Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

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Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by Wiseguy » Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:26 pm

jimmyb wrote: Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:49 pm
Wiseguy wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:37 pm Thanks for posting, jimmyb. I was familiar with Project Reckoning but had never seen that before.
Of course, no problem.

Not trying to turn this thread into cartel discussion, but since we're also talking about OC groups and diversification of rackets, here's a new book about Los Zetas that apparently documents their involvement in other rackets including music piracy. I haven't read the book, but seems interesting: https://www.amazon.com/Los-Zetas-Inc-Cr ... =Los+Zetas
I remember reading something about how Chapo preferred that Sinaloa stick to drug trafficking alone, as they were already making plenty of money with narcotics and didn't want to alienate the local populace with extortions and what not.

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by jimmyb » Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:49 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:37 pm Thanks for posting, jimmyb. I was familiar with Project Reckoning but had never seen that before.
Of course, no problem.

Not trying to turn this thread into cartel discussion, but since we're also talking about OC groups and diversification of rackets, here's a new book about Los Zetas that apparently documents their involvement in other rackets including music piracy. I haven't read the book, but seems interesting: https://www.amazon.com/Los-Zetas-Inc-Cr ... =Los+Zetas

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by Wiseguy » Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:37 pm

Thanks for posting, jimmyb. I was familiar with Project Reckoning but had never seen that before.

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by jimmyb » Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:51 pm

This is part 1, part 2 is my original post fyi

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by jimmyb » Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:50 pm

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by jimmyb » Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:49 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:27 am
Chris Christie wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:27 amAs time has gone on, I've become less and less impressed with the structure, it's really nothing special and unless there's a dispute, really doesn't impact these guy's lives all that much. 90% of organized crime is organized crime. There were other groups that were 3x as structured with intricate layers - and I'm sorry but I cannot elaborate - that only wielded 1/3 of the power of the Sicilian mafia. You get 10-20 guys together you can create your own mafia family but without the culture, connections and proper criminal biosphere it'd be as successful as Detroit's Black Mafia which dried up after a federal charge and no one's continued it, which begs the question: How and why has the Italian Mafia survived when every other one of their ethnic contemporaries are gone? It doesn't have to do with the ranks and structure, at least not entirely.

While I tend to agree with the article below, which attributes much of the longevity and success of the Italian mob to its structure, I do agree there are other factors. It's criminal tradition is a big part of it, as you said. Another factor is it's diversification.

Structure Keeps Mafia Atop Crime Heap
https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424 ... 2318489246
I agree "diversification" an important element. Apparently Los Zetas are getting into other rackets (human trafficking, extortion, gambling etc.). According to this article the Calabarians are coaching them to think beyond drugs.
http://www.coha.org/the-relationship-be ... ationship/

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by Pogo The Clown » Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:58 am

Chris Christie wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:18 pm "Use this opportunity to give praise Italian (style)." And by that he means envelopes stuffed with 'scarole.

It's Latin not Eye-tal.

Thanks Don Ferranzano. :mrgreen:


Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by Antiliar » Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:55 pm

aleksandrored wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:14 pm I was reading this article from you:

http://informer-journal.blogspot.com.br ... ky+luciano

I'm loving it, it's very good and very informative, besides the fact that it will help me a lot at the time of reading The Last Testament.

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by Angelo Santino » Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:18 pm

"Use this opportunity to give praise Italian (style)." And by that he means envelopes stuffed with 'scarole.

It's Latin not Eye-tal.

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by Pogo The Clown » Mon Feb 26, 2018 7:08 pm

Chris Christie wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:51 am Dei grazie... in Italorum... in volarte.

Can you translate this line for us? Thanks.


Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by aleksandrored » Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:14 pm

I was reading this article from you:

http://informer-journal.blogspot.com.br ... ky+luciano

I'm loving it, it's very good and very informative, besides the fact that it will help me a lot at the time of reading The Last Testament.

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by Antiliar » Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:12 pm

Confederate wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:35 pm Why thank you Johnny Scootch. I really was only half serious because I like to bust Antiliar's balls sometimes because he is so serious.
That's because you forgot to include the smiley face. I answer questions here, on Facebook and on Quora, and often I'm snarky beyond belief. Believe me.

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by Angelo Santino » Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:50 pm

Thank you kindly. But honestly, for every 1 thing I know there's 1000+ things I lack a clue on, I'm still learning and not without my own faults and biases. But I have to really give credit to Antiliar, I gave all this up in 05 or so and 'just as I thought I was out, he pulled me back in' around 2011, brought me up to speed on all the new resources available that weren't half a decade prior. Within months I was traveling across the country to archive centers and we began collaborating on projects, many still ongoing since we both have lives.

I have an ever-evolving look on this. I'm currently learning new shit right now about New York that just makes me do the occasional "inventory" where I go over what I think I know. For instance, you could have read that Luciano got the nickname Lucky from surviving the hit, it's been published in enough sources so you might not think to check it. I kinda try and check everything just to see how sturdy the infrastructure of my beliefs are and I can correct mistakes. Luckily, everything that gets published is checked, often in triplicate. And the article Antiliar and I published in 2014 together, I haven't found any more new details that discount anything we wrote. There's more that we've learned and could have included but the purpose of the article was for receiving credit before someone else published Di Gaetano-Schiro which I found first(!) (credit where credit is due). It's essentally a 300 page book condensed down to 70 pages (with 30 pages of citations and sources). And that is arguably only half of the story. There's another half which is still a work in progress but we won't disappoint. Can't really go into any other details beyond that.

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by Confederate » Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:35 pm

Why thank you Johnny Scootch. I really was only half serious because I like to bust Antiliar's balls sometimes because he is so serious. However, I really wasn't sure about Maranzano but you're right, the guys on this Site are very good overall. No question about it. In the last 6 months, I learned wayy more about the American Mafia than ever before by comparing answers here with things I researched. :)

Re: Dispelled preconceived notions on the Mafia.

by johnny_scootch » Mon Feb 26, 2018 2:16 pm

Confederate wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 3:42 am Every writer I ever read must be lazy and only repeat what some other writer has stated because they all say that Maranzano created the structure of the American Mafia after his Idol Julius Caeser and the Roman Empire. If The exact structure ALREADY existed in the 1870's In Sicily with all the small Mafia Clans, then why would Maranzano have a big meeting in New York after the Mafia War was over to explain the structure to everyone? Wouldn't everyone already know it? if You have documents from 1870 that show that the exact structure Maranzano talked about already was in place 60 years before he mentioned it, then could you please post them? That would be an interesting thing to read.
You're on your way to a whole new level of understanding. I suggest you keep asking questions as long as these guys are responding because you couldn't find a better group to learn from (B, Chris Christie, Antillar, Pogo, Wiseguy & Co.) these guys know what the fuck they are talking about and one day maybe you will too.
