A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

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Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by OcSleeper » Mon Aug 29, 2022 11:01 am

antimafia wrote: Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:29 pm In the years since then, I’ve come to understand how and why for the past few decades the Rizzuto loyalists in Montreal have had more important ties to and better relations with the New York Gambinos than the New York Bonannos, including ties to Sicilians travelling back and forth from Sicily and North America who had ties to the NYC-based Gambinos. Rizzuto loyalists in Montreal who have been travelling to Sicily since at least 2012 continue to this day to be under the close scrutiny of Italian law enforcement.
Could you expand on this?

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by Newyorkempire » Mon Aug 29, 2022 3:58 am

Iavarone has been mentioned many times over in the other thread

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by B. » Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:49 pm

Excellent post, Antimafia.

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by antimafia » Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:29 pm

B. wrote: Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:35 pm Some info Felice shared several years ago (may be referenced in the link above):

Antonio Caputo whose brother is a convicted killer. The Caputos seem to be very close to Tommy Gambino.

Thomas Gambino, son of Rosario
Despite being a member of LA family he answers to the Gambino family in NY

Pff I am even thinking about someone from Canada...a lot of stuff is happening there and I am sure the Gambinos were/are deliberately backing a side in that war


Were the Gambinos supporting rebel factions in Montreal and Ontario? Something was going on. Felice was saying these things in 2019.
The day that Vito Rizzuto died (Dec. 23, 2013), someone posted on the defunct forum — and I’ll paraphrase them here because I didn’t ask their permission to quote from a post that although quite old is no longer public — that the Montreal group was no longer a Bonanno decina but was actually under the Gambino Family.

In the years since then, I’ve come to understand how and why for the past few decades the Rizzuto loyalists in Montreal have had more important ties to and better relations with the New York Gambinos than the New York Bonannos, including ties to Sicilians travelling back and forth from Sicily and North America who had ties to the NYC-based Gambinos. Rizzuto loyalists in Montreal who have been travelling to Sicily since at least 2012 continue to this day to be under the close scrutiny of Italian law enforcement.

The relations between Rizzuto loyalists and the Gambinos have not always been smooth — you just have to look at the mess in Toronto in 2004 caused at least in part by the Gambino-connected Michele Modica of Bagheria. Recall that Greater Toronto Area–based Peter Scarcella was asked by the NYC Gambinos in 2000 to take Modica under his wing, as that was the year Modica was facing deportation from the US for living in that country illegally and after having done prison time there.

If one, two, or three Caputo brothers had formal mafia affiliation with either the LA Family or the Gambino Family, I see Rizzuto having possibly laid the groundwork, but he doesn’t seem to have been essential for any inductions having come to pass.

Posters have forgotten in this thread to ask whether Tony Iavarone even has formal mafia affiliation, to which secret society he might have been inducted, and — perhaps most important — whether affiliation would even have been important to his growing influence and power, especially in a country where men of honour are increasingly killed without shot-callers seeking the proper permissions for such murders. Recall that close to four years ago he sat at a table with the flip-flopping Antonio Pietrantonio (Rizzuto loyalist, then Montagna loyalist, then shot at as a murder target, then Rizzuto loyalist again) at the Montreal wedding of Hells Angel Martin Robert and Annie Arbic. I will reiterate that Iavarone is well known to police in Quebec.

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by B. » Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:35 pm

Some info Felice shared several years ago (may be referenced in the link above):

Antonio Caputo whose brother is a convicted killer. The Caputos seem to be very close to Tommy Gambino.

Thomas Gambino, son of Rosario
Despite being a member of LA family he answers to the Gambino family in NY

Pff I am even thinking about someone from Canada...a lot of stuff is happening there and I am sure the Gambinos were/are deliberately backing a side in that war


Were the Gambinos supporting rebel factions in Montreal and Ontario? Something was going on. Felice was saying these things in 2019.

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by Newyorkempire » Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:26 pm

B. wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:08 pm Rappresentante = boss, a term they use themselves. Synonyms but I think they can be misinterpreted to imply different things. I'm calling him that here because it may more accurately represent his role than "boss" (which implies he's bossing people around or supervising criminal operations himself).

I think any debate over Buffalo's existence should go in the 900 page thread for it. This thread operates from the evidence-based belief that Todaro is Buffalo boss with a faction of current Family leaders and members in Ontario. No qualitative discussion, just the belief that those individuals hold those titles in the Buffalo Family and are recognized by at least three other Families.

It's seeming like there may be an issue with the Gambino Family. They weren't mentioned as being notified of Violi's promotion and some Ontario people were allegedly inducted by them or another Family under their influence without Todaro's approval. There were the rumors of Frank Cali and the Gambinos weighing in on Montreal matters too (was this substantiated?). If it comes out the Gambinos supported rebel factions in Ontario and/or Montreal we're going to have plenty to talk about.

I had mentioned them before...the remaining crew members of Barillaros would still be under Buffalo as well and still relatively young. If Pat Musitano was made into Buffalo his brother would have to be presumably as well. The other Iavarones would be on the table for discussion as well as Ceces older brother who would have also most likely been offered it, but no evidence he turned it down like his younger brother.

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by B. » Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:08 pm

Rappresentante = boss, a term they use themselves. Synonyms but I think they can be misinterpreted to imply different things. I'm calling him that here because it may more accurately represent his role than "boss" (which implies he's bossing people around or supervising criminal operations himself).

I think any debate over Buffalo's existence should go in the 900 page thread for it. This thread operates from the evidence-based belief that Todaro is Buffalo boss with a faction of current Family leaders and members in Ontario. No qualitative discussion, just the belief that those individuals hold those titles in the Buffalo Family and are recognized by at least three other Families.

It's seeming like there may be an issue with the Gambino Family. They weren't mentioned as being notified of Violi's promotion and some Ontario people were allegedly inducted by them or another Family under their influence without Todaro's approval. There were the rumors of Frank Cali and the Gambinos weighing in on Montreal matters too (was this substantiated?). If it comes out the Gambinos supported rebel factions in Ontario and/or Montreal we're going to have plenty to talk about.

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by Newyorkempire » Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:03 pm

B. wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:55 pm Don't want to veer into the Buffalo debate since this thread is a very cool evidence-based look into how complex the organizational arrangements might be in Ontario (with many many questions remaining).

But quick answer, I belive the evidence shows Joe Todaro to be a gregarious, affluent businessman who has done extremely well for himself in the food business and apparently the hotel business in Florida. I also believe he took on the role of official rappresentante of Buffalo / Ontario because it's a core part of his identity as a third-generation Family boss with heritage in one of the oldest mafia-linked regions in Sicily and he came up in a US city with its own longstanding mafia tradition.
I agree. But as we continue to uncover connections (I had never saw that article about NY being contacted) the more it has to continue to be debated. Either the family exists or they don't. Taglining him as now the rappresentante and not as the official boss is interesting but why would he want the risk with no benefit other than tradition. And even if it is for tradition then the fact is he is still active. If it is believed he is appointing positions and making guys he is not just the rep for the region

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by B. » Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:55 pm

Don't want to veer into the Buffalo debate since this thread is a very cool evidence-based look into how complex the organizational arrangements might be in Ontario (with many many questions remaining).

But quick answer, I belive the evidence shows Joe Todaro to be a gregarious, affluent businessman who has done extremely well for himself in the food business and apparently the hotel business in Florida. I also believe he took on the role of official rappresentante of Buffalo / Ontario because it's a core part of his identity as a third-generation Family boss with heritage in one of the oldest mafia-linked regions in Sicily and he came up in a US city with its own longstanding mafia tradition.

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by Newyorkempire » Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:47 pm

B. wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:29 pm https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/sh ... falo-mafia

I believe it was mentioned by more than one article but this one was by Humphreys. Here is the specific quote:

Soon after Violi was allegedly made Underboss, according to the documents, at least three of the families had already been told. Michael (Mikey Nose) Mancuso, the boss of the Bonanno Family knew, the documents say, and the Genovese Family and the Colombo Family also had been told.

If it's true Mancuso was notified that Violi was promoted in Ontario, it raises the question whether he's been similarly notified of activity in Montreal.

So Todaro contacts "the Commission" asking whether it's appropriate to promote a Canadian to underboss. They tell him a member is a member (which fits our existing understanding).

Todaro then immediately sends word to the Bonannos, Genovese, and Colombos that the promotion has taken place.

Wow. Missed that one. B., is it your belief he is lying to the reporters that he is just a hard working pizza guy?

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by B. » Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:29 pm

https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/sh ... falo-mafia

I believe it was mentioned by more than one article but this one was by Humphreys. Here is the specific quote:

Soon after Violi was allegedly made Underboss, according to the documents, at least three of the families had already been told. Michael (Mikey Nose) Mancuso, the boss of the Bonanno Family knew, the documents say, and the Genovese Family and the Colombo Family also had been told.

If it's true Mancuso was notified that Violi was promoted in Ontario, it raises the question whether he's been similarly notified of activity in Montreal.

So Todaro contacts "the Commission" asking whether it's appropriate to promote a Canadian to underboss. They tell him a member is a member (which fits our existing understanding).

Todaro then immediately sends word to the Bonannos, Genovese, and Colombos that the promotion has taken place. It means too that Todaro is recognized as Buffalo Family boss by at least three NYC Families.

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by Newyorkempire » Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:24 pm

B. wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:24 pm Breaking these relationship down in terms of the formal organizations:

Buffalo Family
- Domenico Violi (underboss)
- Giuseppe Violi (had option of joining Bonanno Family and attended event related to Morena induction, indicating he was made by then)
- Rocco Luppino (capodecina)
- Natale Luppino
- Pat Musitano (Sergeant Metelsky's belief)
- Giuseppe Avignone (again Metelsky's belief)
***- Cece Luppino (proposed but turned it down)

Bonanno Family
- Vincenzo Morena (RCMP informant)

Los Angeles or Gambino Family (likely now branches of the same network)
- Albert Iavarone
- Martino Caputo
- Paolo Caputo

- The Bonanno Family recognized Buffalo's jurisdictional authority, including them in the Morena induction and recognizing Violi's position. The Los Angeles / Gambino group apparently did not follow this protocol, drawing anger from Todaro.

- Similarly, Todaro is alleged to have contacted the Bonannos, Genovese, and Colombos. The Gambinos and Lucchese are curiously not included, with both Families having Sicilian factions who are connected via Torretta and Palermo. Tommy Gambino of Los Angeles in turn is part of this same network.

- Joe Violi's option of joining the Bonanno Family distinct from Morena's induction indicates a Canadian element of the Bonannos in addition to the New York element had a relationship to the Buffalo Family in Hamilton. This could play into Violi's willingness to introduce Morena to Arcadi, Cotroni Jr., and Mucci. It could also correspond to ongoing references to the Bonanno Family inducting members in Ontario in the 1960s and an early 1970s informant who identified a Bonanno faction in Ontario -- our knowledge of confirmed Montreal Bonanno members is limited and this Ontario element is even more vague. If Joe Violi had been inducted into the Bonannos, would he have reported to NYC like Morena (whose relationships were formed in NYC) or a Montreal capodecina?

- Sal Montagna allegedly met with Ontario figures from the Luppino-Violi element (is this confirmed?). It's reasonable to speculate he may have sought political support from the Buffalo Family given his organizational authority in the Bonannos likely played a role in his Montreal efforts and recruitment of Bonanno members like DiMaulo, Gallo, etc. Gaining political support from the other Family active in Canada may have played a role in his efforts.

- There was internecine conflict within the Buffalo Family faction between the Musitanos and Violi-Luppinos. While it may be a stretch to say Joe Todaro "ordered" murders in this conflict, he clearly supported the Violis and Luppinos given he inducted them and promoted two of them.

- Nothing from Otremens that I'm aware of indicated there was a "Violi-Luppino Crime Family", "Musitano Crime Family", or "Rizzuto Crime Family" as these groups are labeled by the RCMP and the media. To our knowledge, these terms describe operational and clan-based relationships rather than formal Cosa Nostra affiliation. Otremens showed the Violi-Luppinos value their membership in Buffalo and the formal status it affords them, with Morena commenting Violi's promotion gives him greater authority in the area.

- The induction of three non-Sicilians in Ontario by a branch of the Gambino-Palermo network shows they aren't simply inducting Sicilians from within their network, but another mysterious connection led to this arrangement and was not sanctioned by Buffalo. It also intersects with other OC groups, the Caputos being tied to the Wolfpack.
Where does the allegation he contacted those NY families come from?

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by B. » Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:24 pm

Breaking these relationship down in terms of the formal organizations:

Buffalo Family
- Domenico Violi (underboss)
- Giuseppe Violi (had option of joining Bonanno Family and attended event related to Morena induction, indicating he was made by then)
- Rocco Luppino (capodecina)
- Natale Luppino
- Pat Musitano (Sergeant Metelsky's belief)
- Giuseppe Avignone (again Metelsky's belief)
***- Cece Luppino (proposed but turned it down)

Bonanno Family
- Vincenzo Morena (RCMP informant)

Los Angeles or Gambino Family (likely now branches of the same network)
- Albert Iavarone
- Martino Caputo
- Paolo Caputo

- The Bonanno Family recognized Buffalo's jurisdictional authority, including them in the Morena induction and recognizing Violi's position. The Los Angeles / Gambino group apparently did not follow this protocol, drawing anger from Todaro.

- Similarly, Todaro is alleged to have contacted the Bonannos, Genovese, and Colombos. The Gambinos and Lucchese are curiously not included, with both Families having Sicilian factions who are connected via Torretta and Palermo. Tommy Gambino of Los Angeles in turn is part of this same network.

- Joe Violi's option of joining the Bonanno Family distinct from Morena's induction indicates a Canadian element of the Bonannos in addition to the New York element had a relationship to the Buffalo Family in Hamilton. This could play into Violi's willingness to introduce Morena to Arcadi, Cotroni Jr., and Mucci. It could also correspond to ongoing references to the Bonanno Family inducting members in Ontario in the 1960s and an early 1970s informant who identified a Bonanno faction in Ontario -- our knowledge of confirmed Montreal Bonanno members is limited and this Ontario element is even more vague. If Joe Violi had been inducted into the Bonannos, would he have reported to NYC like Morena (whose relationships were formed in NYC) or a Montreal capodecina?

- Sal Montagna allegedly met with Ontario figures from the Luppino-Violi element (is this confirmed?). It's reasonable to speculate he may have sought political support from the Buffalo Family given his organizational authority in the Bonannos likely played a role in his Montreal efforts and recruitment of Bonanno members like DiMaulo, Gallo, etc. Gaining political support from the other Family active in Canada may have played a role in his efforts.

- There was internecine conflict within the Buffalo Family faction between the Musitanos and Violi-Luppinos. While it may be a stretch to say Joe Todaro "ordered" murders in this conflict, he clearly supported the Violis and Luppinos given he inducted them and promoted two of them.

- Nothing from Otremens that I'm aware of indicated there was a "Violi-Luppino Crime Family", "Musitano Crime Family", or "Rizzuto Crime Family" as these groups are labeled by the RCMP and the media. To our knowledge, these terms describe operational and clan-based relationships rather than formal Cosa Nostra affiliation. Otremens showed the Violi-Luppinos value their membership in Buffalo and the formal status it affords them, with Morena commenting Violi's promotion gives him greater authority in the area.

- The induction of three non-Sicilians in Ontario by a branch of the Gambino-Palermo network shows they aren't simply inducting Sicilians from within their network, but another mysterious connection led to this arrangement and was not sanctioned by Buffalo. It also intersects with other OC groups, the Caputos being tied to the Wolfpack.

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by OcSleeper » Wed Aug 24, 2022 5:55 pm

B. wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:41 pm - Weren't there articles too that implied the Caputos were associated with Rizzuto? Now it's surfacing one of them may have been made along with Iavarone into a Gambino-backed LA Family.
Like Niz already it was two Caputo brothers (Martino & Paolo) as well as Albert Iavarone and as I said if Martino was made it had to have been pre-2013 since he's been in jail since.

One article I was reading a few days ago said that although Paolo Caputo has no criminal record did have 2 gambling arrests from the late 1990s or early 2000s. His restaurant also hosted Vito Rizzuto often when he was in town. Martino Caputo has been said to be a Ontario-Rizzuto guy for years, including showing up in the Project Colisée investigation several times.

This has all made me wonder about Alfredo Patriarca. He, like Martino Caputo was said to be a Rizzuto guy in Ontario and would show up on Project Colisée wiretaps with Martino often. He was also with Johnny Rasposo the day he was murdered in a Toronto cafe in 2012. A murder Martino helped arrange and the rumour was Patriarca set Raposo up that day. Patriarca ended up being murdered as well on January 20, 2016 in a hit that is eerily similar to Angelo Musitano's murder and still unsolved. To be clear, I'm not saying he's another Gambino/LA member but he was close to Martino Caputo, called a Ontario Rizzuto guy, like Martino; and killed like Iavarone in the same general time. The similarities are just interesting to me.

Re: A Second Ontario Man Made by the Gambino's in California

by B. » Wed Aug 24, 2022 5:24 pm

If I ever misunderstand you, Cabrini, feel free to let me know how. You're one of the few people really interested in this international stuff and you're fun to talk to so I don't want to downplay your view even though I know we evaluate the evidence differently.

I think the best comparison for Ontario based on what's available is Youngstown. It was an area under the joint jurisdiction of Cleveland and Pittsburgh, but the Gambino Family had at least one member there (Cavallero, who didn't take orders from the Gambinos but was rather formally protected / represented by them for a time) and the ex-Buffalo guys there appear to have transferred membership to Cleveland and possibly even Detroit. Informants not privy to those organizational details however saw Youngstown as the "Sicilian faction" and "Calabrian faction" based on who associated with who, but those factions included made members of multiple national organizations.

If we didn't have Morena's cooperation and he was present there, we would assume he was part of the Buffalo Family given his association with Violi but we know he was a Bonanno member.
