Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

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Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by thekiduknow » Tue Aug 20, 2024 3:48 pm

Mike's mother was an Accardi, born to a Rosario and Giuseppina Accardi. I haven't had much luck getting more info on them, but it's been awhile since I've looked into it

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by JoelTurner » Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:11 pm

thekiduknow wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 1:01 pm
JoelTurner wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:15 pm Figured out how Vincenzo Morsellino and Sam Accardi were related

— Settimo Accardo was born to Salvatore Accardo and Francesca Avila

— — Francesca Avila was born to Giuseppe Avila and Pietra Morsellino

— — — Pietra Morsellino was born to Giuseppe Morsellino and Francesca Agueli

— — — — Giuseppe Morsellino was born to Vito Morsellino and Pietra Maiorana.

— Vincenzo Morsellino was born to Giuseppe Morsellino and Antonia Adamo

— — Giuseppe Morsellino was born to Ignazio Morsellino and Sebastiana Palmeri

— — — Ignazio Morsellino was born to Vito Morsellino and Pietra Maiorana.

Giuseppe Morsellino’s brother was Ignazio Morsellino. Simplified, Vincenzo Morsellino was Sam Accardi’s 2nd cousin once removed.


I also figured out how the Morsellino bros mentioned by @thekiduknow were related to Sam Accardi. They listed his father Salvatore as an uncle.

— Pietro, Rosario, Leonard were born to Giuseppe Morsellino and Rosa Vanella

— — Rosa Vanella was born to Leonardo Vanella and Pietra Palmeri

— — — Leonardo Vanella was born to Giuseppe Vanella and Giuseppa Senia

— — — — Giuseppa Senia was born to Leonardo Senia and Maria Placenza

— Settimo Accardo was born to Salvatore Accardo and Francesca Avila

— — Francesca Avila was born to Giuseppe Avila and Pietra Morsellino

— — — Pietra Morsellino was born to Giuseppe Morsellino and Francesca Agueli

— — — — Francesca Agueli was born to Francesco Agueli and Maria Senia

— — — — — Maria Senia was born to Leonardo Senia and Maria Placenza

Giuseppa Senia was Maria Senia’s sister.


I believe that they probably also related through the Morsellino side but I wasn’t able to find out how.

Some other figures who were also probably related whom I haven’t looked at yet are Bonanno captain Benny Restivo’s BIL who was a Morsellino and Mike Adamo, said to be Vincent Morsellino’s cousin.
It's been awhile, but I remember sharing this tree I put together showing the Moresellino brothers were connected through their paternal grandfather Vito Morsellino. Hopefully it's accurate, I haven't researched it in a while. Any corrections appreciated.

ext/dmzx/imageupload/files/3243f40cc78e ... c2c09e.png
It’s certainly simpler than what I had found

Did you ever figure out how Mike Adamo was related? I wasn’t able to connect him. Also, he was probably related to his murder victim, Nick Gruppuso as his paternal grandmother was a Caterina Adamo. I wasn’t able to link Grupposo with the ones in Newark either.

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by thekiduknow » Mon Aug 19, 2024 1:01 pm

JoelTurner wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:15 pm Figured out how Vincenzo Morsellino and Sam Accardi were related

— Settimo Accardo was born to Salvatore Accardo and Francesca Avila

— — Francesca Avila was born to Giuseppe Avila and Pietra Morsellino

— — — Pietra Morsellino was born to Giuseppe Morsellino and Francesca Agueli

— — — — Giuseppe Morsellino was born to Vito Morsellino and Pietra Maiorana.

— Vincenzo Morsellino was born to Giuseppe Morsellino and Antonia Adamo

— — Giuseppe Morsellino was born to Ignazio Morsellino and Sebastiana Palmeri

— — — Ignazio Morsellino was born to Vito Morsellino and Pietra Maiorana.

Giuseppe Morsellino’s brother was Ignazio Morsellino. Simplified, Vincenzo Morsellino was Sam Accardi’s 2nd cousin once removed.


I also figured out how the Morsellino bros mentioned by @thekiduknow were related to Sam Accardi. They listed his father Salvatore as an uncle.

— Pietro, Rosario, Leonard were born to Giuseppe Morsellino and Rosa Vanella

— — Rosa Vanella was born to Leonardo Vanella and Pietra Palmeri

— — — Leonardo Vanella was born to Giuseppe Vanella and Giuseppa Senia

— — — — Giuseppa Senia was born to Leonardo Senia and Maria Placenza

— Settimo Accardo was born to Salvatore Accardo and Francesca Avila

— — Francesca Avila was born to Giuseppe Avila and Pietra Morsellino

— — — Pietra Morsellino was born to Giuseppe Morsellino and Francesca Agueli

— — — — Francesca Agueli was born to Francesco Agueli and Maria Senia

— — — — — Maria Senia was born to Leonardo Senia and Maria Placenza

Giuseppa Senia was Maria Senia’s sister.


I believe that they probably also related through the Morsellino side but I wasn’t able to find out how.

Some other figures who were also probably related whom I haven’t looked at yet are Bonanno captain Benny Restivo’s BIL who was a Morsellino and Mike Adamo, said to be Vincent Morsellino’s cousin.
It's been awhile, but I remember sharing this tree I put together showing the Moresellino brothers were connected through their paternal grandfather Vito Morsellino. Hopefully it's accurate, I haven't researched it in a while. Any corrections appreciated.

ext/dmzx/imageupload/files/3243f40cc78e ... c2c09e.png

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by ShotgunTheRifle » Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:08 pm

B. wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:07 pm
ShotgunTheRifle wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:03 pm Sorry if this is the wrong spot to ask. But was there a Newark family and Decavalcante family operating in New Jersey before the 60s? Or did the Newark family essentially become the Decavs when they got disbanded. I started to read some of "what do we know about the Newark family" thread but it's pretty lengthy. Assume mynasnwer is somewhere in there.
Newark was a separate Family that was disbanded in the mid-late 1930s. The members then joined NYC Families. It is possible some DeCavalcantes were originally with Newark but there isn't much info suggesting it and we see different patterns with the members.

The DeCavalcantes' early history is obscure even within obscure mafia history so we lack confirmation on what exactly was going on with them pre-1950s but high-ranking members of three Families, including two DeCav captains, believed they were one of the oldest Families and there are other references that suggest they'd been around for decades by the 1960s. They were most likely formed in NYC by immigrants from Ribera and neighboring villages then as most of them migrated to Elizabeth that became their base of operations. Very few DeCavalcantes lived/operated in Newark proper, their members living in Peterstown and South suburbs.

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by B. » Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:07 pm

ShotgunTheRifle wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:03 pm Sorry if this is the wrong spot to ask. But was there a Newark family and Decavalcante family operating in New Jersey before the 60s? Or did the Newark family essentially become the Decavs when they got disbanded. I started to read some of "what do we know about the Newark family" thread but it's pretty lengthy. Assume mynasnwer is somewhere in there.
Newark was a separate Family that was disbanded in the mid-late 1930s. The members then joined NYC Families. It is possible some DeCavalcantes were originally with Newark but there isn't much info suggesting it and we see different patterns with the members.

The DeCavalcantes' early history is obscure even within obscure mafia history so we lack confirmation on what exactly was going on with them pre-1950s but high-ranking members of three Families, including two DeCav captains, believed they were one of the oldest Families and there are other references that suggest they'd been around for decades by the 1960s. They were most likely formed in NYC by immigrants from Ribera and neighboring villages then as most of them migrated to Elizabeth that became their base of operations. Very few DeCavalcantes lived/operated in Newark proper, their members living in Peterstown and South suburbs.

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by ShotgunTheRifle » Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:03 pm

Sorry if this is the wrong spot to ask. But was there a Newark family and Decavalcante family operating in New Jersey before the 60s? Or did the Newark family essentially become the Decavs when they got disbanded. I started to read some of "what do we know about the Newark family" thread but it's pretty lengthy. Assume mynasnwer is somewhere in there.

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by B. » Tue May 28, 2024 12:34 pm

Yeah, Camporeale has always had strong ties to San Cipirello / San Giuseppe Jato so there could be something there with Todaro.

The Scardinos were connected to Antonino Governale when they arrived to NYC, Governale being early US patriarch of the Schiro-Orlando clan and someone we suspect of being an early member if not leader. These Camporealesi were tightknit.

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by JoelTurner » Tue May 28, 2024 10:24 am

B. wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:15 am Cipolla's wife was from Camporeale like Schiro's maternal side and other early Bonanno leaders.
I’m pretty sure that Cipolla’s wife Maria Saladino was related to Thomas Scardino’s wife Concetta Saladino

Not only were they both from Camporeale and had the same maiden name, Concetta also witnessed her naturalization:


( ... ction=view)

Also, Maria was born to Francesco Saladino & Antonia Todaro; I wonder if she was related to any of the Todaros either in Newark or New Orleans. The latter would make a lot of sense

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by HairyKnuckles » Mon May 27, 2024 5:44 am

Thanks for the response B.

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by B. » Mon May 27, 2024 1:15 am

It's the same Cipolla as the New Orleans one -- he was also the brother-in-law of LA boss Vito DiGiorgio from adjacent Borgetto and they spent time in NO together.

There's no confirmation of Cipolla's Bonanno membership but it's highly probable. Lived in Williamsburg where his paesani were important Bonanno leaders at the time, moved to New Orleans where he immediately became a leader (maybe an early example of the "house of Schiro" phenomenon), secretly fled back to Williamsburg by the early 1920s and is then murdered in the 1940s. In the 1930s he and his wife also traveled to Italy with Nicolo Schiro -- along with Schiro being related to Partinicese mafiosi, Cipolla's wife was from Camporeale like Schiro's maternal side and other early Bonanno leaders.

Given a source said Joe Bonanno was directly involved in the Troia murder/aftermath, Cipolla seems to have been another Bonanno member involved in the affair. By then Schiro was living in NJ and Cipolla had relatives in Newark so there may be a couple angles linking him to it. As a suspected ex-boss of NO and close friend of Schiro his possible involvement in the murder is intriguing as is his own murder. Several important Bonannos from Partinico/Borgetto were killed during the early era of Joe Bonanno's reign: Mangiaracina, Rappa, Cipolla.

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by HairyKnuckles » Mon May 27, 2024 12:46 am

JoelTurner wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 5:13 pm August 22 1935- Vincenzo Troia and his group are gunned down by Leonard Cipolla, Bonanno member from Partinico.
Joel, Is this Leonard Cipolla the same guy as the early. reputed New Orleans Mafia boss? Has it been confirmed that Leonard Cipolla was an early Bonanno member?

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by JoelTurner » Thu May 23, 2024 10:35 pm

Newark member Charles Matranga’s naturalization was witnessed by Benedetto Grippi, son of Bonanno member Salvatore Grippi and boss Nichola Schiro’s nephew

( ... ction=view)

It was mentioned in the original post that, in 1934, Salvatore Grippi & Charles Matranga had been arrested together on liquor charges. However, their family’s Bonanno connections didn’t stop there:


Matranga’s BIL Giacomo LoPiccolo and sister Mary Matranga had their naturalizations witnessed by Bonanno member Thomas Scardino and his wife Concetta respectively.

( ... ction=view)

( ... ction=view)

The Matrangas & Scardinos were from Camporeale while LoPiccolo was from Monreale.

Based of his 1923 immigration, Giacomo LoPiccolo’s father was Giuseppe & he had a brother Filippo.
( ... ction=view)

At a glance he doesn’t appear to have been related to the other LoPiccolo mobsters:

-Bonanno member Stefano LoPiccolo’s parents were Antonino LoPiccolo & Anna Lococo

-Chicago narcotics man Joseph LoPiccolo’s parents were Filippo LoPiccolo & Margaret Viso (While this Filippo also had a father named Giuseppe, he probably wasn’t Giacomo’s brother as he was living in Chicago by 1917)

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by JoelTurner » Fri May 17, 2024 9:47 am

Tasker wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 7:53 pm Gerlando Sciascia Aka George From Canada moved from Montreal to Newark in 1961. He lived and worked there for a brief period before settling in the Bronx.

This is according to “The Sixth Family.” Shiascia immigrated to the US in 1958, but then quickly headed up to Montreal with the Rizzutos. He returned to the US a few years later, first landing in Newark.

Per the book:
“Back in America, Sciascia moved first to Newark, New Jersey, and worked at Ridoni Gardeners in nearby Summit and Como Pizzaria on Broadway in Manhattan.”

It doesn’t mention what brought him to Newark or what connections he may have had, but I’m guessing he must have known someone there.
That’s interesting

I wonder if the author knew that he was specifically in Newark or used to refer to North Jersey in general.

Angelo Salvo & Anthony Busciglio were in Hackensack while Nick Buttafuoco was in North Arlington; all three in nearby Bergen County, NJ

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by JoelTurner » Fri May 17, 2024 9:32 am

B. wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 2:17 pm Nice!

It adds to the idea that Monaco was killed because of his loyalty to Maranzano but I wish we had someone who could clarify. Valachi believed Badami was part of Maranzano's conspiracy to keep killing rival bosses after the war but why he was spared and Monaco killed, then much later Monaco's brother likely killed Badami complicates it. Maybe Badami threw Monaco under the bus.

Here’s my take:

1) Rather than being a staunch Maranzano loyalist, Monaco could have been “protected” by his ties to the Bonanno Family. When Maranzano gets killed, Badami is free to hit him.

2) The absurdly brutal way (head smashed, throat cut, sodomized with an iron pipe) that Monaco was killed points to a more personal issue than simply having backed Maranzano.

In turn, Badami’s own murder was pretty rough. He was stabbed 38 times. It makes more sense if it’s viewed as retaliation for the Sam Monaco hit rather than a beef in the numbers racket which was what was suggested at the time.

3) Valachi thought that Tom Gagliano was in on Maranzano’s plot too. Yet his underboss Lucchese was involved in setting him up. Considering Badami’s pre-existing ties to his paisan Gagliano, I think he could have been aligned via him instead.


Essentially, Badami was probably closer to Gagliano than to Maranzano. He kills Monaco once the Bonanno Family isn’t able to protect him.

Re: Bonanno - Newark Connections ?

by B. » Thu May 16, 2024 1:37 pm

Bonanno member Nicolo Buttafuoco lived in North Jersey -- he was a paesan of Sciascia and according to one of the Canadian books, Buttafuoco mentored Nick Rizzuto during the period Rizzuto spent in the US.

Sciascia also probably would have associated with Angelo Salvo, Nino Busciglio, and that crowd. Their paesan Giovanni Ligammari later lived in North Jersey and was close to Sciascia.
