New LCNBios posts

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Re: New LCNBios posts

by Southshore88 » Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:59 am

Another post from LCNBios from yesterday on the Colorado family with an updated chart from 1980.

Re: New LCNBios posts

by JoePuzzles234 » Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:27 pm

From a new post about the Colorado family:
colorado jan 1976 lcn bios.jpg
Very interesting info that conflicts with previously available information.

It seems very unlikely that Clyde Smaldone was a captain, because of how few members there were and him being alienated from the family because of his issues with his brothers.
- Consigliere Joseph Salardino died in 1978.
- By March 1980 the hierarchy had shifted, with Captains Eugene and Clyde Smaldone identified as official Boss and Underboss respectively. Former Acting Boss Clarence Smaldone and four others (one already deceased) were listed as Soldiers. Included in this group was Paul Villano, who was named Consigliere by 1985.
Him being the underboss also seems improbable, given that Clyde was saying in the 1990s that his problems with Eugene were never resolved. Clarence was identified as being in the position by 1981 but was probably already the underboss shortly after the changes following James Spinuzzi's death.

Checkers being a captain is weird, outside of the limited membership issue. Who was naming Clarence to acting boss if he wasn't the boss? When Spinuzzi was in Pueblo County Jail for his gambling case, he didn't name any acting boss (at least not one that Joe Salardino mentioned to Bompensiero in August 1974) and the family membership did not change between these points.

Eugene Smaldone was seemingly out by the time Spinuzzi died and it is clear that he was the successor, though maybe he was still in Leavenworth as BOP records don't cover the 1970s and he had pled out to additional charges in October 1974. Maybe their source meant "capo" as boss and there was some confusion from that?

Also strange that Vincenzo Colletti is listed as the consigliere - Joe Salardino was IDing his brother Gus as being in the position less than 18 months earlier and we know Colletti had been inactive for several years. Joe replacing Gus under a Smaldone admin makes sense, given he was a Denver guy and close with that group.

Paul Villano eventually replaced him after he died, with the 1982 indictment identifying him as the consigliere but there is no clear date for that changeover. There is a 1984 report discussing the 1982 case where Villano is actually identified as a captain (not the consigliere) and I wonder if that's carried over from the 1970s when Salardino was still alive.

Re: New LCNBios posts

by JoelTurner » Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:30 am

Another Colombo member who was a part of this clan was Angelo Speciale.

His mother’s brother Philip Tinervia was married to John Misuraca’s sister Angelina.

Additionally, his wife Rose Pezzino was a first cousin to Alex & Sam Cammarata. Her mother Girolama and their father Andrea were siblings.

Re: New LCNBios posts

by B. » Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:49 pm

Didn't realize Salvatore was Alex Camarata's brother. Maybe Joel has mentioned it and I missed it but back before anyone had dug in it was assumed he was Nello Cammarata's brother which was disproven a while back but this is even more interesting.

The Misuraca clan is like the perfect microcosm of the mafia phenomenon -- originally tied to St. Louis, but ended up in Flint, Newark, Florida, and California with ties if not affiliation with the local Families in each location. Went all the way to the admin of the Colombos and were involved in some violence but overall extremely low-key and not big arch-criminals. To paraphrase Gentile, everything they did in life was mafia.

I assume Pietro Misuraca Sr. was a member as Peter Jr. said he was arranged to marry a woman in Detroit but she instead married a Detroit boss a short time later who died early on and seems to have been Sam Catalanotte. I'm not sure who she was but between arranging marriages in prominent mafia circles and virtually all of his sons/relatives being members or associate it's a good bet Pietro was a Sicilian mafia member who transferred in America.

Their hometown Giardinello doesn't come up much but it's obvious why they were in St. Louis and especially Michigan as it is by Terrasini, Cinisi, Partinico/Borgetto, Montelepre, and the gateway to the Trapani coast. In Flint they were with a Trapanese faction from towns like Monte San Giuliano and San Vito lo Capo. On one hand it doesn't exactly fit the Colombos, moreso the Bonannos, but it isn't far from Carini which was hugely important in the Colombos (never seen anything linking Misuraca to the Brooklyn Carinesi though) and you also have Profaci's close relationship to Detroit.

Re: New LCNBios posts

by JoelTurner » Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:37 pm

Really interesting that he was in Newark in the mid-1930s before the Newark family broke up

Also cool that this article confirms that Salvatore Cammarata was a member

Re: New LCNBios posts

by motorfab » Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:41 am

New post about Peter Giammona, Los Angeles Crime Family member ... geles.html

Re: New LCNBios posts

by bn » Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:19 pm

New post on Dominick Cappolla.

Interesting that JD seems to imply that Paul 'Paulie Lefty' Della Universita was a made member.

The April 1974 report also mentions John Caputo and Vincent Potenza as members of Generoso's crew. Anyone know if they were actually with another family ?

Re: New LCNBios posts

by JoelTurner » Sat May 25, 2024 6:41 am

Re: New LCNBios posts

by Tonyd621 » Sat May 18, 2024 8:35 am

Angelo Loiacono and Louis Barbusca two new ones just updated. New to me at least

Re: New LCNBios posts

by gohnjotti » Tue May 14, 2024 11:30 am

chin_gigante wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:08 pm
SonnyBlackstein wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:24 pm Do Philly, DeCavs and NE have to pass round a list? Or the 5 don't give a f outside of NYC
In 2010, Scoops Licata was on tape talking about how he still passed the names of guys he proposed to the Gambino and Genovese families but not to the others.
One would assume it's passed around to members of the other three families. The DeCavalcantes have had documented dealings with all Five Families in the 21st century.

Re: New LCNBios posts

by Pogo The Clown » Tue May 14, 2024 10:48 am

Updated with a Colombo Bio.


Re: New LCNBios posts

by Shellackhead » Mon May 13, 2024 6:51 pm

New Post

Re: New LCNBios posts

by B. » Mon May 06, 2024 3:23 pm

The D'Agatis get overshadowed by their relatives but were an extremely important family in Villabate. Gene's great-uncle Giulio D'Agate (original spelling) was boss of Villabate in the 1910s-1920s before his murder and Gene's grandfather Vincenzo was a Villabate member going back to the 19th century. His uncle Sebastiano was also a Colombo member and I'm sure his father Francesco was made in Villabate and probably joined the future Colombo's during his few years in NYC. Some other interesting intermarriage involving the D'Agatis as well, one being Gene's sister who married Sal Profaci Sr.

Re: New LCNBios posts

by Shellackhead » Mon May 06, 2024 10:49 am

New post

Re: New LCNBios posts

by Tonyd621 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:54 am

He also posted another one on Saturday on a Cleveland guy (John Sanfilippo)
