by Angelo Santino » Sun May 03, 2015 2:40 pm
All these Black Handers in the Ohio River Valley. I looked up their descendants. Simply amazing: mayors, chief of police, and a ton of doctors, lawyers and union leaders. Some descendants like JCB find it interesting, others don't even want to drudge it up. In St. Louis the Sanzone family is one example, been legitimate for 2 gens but threaten legal action if you mention ancestors. In Pueblo, Colorado they don't speak of it, "almost like they're afraid they're going to come back from the grave" as one individual told me. I was in touch with a D'Anna who was doing research on his relatives there, he couldn't get anyone to assist with anything and we're talking 1900 era events.
This article reads like it was written with the intention to compile a story finding people who might have issue with the family ties. If this guy had any dirt, any skeleton in his past that could have been used against him on the campaign trail, they would have used it. Could be possible the other candidates' oppo team concluded that if they went with that angle that it could have blown up in their faces. There's a ton of NYC Italians with past family ties and to say someone shouldn't be mayor because of that might be pretty offensive to alot of legitimate people at no fault what family they were born into.
All these interviewees worried that the mob took over city hall should join here so we alleviate a bullshit issue. The minute the Feds find out about any corruption involving Mayor Gigante and the Genovese outfit will be minutes after Gigante fucks up by doing that. With the "legalized crime" that politicians can engage and profit from, to involve oneself with the mafia as a mayor would be like going to a premium steakhouse and ordering nachos.
All these Black Handers in the Ohio River Valley. I looked up their descendants. Simply amazing: mayors, chief of police, and a ton of doctors, lawyers and union leaders. Some descendants like JCB find it interesting, others don't even want to drudge it up. In St. Louis the Sanzone family is one example, been legitimate for 2 gens but threaten legal action if you mention ancestors. In Pueblo, Colorado they don't speak of it, "almost like they're afraid they're going to come back from the grave" as one individual told me. I was in touch with a D'Anna who was doing research on his relatives there, he couldn't get anyone to assist with anything and we're talking 1900 era events.
This article reads like it was written with the intention to compile a story finding people who might have issue with the family ties. If this guy had any dirt, any skeleton in his past that could have been used against him on the campaign trail, they would have used it. Could be possible the other candidates' oppo team concluded that if they went with that angle that it could have blown up in their faces. There's a ton of NYC Italians with past family ties and to say someone shouldn't be mayor because of that might be pretty offensive to alot of legitimate people at no fault what family they were born into.
All these interviewees worried that the mob took over city hall should join here so we alleviate a bullshit issue. The minute the Feds find out about any corruption involving Mayor Gigante and the Genovese outfit will be minutes after Gigante fucks up by doing that. With the "legalized crime" that politicians can engage and profit from, to involve oneself with the mafia as a mayor would be like going to a premium steakhouse and ordering nachos.