - we take him to eat."

In April 2019 "the American", as they called him in the interceptions, made a meeting with some emissaries of the clan, in Castrofilippo. And here is the interesting explanation that Buggea gave to Castello, a sign of the ancient ties between the American and Sicilian mafia: "In New York there are good people from Castrofilippo ... I had to go there in 2005, three years before Totò went there Di Gioia, he went to Dominick Purchase, who is a Castrofilippese close to the Gambinos, to that Calì they killed ». It was from Castrofilippo - also explained this Buggea - the then head of the mafia province of Agrigento, Giuseppe Settecasi, the only representative of Cosa Nostra Siciliana admitted to participate in the historic meeting which was held on November 14, 1957, in Apalachin, among all the families of America. Really the story of the mafia. And the pressing topicality.

In that conversation, all to be deciphered, another deal peeped out that the Gambinos would have set up, in Kosovo - so Buggea said - this time with the Palermo relatives, the Inzerillos. One name was mentioned in particular, that of Sandro Mannino, the godson of Totuccio Inzerillo, recently arrested by the mobile squad in the blitz that stopped the reorganization of the Inzerillo group in Palermo. Precisely in that investigation there was talk of credit cards arriving in Palermo, with a lot of money to invest. But where? "They have the money," Castello commented. The treasure of the old mafia, never seized.
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by Bklyn21 »

CabriniGreen wrote: Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:31 am You guys know the Gambinos, and especially the Sicilian faction has had me a little preoccupied, to say the least. Just more evidence that they are VERY tied into Sicily..... it's still a little curious to me......

The Agrigento mafia and the Gambino family of New York: the meeting in Favara
The Agrigento mafia and the Gambino family of New York: the meeting in Favara
Giancarlo Buggea and Simone Castello

More than half a century after the famous meeting of the former head of the Agrigento mafia Giuseppe Settecasi, the only representative of the entire Sicilian thing who participated in the historic mafia meeting in Apalachin (held on November 14, 1957, and which was attended by the leading exponents of all the mafia families of America), the Cosa Nostra from Agrigento still boasts a privileged and strong bond with the US one. The extraordinary investigative element emerges from an interception by the Carabinieri del Ros against Giancarlo Buggea, direct expression of the boss Falsone and top member of the Agrigento mafia, with Simone Castello, a 71-year-old mafia from Villabate known as the "postman" of Bernardo Provenzano. The meeting between the two takes place on May 2, 2019 and at the center of the discussion is the creation of a criminal synergy with exponents of the American Cosa Nostra for a transactional illicit investment in the credit card sector with unlimited coverage.

Buggea explains that a certain "Peppe Pirrera, a friend of mine from Favara ... sick with the Mafia" had proposed the deal to him, who had told him that his son had gone to America to find a friendand that the latter had now come to Sicily and wanted to conclude "an operation", through "transfers" and credit cards with which "money" of certain illicit origin could be sent to Italy, evidently the result of activities criminals perpetrated at source by exponents of the American Cosa Nostra. From the analysis of the overall technical activities recorded between 20 and 27 April 2019 from which it emerged that Pirrera had dealt with "triangulating", both on 20 and 23 April, the mafia meetings between Buggea and the emissary of Cosa Nostra American, using his shop located in Favara as an operational base from which to reach the agreed places.

L Once accredited, "the American" had clarified to Buggea the subject of the criminal project which was understood to refer to the transnational laundering of large sums from Singapore. After providing further details about the nature and value of the transaction proposed by the American emissary, Buggea hypothesized operational scenarios to be implemented. In his opinion, the necessary recycling operations that had been proposed to him by the "American" had to be carried out, using the marketing of fruit and vegetables or through a company which, initially with a good turnover, was then stripped of the large sums that they would be sent in as consideration for fictitious business. Noting the wide availability that the promoter of the project had shown on the percentage of money that Buggea himself and the whole thing of ours could have kept against the total sum (laundered),

Different Article here

Mafia, the "Xydi" blitz is triggered: the Ros performs 23 stops: there is also a lawyer, an inspector and police assistant

For 2 years, the mafia bosses of various Sicilian provinces met in the office of a lawyer from Canicattì who was the partner of an already convicted entrepreneur. His firm had been chosen as the logistical base of the clans because the law restricts investigative activities in lawyers' offices


February 2, 2021
The Carabinieri del Ros are executing a decree of arrest of a suspect of crime issued by the Dda of Palermo against 23 suspects, held in various capacities responsible for mafia-type association, external competition in mafia association, personal aiding and abetting, attempted extortion and other crimes aggravated because committed with the aim of facilitating mafia associations.

To carry out the measures of the DDA, the ROS is working with the support of the military of the Arma of Agrigento, Trapani, Caltanissetta, Palermo and of the twelfth "Sicily" regiment of the Sicily Hunters helicopter squadron and of the ninth helicopter group. The operation was named "Xydi".

The Ros blitz: the Stiddra regroups around the principal of the murder Livatino
Mafia boss and boss of Stidda. The investigation affects the mafia families of Agrigento and Trapani and is coordinated by the Palermo prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi, the adjunct Paolo Guido and prosecutors Gery Ferrara, Claudio Camilleri and Gianluca De Leo. The investigation also concerns an inspector of the Penitentiary police and an assistant chief of the state police, accused of external involvement in a mafia association, unauthorized access to the computer system and disclosure of office secrets, and a lawyer.

Law firm "chosen as a logistical base"
For 2 years the mafia bosses of various Sicilian provinces met in the office of a lawyer from Canicattì who ended up in a cell today in the blitz of the carabinieri del Ros. The lawyer, defender of several mafia members, was the partner of an entrepreneur already convicted of mafia association. His firm had been chosen as the logistical base of the clans because the law restricts investigative activities in lawyers' offices. The investigators ascertained that the woman, Angela Porcello, 50, companion of a mafia member, had assumed a leading role in Cosa Nostra by organizing the summits, playing the role of adviser, suggestion and inspirer of many clan activities. Reassured by the lawyer on the impossibility of wiretapping in his office, the heads of the districts of Canicattì, of the family of Ravanusa, Favara and Licata,

Blit "Xydia", the prefect: "Result of the constant action of the police"
The hundreds of hours of interception arranged after, during the investigation, the carabinieri understood the true nature of the meetings, allowed the investigators to shed light on the structure of the clans, on the dynamics within the gangs and to grasp them live, from the viva voce of mafia members from all over Sicily, stories and evolutions.

Clans controlled the agri-food market
The Agrigento mafia controlled and exploited - according to what emerged from the investigation of the DDA of Palermo and the Carabinieri del Ros - the sector of the trade of grapes and other agricultural products in the province, grabbing huge economic resources that went to feed the coffers of the clans and limited the use of risky illegal activities such as drug trafficking
. At the same time the clans presided over the main economic activity of the territory in a province firmly linked to the agri-food market.

Sicilians and US clans still in business
The historical relationships between the Sicilian mafia and the American Cosa Nostra, discovered in the 1970s by Giovanni Falcone, have never ceased. From the Ros investigation it emerged that US emissaries of the Gambino "family" of New York in recent months would have gone to Favara to offer local common businesses to the clans.

The Stidda - the soldiers of the Arma discovered - could count on a real arsenal of weapons.

Couple Things

• I've pretty much known that these contacts have never ceased. Its underestimated how much Siciliy needed NY to make the big money, to get the liquidity for their corporate structures. Yeah, you have windfalls some times, lemons, the construction boom in Palermo Centre, Sulfer mines..... but what's main the resource in Sicily? The land, the location, and the fact they can influence local elections. They absolutely needed to follow the Caruana- Cuntreras-Calabrian model, more colonies, more territories, more business, more money.

• I've always felt that Agrigento had the backing of the Gambinos... I know the Canadian guys are Bonnanos. But specifically the Agrigento people, were kinda in bed with the Gambinos. And yes, Settecasi was a major figure who went to bat for the Rizzutos, they were always tied into the Sicilian mafia TOO, moreso than NY, I would say.

• The Gambinos, in NY, have to open the door for LOCAL Sicilian clans to get into LOCAL businesses in Sicily? Did I read that correct? This tells me they are still reeling from arrest and asset siezure. They have all the organization in the world, they just keep running into police. They cant afford the large scale trafficking anymore, it's too hot, and they are as hot as it gets. They need something else to build liquidity, to invest in corporate structures, so they can take advantage of all their political contacts.

They seem to lack a business foundation at the moment.

• Interesting they mention the port of Catania. I posted an article that had the Sinaloa cartel opening an " Office" in Catania, Sicily.

• Even Diminio was scheduled for a meeting with Frank Cali, I believe the very day he was killed. Is it Denaro who's behind these contacts? I look at this stuff in comparison with the Domingo thing. This seems much more high level. Bigger business in every way, much more than slots or video poker in a couple bars.

This is Agricultural racketeering, international money laundering through a Singapore bank...( Now contrast this with the Campos crew, " hiding" money in the Bank of America, in a checking account, in their own names, lol..) Cali was allegedly involved in Agricultural based business. With Calabrians as well.

• Growing trend, all the mafias are doing business together. Here we have the Stidda, reconciled with Cosa Nostra, the Martiradonna clan from the USC deal with LCN and Ndrangheta, they provide the gambling infrastructure for large scale sports betting, new source of liquidity they can replace drugs with.

Any thoughts? I thought this was pretty interesting..
Good stuff ! I never knew there was a representative at the apalachin summit from Sicily and all this info you posted was previously unknown to me
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by johnny_scootch »

Is there a single shred of evidence for Settecasi being at the Apalachin meeting?
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by CabriniGreen »

johnny_scootch wrote: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:06 am Is there a single shred of evidence for Settecasi being at the Apalachin meeting?
No idea..... I suppose one could scour Mary Ferrell... if they havent already.... some obscure, cryptic reference to a " Friend from over there", or " the old guy from Grigento", or some shit like that I guess.

Question on that, the bosses that stayed in the house, and didnt get arrested, were they all identified?

The way you frame it, it seems implausible to you. You think it implausible? That Settecassi was there? Reasoning? Do you think Agrigento to be not important enough to be represented, considering no one from Palermo or Trapani, or Catania was there. WERE any people there representing them? I see him as a key figure in the development of both the Siculiana and Cattolica families.

I thought it was a strange thing to focus on actually.
What did you think of the part about Gambinos and business in Sicily? The agri-mafia and its connections to Cali? The fact that all roads from Sicily into NY, really seemed to need Calis blessing.

Cali has been documented to be connected to all the Palermo families, Agrigento and Sciacca clans, Calabrians, Castellemare De Golfo, ( Palmieri, so Trapani too).

The emissary who went to Favara? Money laundering in Kosovo, Singapore banks. And there are continued references to the fact the Inzerillos money was never siezed. This is what has brought them great power in Sicily. Thier business infrastructure, the other clans are still trying to rebuild theirs.

Lots of new stuff here...
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by Antiliar »

I've never seen Giuseppe Settecasi's name in lists of Apalachian attendees.
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by eboli »

Antiliar wrote: Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:47 am I've never seen Giuseppe Settecasi's name in lists of Apalachian attendees.
I've seen him featured on some internet lists. I suspect that people read about how the FBN thought he was present as the Sicilian delegate because he attended the Palermo Summit in October 1957. Later he was caught on tape by the FBI and Canada's RCMP discussing Apalachin, but that was it. To my knowledge, there's no proof he attended.
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by cobra »

-giuseppe settecasi in usa for 3 months in 1957
-"probably participate in Apalachin meeting"
-source: mafiosi database by diego gambetta - oxford university website but not available now
-my view: giuseppe settecasi in usa in 1957 does not mean as gambetta said
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by Antiliar »

eboli wrote: Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:15 am
Antiliar wrote: Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:47 am I've never seen Giuseppe Settecasi's name in lists of Apalachian attendees.
I've seen him featured on some internet lists. I suspect that people read about how the FBN thought he was present as the Sicilian delegate because he attended the Palermo Summit in October 1957. Later he was caught on tape by the FBI and Canada's RCMP discussing Apalachin, but that was it. To my knowledge, there's no proof he attended.
I saw his name in the Talk section of the Apalachin meeting Wikipedia page, but it just had his name among others asking for documentation. I have lists from the State of New York and the FBI and he's not in them. As for Diego Gambetta, he could have just noted something for further research.
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by CabriniGreen »

Has anyone previously heard of Sandro Mannino?
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by mafiastudent »

CabriniGreen wrote: Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:06 pm Has anyone previously heard of Sandro Mannino?
Maybe short for Alessandro? ... 7ca4f5253/
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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by CabriniGreen »

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Re: The Gambinos place in LCN

Post by CabriniGreen »


Written by Riccardo Lo Verso
on 03 February 2021 - 06:02

The mafia and the grape deal: millionaire earnings and laundered money

The intertwining of bosses from Agrigento, Palermo 'escaped', stiddari and Americans
PALERMO - There are areas of Sicily where the bosses share a few hundred euros collected with lace. In Agrigento and its surroundings, however, far from the spotlight, the mafiosi make millionaire deals with the sale of table grapes in Italy and around the world.

Stray thought here......

You see this mafia class distinction in NY, and it's clear, it's also present in Sicily. I'm still struck by Diminio wanting to go to America, even if it means he had to become a paid killer, lol.... theres no money in that either nowadays.....

Back to the article....

A business so profitable that it has bothered the Gambino mafia family of New York, ready to launder mountains of dirty money.

The matchmaker of the mafia

The district chief of Canicattì Calogero Di Caro, one of those arrested yesterday in the blitz of the carabinieri del Ros , had indicated the name of a broker to whom all, or almost all, producers of grapes and other fruit and vegetables had to contact for the marketing of the goods . The mafia profits from the mediation imposed by the families of Ravanusa, Canicattì and Campobello di Licata. You risk little, you earn a lot. Nothing to do with protection money and drug trafficking.

A triumvirate dictates the law

The seventy-year-old Di Caro had entrusted the management to a triumvirate made up of Luigi Boncori, Giancarlo Buggea and Giuseppe Giuliana.
Now the prosecutors of Palermo will move on to the next investigative step to understand if the entrepreneurs suffer the imposition of the matchmaker, who collects a percentage between 1 and 3 percent, or are conniving because the mafia sponsors serve to beat the competition.

The stiddari

At the business table, as the carabinieri del Ros have reconstructed, sit historical families such as the Pace and have done everything to settle down again the stiddari led by Antonio Gallea, who have been living in prison for having had Rosario Livatino killed and for some years in semi-liberty. There is a truce between the Cosa Nostra and Stidda.

The business was discussed in the privileged place for the meetings, the office of lawyer Angela Porcelli, Buggea's partner . It emerged clearly that for each mediation, 500 thousand euros were collected. There is talk of tons of products sold around the world where the made in Sicily brand works a lot and people appreciate the goodness of our local products.

The Gambinos of New York

For years the exponents of the Gambino of New York who have sent emissaries to Sicily have sniffed the business. The Villabatese Simone Castello was also very interested, broadening his horizons after being the postman of Bernardo Provenzano during the inaction of the Corleonese godfather.

More than 60 years after the presence of Giuseppe Settecasi, the only representative of the entire Sicilian Cosa Nostra at the Apalachin meeting which in 1957 gathered all the mafia families of America, the Agrigento mafia still has solid contacts overseas.

The 'escaped

Some people from Agrigento have left for America in recent years, while Buggea discussed it with Franco Inzerillo, boss of the Passo di Rigano district of Palermo, before the latter ended up in prison again. Inzerillo was one of the first during the mafia war to flee to America to escape the fury of Totò Riina's Corleonesi and among the first to return to Sicily.

A half-billion surety

The American emissaries of the Gambinos have come to Favara to propose to launder mountains of money by exporting grapes around the world, but also by activating a company that must clean up the money by simulating fictitious purchases. Of the Buggea company he said he had seen the documents to obtain a surety of 500 million. There is also talk of insolvent companies where mountains of money are brought together and then bankrupt once the recycling operation is completed.

And again he knew of "an impressive traffic in Kosovo for now". A traffic in which “a golden boy, white hair, long hair… who is Totuccio Inzerillo's cousin” plays a decisive role.

Dirty money from Singapore
Not only from Kosovo, the dirty money leaves Singapore and at the end of a long tour they land in Sicily. Buggea knows of movements to start business within the port of Catania, while in other Sicilian cities overlooking the sea the illegal activities are already underway.

Which? The Agrigento mafia keep the secrets that the DDA of Palermo is trying to decrypt. No lace and drugs, there are bosses who make a lot of money with fruit and vegetables. A circumstance that has already emerged by studying the moves of Frank Calì. "Franky boy", murdered in March 2019, had contacts with the mafia families of Palermo, Trapani and Agrigento . First of all, he exploited kinship.

He was married to Rosaria Inzerillo, sister of Pietro, one of the refugees. On January 14, 1982, a New Jersey police officer received an anonymous phone call. A voice told him to go to the Hilton hotel in Mount Laurel because there was a bomb inside a car. And instead in the trunk they found the frozen corpse of Pietro Inzerillo, brother-in-law of Frank Calì

The Inzerillos and the death of Frank boy
Over the years the Inzerillos have returned to the hamlet of Passo di Rigano, in Palermo, not without fibrillation. In 1997 Francesco Inzerillo, known as u truttaturi, son of Pietro, was expelled from the United States and forcibly returned to Italy. In 2014 his cousin Tommaso also returned to Palermo. Both were arrested in the 2006 Gotha blitz. Francesco was released from prison in October 2011 and Tommaso in November 2013.
The escape season is now closed if it is true that Settimo Mineo, the elderly boss of Pagliarelli who presided over the new dome of Cosa Nostra which met last May, had met his Inzerillo cousins. Before being arrested, Mineo himself was planning a trip to America.

If anyone feels like discussing, I'm not quite understanding this Grape racket.... The Chair recognizes whomever, lol...
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