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Re: Grimaldis'

by Jbravo » Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:30 pm

The bread is good I bought my bread from them the last 15 years

Re: Grimaldis'

by stevan tod » Sat Nov 21, 2020 8:38 am

Breadman wrote: Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:51 pm Their familiy history is totally distorted , the one who basically started the business . He was on Fresh Pond Road before he moved to the current location in the late 70”s from heroin money . The most appropriate name would be “Home from Heroin” not Home of Bread. It’s total lore to give the impression they are a century old family business. It’s amazing that respectable publications don’t fact check , as early as the 2000’s they both served prison term based on Vitale’s testimony.
Interesting read. I see you know things.

Re: Grimaldis'

by johnny_scootch » Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:29 pm

TwoPiece wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2019 8:58 am
JeremyTheJew wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:38 pm Ridgewood and Bushwick (knckerbocker ave) are right next to each other. It is probably the only remaining not as gentrified area of Brooklyn / queens there is...
nah bushwick has been gentrified for a few years now. areas in BK that aren't very gentrified these days are farther out like canarsie, ENY, brownsville, gravesend, etc.
Part of Bushwick up towards Williamsburg is gentrified but down towards Cypress Hills it's same filth as always. By and large Brooklyn is not gentrified except for a handful of neighborhoods in the northern part of the borough.

Re: Grimaldis'

by stubbs » Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:17 pm

Were the Grimaldis close with Sal Montagna? I ask because with the theory that the Bonannos were/are pushing to reestablish a foothold in Canada, I’ve always wondered.. who in the current Bonanno leadership is pushing for it?

Re: Grimaldis'

by TwoPiece » Tue Mar 05, 2019 8:58 am

JeremyTheJew wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:38 pm Ridgewood and Bushwick (knckerbocker ave) are right next to each other. It is probably the only remaining not as gentrified area of Brooklyn / queens there is...
nah bushwick has been gentrified for a few years now. areas in BK that aren't very gentrified these days are farther out like canarsie, ENY, brownsville, gravesend, etc.

Re: Grimaldis'

by Jbravo » Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:35 pm

Yes ...i used to go there also...actually just there 2 weeks ago

Re: Grimaldis'

by johnny_scootch » Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:15 pm

Jbravo wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:19 pm Bread aint bad...i buy bread from a distributor with a italian bread route.
I like the Cammareri's italian bread the best, they are with Sonny Juliano.

Re: Grimaldis'

by Jbravo » Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:19 pm

Bread aint bad...i buy bread from a distributor with a italian bread route.

Re: Grimaldis'

by Benito » Fri Aug 31, 2018 6:33 am

What’s the Grimaldis prominence for? What’s his legacy?

Re: Grimaldis'

by SILENT PARTNERZ » Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:19 am

DPG wrote: Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:22 pm
SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:44 am
slimshady_007 wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:52 pm
gohnjotti wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:14 pm
SonnyBlackstein wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:08 pm Great pic.

Very interesting about Angela Gohn. If the Grimaldi’s and Cammarano’s are related then I would not at all be surprised if either Vito or Joseph are acting with Cammarano Jnr away.
Joseph Cammarano Jr. is the son-in-law of Vito and the brother-in-law of Joseph. He had a legitimate job at the bakery, as well. An old photo posted in the Mugshots section has a teenage Joseph Grimaldi standing with an older Joseph Cammarano Jr. that was taken from Facebook.
The Grimaldis acting for Cammarano Jr. has been speculated in other threads before, and it would also not surprise me. But it should be noted that both Vito and Joseph have only had short stretches in prison for gambling during the early 2000s, and, until 2015, were both longtime soldiers under the Asaros and other capos. It's strange that, in 2015, both Vito and Joseph were named capos ALONGSIDE Asaro crew acting capo Ronald Giallanzo. The bakery is also a huge income source - I've read some articles that it delivers pastries and bread all across New York and it was featured in a news show as one of their Queens success stories. I would wager that both Vito and Joseph aren't really as active as their crew contemporaries - guys like Giallanzo, the Asaros, Bonventre, etc.
Idk if joe grimaldi has ever been arrested for anything mob related. Cant find anything on him bein arrested. Seems like a low key guy who has a large legitimate income. Guys like joe grimaldi confuse me, why be a mobster if u have a large legitimate income?
Also, being a LCN member gives you a competitive advantage. By way of the member network
to acquire contracts and rigged bids and the threat or insinuation of potential violence will ensure
greater success for the business.
Just like the olive oil and cheese business back in the day.
Exactly. The one business that all of the bosses seem to completely control
in their territory is the coin vending business. All types of coin vending products.
They take over all existing routes. Easy way to clean dirty $ by stuffing the machines with ill gotten gains.

Re: Grimaldis'

by TJ » Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:47 pm

DPG wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:03 pm
SonnyBlackstein wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:40 pm He died last year.
Whatever happened to the other guy that was still alive? Believe he was released in 1997. Guess he made his way to Florida with his $26mil never to be heard from again.
Joe salvati..he’s up here. I think the total they got was like 32 mi each...joe is friendly with guys always has been but not really a player or anything

Re: Grimaldis'

by newera_212 » Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:35 pm

rolotomasi wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:21 am Main question: Somebody taste the bread? Is It good?
i buy the bread all the time but have never been to the physical bakery or had it fresh. its at every supermarket and little grocery store in and around my neighborhood (which is like a 15 minute drive north/north west of where the bakery is). they do a ton of wholesale.

its just regular bread

Re: Grimaldis'

by DPG » Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:22 pm

SILENT PARTNERZ wrote: Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:44 am
slimshady_007 wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:52 pm
gohnjotti wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 5:14 pm
SonnyBlackstein wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:08 pm Great pic.

Very interesting about Angela Gohn. If the Grimaldi’s and Cammarano’s are related then I would not at all be surprised if either Vito or Joseph are acting with Cammarano Jnr away.
Joseph Cammarano Jr. is the son-in-law of Vito and the brother-in-law of Joseph. He had a legitimate job at the bakery, as well. An old photo posted in the Mugshots section has a teenage Joseph Grimaldi standing with an older Joseph Cammarano Jr. that was taken from Facebook.
The Grimaldis acting for Cammarano Jr. has been speculated in other threads before, and it would also not surprise me. But it should be noted that both Vito and Joseph have only had short stretches in prison for gambling during the early 2000s, and, until 2015, were both longtime soldiers under the Asaros and other capos. It's strange that, in 2015, both Vito and Joseph were named capos ALONGSIDE Asaro crew acting capo Ronald Giallanzo. The bakery is also a huge income source - I've read some articles that it delivers pastries and bread all across New York and it was featured in a news show as one of their Queens success stories. I would wager that both Vito and Joseph aren't really as active as their crew contemporaries - guys like Giallanzo, the Asaros, Bonventre, etc.
Idk if joe grimaldi has ever been arrested for anything mob related. Cant find anything on him bein arrested. Seems like a low key guy who has a large legitimate income. Guys like joe grimaldi confuse me, why be a mobster if u have a large legitimate income?
Also, being a LCN member gives you a competitive advantage. By way of the member network
to acquire contracts and rigged bids and the threat or insinuation of potential violence will ensure
greater success for the business.
Just like the olive oil and cheese business back in the day.

Re: Grimaldis'

by Breadman » Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:51 pm

Their familiy history is totally distorted , the one who basically started the business . He was on Fresh Pond Road before he moved to the current location in the late 70”s from heroin money . The most appropriate name would be “Home from Heroin” not Home of Bread. It’s total lore to give the impression they are a century old family business. It’s amazing that respectable publications don’t fact check , as early as the 2000’s they both served prison term based on Vitale’s testimony.

Re: Grimaldis'

by B. » Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:39 pm

The Grimaldis are at least third generation, possibly fourth generation Bonanno members:
JD wrote:There was a Vito Grimaldi murdered in the Williamsburg-Bushwick area of Brooklyn in October 1907. He was lured to a spot where he was ambushed and stabbed to death by multiple assailants then had a bomb placed under his body. The press at the time claimed the killers tried to set the fuse so the victim's body would be blown apart but failed due to rainy weather. He's also described in these press reports as a known criminal, extortionist, etc.

The Bonanno member Giuseppe Grimaldi's father was also named Vito and the age matches, but there were a lot of Grimaldis active in Brooklyn and most weren't from Santa Ninfa or even Sicilian. The Fulton site has a more recently added article on this murder and it says the victim had a wife and two children still in Italy at the time of his death. Giuseppe, his mother and only sibling Vitina were all living in Santa Ninfa in 1907 and didn't arrive in the US until years later, so the possibility of this murdered Vito being the father now seems a little stronger.

Only problem is the website for the bakery run by the Bonanno-connected Grimaldis talks about how the business was originally started by Giuseppe's father Vito in 1909, two years after this murder. If that date's correct there should be a mention somewhere of this Vito past 1907 but I haven't been able to find one. When Giuseppe came to the US in 1923 he gave his destination as an uncle, Mariano DiStefano. No mention of Vito there either.

I'm interested in what others here think. Most of the details match up to what is known about Giuseppe Grimaldi and his family. If the Vito stabbed to death in 1907 was the father of Giuseppe Grimaldi, he very likely could have been an early member of this group and that would make the Grimaldi family fourth generation Bonannos (Giuseppe, his son Vito and grandson Joseph are all made members). Maybe there are some references to this Grimaldi in the contemporary SS files covering the Morellos and other counterfeiters?
In the original thread, I remember speculating that the Grimaldis may have given a different story on their site to distance themselves from the murder, and this latest article lends itself to the idea that the website info may not be 100% correct / truthful. In the article Joe Grimaldi claims the business was started in 1961 at a different address than the current one, so the 1961 year isn't just a reference to when they moved to the current building, but the creation of the Grimaldi Bakery itself. The great-grandfather (also named Vito) is simply described as a baker in the article and not necessarily the owner of the same Grimaldi Bakery. Given that the elder Vito Grimaldi's family didn't come to the US until after his death, they may not have had the details straight on his year of death or may have deliberately changed the story to distance themselves from the murder.
