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Re: Philly

by phillywilly » Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:15 am

Pung is out of the loop all together. He is another one who hangs out with a rat like Johnny Chang. His main man is Nicky Whip who made statements against a few of the Scarfo guys. There has been his statements floating around now for 15 years. Johnny Chang has been hanging with Virgil Marriutti as well as Joseph Baldino who is also a rat. This goes to show you the state of LCN today. All about money!!! They don't care if you ratted on your kindergarten teacher. A bunch of mutts trying to play Godfather

Re: Philly

by Rocco » Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:21 pm

Scoops has been around forever. Joey father knew Scoops well as did most the Scarfo era guys. You can see Scoops in the pics at Scarfo's house in FL from the 80s. So its very possible that Scoops would sponser Merlino in the early 90s.. as there really wasn't anyone left on the street in Philly back then. Feds took out most of the family. And they were trying to rebuild. Scoops and other Down Neck guys being even more motivated to build the family in S Philly back up so they didn't look to weak to the NY family who Scoops and other Philly Newrak guys had to rub elbows with. The NJ Luchese Crew took advantage of the dissary after Bruno's killing in the early 80s moving in on Philly Jersey Rackets. Then in the early 90's the Gambino's and Genovese did the same thing to Philly Rackets in NJ with the Dissary of the early 90s. Infact the Luchese and Genovese Family still have gambling operations in South Jersey and some Philly Suburbs in PA since the early 90s. You didn't see that as much in the 80s.

Re: Philly

by OlBlueEyesClub » Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:54 pm

Is there any transcripts of the Stefanelli tapes? Aside from what was quoted on back then?

Re: Philly

by B. » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:14 pm

On a random note, I'm starting to wonder if the guys Merlino wanted to make but Ligambi passed on were North Jersey guys that he may have met in prison or somewhere else.

Someone who used to post and was very knowledgeable about Philly (without claiming to have "inside knowledge" -- though he def knew more about the Philly guys than anyone else who has ever posted) believed that once Joey Merlino got out of prison he would build up the North Jersey crew. I found this interesting because you don't really think of Merlino being too hands on with the Down Neck guys. However, Scoops Licata says on the Stefanelli tape that he (Licata) sponsored Merlino for membership in the early 90s.

There may be more than meets the eye. Curious if there is something to the comment about him eventually building up the NJ crew.

Re: Philly

by Chucky » Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:08 pm

Cheech wrote:Chucky, I think a lot of people and some some writers would like that to happen. It's weird.
Look, I'm not trying to say there's not any animosity out there because believe me there's fucking plenty, some of this shit goes back to chickenshit beefs from the early to mid 80s, but these guys aren't gonna clip somebody unless it's defcom 3. The shit with Phil and his nephew will blow over like everything else does, there's been way bigger beefs than that down here but it seems like everything gets on the internet with these guys the last couple years so this seems like a big deal when it's like anything else.

Re: Philly

by Cheech » Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:19 pm

Chucky, I think a lot of people and some some writers would like that to happen. It's weird.

Re: Philly

by Chucky » Sun Jan 03, 2016 3:21 pm

TommyGambino wrote:
Chucky wrote:
Cheech wrote:tony on rd reporting major beef with chang and narducci

scott will have an article soon.....
Them having a beef is legit, but it leading to anything? Nope. Like I said on RD, Phil is on an island with the kids from 10th & O, and he put himself there. No one else takes him seriously, it's all bluster. What's he gonna do, take out Chang? Not in this lifetime. The only person willing to sit down with him, other than his brother, is Mazzone, but he's making things so difficult for everybody that I doubt he's getting the time of day...for right now anyway. Joe Pung and his crew having been steering clear of that fat fuck too, he wants to talk shit and stir up drama but I don't think anyone is taking his bait.

Just my observations.
Is Punge independent now? Can;t see him kicking up to merlino, didn't he rob his mums house or something?
They send money to Stevie, contrary to popular belief most of the Scarfo guys have been content to go with the flow of things, you don't come back after being in prison for 15-25 years start makings waves & beefs.

Re: Philly

by Cheech » Fri Jan 01, 2016 10:46 am

That's the story. I don't believe anything will happen. I do believe they don't like each other. But that's it.

Re: Philly

by TommyGambino » Fri Jan 01, 2016 6:47 am

Chucky wrote:
Cheech wrote:tony on rd reporting major beef with chang and narducci

scott will have an article soon.....
Them having a beef is legit, but it leading to anything? Nope. Like I said on RD, Phil is on an island with the kids from 10th & O, and he put himself there. No one else takes him seriously, it's all bluster. What's he gonna do, take out Chang? Not in this lifetime. The only person willing to sit down with him, other than his brother, is Mazzone, but he's making things so difficult for everybody that I doubt he's getting the time of day...for right now anyway. Joe Pung and his crew having been steering clear of that fat fuck too, he wants to talk shit and stir up drama but I don't think anyone is taking his bait.

Just my observations.
Is Punge independent now? Can;t see him kicking up to merlino, didn't he rob his mums house or something?

Re: Philly

by Cheech » Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:59 am

Thanks Chuck. I believe the poster Tony.

Re: Philly

by Chucky » Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:34 pm

Cheech wrote:tony on rd reporting major beef with chang and narducci

scott will have an article soon.....
Them having a beef is legit, but it leading to anything? Nope. Like I said on RD, Phil is on an island with the kids from 10th & O, and he put himself there. No one else takes him seriously, it's all bluster. What's he gonna do, take out Chang? Not in this lifetime. The only person willing to sit down with him, other than his brother, is Mazzone, but he's making things so difficult for everybody that I doubt he's getting the time of day...for right now anyway. Joe Pung and his crew having been steering clear of that fat fuck too, he wants to talk shit and stir up drama but I don't think anyone is taking his bait.

Just my observations.

Re: Philly

by Pogo The Clown » Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:08 pm

So I guess we know Scott's Philly source. :mrgreen:



by Cheech » Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:52 pm

tony on rd reporting major beef with chang and narducci

scott will have an article soon.....
