Murders of Anthony and Charles DiGirolamo

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Re: Murders of Anthony and Charles DiGirolamo

by furiofromnaples » Sat Jun 24, 2017 8:02 am

Nothing Adam. The twin was part of a crew under james galione and lucchese family that was fuelling the streets with crack cocaine,Galione get 22 y in 1996 due two crew members flipped. Maybe Galione continued to run the crew from the prison and thinked that the digirolamos could flip and for this both of them was killed.

Murders of Anthony and Charles DiGirolamo

by Adam » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:44 am

Was it ever determined if the 2000 murders of Anthony and Charles DiGirolamo were actually committed by one of the New York families? ... treet.html

They pop up on people's mob murders lists but I wasn't sure if any information about them has come out over the years. Anyone know?

Adam R.
