News from Italy

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Re: News from Italy

by Strax » Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:18 am

How Italy's Contini mafia clan took over an entire HOSPITAL led by mob boss dubbed 'The Nurse' with ambulances delivering drugs, surgical gloves used in 'murder kits' and fake X-rays for car crash scams ... aples.html


Re: News from Italy

by antimafia » Wed May 22, 2024 8:29 am

OcSleeper wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:11 am Who is Pasquale Bonavota: the 'Ndrangheta fugitive arrested in church in Genoa ... a-v9ea3qwa
'ndrangheta, Pasquale Bonavota «erede del clan di Sant’Onofrio». Dalla “mentalità malandrina” alla lunga latitanza ... latitanza/

Re: News from Italy

by scagghiuni » Tue May 14, 2024 7:08 am

Operation against the 'Ndrangheta in Cosenza: 142 suspects ... -indagati/

Re: News from Italy

by Strax » Fri May 10, 2024 10:50 am

Man shot in the legs in Palermo, victim name has not been released. He is guarded at hospital villa sofia.

Re: News from Italy

by scagghiuni » Wed May 08, 2024 2:35 am

Corruption Scandal Engulfs Liguria Governor and Associates

There are ten suspects, subjected to various types of precautionary measures, in the investigation by the Genoa DDA that has engulfed the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti. These include individuals from his close entourage, entrepreneurs, and also links to Cosa Nostra. ... 01858.html

Re: News from Italy

by aleksandrored » Sat May 04, 2024 8:48 am

"Rise and fall of young Leandro Greco, heir to the Pope of Cosa Nostra - The Profile."

He wanted to "cut to the chase," climbing the steps of mafia power, skipping the intermediate steps due to his heavy surname and reverence for his grandfather's memory.

April 22, 2024

More or less, ten years after the "Perseo" blitz of December 2008, which led to 99 detentions later converted into arrests, by December 2018, 49 people ended up in prison, involved in the operation called Nuova Cupola or Cupola 2.0. In both cases, the Carabinieri acted based on a detention order from the DDA, emphasizing the urgency of acting immediately to prevent the men of the city's and province of Palermo's crime families from committing further crimes, including murders and more. In Cupola 2.0, seven more people were identified just over a month later, thanks to the lightning-fast repentance of two top bosses like Francesco Colletti from Villabate (Palermo) and Filippo Salvatore Bisconti from Belmonte Mezzagno. On December 3, 2020, the hammer fell with approximately 4 centuries of imprisonment (the prosecution had asked for 700 years): 46 convictions and 9 acquitted; one defendant died during the trial phases. Among the convicted was Leandro Greco, then not even thirty years old - grandson of Michele Greco, the Boss of Ciaculli - who today has seen his millionaire treasure seized, including businesses and financial dealings. With the two blitzes, the Carabinieri had twice, ten years apart, halted attempts to reconstitute the commission of Cosa Nostra, the top organ of the mafia, once led by Michele Greco and then by Totò Riina, the "dictator" who effectively, although imprisoned, had led it until his death on November 17, 2017. The fact that the elderly boss of Corleone (Palermo) was still alive and kicking in 2008 had been a hindrance to negotiations to resurrect the "executive committee" tasked with assessing and deciding on murders, high-profile crimes, and potential new massacres (which were indirectly referred to in wiretaps when discussing "serious matters").

In fact, out of respect and fear that Riina instilled even while buried in life imprisonment, even before the maxi-detention of twelve years ago, the first attempt, led by Benedetto Capizzi, head of the Villagrazia district, to assert itself at the top was aborted. The cause, the dissent of those who argued that it was still essential, even from the prisons and from the deepest 41 bis, to have the consent of the "boss of bosses". In 2018, however, the situation was well defined because on May 29 of that year, the heads of the main districts had met in a villa on the outskirts of Palermo, located among the hillside hamlets at the foot of Baida, Mount Cuccio, and Bellolampo. The summit - held with a thousand precautions, in a place that not even the repentants had managed to locate with certainty - had led to an agreement: the task of trying to salvage what could be saved and to keep together an organization that had made unity and cohesion its disruptive criminal force, had been entrusted to Settimo Mineo, head of Pagliarelli, sentenced to 16 years. An almost eighty-year-old man, at the time of his arrest, who then - in times of Covid - repeatedly requested, in vain, release for the risk of contracting the virus in prison. Apparently modest, the brother of a man murdered in the 1980s, on the eve of the mafia war unleashed by the Corleonesi, Mineo had been pardoned and then, with his loyalty and utmost respect for the rules, had risen through the ranks of the mafia hierarchies and in the consideration of other bosses. Until he was considered the only one who could, by charisma, ability to work in the common interest, advanced age, tradition, and connections with the past, lead the mafia's attempt to rise again. The adventure had effectively ended with the blitz of December 4, 2018.

The investigations coordinated by the DDA of Palermo had also revealed another character who was the counterpart of Mineo, the young Leandro Greco, who had chosen to be called - to give himself a demeanor, a criminal dignity, almost a legitimization for exercising power - Michele, like his grandfather, precisely the boss of Ciaculli. It was him who managed relations with the towns in the province, he who demanded the "delegation" of the "townspeople" to express their positions. He wanted, as they say in dialect and in the jargon of Cosa Nostra, to "cut to the chase," climbing the steps of mafia power, skipping the intermediate steps due to the heavy surname and his veneration for his grandfather's memory. But he was still a young man, given that Greco, at the time of his arrest, as he left the Carini barracks, stooped to make a gesture certainly not fitting for a boss of bosses, blowing kisses from a distance to the family members who witnessed his translation to prison. Other prominent bosses included the boss of Porta Nuova, Gregorio Di Giovanni; the head of the opposite area of the city, Tommaso Natale, Calogero Lo Piccolo (27 years old, son of Salvatore and brother of Sandro), then the other heads of the districts of San Lorenzo, Resuttana, Palermo Centro, Noce, Cruillas: Erasmo Lo Bello, Rubens D'Agostino, Gaspare Rizzuto, Giuseppe Serio, Salvatore Sciarabba, Giovanni Salerno, and Francesco Caponnetto. And still, the boss of Corso Calatafimi, Filippo Annatelli, Gaetano Leto, Salvatore Pispicia, and Salvatore Sorrentino, from nearby areas, Pagliarelli, Mezzomonreale. All around a table to divide a power that, however, for Cosa Nostra, is very different from what it was thirty years ago, due to the blows suffered from the judiciary, law enforcement, repentances, and the reaction of civil society. In the trial of almost four years ago, 20 entrepreneurs, 5 anti-racket associations, and the municipalities of Villabate, Ficarazzi, and Misilmeri (Palermo) were civil parties. And justice struck another heavy blow, that time for 400 years.

Re: News from Italy

by Strax » Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:56 am

Roberto Di Martino 62 was shot in head while sitting in his car in Vittoria,Sicily, he is pentito who left witness protection program.

He was a member of Dominante-Carbonaro clan, got arrested almost 30 years ago and turned state witness.

Re: News from Italy

by Strax » Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:29 am

Re: News from Italy

by Strax » Sat Apr 20, 2024 1:59 pm

scagghiuni wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:40 am he is dead or protected by secret services/freemasons
I have no idea what to think, someone says he has retired, someone says he has the last word and someone else says he is dead. Boss Giuseppe Calvaruso was caught on tape saying Motisi have the last word, the last evidence of Motisi was found at 2007 in villa in Casteldaccia, police raided villa and found out that Motisi celebrated his daughter's birthday there , they also found photographs. Since then nothing, nothing at all for 17 years means he is either dead or has serious protection from secret services/freemasons.

Re: News from Italy

by scagghiuni » Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:40 am

Strax wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:21 am
Dr031718 wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:39 am New PhotoKit of Giovanni Motisi was released today
Motisi is a ghost.
he is dead or protected by secret services/freemasons

Re: News from Italy

by Strax » Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:21 am

Dr031718 wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:39 am New PhotoKit of Giovanni Motisi was released today
Motisi is a ghost.

Re: News from Italy

by Dr031718 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:39 am

New PhotoKit of Giovanni Motisi was released today


Re: News from Italy

by Wiseguy » Thu Apr 11, 2024 5:53 am

Sicily's Mafia Is Expanding Its White Collar Crime
The booming business of phony invoices is on trial in Palermo.
By Rachel Sanderson
April 9, 2024

Sicily’s tourist hot spots are living an economic boom thanks to shows like HBO’s The White Lotus, which put the island’s breathtaking vistas on display. But the ancient island’s infamous underbelly remains untouched by the influx of new wealth. In fact, organized crime has only diversified and become more entwined with the legitimate economy.

On a recent trip to Sicily, the contrast between the flourishing tourism sector and the declines elsewhere was as stark as I’ve seen in more than 20 years of reporting on the island. In Palermo, the piazza around the cathedral was brimming with activity. Not 10 minutes walk away, burned out cars lined a residential street of dilapidated high-rise apartments. In Taormina, with its Greco-Roman theatre and views over Mt. Etna, locals told me new Louis Vuitton and Prada stores had brought more well-heeled visitors to the hilltop town that has a starring role in the second series of the hit HBO show. Yet down the hill and along the coast, piles of filthy refuse made beaches unusable.

Sicily and organized crime — the island’s Cosa Nostra — have been synonymous since at least the 19th century. Atrocities dwindled in recent years following an aggressive campaign by police in response to the 1992 roadside bombs near Palermo that killed prosecuting magistrates Paolo Borsellino and Giovanni Falcone. But magistrates say it’s also because the Sicilian mafia and its Calabrian counterpart, ‘ndrangheta, have grown more sophisticated, following the money into drugs, prostitution and people trafficking rather than open confrontation with the authorities.

But post-pandemic, there’s a new trend developing that’s a warning for all of Europe. While mobsters continue to follow the money in big cities, they are also feeding on increasing inequality and polarization to undermine the declining and indebted Italian state.

Michele Ricciardi, deputy director and senior researcher at Transcrime, a research institute in Milan, tells me Italy’s traditional split of wealthy north and poor south is now being cut through with a new divide: between its biggest, most successful cities and the rest. In Sicily, this is translating into an economic revival of its picturesque tourist towns, where super wealthy seeking to unlock Italy’s generous tax breaks in exchange for investments are buying up palatial apartments. But outside of these boom areas, there’s “economic, social and cultural degradation,” says Ricciardi.

That degradation, so visible in Palermo’s backstreets, provides the raw material for the organized crime families and networks of Sicily’s Cosa Nostra to step into the breach.

A court case underway in Palermo provides an insight into how gangster tentacles are reaching more subtly, and pervasively, into the social and economic fabric. In the case, 31 business owners from a rundown southeastern area of Brancaccio in Palermo, a short stroll from the buzzy city center, are accused of aiding and abetting mobsters. The accused are on trial for denying having paid protection bribes to Cosa Nostra even though they have been caught on police wiretaps talking about having done so. Local prosecutors say the trial’s so crucial because – they allege – it’s not fear that’s stopping the business owners from admitting the payment of protection money but complicity. In return, they get preferential deals on merchandise, or legal services, or loans, even social services.

Ricciardi from Transcrime says false-invoicing services have become La Cosa Nostra’s killer app. If you’re trying to cut costs to keep your business afloat in a more difficult economic environment, one way is to pay less taxes. That’s where the fake invoices comes in. And the process has become so widespread that “there is a tighter and tighter relationship between tax and financial crime,” he says. Undermining tax collection fuels a vicious circle, as less is available to be invested in already depressed communities, putting them further and further outside the lure to foreign investors and well-heeled tourists, and tying them more closely to the black economy. (Estimates of the size of Italy's black economy vary widely — from some 10% to a third of gross domestic product.)

It’s not just a Sicilian phenomenon. I heard from the same from Alessandra Dolci, one of Italy’s leading anti-mafia prosecutors in Milan. She sees the same widening gulf between the inner city and periphery in Italy’s second city. Dolci insists “to fight organized crime we also need to fight the criminal economy of tax evasion.” Dolci related the story of a mobster who told her he was making more money from his false-invoicing business than drug trafficking. An added bonus, the mobster said, is that it was harder for law enforcement to track the paperwork than the narcotics, Dolci says.

Back in Palermo, Maurizio de Lucia is the chief prosecutor who led the investigations that brought about the arrest of mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro last year after his 30 years on the run. A killer who boasted his victims could “fill a cemetery," Denaro was considered a godfather like something from a movie, a relic of Italy's traditional mafia of atrocities and terrorism.

But today mafia infiltration has become "a three-legged stool," says De Lucia. It’s more subtle, less violent, and more economically stable. The three legs are the mob and its accomplices in politics and business. He too argues tax avoidance is becoming a major front in the battle against organized crime. The dentist who doesn’t issue an invoice has the same effect as as the drug dealer, he says: “They are both using the same service, they are entering the same terrain.”

It’s a reminder that the darker complexity of picturesque Sicilian idylls isn't just the stuff of big budget fictional shows. But it's real life, and more frightening for that too. ... llar-crime

Re: News from Italy

by scagghiuni » Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:45 am

Nephew of mafia boss killed in drive-by shooting

Re: News from Italy

by scagghiuni » Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:23 am

A vast anti-mafia operation underway in Bari: 56 precautionary measures

These are members belonging to a Mafia-Camorra type criminal association operating in the metropolitan city and in the province of Bari, mostly dedicated to drug trafficking ... -measures/
