Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

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Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by JCB1977 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:58 am

On my way to Maine, talk soon

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by FriendofHenry » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:56 am

JCB1977 wrote:
FriendofHenry wrote:
JCB1977 wrote:I wish I would have known the proprietor of the Boatyard back then...he probably would have escorted out the back door on a few occasions.
Maybe he did ;)
I could assure you he didn't. My nights were filled with finding a divorcee and heading to the Holiday Inn Metroplex
Good for you :)

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by JCB1977 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:53 am

Stroccos wrote:
UTC wrote:You're talking about my wife, guys.
LOL think of all the people who got beaten , let alone whacked for fucking with the wrong pussy
And then some

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by Stroccos » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:48 am

UTC wrote:You're talking about my wife, guys.
LOL think of all the people who got beaten , let alone whacked for fucking with the wrong pussy

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by JCB1977 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:18 am

FriendofHenry wrote:
JCB1977 wrote:I wish I would have known the proprietor of the Boatyard back then...he probably would have escorted out the back door on a few occasions.
Maybe he did ;)
I could assure you he didn't. My nights were filled with finding a divorcee and heading to the Holiday Inn Metroplex

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by FriendofHenry » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:30 am

JCB1977 wrote:I wish I would have known the proprietor of the Boatyard back then...he probably would have escorted out the back door on a few occasions.
Maybe he did ;)

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by JCB1977 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:07 am

I wish I would have known the proprietor of the Boatyard back then...he probably would have escorted out the back door on a few occasions.

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by JCB1977 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:05 am

UTC wrote:You're talking about my wife, guys.


Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by FriendofHenry » Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:50 am

UTC wrote:You're talking about my wife, guys.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by UTC » Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:57 pm

You're talking about my wife, guys.

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by JCB1977 » Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:33 am

The Greek wrote:
JCB1977 wrote:
FriendofHenry wrote:Boathouse??? Got drunk there many a night!!! Across the road from Chi Chi's and Red Lobster! Used to stop there on my home from working at Southern Park Mall. Good times...
Ever go across town to the BoatYard? I understand they had a Jimmy Buffet Night that was the place to be on Wednesday nights.
Yes that was one of our YSU staples back in the day!

I had the most memorable 21st birthday at the Boatyard...capped off by a suck job from a 42 year old divorcee. In the alley of the building. Then I went back in and began slurping down Long Island Ice Tea's. ;) :D Memories
Best story every.. Picture her now doing the same thing as a 60yr old :shock:
Makes me sick to think about that dried up little slit!

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by The Greek » Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:53 pm

JCB1977 wrote:
FriendofHenry wrote:Boathouse??? Got drunk there many a night!!! Across the road from Chi Chi's and Red Lobster! Used to stop there on my home from working at Southern Park Mall. Good times...
Ever go across town to the BoatYard? I understand they had a Jimmy Buffet Night that was the place to be on Wednesday nights.
Yes that was one of our YSU staples back in the day!

I had the most memorable 21st birthday at the Boatyard...capped off by a suck job from a 42 year old divorcee. In the alley of the building. Then I went back in and began slurping down Long Island Ice Tea's. ;) :D Memories
Best story every.. Picture her now doing the same thing as a 60yr old :shock:

Re: 2016 Five Families Current Pin Up Project.

by The Greek » Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:51 pm

JCB1977 wrote:
The Greek wrote:
FriendofHenry wrote:
The Greek wrote:
The Greek wrote:
FriendofHenry wrote:
The Greek wrote:
FriendofHenry wrote:Keep in mind that at the height of these families powers the bulk of Steel was being made in the world was made in Cleveland and Pittsburgh, especially in Youngstown. Jobs meant money and money means gambling.

The All American Club, just outside of downtown Youngstown, was considered the most productive casino outside of Las Vegas. Additionally the clubs that Pittsburgh controlled in Chester West Virginia were huge producers.

There has always been something special about being the big fish in a small pond :)

Was the All American Club in Campbell? I remember my Dad and a bunch of other Greeks meeting Frankie Lentine at a club in Campbell. This must have been in 1980 or 81. I was just a kid but tagging along w my Dad.
Small world :) The All American Club was on 12th.Street in Campbell. Frankie was a hell of a boxer and long time friend of Bernie. In fact they did a couple of "Jobs" together before there was an All American Club. Bernie invented the roof-top can opener ;)

Frankie and his wife, Dolly, had a little joint on 422 in Coitsville just down the road from The Palace in the Pines. This was the first "titty-bar" in the area, never my thing, however I believe that Frankie was in charge there. Was your Dad a bridge painter?
Was the Pines on State Line next to RJ's Holiday House? Across from the beer distributor we used to drive to then head back to PA. Drinking age was 18 then in Ohio :)
Forgot to answer your question about the bridge painters! Wow that brought back some memories. My dad was a school administrator by day and had a very popular Greek band at the time that played a few nights a week. Every Wed in Niles at Anestos, and Fridays and Saturdays at various clubs from Oakland to Cleveland. I was a kid getting a real education hanging with these Greeks. When the painters were working during the spring and summer we would make a fortune at clubs, the Pines one of them, from the money they would throw. I was 14 walking around with hundreds of dollars in 1$ bills. I thought I was rich... I guess I was because it was an awesome world for a teenager
These was a popular spot on 224 in Boardman that attracted a lot of PA 18 year olds. Maybe you visited that spot too?
Boathouse??? Got drunk there many a night!!! Across the road from Chi Chi's and Red Lobster! Used to stop there on my home from working at Southern Park Mall. Good times...
Bingo! Best curly fries in town. Do you remember the Moonraker?
God yes

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by Stroccos » Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:11 pm

Antiliar wrote:For the first two links, they depend on the one informant who I believe is mistaken. The third link, about Milano, isn't Nick Gentile, but the story that he read in the Saturday Evening Post was about Gentile. That story must have awaken some old memories, but he's a second witness to state that Milano was on the Commission. In my opinion, Frank Milano was on the Commission for only a few years, maybe up to 1934. Then he stepped down and was replaced in Cleveland by Romano, but his Commission seat was dropped.

The timeline is confused. Gentile says that Milano was on the Commission and the Cleveland boss in 1931/32. Then Angelo Lonardo said he killed Dr. Romano in 1936 with the permission of Milano, but that Romano was the ex-boss. Another informant confirms that Romano was a boss in the 1930s. So was Milano sort of like a Tony Accardo or Paul Ricca and give approval to kill a boss? Seems to indicate that Cleveland was removed from the Commission for this incident. Maybe Lonardo meant Romano was a former boss when he said it, that he was a former boss at the time that he was testifying, not at the time he killed him. So who's on first?
weatger POlizzi was in charge When Romano got whacked or took the helm after is up for debate , romano got whacked by MIlton rockman , JOhn Demarco , Angelo Lonardo and possibly one other who name escapes me , remember Romano was part of a rival faction and he operated on LOnardos cousin and he died. . Being A capo Demarco allegely got the blessing of frank milano to whack ROmano. Romano knew people were after him he beef up secuirty at his place, what did ROmano do ? THey shot Romanos dick off and blasted him up , I think allan may wrote abut it . This sounds like some kind of revenge killing more then biz. Weather frankk milno gave the ok to Demarco we will never know , but lonardo wasnt in on that convo , he only followed Demarco into the fire.

Re: Pittsburgh Family Admin Lineage... ahem JCB

by JCB1977 » Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:47 am

FriendofHenry wrote:Boathouse??? Got drunk there many a night!!! Across the road from Chi Chi's and Red Lobster! Used to stop there on my home from working at Southern Park Mall. Good times...
Ever go across town to the BoatYard? I understand they had a Jimmy Buffet Night that was the place to be on Wednesday nights.
I had the most memorable 21st birthday at the Boatyard...capped off by a suck job from a 42 year old divorcee. In the alley of the building. Then I went back in and began slurping down Long Island Ice Tea's. ;) :D Memories
