by Villain » Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:30 am
In addition to Battaglias criminal career, i find it quite funny one part from the questionings in 1958, when in July the committee called for him to answer their questions and judging by his answers, he obviously played them lol:
The Chairman: State your name and your place of residence and your business or occupation.
Mr. Battaglia: My name is Sam Battaglia. I live at 1114 North Ridgeland Avenue, Oak Park, 111.
The Chairman: What is your business or occupation?
Mr. Battaglia: I refuse to answer on the ground that my answer…wait a while…I refuse to answer on the ground that my answer may tend to incriminate me.
The Chairman: I suggest you change that word "refuse" to "decline."
Mr. Battaglia: I decline.
The Chairman: Will you make that change as you read your statement?
Mr. Battaglia: I don't understand.
The Chairman: I said, instead of using the word "refuse," will you say you "decline"?
Mr. Battaglia: Do I have to do that?
The Chairman: Well, you may have to. I think "decline" shows a little more respect for your Government, don't you?
Mr. Battaglia: O. K. decline, then.
The Chairman: Proceed.
Mr. Kennedy: Could you tell us, Mr. Battaglia, a little bit about your background, as to where you were born?
Mr. Battaglia: I decline to answer on the ground that may tend to incriminate me.
Mr. Kennedy: Just where you were born, Mr. Battaglia. Can't you tell us that?
Mr. Battaglia: I answered already.
Mr. Kennedy: I am asking you again to reconsider your answer. Could you tell us where you were born, and the date of it?
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
Mr. Kennedy: I would like to have you reconsider it, and what is your answer on reconsideration of my question?
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
Mr. Kennedy: You haven't answered this question. I want to have the date and the place of your birth.
Mr. Battaglia: I decline to answer on the ground that may tend to incriminate me.
Mr. Kennedy. You were born in Chicago, were you, in 1909, is that correct?
The Chairman: Let the Chair make a record here, please. We are going to test out some of these instances. The Chair will ask you the question "Where were you born?
Mr. Battaglia: I refuse to answer…decline to answer on the ground that that may tend to incriminate me.
The Chairman: With the permission of the committee, with its approval, the Chair orders and directs you to answer the question.
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
The Chairman: Is that your answer?
Mr. Battaglia: Yes, sir.
The Chairman: You understand that you are being ordered and directed by this committee to answer the question as to where you were born?
Mr. Battaglia: I just told you where I was born.
The Chairman: You did?
Mr. Battaglia: I just told you.
Mr. Kennedy: Is that correct?
Mr. Battaglia. I answered the question.
The Chairman: Now, I asked you the question, and I have ordered and directed you to answer, and state where you were born.
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
The Chairman: Is that your answer?
Mr. Battaglia: Yes, sir.
The Chairman: That is not an answer. That answer will not be accepted. Do you still refuse to answer?
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
The Chairman: I said: Do you still refuse to answer and state to this committee where you were born?
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
The Chairman: Is that the answer you want to give?
Mr. Battaglia: Yes, sir.
The Chairman: Your answer is that you refuse or decline on the ground that to answer it might tend to incriminate you?
Mr. Battaglia: Yes, sir.
The Chairman: Do you honestly believe if you told this committee where you were born that a truthful answer to that question might tend to incriminate you?
Mr. Battaglia: One answer leads to another, and I am not answering.
The Chairman: I asked you if you honestly believed that, if you gave a truthful answer to the question: Where were you born? a truthful answer might tend to incriminate you.
Mr. Battaglia. I answered it.
The Chairman: You haven't answered this question, and, with the approval of the committee, the Chair orders and directs you to answer the question as to whether you honestly believe that, if you gave a truthful answer to the question: “Where were you born?” a truthful answer might tend to incriminate you.
Mr. Baitaglia: I answered it.
The Chairman: You have not answered it, and the Chair holds you have not answered it, and you are under orders and direction of the committee to answer it.
Mr. Battaglia: I just told you; I read this off this paper, and I answered you.
The Chairman: You haven't read off that paper when I asked you if you honestly believe.
Mr. Battaglia: I refuse to answer on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me. Does that answer your question now?
The Chairman: That doesn't.
Mr. Battaglia. That is my answer.
The Chairman: All right, let the record stand. Proceed, Mr.
Mr. Kennedy: Have you ever been arrested?
Mr. Battaglia: I refuse to answer on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me.
The Chairman: The Chair, with the approval of the committee, orders and directs you to use the word "decline" instead of "refuse."
Mr. Battaglia: All right, decline.
The Chairman: Can you say it with any more contempt?
Mr. Battaglia. What is the matter with "refuse", that is a word too, isn't it?
The Chairman: Proceed.
Mr. Kennedy: As we understand it, Mr. Battaglia, your specialty is armed robbery, is that correct?
Mr. Battaglia: I refuse to answer on the ground…on the ground it may tend to incriminate me.
Mr. Kennedy: You are back on "refuse."
Mr. Battaglia. What is the other word?
The Chairman: The other word is "decline," and it is a little more respectful.
Mr. Battaglia: All right, decline.
In addition to Battaglias criminal career, i find it quite funny one part from the questionings in 1958, when in July the committee called for him to answer their questions and judging by his answers, he obviously played them lol:
The Chairman: State your name and your place of residence and your business or occupation.
Mr. Battaglia: My name is Sam Battaglia. I live at 1114 North Ridgeland Avenue, Oak Park, 111.
The Chairman: What is your business or occupation?
Mr. Battaglia: I refuse to answer on the ground that my answer…wait a while…I refuse to answer on the ground that my answer may tend to incriminate me.
The Chairman: I suggest you change that word "refuse" to "decline."
Mr. Battaglia: I decline.
The Chairman: Will you make that change as you read your statement?
Mr. Battaglia: I don't understand.
The Chairman: I said, instead of using the word "refuse," will you say you "decline"?
Mr. Battaglia: Do I have to do that?
The Chairman: Well, you may have to. I think "decline" shows a little more respect for your Government, don't you?
Mr. Battaglia: O. K. decline, then.
The Chairman: Proceed.
Mr. Kennedy: Could you tell us, Mr. Battaglia, a little bit about your background, as to where you were born?
Mr. Battaglia: I decline to answer on the ground that may tend to incriminate me.
Mr. Kennedy: Just where you were born, Mr. Battaglia. Can't you tell us that?
Mr. Battaglia: I answered already.
Mr. Kennedy: I am asking you again to reconsider your answer. Could you tell us where you were born, and the date of it?
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
Mr. Kennedy: I would like to have you reconsider it, and what is your answer on reconsideration of my question?
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
Mr. Kennedy: You haven't answered this question. I want to have the date and the place of your birth.
Mr. Battaglia: I decline to answer on the ground that may tend to incriminate me.
Mr. Kennedy. You were born in Chicago, were you, in 1909, is that correct?
The Chairman: Let the Chair make a record here, please. We are going to test out some of these instances. The Chair will ask you the question "Where were you born?
Mr. Battaglia: I refuse to answer…decline to answer on the ground that that may tend to incriminate me.
The Chairman: With the permission of the committee, with its approval, the Chair orders and directs you to answer the question.
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
The Chairman: Is that your answer?
Mr. Battaglia: Yes, sir.
The Chairman: You understand that you are being ordered and directed by this committee to answer the question as to where you were born?
Mr. Battaglia: I just told you where I was born.
The Chairman: You did?
Mr. Battaglia: I just told you.
Mr. Kennedy: Is that correct?
Mr. Battaglia. I answered the question.
The Chairman: Now, I asked you the question, and I have ordered and directed you to answer, and state where you were born.
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
The Chairman: Is that your answer?
Mr. Battaglia: Yes, sir.
The Chairman: That is not an answer. That answer will not be accepted. Do you still refuse to answer?
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
The Chairman: I said: Do you still refuse to answer and state to this committee where you were born?
Mr. Battaglia: I answered it.
The Chairman: Is that the answer you want to give?
Mr. Battaglia: Yes, sir.
The Chairman: Your answer is that you refuse or decline on the ground that to answer it might tend to incriminate you?
Mr. Battaglia: Yes, sir.
The Chairman: Do you honestly believe if you told this committee where you were born that a truthful answer to that question might tend to incriminate you?
Mr. Battaglia: One answer leads to another, and I am not answering.
The Chairman: I asked you if you honestly believed that, if you gave a truthful answer to the question: Where were you born? a truthful answer might tend to incriminate you.
Mr. Battaglia. I answered it.
The Chairman: You haven't answered this question, and, with the approval of the committee, the Chair orders and directs you to answer the question as to whether you honestly believe that, if you gave a truthful answer to the question: “Where were you born?” a truthful answer might tend to incriminate you.
Mr. Baitaglia: I answered it.
The Chairman: You have not answered it, and the Chair holds you have not answered it, and you are under orders and direction of the committee to answer it.
Mr. Battaglia: I just told you; I read this off this paper, and I answered you.
The Chairman: You haven't read off that paper when I asked you if you honestly believe.
Mr. Battaglia: I refuse to answer on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me. Does that answer your question now?
The Chairman: That doesn't.
Mr. Battaglia. That is my answer.
The Chairman: All right, let the record stand. Proceed, Mr.
Mr. Kennedy: Have you ever been arrested?
Mr. Battaglia: I refuse to answer on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me.
The Chairman: The Chair, with the approval of the committee, orders and directs you to use the word "decline" instead of "refuse."
Mr. Battaglia: All right, decline.
The Chairman: Can you say it with any more contempt?
Mr. Battaglia. What is the matter with "refuse", that is a word too, isn't it?
The Chairman: Proceed.
Mr. Kennedy: As we understand it, Mr. Battaglia, your specialty is armed robbery, is that correct?
Mr. Battaglia: I refuse to answer on the ground…on the ground it may tend to incriminate me.
Mr. Kennedy: You are back on "refuse."
Mr. Battaglia. What is the other word?
The Chairman: The other word is "decline," and it is a little more respectful.
Mr. Battaglia: All right, decline.