Which families should have had their names changed?

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Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by phatmatress » Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:18 pm

I always wondered what families that don't really have a set in stone name call themselves like the philly fam ( I know I've heard Bruno/scarfo) or Detroit or the outfit like do the Chicago guys call themselves the outfit? And other distinct fams like Milwaukee or Cleveland what did they call themselves

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Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by phatmatress » Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:16 pm

JCB1977 wrote:
Wiseguy wrote:None of them need to be changed. They've been in widespread use by people inside and outside the mob for a half century. They are pretty much set in stone.
Yeah, the ones that are surviving. Are the DeCalvacante's still viable?
they are still breathing I believe that's a good way to put it

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Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by JCB1977 » Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:51 pm

Wiseguy wrote:None of them need to be changed. They've been in widespread use by people inside and outside the mob for a half century. They are pretty much set in stone.
Yeah, the ones that are surviving. Are the DeCalvacante's still viable?

Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by Wiseguy » Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:09 pm

None of them need to be changed. They've been in widespread use by people inside and outside the mob for a half century. They are pretty much set in stone.

Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by toto » Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:57 pm

johnny_scootch wrote:I don't think any of them should have their names changed. These labels were given by the feds they aren't even supposed to have names but I do believe the best argument could be made for the Persicos. Someone call the fbi and have them get on that.

Toto....I don't remember massino or vitale saying they started to call all the families by their newer bosses. Just massino renaming his own, I could be mistaken but if you could point me in the direction of where you read that I'd like to check it out.
I read it someplace. I know the report about Massino family but there was definitely another one like I mentioned. It happened after the 2000 meeting. If I find I will post the reference.

Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by JCB1977 » Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:50 pm

Why change the name from it's tradition? Personally, Profaci still should have never had his family's name changed. And I think Luciano should have had the first NY Family name. But why change history? It is what it is.

Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by rayray » Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:57 am

I always thought they should have kept the original commission names, no matter how successful the other boss was going to seem to others.

Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by johnny_scootch » Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:48 am

I don't think any of them should have their names changed. These labels were given by the feds they aren't even supposed to have names but I do believe the best argument could be made for the Persicos. Someone call the fbi and have them get on that.

Toto....I don't remember massino or vitale saying they started to call all the families by their newer bosses. Just massino renaming his own, I could be mistaken but if you could point me in the direction of where you read that I'd like to check it out.

Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by Eddie mush » Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:37 am

In my opinion definitely bonannos. Once Joe bananas went public that family should have changed names

Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by Pogo The Clown » Sun Feb 22, 2015 8:41 am

Agreed on the Colombos to the Persicos.The Persicos have dominated tht family for almost 40s years.


Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by Rocco » Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:43 am

Really the only one I can agree on is Persico. Massino was right to change the name of the Bonanno family when Joe released his book. But then again Joe Flipped.... Gotti fuckin nightmare boss, same goes for Amuso. The Gotti era is a time everyone in the Gambinos would like to forget unless your a Gotti..lot Carlo Gambino still deserves to have it named after him, so does Lucchese.

Re: Which families should have had their names changed?

by willychichi » Sun Feb 22, 2015 7:19 am

toto thanks for the thread and thoughts. I would change the Colombo to Persico for the reasons you stated. I would consider changing the Genovese to Gigante because of his success and lasting effects on the family's operations, despite the crazy act. The others I would leave the same because the impact they had was largely a negative one looking back.

Which families should have had their names changed?

by toto » Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:52 am

Massino (or maybe it was Vitale) said they started to call names of families by newer bosses.

Genovese -> Gigante
Gambino -> Gotti
Luchese -> Amuso
Bonanno -> Massino
Colombo -> Persico

What does everybody think about this?

My opinion:

Changing name of Genovese family to Gigante has some argument until you consider Gigante went around walking everywhere like a mad man.

Gotti was an incredibly destructive boss. His reign severely damaged the family for the next 20 years at least.

Amuso likewise is another very destructive boss. Amount of guys flipped under him is incredible. If they wanted to change the name of this family changing it to Corallo family had more merit in my opinion.

Bonanno family should have remained if only for the reason it was the only family named after a boss on the 1931 commission. But there were reasons at the time to call it the Massino family mainly they considered Bonanno a rat.

Colombo family should have been renamed Persico family. Persico has been boss for nearly 40 years or held the power behind the boss. There is no discussion on this in my view. It should be renamed.
