Dominic Blasi

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Re: Dominic Blasi

by Adam » Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:20 am

Confederate wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:53 am
Adam wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:49 am Thanks guys. I appreciate the discussion. And I've got absolutely nothing to back up Infelice being a possible informant. And it's true that if you take all the Outfit guys Roemer "liked" and called them informers then that would be like half the Outfit. Clearly not the case. But sometimes certain stuff Roemer wrote makes me do a double take. Like his claim that Chuckie English reached out to him to check that Infelice wasn't involved in drugs before he got promoted. And that Roemer let them know that no he wasn't. I mean what the fuck?
Yeh I know, that was another one where I shook my head for many reasons. lol
Yeah like Roemer was Infelice's non family member(job application pun) reference?

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Confederate » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:53 am

Adam wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:49 am Thanks guys. I appreciate the discussion. And I've got absolutely nothing to back up Infelice being a possible informant. And it's true that if you take all the Outfit guys Roemer "liked" and called them informers then that would be like half the Outfit. Clearly not the case. But sometimes certain stuff Roemer wrote makes me do a double take. Like his claim that Chuckie English reached out to him to check that Infelice wasn't involved in drugs before he got promoted. And that Roemer let them know that no he wasn't. I mean what the fuck?
Yeh I know, that was another one where I shook my head for many reasons. lol

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Adam » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:49 am

Thanks guys. I appreciate the discussion. And I've got absolutely nothing to back up Infelice being a possible informant. And it's true that if you take all the Outfit guys Roemer "liked" and called them informers then that would be like half the Outfit. Clearly not the case. But sometimes certain stuff Roemer wrote makes me do a double take. Like his claim that Chuckie English reached out to him to check that Infelice wasn't involved in drugs before he got promoted. And that Roemer let them know that no he wasn't. I mean what the fuck?

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Confederate » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:26 am

Roemer also loved Murray Humphreys. He was always praising that guy to no end and rightfully so. Hump was a big part of the Outfit's success in the old days.

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Confederate » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:14 am

Frank wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:49 pm
Adam wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:02 pm So in The Enfocer, Roemer writes about the supposed 1986 Czech Lounge meeting where Ferriola is announced as boss and that the Spilotro murder is ordered. He explicitly states that one person there was a CTE. He lists those present as Accardo, Ferriola, Alex, Solano, Pilotto, Infelice, DiFronzo, Carlisi, Palermo and Blasi. So I'm wondering if he still counted Blasi, or if there was someone else. If he'd referring to a different active CTE I'm thinking Infelice. Former was always pretty glowing about him too.
Well if you believe this whole story Roemer wrote than the CI is Blasi. Pilotto was definitely in prison. At least 2 people that I know of , Nick Calabrese and Lenny Patrick have stated that Carlisi was boss after Aiuppa. So I tend to think this whole meeting never happened. I also don't think Infelise was an informant.
Yeh, Just because Roemer liked somebody doesn't automatically make them a suspected C.I. Some guys he liked were C.I.'S, and many others were not at all. There is no way Infelise was an Informant. He did some hard time later.

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Confederate » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:10 am

Snakes wrote: Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:03 am Yeah, I think it was made up or embellished, with Roemer saying he had a CI (Blasi) there to add legitimacy to the story. I don't think it was an outright lie but I don't think he let the facts get in the way of a good story, either.
I agree, or MAYBE the C.I. or whoever lied to Roemer about the meeting and said Ferriola was the Boss but it was really Carlisi. Who Knows? lol

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Snakes » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:03 am

Yeah, I think it was made up or embellished, with Roemer saying he had a CI (Blasi) there to add legitimacy to the story. I don't think it was an outright lie but I don't think he let the facts get in the way of a good story, either.

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Frank » Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:49 pm

Adam wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:02 pm So in The Enfocer, Roemer writes about the supposed 1986 Czech Lounge meeting where Ferriola is announced as boss and that the Spilotro murder is ordered. He explicitly states that one person there was a CTE. He lists those present as Accardo, Ferriola, Alex, Solano, Pilotto, Infelice, DiFronzo, Carlisi, Palermo and Blasi. So I'm wondering if he still counted Blasi, or if there was someone else. If he'd referring to a different active CTE I'm thinking Infelice. Former was always pretty glowing about him too.
Well if you believe this whole story Roemer wrote than the CI is Blasi. Pilotto was definitely in prison. At least 2 people that I know of , Nick Calabrese and Lenny Patrick have stated that Carlisi was boss after Aiuppa. So I tend to think this whole meeting never happened. I also don't think Infelise was an informant.

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Snakes » Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:04 pm

Infelise was a paratrooper.

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Confederate » Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:38 pm

Ed wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:48 pm
Adam wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:02 pm So in The Enfocer, Roemer writes about the supposed 1986 Czech Lounge meeting where Ferriola is announced as boss and that the Spilotro murder is ordered. He explicitly states that one person there was a CTE. He lists those present as Accardo, Ferriola, Alex, Solano, Pilotto, Infelice, DiFronzo, Carlisi, Palermo and Blasi. So I'm wondering if he still counted Blasi, or if there was someone else. If he'd referring to a different active CTE I'm thinking Infelice. Former was always pretty glowing about him too.
If I'm not mistaken, Roemer mentioned in one of his other books (besides Enforcer) that Blasi retired after he was released from jail in the late 1970s. So who knows. As well, I think Roemer mentioned that he developed another guy by the mid-1970s who ended becoming a capo later on so maybe he's talking about him.

There was probably at least ten LCN members in Chicago "talking" to some degree by the 1970s.

Roemer definitely had respect for Infelice.
I think the main reason Roemer respected Infelice was because they were both former Military men if I remember correctly.

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Ed » Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:48 pm

Adam wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:02 pm So in The Enfocer, Roemer writes about the supposed 1986 Czech Lounge meeting where Ferriola is announced as boss and that the Spilotro murder is ordered. He explicitly states that one person there was a CTE. He lists those present as Accardo, Ferriola, Alex, Solano, Pilotto, Infelice, DiFronzo, Carlisi, Palermo and Blasi. So I'm wondering if he still counted Blasi, or if there was someone else. If he'd referring to a different active CTE I'm thinking Infelice. Former was always pretty glowing about him too.
If I'm not mistaken, Roemer mentioned in one of his other books (besides Enforcer) that Blasi retired after he was released from jail in the late 1970s. So who knows. As well, I think Roemer mentioned that he developed another guy by the mid-1970s who ended becoming a capo later on so maybe he's talking about him.

There was probably at least ten LCN members in Chicago "talking" to some degree by the 1970s.

Roemer definitely had respect for Infelice.

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Adam » Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:22 pm

Snakes wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:07 pm I always thought that version of events was fishy. Pilotto was in prison, for one.
Really? Pilotto was in prison in January 86? I didn't know that. Thanks. And yeah Roemer's description of that meeting is over the top Godfathery. Accardo doing a history lesson on the Chicago mob. Really? But it is another situation where he writes like he really liked Infelice. Like other Outfit guys he liked.

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Snakes » Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:07 pm

I always thought that version of events was fishy. Pilotto was in prison, for one.

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Adam » Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:02 pm

So in The Enfocer, Roemer writes about the supposed 1986 Czech Lounge meeting where Ferriola is announced as boss and that the Spilotro murder is ordered. He explicitly states that one person there was a CTE. He lists those present as Accardo, Ferriola, Alex, Solano, Pilotto, Infelice, DiFronzo, Carlisi, Palermo and Blasi. So I'm wondering if he still counted Blasi, or if there was someone else. If he'd referring to a different active CTE I'm thinking Infelice. Former was always pretty glowing about him too.

Re: Dominic Blasi

by Frank » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:10 pm

Confederate wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 12:50 pm As Usual, Great article Ed. I noticed that Blasi mentioned Torello in the same sentence as Accardo, Cerone & Auippa which is the way I see it. Had Torello not died in 1979, he would have been Auippa's replacement. Blasi was a very cagey guy and everything still points to him as Giancana's shooter.
Giancana would have never suspected him and Blasi was not known to be a killer anyway. Roemer secretly wanted to be an Outfit guy. lol
Yes he either killed him or let the killer or killers in the basement.
