Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

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Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by Frank » Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:33 pm

B. wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:23 pm Galante hit without a doubt, both politically and the murder itself. Despite not being the "official" boss, Galante looks to have had the majority of the family behind him or too scared to challenge him. They were able to pull in support and participation from a few different factions in the family, all of them treacherous, including the "zip" faction who were at their peak under Galante's influence. That they were able to come together and take out three guys at once took a great degree of planning and luck, not to mention having everything in place to settle the dust afterward. If that hit had gone wrong we would be reading today about a full-blown war in the Bonanno family in 1979 instead of the "war by installment" that went down in the 1980s.
All that and the cigar still in his mouth is classic

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by B. » Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:23 pm

Galante hit without a doubt, both politically and the murder itself. Despite not being the "official" boss, Galante looks to have had the majority of the family behind him or too scared to challenge him. They were able to pull in support and participation from a few different factions in the family, all of them treacherous, including the "zip" faction who were at their peak under Galante's influence. That they were able to come together and take out three guys at once took a great degree of planning and luck, not to mention having everything in place to settle the dust afterward. If that hit had gone wrong we would be reading today about a full-blown war in the Bonanno family in 1979 instead of the "war by installment" that went down in the 1980s.

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by DPG » Tue Dec 18, 2018 9:19 pm

TwoPiece wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:40 pm
DPG wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:39 am Personally, and this may sound stupid, but the Costello hit has always stood out to me. I mean it got the job done and the worst thing that happened was a scratch on Frank's head and an attempted murder charge that went no where. All in all it worked out favorably for everyone involved, even Frank.
I would say it was definitely favorable to Frank in the sense that he didn't get his brains blown out all over that lobby :lol:

My point exactly. Frank didn't die in jail either.

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by Confederate » Tue Dec 18, 2018 8:49 pm

slimshady_007 wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 7:53 pm
Adam wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:00 pm
slimshady_007 wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:47 pm Id say the Castellano and Bilotti murders, joe scopo’s murder, and salvie testa’s hit. All of those hits were out of Hollywood.
I don't know. The Testa hit really isn't any different than hundreds of others we know about. Guy gets set up to attend a meeting by associate and gets killed when he gets there and gets dumped by the side of a road. Nothing particularly unusual about it.
What rly makes the hit stand out is the motive. Thats what rly interests me. Nicky whacked salvie for no good reason. Salvie was loyal, a good earner, and was very tough. And still he got whacked. Probably out of jealousy. Usually with most hits, there’s a good reason for the murder. But not with salvie. The whole bizarre scenario could be from a Hollywood script.
According to Nick Caramandi, Salvie Testa was wacked because he backed out of the wedding to Chuckie Merlino's daughter. Chuckie Merlino even gave Salvie the kiss of death. The wedding had all been planned, the invitations sent out and the newspapers had already talked about it. It was considered the ultimate insult to Merlino (the Underboss) and to his daughter.

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by Super » Tue Dec 18, 2018 8:29 pm

Roy demeo betrayed by his crew and crime family.

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by Hellboy » Tue Dec 18, 2018 8:20 pm

We don't know the motive, for salvias murder. Two previous bosses got hit before nicky became boss. Sylvie backed out of a wedding with the underboss's daughter. That right there was a death sentence. I'm sure nicky saw him as a threat also, but you really cant blame him for being paranoid and taking the offensive

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by slimshady_007 » Tue Dec 18, 2018 7:53 pm

Adam wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:00 pm
slimshady_007 wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:47 pm Id say the Castellano and Bilotti murders, joe scopo’s murder, and salvie testa’s hit. All of those hits were out of Hollywood.
I don't know. The Testa hit really isn't any different than hundreds of others we know about. Guy gets set up to attend a meeting by associate and gets killed when he gets there and gets dumped by the side of a road. Nothing particularly unusual about it.
What rly makes the hit stand out is the motive. Thats what rly interests me. Nicky whacked salvie for no good reason. Salvie was loyal, a good earner, and was very tough. And still he got whacked. Probably out of jealousy. Usually with most hits, there’s a good reason for the murder. But not with salvie. The whole bizarre scenario could be from a Hollywood script.

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by Fughedaboutit » Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:57 pm

Confederate wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:12 pm Also, talk about brazen, even though it was a long long time ago, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre has got to rank up near the top. Guys dressed like Cops and lining up people against a wall and shooting them is about as brazen as anything ever done.
Def ahead of its time

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by Confederate » Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:12 pm

Also, talk about brazen, even though it was a long long time ago, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre has got to rank up near the top. Guys dressed like Cops and lining up people against a wall and shooting them is about as brazen as anything ever done.

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by Cheech » Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:10 pm

Benny Siegal.

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by AndyHaHa » Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:50 pm

My vote is for Anastasia, the barber shop dynamic does it for me

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by thekiduknow » Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:44 pm

Masseria and Maranzano have both been mentioned, so I'll go with Anastasia. If it didn't happen in real life, it would be almost cinematic the way it goes down. Two men walk into a barbershop in Midtown, the boss unaware until the moment he's shot. Even then the confusion and shock making him punch at the figures in the mirror, before collapsing in a mess of blood and hot towels.

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by Manhattan_ » Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:29 pm

Joe Colombo shot at Unity Day Rally 1971 in front of 50,000 + people , Crazy Joe Gallo clipped at Umbertos Clam House 1972 in front of his Wife and Daughter.

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by Confederate » Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:14 pm

Even though he was already out of power, the Giancana hit was very interesting. He actually got killed in his own home while his house was supposedly under surveillance and his elderly caretaker was upstairs while it happened. Nobody was ever charged for the murder. It was almost like nobody ever wanted to solve the murder.

Re: Best Hits of all time In Your Opinion

by Adam » Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:00 pm

slimshady_007 wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:47 pm Id say the Castellano and Bilotti murders, joe scopo’s murder, and salvie testa’s hit. All of those hits were out of Hollywood.
I don't know. The Testa hit really isn't any different than hundreds of others we know about. Guy gets set up to attend a meeting by associate and gets killed when he gets there and gets dumped by the side of a road. Nothing particularly unusual about it.
