Decavalcante ceremony invalid

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Re: Decavalcante ceremony invalid

by Rocco » Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:22 am

B. wrote:Supposedly they weren't drawing blood and burning the paper (how far back, I don't know), so Gotti forced them to redo the ceremonies. I believe it was Rotondo and Palermo who testified about this.

There are at least a couple of informants who claimed to be made by NY families in the 1940s/1950s who claimed there was no blood drawn or paper burned, too, basically just a meeting where they were told the rules and inducted. Not sure how reliable that info is, but it sounds to me like the proper ceremony wasn't always conducted.

The whole thing about stopping NY recruitment is weird to me since they had a New York presence going back to the earliest days of the family. If I remember right, it was said they could recruit from New Jersey and the Philadelphia area. I don't know of any Philadelphia or PA members they had, just a small number from Trenton.
Again this was Gotti just feeding his own ego. After all as it turned out Gotti was anything but LCN despite the fact that he preached it. He brought LCN above ground from the underground. The guy could have had a PR rep for all we know. :o

Re: Decavalcante ceremony invalid

by Angelo Santino » Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:56 am

Wiseguy wrote:Listen to me. They make anybody and everybody over there. And the way that they do it, it's all fucked up. Guys don't get their finger pricked. There's no sword and gun on the table. Either it has meaning or no meaning. Five fuckin' Families and we got this other pygmy thing over in Jersey.
Anthony Soprano's got no respect for This Thing. I mean he's never been in the can- not really. And the piece of shit passed over his own uncle for the big chair- his father's brother! --- Uhh Please huhh! --- There's no scraps in my scrapbook. --- :? :?: --- Make it happen!

Re: Decavalcante ceremony invalid

by Wiseguy » Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:57 am

Listen to me. They make anybody and everybody over there. And the way that they do it, it's all fucked up. Guys don't get their finger pricked. There's no sword and gun on the table. Either it has meaning or no meaning. Five fuckin' Families and we got this other pygmy thing over in Jersey.

Re: Decavalcante ceremony invalid

by Pogo The Clown » Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:40 pm

Being stopped from recruiting NY guy's was a different incident I believe. Apparently the DeCavalcante's had made some guy's that had been turned down for membership by the NY families (looks like by the Colombos and or the Gambinos). In 1996 (I think) they were called to sit down by the Gambinos and Colombos where they were told they could only make members from Jersey. Those present at the sit down for the DeCavalcantes were Acting Boss/UnderBoss Jake Amari and Consgilieri Stefano Vitabile. Nick Corozzo was there for the Gambinos as was Colombo Consiglieri Vincent Aloi. There may have been others present.


Re: Decavalcante ceremony invalid

by Hailbritain » Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:36 pm

Cheers guys I remember now , was the whole don't recruit from New York thing because a lot of guys were operating there , Palermo , Abramo and consalvo to name a few ??

Re: Decavalcante ceremony invalid

by B. » Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:32 pm

Supposedly they weren't drawing blood and burning the paper (how far back, I don't know), so Gotti forced them to redo the ceremonies. I believe it was Rotondo and Palermo who testified about this.

There are at least a couple of informants who claimed to be made by NY families in the 1940s/1950s who claimed there was no blood drawn or paper burned, too, basically just a meeting where they were told the rules and inducted. Not sure how reliable that info is, but it sounds to me like the proper ceremony wasn't always conducted.

The whole thing about stopping NY recruitment is weird to me since they had a New York presence going back to the earliest days of the family. If I remember right, it was said they could recruit from New Jersey and the Philadelphia area. I don't know of any Philadelphia or PA members they had, just a small number from Trenton.

Re: Decavalcante ceremony invalid

by Chaps » Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:18 pm

According to Vincent Palermo it was all of them. Apparently, going back to Sam the Plumber, the DeCav's ceased using the gun and knife. According to Palermo "Sam believed that were not actually necessary." New York, in what seemed to be another effort to push the Jersey Family around, ruled the Family a fraud and ordered them to remake everyone. So mass inductions were held to get everyone made in a timely manner.

Decavalcante ceremony invalid

by Hailbritain » Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:39 pm

Does anyone know the details of the ceremony that was invalid , think John gotti said they had to remake the guys and stopped them recruiting guys from New York ??
