Raynald Desjardins sentenced

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Re: Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by Angelo Santino » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:16 pm

Pete wrote:
Dwalin2014 wrote:Here goes the last possibility he will ever think about flipping and revealing relevant information about the who-is-who, who-killed-who-on-whose-orders etc in the last decade, or almost, in the Montreal mob. They should initially always ask for the maximum sentence possible in such cases imo, just to scare the defendant into flipping, then later, once he agrees, they make a deal if they want to, whatever (although not such an insane one as with Gravano, with 5 years for 19 murders).
Same thing with the incompetent hit carried out by Nicodemo in Philadelphia: such a good chance to pressure an incompetent gangster into flipping by using his own incompetence, yet all those law enforcement "interrogators" and prosecutors are probably just as dumb as him if they didn't manage to exploit such a chance destiny itself gave them on a golden plate.
The Feds always do ask for the maximum. Nicodemo took 25-50 years without flinching you act like they let him off the hook. 25 years is a long ass time that's plenty of leverage. Many guys have flipped only facing a few years. If someone doesn't flip facing over 25 years he ain't gonna
Why would he? You're looking at Philly's New Boss in 2047. Being Boss fresh out of Prison is a Philly tradition.

Re: Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by Slumpy » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:12 pm

I was talking about how corrupt the Quebec provincial government was back on GBB when I still posted there. It's crazy how lackadaisical the QPP seems to be where OC is concerned. Meanwhile in Manitoba we've declared the HA to be a criminal organisation.

I cam across this article today, but it seems highly speculative:

http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justi ... guerre.php

Several meetings have been held since the end of last fall between clan leaders and influential individuals linked to the Montreal and Toronto mafias with the aim of ending the bloody conflict that undermines the Italian organized crime of the metropolis of Quebec since a dozen years, learned the Press .

These efforts would, however, be jeopardized, at least for the moment, by the obstinacy of the last members of the Sicilian clan, in particular the one considered by the police until the fall of 2015 as one of the leaders of the Montreal mafia, Stefano Sollecito.
According to police and criminal sources, he would refuse to cede certain illegal activities, including the lucrative book sports betting, whose revenues would allow him to continue to battle and finance certain operations.

It is particularly in this context that two hairdressing salons belonging to the wife of the manager of sports betting of the mafia were the target of incendiaries in Laval at the beginning of the month.

"Sollecito does not want to hand over the book of bets. There are currently contracts on the heads of several people. It is he who is the cause of the continuation of the war ", told La Presse a police source very familiar with the matter.

Since the murder of Giovanni Bertolo in August 2005 - regarded by the police as the triggering event - the power struggles of the various factions of the Montreal mafia would be the motive of at least 35 murders, ten murder attempts or attacks, according to a tally of La Presse .
The last victim of these internal conflicts is Ali Awada, 28, killed in Montreal-North on January 13. According to the police, Awada was close to the Scoppa and Sucapane clans.

Visitors from Toronto

But since late fall, police have repeatedly observed individuals linked to the Toronto Mafia come to Montreal and participate in meetings. The influential and independent Montreal clan leader Andrew Scoppa reportedly took part in one of them last December. It seems that even individuals who have been associated directly and forever with the former Rizzuto clan militate for peace.

"Toronto has always played a role. Remember that on his return from the United States in 2012, Vito Rizzuto first visited the Queen City. Montreal mafia clan leaders have strong ties with Toronto, "says a criminal.

"In the last 30 years, Sicilians, Calabrians, everyone was connected. There are more whites, Blacks, Yellow, everyone works together, "said this week in La Presse a man near the criminal world.

"War must stop, it's not good for business. Fathers and sons die, women and children are in mourning. "- A man close to the criminal milieu

The table of direction of the mafia set up after the natural death of the godfather Vito Rizzuto no longer exists. Observers from the police and criminal communities believe that a possible peace would lead to a new mafia alliance composed of representatives from the Calabrian, Sicilian and other branches rather than the advent of a new sponsor and a new dominant family. This future alliance would work in partnership with the Hells Angels, who for the moment at least would not intend to get involved in the problems of the mafia.

"Never will anyone come from elsewhere, from Ontario, New York or Italy, to lead the Montreal mafia, it would not happen. There are too many strong men here to let this happen, "added our close interlocutor, suggesting that if Toronto mafios meet with their counterparts here in Montreal, it will not be in the lead role. The future will tell, believe for their part observers.

Re: Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by SonnyBlackstein » Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:09 pm

https://www.google.ca/amp/www.cbc.ca/am ... ent=safari

Montreal mayor convicted of taking bribes.

Re: Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by SonnyBlackstein » Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:38 pm

He's no chance of flipping with 6yrs to go.

Re: Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by dixiemafia » Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:03 pm

Desjardins won't flip, you can put 100% on the fact he won't flip. Others like this Jack Simpson dude I would say maybe, but even though he's French-Canadian Desjardins is as hardcore as they come. Google that story about how he gave corrections headaches over the years, many said he was "running the prison" in his last stretch and I have no reason to think it won't happen again...

Plus it would make no sense why him and his lawyer would keep stalling because they were getting 1.5 days per every day served and he knew he was going to spend time away. Why waste all that time if you are just going to flip? He kept his mouth shut when the cocaine case got him and I don't see how this would be any worse.

Re: Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by Pete » Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:46 pm

Dwalin2014 wrote:Here goes the last possibility he will ever think about flipping and revealing relevant information about the who-is-who, who-killed-who-on-whose-orders etc in the last decade, or almost, in the Montreal mob. They should initially always ask for the maximum sentence possible in such cases imo, just to scare the defendant into flipping, then later, once he agrees, they make a deal if they want to, whatever (although not such an insane one as with Gravano, with 5 years for 19 murders).
Same thing with the incompetent hit carried out by Nicodemo in Philadelphia: such a good chance to pressure an incompetent gangster into flipping by using his own incompetence, yet all those law enforcement "interrogators" and prosecutors are probably just as dumb as him if they didn't manage to exploit such a chance destiny itself gave them on a golden plate.
The Feds always do ask for the maximum. Nicodemo took 25-50 years without flinching you act like they let him off the hook. 25 years is a long ass time that's plenty of leverage. Many guys have flipped only facing a few years. If someone doesn't flip facing over 25 years he ain't gonna

Re: Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by Lupara » Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:39 pm

He'll be out on parole within a few years. Who'd have thought that he might actually live when he's back on the streets.

Re: Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by SonnyBlackstein » Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:43 pm

You can almost guarantee the Feds et al squeezed the shit out of Nicodemo.

They're not stupid.

Re: Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by Dwalin2014 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:56 pm

Here goes the last possibility he will ever think about flipping and revealing relevant information about the who-is-who, who-killed-who-on-whose-orders etc in the last decade, or almost, in the Montreal mob. They should initially always ask for the maximum sentence possible in such cases imo, just to scare the defendant into flipping, then later, once he agrees, they make a deal if they want to, whatever (although not such an insane one as with Gravano, with 5 years for 19 murders).
Same thing with the incompetent hit carried out by Nicodemo in Philadelphia: such a good chance to pressure an incompetent gangster into flipping by using his own incompetence, yet all those law enforcement "interrogators" and prosecutors are probably just as dumb as him if they didn't manage to exploit such a chance destiny itself gave them on a golden plate.

Re: Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by Slumpy » Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:47 am

I will be surprised if he serves the rest of his seven years.

Raynald Desjardins sentenced

by dixiemafia » Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:00 am

http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/montreal-o ... -1.3209484

Gets 14 but only has 6.5 years left.
