Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

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Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by PolackTony » Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:41 am

JCB1977 wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 1:10 pm
NorthBuffalo wrote: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:43 pm I think Ron Fino somewhat alludes to his father joining the Feds once Eboli of the Genovese family ruled against him and for Randaccio - I read his book and thought it was excellent but agree he exaggerates a great deal about his father's influence and his personal relationships with mobsters in other cities like Chicago. I also noticed some of his details are off - he talks about a meeting at the Turf Club days after getting his spot on the Labor Unions - I know for a fact that anyone in organized labor would have been avoiding that place in the 1960s. He also misidentifies the true owners of the Turf Club.
Sam Giancana had a golf buddy who ran the Erie-Buffalo policy wheel named Sam Pardee...Fino may not have been exaggerating his dad's personal relationships with other members in other families.
Just to follow up on this. The Erie-Buffalo policy wheel was a black numbers operation on the Southside of Chicago controlled by Chicago LCN affiliates Sam Parde and Tom Manno after allegedly muscling out the prior operators in the 1940s (Parde was ID’d in the 60s as a Chicago member, but little is otherwise known about him and I’m not 100% confidant that he was in fact made). I don’t believe that it had any connection to WNY; so far as I know, it was just a name. B already noted previously in this thread that Joe Fino would very likely have had a conduit to Aiuppa via Roy Carlisi, who was very likely made in Chicago before transferring to Buffalo and whose brother and first cousin were Aiuppa guys.

It’s been noted that the Rochester faction was angling for recognition by the Bonannos, and it’s possible that the “rebel” faction in Buffalo was as well. Guys planning moves like this are going to have some political angle, someone with clout (i.e., with clout on the Commission) backing them even if it is behind the scenes or mostly implicit. While just speculation on my part, it wouldn’t at all be surprising if the Fino-Carlisi faction in Buffalo had some backing from Aiuppa, who by 1972 was possibly already acting as Chicago boss at least (he had some health issues at that time and may not have been officially installed as boss until a couple of years later).

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by Philly d » Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:02 pm

PolackTony wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:57 pm I’ve thought it a very good bet that Rochester started out as its own Family.

It’s like 70+ miles from Buffalo, has a larger concentration of Italians than Buffalo (from what I understand), and was a major industrial center in the late-19th through mid-20th centuries. If any place had its own Family, I’d have to think Rochester should be at the top of the list.
baltimore for me. I never understood how it didn't have a family

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by NorthBuffalo » Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:19 am

JCB1977 wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:45 pm
NorthBuffalo wrote: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:43 pm I think Ron Fino somewhat alludes to his father joining the Feds once Eboli of the Genovese family ruled against him and for Randaccio - I read his book and thought it was excellent but agree he exaggerates a great deal about his father's influence and his personal relationships with mobsters in other cities like Chicago. I also noticed some of his details are off - he talks about a meeting at the Turf Club days after getting his spot on the Labor Unions - I know for a fact that anyone in organized labor would have been avoiding that place in the 1960s. He also misidentifies the true owners of the Turf Club.
Joe Fino was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI...he had been tracked by FBI agents in cities like Boston, Milwaukee, Cleveland off the top of my head, what's so far fetched about his relationships with members in other cities or Chicago?
I'm not really arguing and would agree anyone in the labor rackets would be well connected - I'm just not sure he was travelling to Chicago to meet Accardo and Aiuppa with Joe Colombo. I've always seen Joe Fino as assuming power once he came out of prison - at that point, most of these major bosses were already well established. I'm not going to claim to be the expert here however - it was just my sense.

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by B. » Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:22 pm

JCB1977 wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:45 pm
NorthBuffalo wrote: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:43 pm I think Ron Fino somewhat alludes to his father joining the Feds once Eboli of the Genovese family ruled against him and for Randaccio - I read his book and thought it was excellent but agree he exaggerates a great deal about his father's influence and his personal relationships with mobsters in other cities like Chicago. I also noticed some of his details are off - he talks about a meeting at the Turf Club days after getting his spot on the Labor Unions - I know for a fact that anyone in organized labor would have been avoiding that place in the 1960s. He also misidentifies the true owners of the Turf Club.
Joe Fino was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI...he had been tracked by FBI agents in cities like Boston, Milwaukee, Cleveland off the top of my head, what's so far fetched about his relationships with members in other cities or Chicago?
Also Ron Fino said himself his father was a pawn of Carlisi whose brother was Aiuppa's protege. Contemporary FBI reports show Joe Fino was a major part of the post-Magaddino leadership for a few years and Magaddino even selected him as Randaccio's replacement as underboss after Carlisi turned it down, so Joe Fino's status didn't only come after Magaddino lost power. I don't think his son was off base.

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by Newyorkempire » Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:12 pm

Guest wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:10 pm
Wiseguy wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:07 pm
Newyorkempire wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:03 pmUm pointing out the fact that you dont know what youre talking about.
I, and a few others, have been the only ones on this entire forum who have been correct about Buffalo and know what we're talking about from the start. The chances of Massechia being a made guy are virtually zero and we both know it. Now be quiet and run along. I don't want to get blamed for hijacking this thread.
Correct about Buffalo???? Lmao. Bahahahahahahahah. Right. Fucking delusional. Years later.

And no its not virtually zero chance he is made. Again, you dont know what your talking about.
My post.

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by Guest » Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:10 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:07 pm
Newyorkempire wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:03 pmUm pointing out the fact that you dont know what youre talking about.
I, and a few others, have been the only ones on this entire forum who have been correct about Buffalo and know what we're talking about from the start. The chances of Massechia being a made guy are virtually zero and we both know it. Now be quiet and run along. I don't want to get blamed for hijacking this thread.
Correct about Buffalo???? Lmao. Bahahahahahahahah. Right. Fucking delusional. Years later.

And no its not virtually zero chance he is made. Again, you dont know what your talking about.

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by Wiseguy » Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:07 pm

Newyorkempire wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:03 pmUm pointing out the fact that you dont know what youre talking about.
I, and a few others, have been the only ones on this entire forum who have been correct about Buffalo and know what we're talking about from the start. The chances of Massechia being a made guy are virtually zero and we both know it. Now be quiet and run along. I don't want to get blamed for hijacking this thread.

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by Newyorkempire » Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:03 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:02 pm
Newyorkempire wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:54 pmWow. You really went wild with that one. Trannies? Oooof.

Just showing how you dont know what youre talking about again using historical facts. A college professor was a made member therefore being a high school teacher would not preclude someone from being a member like you made it out that it would and just further how you dont know what youre talking about when it comes to elder age and active status of members. Shocking right?
The fact you are pointing to an unknown guy, from another family, decades ago, as an argument that Massechia could be a made member just reveals how desperate you are. It's sad.
Im pointing out the fact that you dont know what youre talking about and you developing your own set of rules for membership is nonsense while simultaneously chastising others for their assumptions.

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by Wiseguy » Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:02 pm

Newyorkempire wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:54 pmWow. You really went wild with that one. Trannies? Oooof.

Just showing how you dont know what youre talking about again using historical facts. A college professor was a made member therefore being a high school teacher would not preclude someone from being a member like you made it out that it would and just further how you dont know what youre talking about when it comes to elder age and active status of members. Shocking right?
The fact you are pointing to an unknown guy, from another family, decades ago, as an argument that Massechia could be a made member just reveals how desperate you are. It's sad.

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by Newyorkempire » Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:54 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:39 pm
Newyorkempire wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:31 pm
Wiseguy wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:11 am
Newyorkempire wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:11 am If a college professor can be made into Rochester a high school teacher can be made into Buffalo. More contrary evidence to certain poster's assumptions.
Keep dreaming.
"-Again, confirmation that a local college professor was a member"

These arent dreams. These are facts. Youve been refuted yet again. Similar to when you thought that elder age of a member means they arent active🤔 As much as it hurts you have to keep moving forward. You are not the beacon of enlightenment you wish you were.
Please. You're so desperate to find a single member beyond the 11 remaining members, so you can justify the 30+ member myth, you'd accept some 1/2 Italian tranny who "identifies" as a member of the Buffalo mob.
Wow. You really went wild with that one. Trannies? Oooof.

Not sure why you keep harping 11 remaining members. What chart is that? Yours? On the assumption that no known members were made in 30 years. Got it. Yawn. Still burns you so good that Buffalo lives on years later. Lol. Priceless. Weak minded puppet.

I digress though....just showing how you dont know what youre talking about again using historical facts. A college professor was a made member therefore being a high school teacher would not exclude someone from being a member like you made it out that it would and just further how you dont know what youre talking about when it comes to elder age and active status of members. Shocking right?

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by Wiseguy » Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:39 pm

Newyorkempire wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:31 pm
Wiseguy wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:11 am
Newyorkempire wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:11 am If a college professor can be made into Rochester a high school teacher can be made into Buffalo. More contrary evidence to certain poster's assumptions.
Keep dreaming.
"-Again, confirmation that a local college professor was a member"

These arent dreams. These are facts. Youve been refuted yet again. Similar to when you thought that elder age of a member means they arent active🤔 As much as it hurts you have to keep moving forward. You are not the beacon of enlightenment you wish you were.
Please. You're so desperate to find a single member beyond the 11 remaining members, so you can justify the 30+ member myth, you'd accept some 1/2 Italian tranny who "identifies" as a member of the Buffalo mob.

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by newera_212 » Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:27 pm

chin_gigante wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 6:05 am

Gary Craig also writes that the 1982 RICO indictment and some trial transcripts are available on the Democrat and Chronicle website. Obviously, since the articles are from almost 20 years ago, that material no longer seems to be available. Does anyone happen to have a preserved link to them or a download of the documents themselves from when they were available? I would be very interested in seeing the actual documents for myself.
Not sure if internet archive or way back machine would work - but I know the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle was purchased by Gannet (USA Today) a while ago and completely changed their website from something that was tolerable to one of those sites that look like they were designed to torture you and give your computer AIDS. There probably aren't too many staffers left there that are holdovers from before the merger - but I'm wondering if it's worth a shot trying to contact someone there (especially if someone is on staff that has written about Rochester LCN in the past...) expressing interest in it. I mean it has to be somewhere - I love how USA Today probably did not want to bother to continue hosting stuff like that, things that are little additions to the article, because there's no way to generate ad money when people click on it

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by JCB1977 » Mon Feb 06, 2023 1:10 pm

NorthBuffalo wrote: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:43 pm I think Ron Fino somewhat alludes to his father joining the Feds once Eboli of the Genovese family ruled against him and for Randaccio - I read his book and thought it was excellent but agree he exaggerates a great deal about his father's influence and his personal relationships with mobsters in other cities like Chicago. I also noticed some of his details are off - he talks about a meeting at the Turf Club days after getting his spot on the Labor Unions - I know for a fact that anyone in organized labor would have been avoiding that place in the 1960s. He also misidentifies the true owners of the Turf Club.
Sam Giancana had a golf buddy who ran the Erie-Buffalo policy wheel named Sam Pardee...Fino may not have been exaggerating his dad's personal relationships with other members in other families.

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by JCB1977 » Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:45 pm

NorthBuffalo wrote: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:43 pm I think Ron Fino somewhat alludes to his father joining the Feds once Eboli of the Genovese family ruled against him and for Randaccio - I read his book and thought it was excellent but agree he exaggerates a great deal about his father's influence and his personal relationships with mobsters in other cities like Chicago. I also noticed some of his details are off - he talks about a meeting at the Turf Club days after getting his spot on the Labor Unions - I know for a fact that anyone in organized labor would have been avoiding that place in the 1960s. He also misidentifies the true owners of the Turf Club.
Joe Fino was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI...he had been tracked by FBI agents in cities like Boston, Milwaukee, Cleveland off the top of my head, what's so far fetched about his relationships with members in other cities or Chicago?

Re: Angelo Monachino and Joseph Lanovara testimony notes/ Rochester discussion

by Newyorkempire » Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:31 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:11 am
Newyorkempire wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:11 am If a college professor can be made into Rochester a high school teacher can be made into Buffalo. More contrary evidence to certain poster's assumptions.
Keep dreaming.
"-Again, confirmation that a local college professor was a member"

These arent dreams. These are facts. Youve been refuted yet again. Similar to when you thought that elder age of a member means they arent active🤔 As much as it hurts you have to keep moving forward. You are not the beacon of enlightenment you wish you were.
