Gangland News 6/10/21

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Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by Philly d » Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:12 pm

jimmy_beans8 wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:52 am Who the brothers with? Or is it just nothin out there to report?

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by outfit guy » Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:51 am

I enjoy the parody and critical evaluation bordering mocking. Don't forget, Pennisi believes he too is not a rat and lining his pockets. Jerry's always been a ham. And like the MSM, he has one source: government officials.

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by Rocco » Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:00 pm

Jerry sounds a little jealous of Tom LaVecchia lol

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by Tonyd621 » Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:03 am

that's the thing with Pennisi-his holier than thou routine. like he says on the podcast he can't work with convicted felons for and I quote "personal reasons"(if it's legal say it) and so many questions he won't's just about himself trying to look good. he deserves the capeci scrutiny because he offers zero transparency about himself.

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by newera_212 » Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:56 am

Dapper_Don wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:17 am Wow...seriously IMHO this is a new low...or should I say Jerry keeps on stooping to a new low every week thus far in his obvious vendetta against Pennisi. Reporting a story about the Pennisi sitdowns as if it were a new thing, this started a long time ago the prices for the sitdowns are posted pretty publicly if he cared (or even knew) how to make his way around Youtube, etc. Capeci obviously has his stories all queued up and holds things back and saves them for other weeks, either that or this guy is really late to the ballgame sort of speak in terms of reporting on this. Defense attorneys, etc are obviously needling him to report things/giving him ideas on Pennisi as a drip drip pieces, to get under Pennisi's skin (notice Pennisi has made his IG private) and who knows get him violated or some law enforcement folks to start asking questions whether it is warranted or not.
This is a really good point. Not that his column really needs to be a live, up-to-the-minute type of thing, because of the niche it serves... but still... I never really thought about that until you mentioned it: it really feels like he just has stories queued up on deck for weeks -> a month at a time, and if something big happens to go on between all of that, he can easily bounce a story off and replace it with something more breaking. Whatever, I'd probably do the same thing, can't fault him.

I'm happy GL still exists at the end of the day. But I think he's doing everybody a disservice when he simply recaps what was talked about or what happened on podcasts 2-3 weeks ago. A majority of his readers, besides a handful of Boomers or old timers, are probably listeners of those same very podcasts.

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by SolarSolano » Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:21 am

Tonyd621 wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:52 am
mafiastudent wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:31 am Another way to look at this is that Pennisi did complain in that blog post he wrote that Capeci didn’t plug their podcast like he supposedly said he would.

So, now he’s plugging it to make up for lost time.
Pennisi beat up that girl almost to death? that's news to me. anybody hear about that. or am I the last?
What is the background on that? I like Pennisi but agree his shtick is getting old - but if he's hitting women than this LaVecchia guy is a fucking moron of a businessman for thinking this would work.

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by Tonyd621 » Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:52 am

mafiastudent wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:31 am Another way to look at this is that Pennisi did complain in that blog post he wrote that Capeci didn’t plug their podcast like he supposedly said he would.

So, now he’s plugging it to make up for lost time.
Pennisi beat up that girl almost to death? that's news to me. anybody hear about that. or am I the last?

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by mafiastudent » Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:31 am

Another way to look at this is that Pennisi did complain in that blog post he wrote that Capeci didn’t plug their podcast like he supposedly said he would.

So, now he’s plugging it to make up for lost time.

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by JohnnyS » Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:28 am

Thanks for posting ms.

Pathetic column this week though. Come on Jerry you're embarrassing yourself here.

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by Dapper_Don » Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:19 am

elasticman wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:42 pm I would love to cancel my subscription to Gangland News, it's quite useless at this point. But as soon as I do the DeSantis indictment will come down and I'll feel dumb for cancelling when I did.
I dont blame you for thinking of cancelling. You can always read it when its posted on BH from one other esteemed members of the forum.

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by Dapper_Don » Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:17 am

Wow...seriously IMHO this is a new low...or should I say Jerry keeps on stooping to a new low every week thus far in his obvious vendetta against Pennisi. Reporting a story about the Pennisi sitdowns as if it were a new thing, this started a long time ago the prices for the sitdowns are posted pretty publicly if he cared (or even knew) how to make his way around Youtube, etc. Capeci obviously has his stories all queued up and holds things back and saves them for other weeks, either that or this guy is really late to the ballgame sort of speak in terms of reporting on this. Defense attorneys, etc are obviously needling him to report things/giving him ideas on Pennisi as a drip drip pieces, to get under Pennisi's skin (notice Pennisi has made his IG private) and who knows get him violated or some law enforcement folks to start asking questions whether it is warranted or not.

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by jimmy_beans8 » Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:52 am

Who the brothers with? Or is it just nothin out there to report?

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by Shellackhead » Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:38 am

Thanks for posting, anyone know when does DeSantis & co indictment coming?

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by B. » Thu Jun 10, 2021 2:29 am

Thanks for posting.

He's obsessed with Pennisi to the point of parody. Capeci is talking more about the podcast than the podcast is talking about him. Not sure what Capeci's end game is with the open cynicism toward Pennisi and LaVecchia every week. Anything that keeps people interested in the mob in 2021 is a net positive for everyone who covers it.

Former mafia members write books and make movies, relatives of murderers get reality TV shows, etc. Franzese did his speaking tours and has his own little group of subscribers who pay him, now Pennisi is doing these webcam sessions for money. I don't see how any of it is ethically different. People find all kinds of ways to make money off the fact that they were in the mob and in today's world a big way to make money is through audience interaction online. I'm surprised it took this long for "Skype with a mobster" to hit the market.

Maybe Capeci should offer Skype sessions. I'd probably have more questions for him than I would some of the guys on the podcast circuit.

Re: Gangland News 6/10/21

by elasticman » Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:42 pm

I would love to cancel my subscription to Gangland News, it's quite useless at this point. But as soon as I do the DeSantis indictment will come down and I'll feel dumb for cancelling when I did.
