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Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by B. » Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:24 pm

East Bronx wrote:
@B --- I respect your research, posts and opinions. And I am a legit guy. But aside from where I grew up, and a couple of blood relatives, including my favorite uncle, being, uhm, influential, I was also with Local 813 for 25 years. Ten of them as a steward and seven as a business agent. Now, that's a legit job. But you do end up "rubbing shoulders" with people. As for my uncle, there's not a better ancestry researcher on these boards than Hairy. And although I don't want the man's name posted, Hairy can vouch for my bloodline. But either way, you're a great researcher and a wonderful attribute to every board you've ever posted on.

The truth of the matter is, I had a heart attack a little over two months ago, and it was very much stress related. I'm going to be fine, but it was touch and go for awhile. But I can't get myself stressed out. That's why I have to lay off the boards for awhile. As a matter of fact, we're going to head south next week after all. Not Florida, though. A place where I can completely disconnect and recharge my batteries. So after today or tomorrow, you guys won't hear from me again for another month or so. But I'll be back, as strong and stubborn as ever, so don't worry.

On a MUCH happier note, my Dad made such a comeback, that it's now HE driving ME to medical appointments. Now, ain't that some shit? :D :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Well I appreciate the kind words. Thank you.

Also, that's too bad about your health. I wish you and your family nothing but the best.

One of the great things about this board above the other ones I've posted on is that nothing is sacred. Published authors, established journalists, informants, government witnesses, law enforcement, and especially other internet users are all taken on a case by case basis and put under a magnifying glass. It doesn't matter who someone is, I guarantee you somebody on here will question them. The downside of that is that we (myself included) sometimes go overboard and we can be unnecessarily harsh.

At the end of the day, we're all "fans" of this subject in different ways. Some people are fans of the mobsters themselves, and thankfully there aren't many of those types on here, but overall we are all intrigued by the mob and want to know the truth about what goes on. I don't think you'd be going online and talking about people you know with a bunch of strangers around the world if you weren't also a fan in your own way, and that's cool.

There have been people on the boards who have been connected to the mob, either through their own crimes, their friends, relatives, or just neighborhood gossip circles. One or two of them, out of dozens, have been more or less credible. There have been a few that were connected at some point in their lives, but created elaborate lies to go along with their existing knowledge and ruined their credibility. Most of them are frauds either way, just the way it is.

I read all of your posts here and you seem like a good guy, so it's too bad the boards stress you out. I don't know who your uncle is and can't confirm your involvement with the unions or who that would have put you in touch with, so to me you're just an intelligent board member who likes to share your thoughts based on what you know. I wouldn't expect you to come out and publicly tell the mob gossip boards your name, your uncle's name, etc. Maybe some people on here have that information and have reason to believe your word as law -- and that's great.

When I have read your posts, I just place it against the backdrop of what I know/don't know about a topic and treat it as food for thought. Other people on here get off on the "insider" nature of your posts and unquestionably defer to you or even parrot your info, and that's a problem to me because it takes away from the "nothing is sacred" vibe we have going. And that has less to do with you personally and more to do with the nature of people on the boards.

Anyway, take care of yourself. That's always #1.

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Lupara » Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:16 pm

Chris Christie wrote:Not Bill Cosby. In his younger days he was charcoal black, now he's light caramel with black liver spots. Looks like a Dalmatian.
There are always exceptions to the rule. And being a sexual predator takes a toll on somebody too. :)

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Angelo Santino » Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:10 pm

East Bronx wrote:In my dayyy...
Good luck to you and take your time. Then stick around more ya fucking asshole :!: Your input is needed. Salut.

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by East Bronx » Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:24 pm

brianwellbrock wrote:EB's words getting disected and put on a pedastal is because of a few people who dont even live in this country repeating his words as their own, thus giving his word a huge head. Its not his fault and people are wrong.
Thank you, Brian. I never asked or looked for a "following." I didn't even learn how to use the Internet until I was 45 years old back in 2004. And I only did so because I had teenage daughters at the time and I had read all the horror stories about Internet predators. I'm self taught with this Internet stuff, so when I stumbled across the message boards, especially those related to OC, I had NO IDEA of the impact that some guy's posts could have on other peoples lives. I'm sorry for being naive in that regard. Had I known what I was in for, I probably never would have signed up in the first place.

@B --- I respect your research, posts and opinions. And I am a legit guy. But aside from where I grew up, and a couple of blood relatives, including my favorite uncle, being, uhm, influential, I was also with Local 813 for 25 years. Ten of them as a steward and seven as a business agent. Now, that's a legit job. But you do end up "rubbing shoulders" with people. As for my uncle, there's not a better ancestry researcher on these boards than Hairy. And although I don't want the man's name posted, Hairy can vouch for my bloodline. But either way, you're a great researcher and a wonderful attribute to every board you've ever posted on.

As far as Wiseguy and myself. Enough. He can be as much a pain in the ass as I can be stubborn. But he's a friend, he's never disrespected me and I've never disrespected him. As a matter of fact, when people lower themselves to those Mormon insults, I'm the first Italian American Catholic out of the foxhole. We not only like each other, but we respect each other enough to "agree to disagree." And we rarely do that with other posters, pretty much only with each other. Now, that's mutual respect.

Re Tommy, AG, Cheech, Chucky and a bunch of other guys: They're just defending a friend in my absence because a few people here know what's been going on with me. I'm just copying and pasting what I posted on the other board today because I'm already too tired to reword it:

The truth of the matter is, I had a heart attack a little over two months ago, and it was very much stress related. I'm going to be fine, but it was touch and go for awhile. But I can't get myself stressed out. That's why I have to lay off the boards for awhile. As a matter of fact, we're going to head south next week after all. Not Florida, though. A place where I can completely disconnect and recharge my batteries. So after today or tomorrow, you guys won't hear from me again for another month or so. But I'll be back, as strong and stubborn as ever, so don't worry.

On a MUCH happier note, my Dad made such a comeback, that it's now HE driving ME to medical appointments. Now, ain't that some shit? :D :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thanks for the well wishes, folks. Again, you guys humble me, and I'm grateful for that. And life is about gratitude. Don't ever forget that.

East Bronx

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Ivan » Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:30 pm

East Bronx wrote:Mickey died just before Thanksgiving, Soliai.
Nice to see you back. We had a brief Moe Tilden infestation while you were gone, but thankfully you were away and thus spared that bit of ugliness.

Did Christie Tick ever finally get around to dying?

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by East Bronx » Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:32 pm

Mickey died just before Thanksgiving, Soliai.

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Sol » Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:21 pm

Wiseguy wrote:
Pete wrote:
Chris Christie wrote:Apart from a BW pic with (what's his name?) the only other photo is from Bellomo's arrest in the 1990's. Unless you're Steve Martin or Richard Gere people generally look older after 20 years.
There's 4 different pictures of him from doing just a basic Google search including the one where's he's walking with that guy
The other guy is Mickey Generoso who was acting underboss at the same time Bellomo was acting boss. They were both busted in that 1996 case.
Is Mickey Generoso still locked up?......Soliai

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Wiseguy » Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:19 pm

Pete wrote:
Chris Christie wrote:Apart from a BW pic with (what's his name?) the only other photo is from Bellomo's arrest in the 1990's. Unless you're Steve Martin or Richard Gere people generally look older after 20 years.
There's 4 different pictures of him from doing just a basic Google search including the one where's he's walking with that guy
The other guy is Mickey Generoso who was acting underboss at the same time Bellomo was acting boss. They were both busted in that 1996 case.

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Pogo The Clown » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:59 am

Chris Christie wrote:Not Bill Cosby. In his younger days he was charcoal black, now he's light caramel with black liver spots. Looks like a Dalmatian.

OK this cracked me up. :lol:


Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Angelo Santino » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:19 am

Lupara wrote:
Chris Christie wrote:Apart from a BW pic with (what's his name?) the only other photo is from Bellomo's arrest in the 1990's. Unless you're Steve Martin or Richard Gere people generally look older after 20 years.
Or if you're LL Cool J or Denzel Washington or any other black man.
Not Bill Cosby. In his younger days he was charcoal black, now he's light caramel with black liver spots. Looks like a Dalmatian.

Bellomo, from his face photo, looks healthy enough. Mediterranean diet most likely.

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Lupara » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:10 am

Chris Christie wrote:Apart from a BW pic with (what's his name?) the only other photo is from Bellomo's arrest in the 1990's. Unless you're Steve Martin or Richard Gere people generally look older after 20 years.
Or if you're LL Cool J or Denzel Washington or any other black man.

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Pete » Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:00 am

Chris Christie wrote:Apart from a BW pic with (what's his name?) the only other photo is from Bellomo's arrest in the 1990's. Unless you're Steve Martin or Richard Gere people generally look older after 20 years.
There's 4 different pictures of him from doing just a basic Google search including the one where's he's walking with that guy

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Angelo Santino » Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:15 am

Apart from a BW pic with (what's his name?) the only other photo is from Bellomo's arrest in the 1990's. Unless you're Steve Martin or Richard Gere people generally look older after 20 years.

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Lupara » Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:36 am

Camo wrote:
123JoeSchmo wrote:Just a purely observational point, Bellomo has aged quite a bit since the last photo's I've seen of him. Prison will do that to you I guess
Or time will do that to you, he's nearly 60 now; not sure why he is some magical un aging being in some peoples eyes :oops:
Exactly. He looks perfectly normal for a 59 year old. Even us men are over the hill at some point.

Re: Gangland:2/4/16

by Cheech » Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:11 am

Or depressed after spouse died.
