Angelo Ruggiero - heroin trafficking

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Re: Angelo Ruggiero - heroin trafficking

by Pogo The Clown » Sat Jan 15, 2022 9:25 pm

They were brothers. Daniel was also a made member.


Re: Angelo Ruggiero - heroin trafficking

by UTC » Sat Jan 15, 2022 9:09 pm

B. wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:02 pm Reading an FBI report from 1972 where a source seems to say Angelo Ruggiero was already involved with heroin dealing at that time. The pop story is he got involved when he took over his dead brother's operation, but from this report he was hanging out with heavy heroin dealers connected to other Families and may have been involved this early.

Another report from later that year specifically about narcotics trafficking in NYC mentions the Ruggiero brothers together and says they're associated with Dan Fatico. Doesn't say exactly what their involvement in narcotics is but they're mentioned in a report where that's the entire subject being addressed.
Was Dan related to Wagons Fatico?

Re: Angelo Ruggiero - heroin trafficking

by Bruno187 » Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:22 pm

There were a lot of guys who were dealing before they got made (and some dabbling after) despite being on the record with somebody. I'm sure their guy never refused an envelope, they just never asked where it came from even if they knew or had an idea. The rule about dealing babania morphed from "Don't deal drugs" to "Don't get caught dealing drugs".

Re: Angelo Ruggiero - heroin trafficking

by vmw100475 » Tue Jan 11, 2022 12:06 pm

Interesting....where could I find the FBI reports?

Re: Angelo Ruggiero - heroin trafficking

by TommyNoto » Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:39 am

Makes sense. When you have a great connect ( brother ) you would be surprised how many people (civilians and criminals) QB deals on the side for extra cash

Re: Angelo Ruggiero - heroin trafficking

by B. » Tue Jan 11, 2022 12:45 am

Good find.

Maybe all of this is already well-known but I hadn't heard it come up. They hit the ground running and knew how to run a massive heroin trafficking op when the brother died.

In the first report about Ruggiero it mentions a redacted name involved with the Bonanno Family who was known for snorting cocaine. He was young in 1972 but maybe Bruno Indelicato as a 1973 report talks about him plotting to kill a DEA agent and was a big coke user.

Re: Angelo Ruggiero - heroin trafficking

by MightyDR » Mon Jan 10, 2022 11:54 pm

There's a book called Wiretap: Listening in on America's Mafia which has excerpts from different wiretapped conversations including the ones from Ruggiero's house. It has one excerpt where Ruggiero and Lino are discussing smuggling dope in from Canada and that comes before the one where his brother dies. Caught my attention because of the usual story about taking over his brother's operation you mentioned.

Angelo Ruggiero - heroin trafficking

by B. » Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:02 pm

Reading an FBI report from 1972 where a source seems to say Angelo Ruggiero was already involved with heroin dealing at that time. The pop story is he got involved when he took over his dead brother's operation, but from this report he was hanging out with heavy heroin dealers connected to other Families and may have been involved this early.

Another report from later that year specifically about narcotics trafficking in NYC mentions the Ruggiero brothers together and says they're associated with Dan Fatico. Doesn't say exactly what their involvement in narcotics is but they're mentioned in a report where that's the entire subject being addressed.
