by Stroccos » Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:35 am
Compared to many other bosses, the $$$ doesn't roll in in Philly like so many other places. All his RICO trials cost alot of money. Merlino didn't own this home in Boca...which is my point. And yes, I believe he has trouble making ends meet on a consistent basis. He's not a guy who stashes money and saves.
Joseph "Minnie the moocher" Merlino name alone should be worth 500k A year alone. He should be able to get pieces of legimate deals just so people can throw his name around. Sure he had his benefactors but did MErlino set him self up outside of mooching , with anything legitmate ? outside of his fly by night bar.
Compared to many other bosses, the $$$ doesn't roll in in Philly like so many other places. All his RICO trials cost alot of money. Merlino didn't own this home in Boca...which is my point. And yes, I believe he has trouble making ends meet on a consistent basis. He's not a guy who stashes money and saves.
Joseph "Minnie the moocher" Merlino name alone should be worth 500k A year alone. He should be able to get pieces of legimate deals just so people can throw his name around. Sure he had his benefactors but did MErlino set him self up outside of mooching , with anything legitmate ? outside of his fly by night bar.