Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

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Re: Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by OlBlueEyesClub » Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:42 pm

Think Charles Brandt claimed that in his book on Sheeran.

Re: Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by Wiseguy » Sun Dec 11, 2016 6:45 pm

johnny_scootch wrote:
HairyKnuckles wrote: I don´t know, the informant could simply have been wrong on Giancana taking over the Genovese Family. Wasn´t there also rumors on Russell Buffalino taking over the Genovese Family at one point? Or was that the Gambino Family?
Yes it was Russel Bufalino and the Genovese Family although I can't seem to remember where it came from.
Both claims are absurd.

Re: Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by johnny_scootch » Sun Dec 11, 2016 3:41 pm

HairyKnuckles wrote: I don´t know, the informant could simply have been wrong on Giancana taking over the Genovese Family. Wasn´t there also rumors on Russell Buffalino taking over the Genovese Family at one point? Or was that the Gambino Family?
Yes it was Russel Bufalino and the Genovese Family although I can't seem to remember where it came from.

Re: Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by Snakes » Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:46 pm

Yes, Eboli and DeChiaro were brothers in law.

Re: Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by Villain » Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:04 pm

HairyKnuckles wrote:Perhaps the informant meant that the Commission, which Giancana was a part of, was to designate a new leader or acting boss for the Genoveses? It was about that time the leading troika somewhat fell apart. Catena was not interested in leading. Ryan was too impopular with the troops and Mike Miranda was generally pissed for being passed over by Vito Genovese. This may come as surprise to some but for a very long time the Genoveses did not have a strong leader. I remember reading reports and articles saying that Catena was extremely reluctant to take charge, even after Vito´s death.

I don´t know, the informant could simply have been wrong on Giancana taking over the Genovese Family. Wasn´t there also rumors on Russell Buffalino taking over the Genovese Family at one point? Or was that the Gambino Family?
I never heard about the rumour regarding somebody else, meaning boss from a different family, taking over the Genovese leadership. As always, intesresting thinking and infos HK. Thanks.

As additional info, i think i read somewhere that Ricca and Giancana backed Catena and Eboli. I believe, Eboli and one of Ricca’s relatives Guido DeChiaro were related thru marriage.

Re: Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by HairyKnuckles » Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:49 am

Perhaps the informant meant that the Commission, which Giancana was a part of, was to designate a new leader or acting boss for the Genoveses? It was about that time the leading troika somewhat fell apart. Catena was not interested in leading. Ryan was too impopular with the troops and Mike Miranda was generally pissed for being passed over by Vito Genovese. This may come as surprise to some but for a very long time the Genoveses did not have a strong leader. I remember reading reports and articles saying that Catena was extremely reluctant to take charge, even after Vito´s death.

I don´t know, the informant could simply have been wrong on Giancana taking over the Genovese Family. Wasn´t there also rumors on Russell Buffalino taking over the Genovese Family at one point? Or was that the Gambino Family?

Re: Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by Snakes » Sun Dec 11, 2016 10:05 am

Yeah, when it comes to stuff like that I try and find another informant giving similar information or some other type of corroboration. I've never seen anything else on this Giancana/Genovese thing.

Re: Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by Villain » Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:10 am

Snakes wrote:Looks like bad Intel. Maybe somebody trying to get some favors from the FBI. I've never heard it anywhere else. Giancana had plenty of problems of his own at that time to worry about New York.
Yeah thats probably right. Im doing some research and at the same time some writing regarding the long time Outfit/Genovese connection and im confused on some subjects regarding the New York mob and from time to time i need some back up. Thanks Snakes

Re: Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by Snakes » Sun Dec 11, 2016 7:00 am

Looks like bad Intel. Maybe somebody trying to get some favors from the FBI. I've never heard it anywhere else. Giancana had plenty of problems of his own at that time to worry about New York.

Re: Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by Villain » Sun Dec 11, 2016 6:57 am

johnny_scootch wrote:Hogwash.
Same thoughts here

Giancana appointing Genovese bosses?

by Villain » Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:55 am

I came across this document and possibly the informant ment on Giancana giving his vote regarding the appointment of a Genovese boss. This was also one year before Giancana went to jail and then fled to Mexico. Later the informant gave a confusing info regarding Giancana taking Vito's place? What position? What do you guys think? ... i_giancana
