Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

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Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by InCamelot » Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:18 am

motorfab wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:28 pm
InCamelot wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 2:05 pm Anyone know if B is doing alright? Haven't seen him post in a while
I spoke to him a few days ago, I guess he's a little busy
Ah good to know he's alright

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by motorfab » Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:28 pm

InCamelot wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 2:05 pm Anyone know if B is doing alright? Haven't seen him post in a while
I spoke to him a few days ago, I guess he's a little busy

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by InCamelot » Tue Dec 03, 2024 2:05 pm

Anyone know if B is doing alright? Haven't seen him post in a while

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by Brovelli » Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:51 pm

Right, I’ve only seen him mentioned in this one part but he will probably crop up again. But yea it read to me as if he was some kind counselor as you say to strollo but very vague

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by Antiliar » Tue Dec 03, 2024 12:51 am

Brovelli wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 10:41 pm Just reading Valachi speaking about a guy "Sandie" who was close to Tony Strollo. Anyone know who this is in reference to?
That was Sandino Pandolfo, who he claimed was a consigliere. However, it's hard to discern if he meant a personal counselor to Strollo, the consigliere of the borgata, or one of the consiglieri of six.

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by Brovelli » Mon Dec 02, 2024 10:41 pm

Just reading Valachi speaking about a guy "Sandie" who was close to Tony Strollo. Anyone know who this is in reference to?

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by B. » Thu Aug 15, 2024 2:44 pm

With John DiCarlo ID'd by Bonanno as part of the Gagliano faction, we can probably add his brother Angelo to that group. Angelo DiCarlo bounced between NYC and Corleone but looks to have been in NYC during the Castellammarese War. He is one of the few known Luccheses who actively maintained ties between the Luccheses and Corleone, apparently transferring later and becoming a ranking member of the Corleone Family. The DiCarlos were cousins of future Corleone boss Michelle Navarra.

Another interesting detail is that John DiCarlo witnessed Paolo Gambino's naturalization, Gambino being a known spy for the Maranzano-Gagliano faction. John and Angelo's brother Calogero "Lilo" was a mafioso included in the FBN book and has been carried as a Gambino member due to Santantonio identifying captain "Lilo DiCarlo" with his Family. It is apparent however that Santantonio was actually referring to Lilo Garofalo and confused the name. When I tried looking into Gambino captain Joe "Oxie" Marino I did find a Joseph Marino with mixed Palermitan/Corleonese heritage who lived right by the Trainas (Marino's captains) and was related to Calogero "Lilo" DiCarlo -- I'm not positive this was "Oxie" but if it is, it would add to the Gambino connections among the DiCarlos. As of now though I'm hestitant to say Lilo DiCarlo was a Gambino member given the confusion with Garofalo, his Corleonese heritage, and his brother's affiliation with the Lucchese.

Cascio of course has a lot of good background info on the DiCarlos.

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by B. » Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:09 am

B. wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:03 pm Thanks for pointing that out. As I said earlier, Valachi did say Gagliano and Lucchese replaced Pinzolo and an unidentified underboss he believed was murdered during the war. Makes me wonder if it was one of them. DioGuardi's murder was August 1930 which would lend itself more to him being Pinzolo's underboss if Valachi's impression was accurate.

We've long speculated that Gagliano had been an underboss but I can't recall if that was ever stated by anyone. If Maas's description of him as a Reina "lieutenant" came from Valachi it would mean he was a captain and even if he had been Reina's underboss it wouldn't mean he held the same title under Pinzolo given underbosses lose their rank under a new boss unless they are reappointed.
More on Giovanni Dioguardi -- he was president of a construction labor union and the suspect was a guy named Salvatore Giordano. Wikipedia says Dioguardi was Johnny Dio's father which isn't true, Dio's father was Domenico, and I'm having trouble finding the exact records for Giovanni. Johnny DIo's grandfather was a Giovanni Dioguardi I believe but it's obviously not him.

One thing is Buster Domingo told Valachi he had killed another "boss" earlier in the war but Valachi didn't recall who it was. It wasn't Morello as he mentions that and it wouldn't be Mineo as Valachi participated in that one. Domingo brought it up in context with the Maranzano and Gagliano factions committing murders on their own then coming together when they realized they were both fighting Masseria. Valachi uses "boss" pretty generally during the war to refer to high-ranking members, not necessarily "the" boss of a Family. Not sure where this comment fits on the timeline with Joe Parrino's murder, would need to look closer.

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by B. » Mon Aug 12, 2024 12:20 am

Peter "Petey Muggins" Leone, 1909-1962

Leone has been listed on some charts as "Mione" which led to his misidentification as a Castellammarese guy with that name who lived in the East Village and Brooklyn. There were Miones and Maiones in these circles, as Gaspare Mione from Castellammare was one of the few Bonanno members to live in East Harlem and he was brother-in-law of Lucchese member Frank Callace who participated in the Mineo/Ferrigno hit with Valachi. Gaspare even had a nephew named Peter Mione who was a criminally-active associate though he'd be too young to be "Muggins". The real Leone was also partners with Genovese member Mike Maione, which could have added to the confusion.

Valachi said his last name was "Leno" but the real guy was Peter Leone, which shows up in FBI reports. The real "Muggins" is almost certainly a Peter Leone who grew up on 111th in East Harlem. Valachi said that "Muggins" was from East Harlem and operated gambling rackets on 110th, the next street over from where Leone lived. His close associate Steve Castertano in turn was from 109th. This Leone had Barese heritage which better fits his story as a "random" hoodlum recruited by Valachi. Leone later moved to Queens.

Valachi said "Muggins" was dead by the time of his cooperation but doesn't say when. Harlem native and Lucchese member informant Carmine Taglialatela said "Petey Muggins" was a Genovese member running a gambling operation in Palisades, New Jersey, circa 1945-47 which places him alive by that general time. The Peter Leone from 111th in East Harlem died in June 1962 -- Valachi killed his fellow inmate the same month -- so he was dead by the time Valachi fully cooperated even though it was recent.

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by B. » Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:24 pm

Bonanno wasn't the one who proposed Valachi, so he wasn't the sponsor in that sense (Petrilli originally proposed him), but he was selected for the godfather role. Only other time I've seen that was Rocco Scafidi's induction in Philly where they did the same finger game and even though Joe Scafidi proposed him, Domenico Pollina was randomly selected as godather. Bonanno denies the story but obviously wanted to distance himself from Valachi. It's sort of like Valachi's claim about meeting Joe Profaci at the Pelham Parkway spot and Profaci explaining the history to him. It doesn't really make sense for Profaci to be there and we have doubts but I don't see why Valachi would deliberately lie about it. Strangely, Valachi says in the Real Thing that Profaci was also at his induction ceremony.

In Sicily there have been inductions presided over by the boss of another Family, like Agostino Coppola whose ceremony was presided over by Gaetano Badalamenti of Cinisi but Coppola was being made into the Corleone Family or Giovanni Brusca's induction which was presided over by the Corleone leadership even though he was made into the San Giuseppe Jato Family. The "godfather" thing also brings to mind John Stanfa's visit to Caccamo in the early 1980s where Nino Giuffre was allowed to select Stanfa as his godfather for the induction ceremony -- Stanfa was likely made in Caccamo originally but at that time he was a Philadelphia member. John Misuraca also proposed a few members into the San Jose Family even though he was a Colombo member and Bonanno underboss Frank Garofalo attended a San Francisco ceremony as the guest of honor. I'm skeptical of Bill Bonanno's claim that his induction was basically a Commission meeting of bosses but there is some fluidity with that stuff, or at least there used to be, where inductions can involve members of other Families playing roles. These aren't rival gangs but members of the same brotherhood and all of the Families used to be much more intertwined.

It doesn't seem Valachi got to know many "real" dyed-in-the-wool Bonanno members during the war. He spent a lot of time with Domingo and DiBenedetto and would have met a bunch of others at Maranzano's office and the larger meetings that were held but most of the guys he knew were from the Lucchese side of the alliance. He had very little info on the Bonannos when he flipped even though plenty of contemporary members had been around in the early 1930s.
Valachi had a dizzying career in the mafia for a Neapolitan with no connection to tradition.

Judge for yourself. Valachi was closely acquainted with the bosses Maranzano, Gagliano and Lucchese, was close to Vito Genovese. He became related to the respected Reina family, with these introductory information, if he had stayed in the Gagliano family, he could have risen to the rank of captain. In Maranzano's retinue, he played an important role, was appointed a soldier personally under the boss, which is a great honor. In the mafia, it is very honorable to be under the boss, such people are often more influential than captains.

In the Genovese family, Valachi's status fell sharply, but even there he was connected to very influential people. He had a long history of relations with Vito Genovese, a very influential figure. Since the crew was huge, Valachi was essentially a sub-captain at one time, helping capo Anthony Strollo manage part of the crew. All of the above makes Valachi more than just your average soldier.
He proposed at least four people into the Genovese too. The Pagano brothers, Vinnie Mauro, and his nephew Siano. He takes credit for recruiting a lot of guys who joined in the early 1930s too, most of which ended up with the Luccheses but some spent time with him in the Bonannos and ended up Genovese.

Like almost everyone who has cooperated or written a memoir, he talks himself up and criticizes other people but I think a majority of basic facts he tells are true or to the best of his recollection. I'm guessing Valachi's disposition and reputation were the biggest factors in how quickly he became accepted by important people -- he was an uneducated street guy but in the video of his testimony he comes across highly intelligent and we know his toughness was no joke. His early history in East Harlem can't be ignored as he was known by important people from a young age then he did time with well-connected people, survived a prison stabbing without cooperating, etc.

His direct mafia association happened quickly but he'd been doing the right thing in the right neighborhood and meeting the right people for a long time, then he dropped everything to fight a major mafia war he had no personal interest in and did everything that was asked of him, especially murder. It's not like he was a random Italian mugger picked up off the street and Maranzano gave him a machine gun and said "Go, fight Joe the Boss," he was actually making himself "somebody" in the network for years without even realizing it himself.

A detail he doesn't mention in any of his narratives is that his brother-in-law was Gambino member Salvatore Bonfrisco. Bonfrisco married another one of the Reina daughters, so they were married to sisters. He did identify Bonfrisco as a Gambino member in his FBI interviews but that's the extent of it as far as I know.

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by quadtree » Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:52 pm

Eline2015 wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:38 pm
B. wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:49 pm
Eline2015 wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:42 pm - Valachi recommended Ettore Coco
I'm little confused. I'm think, that he was originally made in Maranzano crime family after Mineo/Ferrigno hit. And he recommended guy to membership in other family
Valachi was originally proposed by the Lucchese Family while Pinzolo was boss and before the war officially broke out, being sponsored by a Lucchese member. The other guys he was made with ended up staying with the Luccheses. Like Buster Domingo's comment to Valachi suggests ("your boss is Tom Gagliano"), it seems to have been formally understood Valachi was made into the Luccheses (or at least a rogue faction of them) even though Maranzano presided over the ceremony and they were operating more or less as one at the time.

Not sure when/how Coco was actually made. It was news to me that Valachi recruited him into the fold. This would imply Coco was made after Valachi and he's confirmed as made before the war is over.
Thanks, Eric. What do you think bonanno was really a sponsor of Valachi on his induction ceremony?
Sponsor and "gombah"/cumpari are not the same. Valachi's sponsors were most likely Dominick Petrilli, Girolamo Santuccio or Sebastiano Domingo.

The initiation rite into the Mafia is similar to the rite of baptism. The sponsor is similar to the parent of the baptized, he introduces him into the family/church, the captain or administrator, under whose guardianship the new convert falls, is the equivalent of the rector of the church or bishop, and the gumba is the godfather.

The gumba is a symbolic mentor of the newcomer to the Mafia. Often the gumba and the sponsor are the same, but in Valachi's case the gumba was chosen by lot among those present at the ceremony. Maranzano ordered 40 people at the table to stand up and throw out fingers from 1 to 5, after which he counted the number of fingers and the lot fell on Joe Bonanno. He became Valachi's "cumpari".

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by davidf1989 » Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:39 pm

B. wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:03 pm Thanks for pointing that out. As I said earlier, Valachi did say Gagliano and Lucchese replaced Pinzolo and an unidentified underboss he believed was murdered during the war. Makes me wonder if it was one of them. DioGuardi's murder was August 1930 which would lend itself more to him being Pinzolo's underboss if Valachi's impression was accurate.

We've long speculated that Gagliano had been an underboss but I can't recall if that was ever stated by anyone. If Maas's description of him as a Reina "lieutenant" came from Valachi it would mean he was a captain and even if he had been Reina's underboss it wouldn't mean he held the same title under Pinzolo given underbosses lose their rank under a new boss unless they are reappointed.

Wasn't Valachi given a contract by Tony Bender to hit Eugeno Giannini? I think that Giannini was a soldier in the Lucchese family who was thought to have informed on Luciano. Here is the video of Giannini's murder and what did happen to Tony Bender?

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by Eline2015 » Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:38 pm

B. wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:49 pm
Eline2015 wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:42 pm - Valachi recommended Ettore Coco
I'm little confused. I'm think, that he was originally made in Maranzano crime family after Mineo/Ferrigno hit. And he recommended guy to membership in other family
Valachi was originally proposed by the Lucchese Family while Pinzolo was boss and before the war officially broke out, being sponsored by a Lucchese member. The other guys he was made with ended up staying with the Luccheses. Like Buster Domingo's comment to Valachi suggests ("your boss is Tom Gagliano"), it seems to have been formally understood Valachi was made into the Luccheses (or at least a rogue faction of them) even though Maranzano presided over the ceremony and they were operating more or less as one at the time.

Not sure when/how Coco was actually made. It was news to me that Valachi recruited him into the fold. This would imply Coco was made after Valachi and he's confirmed as made before the war is over.
Thanks, Eric. What do you think bonanno was really a sponsor of Valachi on his induction ceremony?

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by quadtree » Sun Aug 11, 2024 8:42 pm

B. wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:49 pm
Eline2015 wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:42 pm - Valachi recommended Ettore Coco
I'm little confused. I'm think, that he was originally made in Maranzano crime family after Mineo/Ferrigno hit. And he recommended guy to membership in other family
Valachi was originally proposed by the Lucchese Family while Pinzolo was boss and before the war officially broke out, being sponsored by a Lucchese member. The other guys he was made with ended up staying with the Luccheses. Like Buster Domingo's comment to Valachi suggests ("your boss is Tom Gagliano"), it seems to have been formally understood Valachi was made into the Luccheses (or at least a rogue faction of them) even though Maranzano presided over the ceremony and they were operating more or less as one at the time.

Not sure when/how Coco was actually made. It was news to me that Valachi recruited him into the fold. This would imply Coco was made after Valachi and he's confirmed as made before the war is over.
Interestingly, despite being a member of the Gagliano family, Valachi's gomba at the initiation ceremony was Maranzano family member Joe Bonanno. He was chosen by lot when the 50 people present at the ceremony (apparently almost the entire Maranzano-Gagliano group in full) showed their fingers.

Despite the fact that Bonanno was supposed to be Valachi's cumpari and mentor him in the Mafia, Valachi does not mention any contacts with Bonanno afterwards. Obviously, this is a formality of the ceremony, but it is still noteworthy. It is funny, if Valachi had stayed with the Maranzano family and become a confidant of Bonanno, imagine what consequences this could have led to in the 1960s...
CornerBoy wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 8:26 am seems like valachi was close w many powerful gangster. hardly seems like the low level soldier that history portrays him as. have a nice day all
Valachi had a dizzying career in the mafia for a Neapolitan with no connection to tradition.

Judge for yourself. Valachi was closely acquainted with the bosses Maranzano, Gagliano and Lucchese, was close to Vito Genovese. He became related to the respected Reina family, with these introductory information, if he had stayed in the Gagliano family, he could have risen to the rank of captain. In Maranzano's retinue, he played an important role, was appointed a soldier personally under the boss, which is a great honor. In the mafia, it is very honorable to be under the boss, such people are often more influential than captains.

In the Genovese family, Valachi's status fell sharply, but even there he was connected to very influential people. He had a long history of relations with Vito Genovese, a very influential figure. Since the crew was huge, Valachi was essentially a sub-captain at one time, helping capo Anthony Strollo manage part of the crew. All of the above makes Valachi more than just your average soldier.

Re: Plot to kill Vincent Rao & other lesser-known Valachi info

by B. » Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:49 pm

Eline2015 wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:42 pm - Valachi recommended Ettore Coco
I'm little confused. I'm think, that he was originally made in Maranzano crime family after Mineo/Ferrigno hit. And he recommended guy to membership in other family
Valachi was originally proposed by the Lucchese Family while Pinzolo was boss and before the war officially broke out, being sponsored by a Lucchese member. The other guys he was made with ended up staying with the Luccheses. Like Buster Domingo's comment to Valachi suggests ("your boss is Tom Gagliano"), it seems to have been formally understood Valachi was made into the Luccheses (or at least a rogue faction of them) even though Maranzano presided over the ceremony and they were operating more or less as one at the time.

Not sure when/how Coco was actually made. It was news to me that Valachi recruited him into the fold. This would imply Coco was made after Valachi and he's confirmed as made before the war is over.
