Gambino consigliere

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Re: Gambino consigliere

by East Bronx » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:49 pm

TommyGambino wrote:
moneyman wrote:what's the status of louis ricco/ gambino bronx presence? i wonder if they have any say in the administration
Semi-retired apparently, like most of the Bronx Gambino's.
Louie's collecting Social Security lol. But he's still comes around a little for a guy his age. He's getting close to ninety years old. I hope he just sits back and enjoys the rest of his life.

Re: Gambino consigliere

by TommyGambino » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:44 pm

moneyman wrote:what's the status of louis ricco/ gambino bronx presence? i wonder if they have any say in the administration
Semi-retired apparently, like most of the Bronx Gambino's.

Re: Gambino consigliere

by moneyman » Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:56 am

what's the status of louis ricco/ gambino bronx presence? i wonder if they have any say in the administration

Re: Gambino consigliere

by johnny_scootch » Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:50 am

Sooooo possibilities for Gambino Consigliere are John Gambino, Lorenzo Maninno, Sonny Juliano, Danny Marino & Tony Gurino. They aren't exactly short on candidates.

Re: Gambino consigliere

by NYNighthawk » Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am

It's interesting what East Bronx said about federal parole restrictions; just saw where the former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik wanted to recind his parole to do terrorism work abroad but it was shot down.

Re: Gambino consigliere

by SonnyBlackstein » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:32 am

Chucky wrote:You can post what you want, I could give a shit, but when I see guys from wherever the fuck arguing with EB/PB or bugs the shit out of me. See where I'm coming from?
Not really Chucky.

The only euro guys I know (Tommy G, Domwoods, Furio, hairy knuckles, alexandarns) contribute WELL above average in nothing but a politely respectful manner.

Can't say I've seen many 'Euro-trash' argue with PB or Bronx because they've read a Gangland.

So what bugs the shit out of me when people piss on the above for no real reason.

But hey, maybe we read different blogs. And I guess you and I don't see eye to eye on much, so there's no real point in bangin heads.

Re: Gambino consigliere

by felice » Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:49 am

john gambino is in a really good shape, at least he was until last summer. I don't know since then.
I thought he was basically the boss but I was told cefalu is a tough guy and he's not just a front boss, cefalu had more familiarity with steet guys, john was in prison too much time to be in full control of the family.
I didn't have any "official" talk in the last year so I know just what I read on here and on justice papers.
I believe his brother joe is the bensonhurst captain. mannino, inzerillo and some other relatives are under him.

Re: Gambino consigliere

by Chucky » Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:44 am

SonnyBlackstein wrote:
Chucky wrote:... & eurotrash spouting shit off as fact.
Then I hope I don't see you posting shit outside of Philly.

Because if that's the rules, that unless you're on the ground, don't comment? Then I expect to see your posts limited to the city of brotherly love and South of Newark.

Y'know, cause that's the rules now.

Tommy's a good poster Chucky, pull your head in.
You're misinterpreting what I'm saying. For the record, I rarely post about things outside Philly unless I'm asking a question. I don't pretend to know anything about NY or Montreal except for what I read and I only take that at face value. From what I've seen the Euro guys parrot what they've read in the Sixth Family, NY Post, Capeci, or Anastasia and act like they got the whole story, like our argument about the Nicodemo case a few months back.

You can post what you want, I could give a shit, but when I see guys from wherever the fuck arguing with EB/PB or bugs the shit out of me. See where I'm coming from?

Re: Gambino consigliere

by B. » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:55 am

HairyKnuckles wrote:
TommyGambino wrote:
HairyKnuckles wrote:TG, Chucky is not a troll. He is actually a good poster. One thing you have to get used to overhere is the different style of posting from what you (well...and all of us who once started overthere) are used to. It´s tougher overhere for sure, but you´ll get used to it. Any beef you got, handle it in the Graveyard section.

I was told he's a stalker :lol: I have no problem with Chucky, I don't know what he's about but he seemed to have a problem with me before I started posting Tougher over here, how exactly?
Well, by tougher I mean that posters need to more thickskinned around here. You will notice a lot of attitude. You will also notice that posts will get challanged a lot more here than over there because we´ve got the best posters around, posters who want to keep a high standard over here. You will fit in alright, so don´t worry about that.
There is some attitude, but also a lot of mutual respect. Many of us have been on the same forums together for a decade or more. Others for almost as long.

Re: Gambino consigliere

by SonnyBlackstein » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:48 am

Chucky wrote:... & eurotrash spouting shit off as fact.
Then I hope I don't see you posting shit outside of Philly.

Because if that's the rules, that unless you're on the ground, don't comment? Then I expect to see your posts limited to the city of brotherly love and South of Newark.

Y'know, cause that's the rules now.

Tommy's a good poster Chucky, pull your head in.

Re: Gambino consigliere

by HairyKnuckles » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:39 am

TommyGambino wrote:
HairyKnuckles wrote:TG, Chucky is not a troll. He is actually a good poster. One thing you have to get used to overhere is the different style of posting from what you (well...and all of us who once started overthere) are used to. It´s tougher overhere for sure, but you´ll get used to it. Any beef you got, handle it in the Graveyard section.

I was told he's a stalker :lol: I have no problem with Chucky, I don't know what he's about but he seemed to have a problem with me before I started posting Tougher over here, how exactly?
Well, by tougher I mean that posters need to more thickskinned around here. You will notice a lot of attitude. You will also notice that posts will get challanged a lot more here than over there because we´ve got the best posters around, posters who want to keep a high standard over here. You will fit in alright, so don´t worry about that.

Re: Gambino consigliere

by TommyGambino » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:26 am

HairyKnuckles wrote:TG, Chucky is not a troll. He is actually a good poster. One thing you have to get used to overhere is the different style of posting from what you (well...and all of us who once started overthere) are used to. It´s tougher overhere for sure, but you´ll get used to it. Any beef you got, handle it in the Graveyard section.

I was told he's a stalker :lol: I have no problem with Chucky, I don't know what he's about but he seemed to have a problem with me before I started posting Tougher over here, how exactly?

Re: Gambino consigliere

by HairyKnuckles » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:05 am

TG, Chucky is not a troll. He is actually a good poster. One thing you have to get used to overhere is the different style of posting from what you (well...and all of us who once started overthere) are used to. It´s tougher overhere for sure, but you´ll get used to it. Any beef you got, handle it in the Graveyard section.


Re: Gambino consigliere

by moneyman » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:00 am

I meant family being run as a rotating panel of senior leaders as opposed to your typical boss, underboss, consig etc... my gut intuition is that this is how it's going down now.. only talking about westside, gambino and lucchese just my two cents..

Re: Gambino consigliere

by TommyGambino » Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:09 am

Chucky wrote:
TommyGambino wrote:I've heard conflicting stories, from the two most informative posters over at GBB imo.
There's that many?
First thing someone told me when I signed up here is that your a troll, who's known for stalking and harassing guys people. What a sad individual.

Do me a favour and fuck off, don't speak to me.
