Larry mazza made guy ??

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Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by gohnjotti » Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:45 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote: Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:14 am I could be mistaken but I don't think Scarpa or Sessa ever mentioned him as a made member. Don't recall him being mentioned as a made member during the Colombo War indictment and trials either. JD also doesn't have him listed as a member informant on his list which probably means that Mazza didn't claim being made in his initial FBI debriefings. Seems like this is something he fabricated to spice up his book.

Good point, he was arrested as an associate and never claimed otherwise until years later.

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by yatescj7781 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:01 pm

I have a problem with guys claims that somebody told them they were made and nobody to back them up. I've never heard a peep from Jimmy Del Masto. Ron Previte made same claim. Natale said Bruno and Gambino secretly made him.

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by Hailbritain » Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:02 am

I’ve just messaged Larry regarding this , I’ll OST his response

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by Hailbritain » Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:57 am

It’s defo interesting because mazza is very believable

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by Doobeez » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:48 am


According to Scarpa, while the Genovese officially chose to remain neutral, they were unofficially backing the Persico faction.

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by bronx » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:32 am

Never made

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by Pogo The Clown » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:14 am

I could be mistaken but I don't think Scarpa or Sessa ever mentioned him as a made member. Don't recall him being mentioned as a made member during the Colombo War indictment and trials either. JD also doesn't have him listed as a member informant on his list which probably means that Mazza didn't claim being made in his initial FBI debriefings. Seems like this is something he fabricated to spice up his book.


Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by Hailbritain » Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:59 am

slimshady_007 wrote: Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:31 am
gohnjotti wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:24 pm The prevailing theory is that the Colombo’s were barred by order of the Commission from making new guys until February 2000. This is what Pogo goes by, and I don’t doubt that he’s got evidence to back that up.

But in another thread I discussed that Anthony Russo, who was then a young associate behind the Scopo hit, said that he was pissed in the “late 1990s” that he wasn’t being made but a whole lot of other wise guys were, and he made complaints to some of his friends. Then, Russo got reprimanded by Frank Persico and Anthony Stropoli for being out of line. The reason I put “late 1990s” in speech marks is because it would be an easy mistake to confuse the late 90s with the early 2000s.

But I personally think it’s entirely possible for both factions to have conducted informal making ceremonies during the war. All rules were out the window at this point and it makes sense for both sides to want to bolster their ranks.
Didnt dino calabro joey caves and dino saracino become made after the dols hit in 97’?
Calabria was made in 2000 , he was a capo by 2004

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by slimshady_007 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:31 am

gohnjotti wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:24 pm The prevailing theory is that the Colombo’s were barred by order of the Commission from making new guys until February 2000. This is what Pogo goes by, and I don’t doubt that he’s got evidence to back that up.

But in another thread I discussed that Anthony Russo, who was then a young associate behind the Scopo hit, said that he was pissed in the “late 1990s” that he wasn’t being made but a whole lot of other wise guys were, and he made complaints to some of his friends. Then, Russo got reprimanded by Frank Persico and Anthony Stropoli for being out of line. The reason I put “late 1990s” in speech marks is because it would be an easy mistake to confuse the late 90s with the early 2000s.

But I personally think it’s entirely possible for both factions to have conducted informal making ceremonies during the war. All rules were out the window at this point and it makes sense for both sides to want to bolster their ranks.
Didnt dino calabro joey caves and dino saracino become made after the dols hit in 97’?

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by Hailbritain » Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:20 am

yatescj7781 wrote: Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:51 am I enjoyed Mazzas book. But I don't think he was made, not in a sense that was recognized by other rivals or other families.
He says the bonnanos and the Genovese families recognised the ceremonies and the new leadership that Carmine Persico okayed . Tomasello as acting boss , no jo russo as official acting underboss and Greg scarpa as a captain , mazza and Del mastro were under him, the only families who didn’t were the lucchese family who were on the fence during the colombo war and were in total disarray themselves and the gambinos because obviously gotti was supporting the orena faction , mazza is very believable

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by yatescj7781 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:51 am

I enjoyed Mazzas book. But I don't think he was made, not in a sense that was recognized by other rivals or other families.

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by gohnjotti » Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:45 am

Hailbritain wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:51 pm
gohnjotti wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:36 pm
Hailbritain wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:57 pm
gohnjotti wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:24 pm The prevailing theory is that the Colombo’s were barred by order of the Commission from making new guys until February 2000. This is what Pogo goes by, and I don’t doubt that he’s got evidence to back that up.

But in another thread I discussed that Anthony Russo, who was then a young associate behind the Scopo hit, said that he was pissed in the “late 1990s” that he wasn’t being made but a whole lot of other wise guys were, and he made complaints to some of his friends. Then, Russo got reprimanded by Frank Persico and Anthony Stropoli for being out of line. The reason I put “late 1990s” in speech marks is because it would be an easy mistake to confuse the late 90s with the early 2000s.

But I personally think it’s entirely possible for both factions to have conducted informal making ceremonies during the war. All rules were out the window at this point and it makes sense for both sides to want to bolster their ranks.
Which did happen , When orena was boss he was making a lot of queens guys and holding the Brooklyn guys bak from being made to bolster his side . I wonder if these ceremonies were recognised by the other families ( probably not ) if they were banned from making guys
Haven't heard about this. Got any more information and/or references?
I know Orena had support from the Gambinos and the Luccheses, but I'm not sure about Gigante. I'm thinking he would have been in support of Persico. Nevertheless, I really doubt any ceremonies from either Orena or Persico during the war were recognized by anyone.
Mazza frequently mentions it in his book “the life “ it’s a great read and mazza doesn’t come across like he’s a liar , I strongly recommend you read it , there is some awesome info in there , it’s up there with mafia prince as one of the best mob books I’ve read
Wait what? I just finished the book. How did I miss that part? I skipped through a lot of the sex scene stuff, (Frivolous shit like: Linda congratulated me on the hit whilst slowly rubbing her soft hands on my cock) but I missed have missed some important tidbits along the way.

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by Hailbritain » Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:51 pm

gohnjotti wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:36 pm
Hailbritain wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:57 pm
gohnjotti wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:24 pm The prevailing theory is that the Colombo’s were barred by order of the Commission from making new guys until February 2000. This is what Pogo goes by, and I don’t doubt that he’s got evidence to back that up.

But in another thread I discussed that Anthony Russo, who was then a young associate behind the Scopo hit, said that he was pissed in the “late 1990s” that he wasn’t being made but a whole lot of other wise guys were, and he made complaints to some of his friends. Then, Russo got reprimanded by Frank Persico and Anthony Stropoli for being out of line. The reason I put “late 1990s” in speech marks is because it would be an easy mistake to confuse the late 90s with the early 2000s.

But I personally think it’s entirely possible for both factions to have conducted informal making ceremonies during the war. All rules were out the window at this point and it makes sense for both sides to want to bolster their ranks.
Which did happen , When orena was boss he was making a lot of queens guys and holding the Brooklyn guys bak from being made to bolster his side . I wonder if these ceremonies were recognised by the other families ( probably not ) if they were banned from making guys
Haven't heard about this. Got any more information and/or references?
I know Orena had support from the Gambinos and the Luccheses, but I'm not sure about Gigante. I'm thinking he would have been in support of Persico. Nevertheless, I really doubt any ceremonies from either Orena or Persico during the war were recognized by anyone.
Mazza frequently mentions it in his book “the life “ it’s a great read and mazza doesn’t come across like he’s a liar , I strongly recommend you read it , there is some awesome info in there , it’s up there with mafia prince as one of the best mob books I’ve read

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by gohnjotti » Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:36 pm

Hailbritain wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:57 pm
gohnjotti wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:24 pm The prevailing theory is that the Colombo’s were barred by order of the Commission from making new guys until February 2000. This is what Pogo goes by, and I don’t doubt that he’s got evidence to back that up.

But in another thread I discussed that Anthony Russo, who was then a young associate behind the Scopo hit, said that he was pissed in the “late 1990s” that he wasn’t being made but a whole lot of other wise guys were, and he made complaints to some of his friends. Then, Russo got reprimanded by Frank Persico and Anthony Stropoli for being out of line. The reason I put “late 1990s” in speech marks is because it would be an easy mistake to confuse the late 90s with the early 2000s.

But I personally think it’s entirely possible for both factions to have conducted informal making ceremonies during the war. All rules were out the window at this point and it makes sense for both sides to want to bolster their ranks.
Which did happen , When orena was boss he was making a lot of queens guys and holding the Brooklyn guys bak from being made to bolster his side . I wonder if these ceremonies were recognised by the other families ( probably not ) if they were banned from making guys
Haven't heard about this. Got any more information and/or references?
I know Orena had support from the Gambinos and the Luccheses, but I'm not sure about Gigante. I'm thinking he would have been in support of Persico. Nevertheless, I really doubt any ceremonies from either Orena or Persico during the war were recognized by anyone.

Re: Larry mazza made guy ??

by Hailbritain » Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:57 pm

gohnjotti wrote: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:24 pm The prevailing theory is that the Colombo’s were barred by order of the Commission from making new guys until February 2000. This is what Pogo goes by, and I don’t doubt that he’s got evidence to back that up.

But in another thread I discussed that Anthony Russo, who was then a young associate behind the Scopo hit, said that he was pissed in the “late 1990s” that he wasn’t being made but a whole lot of other wise guys were, and he made complaints to some of his friends. Then, Russo got reprimanded by Frank Persico and Anthony Stropoli for being out of line. The reason I put “late 1990s” in speech marks is because it would be an easy mistake to confuse the late 90s with the early 2000s.

But I personally think it’s entirely possible for both factions to have conducted informal making ceremonies during the war. All rules were out the window at this point and it makes sense for both sides to want to bolster their ranks.
Which did happen , When orena was boss he was making a lot of queens guys and holding the Brooklyn guys bak from being made to bolster his side . I wonder if these ceremonies were recognised by the other families ( probably not ) if they were banned from making guys
