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Expand view Topic review: MOB LAWYER CAUGHT SEXTING


by Jeff » Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:44 pm

First, I suggest to anyone claiming that the defense of the accused is a ticket to hell should read the following: John 8:1-11, Romans 2:1, Matthew 7:1, James 2:13, etc. Second, the vast majority of criminal cases end in a plea bargain, not a trial. This means that the defendant is admitting guilt. Surely, no one with a straight face would argue that an attorney is committing a "mortal sin" because he or she negotiated a less serve punishment on the client's behalf. Third, putting religion aside, if the government can imprison the guilty without due process there is nothing that stops it from equally abusing the innocent.


by UTC » Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:26 pm

Yes. Poorly...but yes.


by Philly d » Wed Jan 23, 2019 5:11 pm

I agree. UTC do you still practice?


by UTC » Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:10 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:06 pm That is the equivalent of getting your window broken by a mobster and then having to pay another mobster to keep your window from being broken.The purpose of the judicial system today, apart from keeping our rulers in power, is to amass large sums of money for lawyers. Much like LCN. If it wouldn't be for the millions of laws and regulations they created to trip up normal people or the immense damage they have caused this country they wouldn't be needed. There is a reason that the United States has more lawyers than the rest of the world combined and that virtually all the leaders in this two party dictatorship come from that profession. As Shakespeare said kill all the lawyers.

Shakespeare obviously didn't say it. Instead, Shakespeare's most evil character Dick the Butcher said that hoping that the slaughter would help his gang pillage the people. He viewed lawyers as the protectors of law and order.

Regardless, I do find that plaintiffs lawyers, such as personal injury lawyers, plaintiff workers compensation attorneys, some matrimonial attorneys, and also criminal defense lawyers, fit the stereotype pretty well. Namely, the retail attorneys that a regular person might engage to project their own sleazy desires on and then blame. In general, I have found that high end attorneys at large corporate service firms that don't represent your average individual don't fit the stereotype at all. Of course they tend to have far superior credentials and don't have to cut corners, bottom feed for loser customers, worry about getting paid, or always adhere to a client's bullshit plan or fuckup. They mostly proactively advise on the legality and risks of a complex course of action. The average person has zero contact with the upper echelon of attorneys and knows absolutely nothing about them. I know Pogo knows what I'm saying.


by Garbageman » Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:18 am

Wiseguy wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:32 am
bronx wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:09 pm I do not know how to post the story from N.Y. Post in today's paper, about jeff much for his high moral standing..
The guy has chosen a career as a criminal defense attorney, where he tries to help the scum of the earth get away with their crimes. Not sure what "high moral standing" you speak of.
*mic drop* lol


by SILENT PARTNERZ » Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:06 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:02 am
JeremyTheJew wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 6:39 am in fact.... WG got a lot of shit for being mormon at one time ppl somehow found his real name and exploited his FB and whatever else (someone got phone calls but inthibk that was mafioso)
While many may have figured it out anyway since I'm from Utah, in hindsight I shouldn't have been so forward with that information. But people will recall how much where somebody is from came up in old arguments back on the RD forum.

My real name was found out because it's in my email. Somebody with access to it on the RD (like a mod) gave it to some people. From there, a quick search could find me on Facebook.

The thing is, aside from it being slightly annoying and petty, it didn't have the effect on me I think they were hoping. Some of them were trying to get me to stop posting or they'd reveal who I was. But I had nothing to hide. I always thought it was those that misrepresented themselves, like pic/Lenehan, that should be concerned about being exposed.

Anyway, to their credit, a couple people later apologized for the whole thing. Just shows how crazy things got for a while on the old forum. I don't hold any hard feelings.

And, for the record, it was mafioso that got phone calls, if I remember right. From Maggio/whitemale? Their fights were legendary.
Several of us have been what i would like to refer to as 'forum friends' for many years (10+) now. However different
our backgrounds and views on issues may be from each other, I would like to think we get along. The thought of going
after a BHF or Real Deal member on FB or private email is beyond the pale. The people that have engaged in that type behavior
have mental issues. LOL


by JeremyTheJew » Sat Jan 19, 2019 6:39 pm

cdc wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:16 pm I spoke to Maggio once years ago when I was in Nyc about possibly meeting up. He had moved out to jersey I think so the city was a bit of a stretch for him. Didn’t like that I said he sounded like rocky cos rocky was supposed to be from philly and he was Brooklyn. I think it waa hi. Who was into bikes and some modified car shit that I was into back in the day. He was def a serious ball buster lol. I didn’t know mafioso had pass3d. Sad to hear.
yeah me and him had plans to go to Doc Holidays on Ave A.
.... try asking a drunk guy "are you maggio?"

also, didnt he own a car wash in florida??
or was that you pogo?


by cdc » Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:16 pm

I spoke to Maggio once years ago when I was in Nyc about possibly meeting up. He had moved out to jersey I think so the city was a bit of a stretch for him. Didn’t like that I said he sounded like rocky cos rocky was supposed to be from philly and he was Brooklyn. I think it waa hi. Who was into bikes and some modified car shit that I was into back in the day. He was def a serious ball buster lol. I didn’t know mafioso had pass3d. Sad to hear.


by JeremyTheJew » Sat Jan 19, 2019 3:31 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 3:27 pm I think it was cancer. During one of his drunken states he posted his phone number of the forum. Maggio actually called him and started messing with him.

lol and his wife.


by Pogo The Clown » Sat Jan 19, 2019 3:27 pm

I think it was cancer. During one of his drunken states he posted his phone number on the forum. Maggio actually called him and started messing with him.



by JeremyTheJew » Sat Jan 19, 2019 3:24 pm

Mafioso was a bad drunk and actuslly died from a alcholism related death. as in liver failure i think. he was deff a character. writting locked up gangsters was the best tho... and maggio was classic too. he was a brooklynese guy. i wonder what happebed to him/whitemale.


by Wiseguy » Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:52 pm

newera_212 wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 12:12 pm I was on the RD forum for a while but for some reason forgot that you were Mormon and even from Utah. its all coming back to me now LOL. sorry for assuming you were Catholic

hasnt Salt Lake City taken on a ton of east coast and California transplants the last 8-9 years? slowly turning into a "liberal" hip city? Can only imagine how do you feel about that? LOL
I don't know about the East Coast but the ones coming in from California are like locusts. A lot of it has to do with many tech companies moving into Utah and bringing people with them. Google "Silicon Slopes." There's parts of downtown that are nothing but hipsters. I'd like to napalm them.

For years now in and around Salt Lake City has actually been fairly liberal. Ironic considering that's where the Church is headquartered. Its about the only place in the state where Democrats are a factor. With the influx of people from other states, I think the LDS to non-LDS ratio in Salt Lake County is about 50/50 now. Elsewhere in the state, I think LDS still make up about 70% on average.
also whats the deal with Mormons and the multi level marketing industry?
Good question. Its sort of a running joke that even LDS members themselves make. I'm really not sure what such the big attraction was. I say "was" because I think the peak of it was from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. MLM has built up enough of a bad rep that people are more wary about it now.


by newera_212 » Sat Jan 19, 2019 12:12 pm

I was on the RD forum for a while but for some reason forgot that you were Mormon and even from Utah. its all coming back to me now LOL. sorry for assuming you were Catholic

hasnt Salt Lake City taken on a ton of east coast and California transplants the last 8-9 years? slowly turning into a "liberal" hip city? Can only imagine how do you feel about that? LOL

also whats the deal with Mormons and the multi level marketing industry?


by Wiseguy » Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:02 am

JeremyTheJew wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 6:39 am in fact.... WG got a lot of shit for being mormon at one time ppl somehow found his real name and exploited his FB and whatever else (someone got phone calls but inthibk that was mafioso)
While many may have figured it out anyway since I'm from Utah, in hindsight I shouldn't have been so forward with that information. But people will recall how much where somebody is from came up in old arguments back on the RD forum.

My real name was found out because it's in my email. Somebody with access to it on the RD (like a mod) gave it to some people. From there, a quick search could find me on Facebook.

The thing is, aside from it being slightly annoying and petty, it didn't have the effect on me I think they were hoping. Some of them were trying to get me to stop posting or they'd reveal who I was. But I had nothing to hide. I always thought it was those that misrepresented themselves, like pic/Lenehan, that should be concerned about being exposed.

Anyway, to their credit, a couple people later apologized for the whole thing. Just shows how crazy things got for a while on the old forum. I don't hold any hard feelings.

And, for the record, it was mafioso that got phone calls, if I remember right. From Maggio/whitemale? Their fights were legendary.


by JeremyTheJew » Sat Jan 19, 2019 6:39 am

in fact.... WG got a lot of shit for being mormon at one time ppl somehow found his real name and exploited his FB and whatever else (someone got phone calls but inthibk that was mafioso)
