Philadelphia's Boston Crew

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Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by Stroccos » Fri Jan 08, 2021 5:58 pm

Tonyd621 wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:07 am
Chris Christie wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:09 am Spoke to a source re. Luisi:

1 Only Tanso and an individual who manages an auto body shop in Revere speak to him. So what I speculated about any ongoing connections was a swing and a miss.
2 In their opinion, if anyone encountered Luisi in person they would "smack him around."
3 People always held the opinion that he was a "jerk off." (This jives with Previte's opinion on him back in the 90's.)

Re. Paulie Pep

1 Paul and Dave murdered someone after Luisi flipped and they got arrested.
2 Paul absconded to an Indian reservation in Arizona where he stayed for 2 or 3 years before returning.
3 Upon his return he was avoided because there was speculation that he "either flipped, lost his mind or both."
4 Source believes when he returned he served 9 months for gun charge in Ft Devens.
5 While inside he was accused of being an informant in the state murder case which wasn't true.
6 Upon release no one would deal with him, his cousin who "survived '99" told him no one wants to talk to him.
7 Paul Pep then went to the Fl panhandle for 5 years.
8 At some point he and Luisi reconnected.
9 Source stated it needs to be understood that Paul is "just a lone wolf"
So Paul P was and possibly still is a stand up guy? But when he took off to the indian reservation that spooked everybody and that has followed him ever since?
from what understand Luisi is the only one in that crew who cooperated ,
i think CC confused the pauls , i beleive 2-9 actually refer to Paul Tanso is the one who to the indian reservation etc etc

The pepicelli brothers Paul and Dave were involded a arguement over a traffic dispute and a gun battle insued and they shot A guy, i beleive it was in 1999 right after when Luisi was indicted ,

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by Angelo Santino » Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:13 am

chin_gigante wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:27 pm
B. wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:21 pm
Chris Christie wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:55 am Hold off on internalizing it. I got some of the info wrong. My track record has been off lately, chuck it off to being insanely busy.
First Capeci, and now you. That must mean I'm next...
Next thread idea: "Maybe there actually IS an Atlanta Crime Family"
It's their organization. :D

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by chin_gigante » Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:27 pm

B. wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:21 pm
Chris Christie wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:55 am Hold off on internalizing it. I got some of the info wrong. My track record has been off lately, chuck it off to being insanely busy.
First Capeci, and now you. That must mean I'm next...
Next thread idea: "Maybe there actually IS an Atlanta Crime Family"

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by B. » Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:21 pm

Chris Christie wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:55 am Hold off on internalizing it. I got some of the info wrong. My track record has been off lately, chuck it off to being insanely busy.
First Capeci, and now you. That must mean I'm next...

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by Angelo Santino » Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:55 am

Hold off on internalizing it. I got some of the info wrong. My track record has been off lately, chuck it off to being insanely busy.

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by Tonyd621 » Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:07 am

Chris Christie wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:09 am Spoke to a source re. Luisi:

1 Only Tanso and an individual who manages an auto body shop in Revere speak to him. So what I speculated about any ongoing connections was a swing and a miss.
2 In their opinion, if anyone encountered Luisi in person they would "smack him around."
3 People always held the opinion that he was a "jerk off." (This jives with Previte's opinion on him back in the 90's.)

Re. Paulie Pep

1 Paul and Dave murdered someone after Luisi flipped and they got arrested.
2 Paul absconded to an Indian reservation in Arizona where he stayed for 2 or 3 years before returning.
3 Upon his return he was avoided because there was speculation that he "either flipped, lost his mind or both."
4 Source believes when he returned he served 9 months for gun charge in Ft Devens.
5 While inside he was accused of being an informant in the state murder case which wasn't true.
6 Upon release no one would deal with him, his cousin who "survived '99" told him no one wants to talk to him.
7 Paul Pep then went to the Fl panhandle for 5 years.
8 At some point he and Luisi reconnected.
9 Source stated it needs to be understood that Paul is "just a lone wolf"
So Paul P was and possibly still is a stand up guy? But when he took off to the indian reservation that spooked everybody and that has followed him ever since?

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by chin_gigante » Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:52 am

Also interesting to note about the Pepicellis is there involvement in film production. James Gandolfini visited David Pepicelli in prison while he was serving his time for the 1999 shooting. ... r-at-last/

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by Angelo Santino » Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:27 am

On the above, I might have fucked up some of the info. When I have time I'll correct it. I confused some of the above between Pep and Tanso so allow me time to rectify.

In other words, don't take it all in yet.

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by Angelo Santino » Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:09 am

Update- some of this is wrong, I'll correct it soon.

Spoke to a source re. Luisi:

1 Only Tanso and an individual who manages an auto body shop in Revere speak to him. So what I speculated about any ongoing connections was a swing and a miss.
2 In their opinion, if anyone encountered Luisi in person they would "smack him around."
3 People always held the opinion that he was a "jerk off." (This jives with Previte's opinion on him back in the 90's.)

Re. Paulie Pep

1 Paul and Dave murdered someone after Luisi flipped and they got arrested.
2 Paul absconded to an Indian reservation in Arizona where he stayed for 2 or 3 years before returning.
3 Upon his return he was avoided because there was speculation that he "either flipped, lost his mind or both."
4 Source believes when he returned he served 9 months for gun charge in Ft Devens.
5 While inside he was accused of being an informant in the state murder case which wasn't true.
6 Upon release no one would deal with him, his cousin who "survived '99" told him no one wants to talk to him.
7 Paul Pep then went to the Fl panhandle for 5 years.
8 At some point he and Luisi reconnected.
9 Source stated it needs to be understood that Paul is "just a lone wolf"

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by Angelo Santino » Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:34 am

I take issues with some of Scott's conclusions, we have some very contrasting views of things. But he's not out to lie or deceive. He's not sitting down thinking "hmm, what can I say to generate views/hits/noteriety." If he's proven wrong he'll admit to that. That gets my respect especially when many on here refuse to acknowledge when they are wrong or brush it off. Also, he doesn't have to be here, he's big time now, a published author with a Giancana, Leonetti, linked into Hollywood, etc. He can do whatever he wants. What brings him back here is a passion and a love for the topic. There's a common ground to be found once we all put away our swinging dicks.

Chester Lamare "a rat for the feds," 17 Capos in Detroit in 1963, not happening, fuck no, I can break that up and tear it down. However, if you asked me about one detail about Besase or Tony Scott or any other Detroit player all I could offer is crickets, while Scott could provide a complete bio of each and every one of those names in great detail. We all have different strengths and weaknesses.

You might ask where the discrepancy lies between 17 captains and 6, well it's similar to me considering Cleveland, LA, NO and Buffalo to be "Families" while others would argue they are non-viable and cannot be factored into NY, NE, NJ and Phila. Let's acknowledge each other's passion and quest for a deeper understanding, put shit together and bounce off each other. That's my philosophy.

Regarding his earlier charts and every name being a soldier. I'm guilty of that too. In past times had I read an article about say Masseria being arrested with Joe Afanculo, Barry Cazzu and Vito Te Facciu I'd have labeled them as three new early Genovese soldiers. I don't do that now as I've grown much more conservative and don't label anyone and everyone as members. He's done the same. Doesn't change the fact that those he listed existed and were criminally active with the Organization.

People that lie, claim they are in the know or have relatives when they do not. Fuck them. They deserve to be ostracized. Scott doesn't fall into that category. Me, B. WG, Pogo and a host of others would never lie to make a point to win the argument, neither would Scott.

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by B. » Sat Jan 02, 2021 11:23 pm

I must have ignored or missed it. I'm glad most people just want to have good, balanced discussion these days.

I'm just waiting for the news to drop about how the Philly boss in Boca Raton met with the Buffalo boss in Hollywood, FL. They're practically neighbors.

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by Pogo The Clown » Sat Jan 02, 2021 8:46 pm

It is certainly not as bad now but it was really prevalent the first few years he was on the forums. Anyone who questioned his reporting on Detroit was immediately attacked as an asshole who was attacking Scott personally or you were being arrogant to think you could question his info. I should know since I was on the receiving end of a lot of it. The passage of the last decade has really damped down all that Detroit hype but it was alive and well on the RD and anyone who went against it got a ton of shit for it.


Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by B. » Sat Jan 02, 2021 3:18 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote: Fri Jan 01, 2021 11:28 am It's funny that during the entire history of these forum mob authors and reporters are never held on any kind of s pedestal. Everyone from Carlo, Volkman, Davis, Balsamo, Roemer etc are regularly ravished and often in vicious ways. Even Capeci is regularly shit on. I mean Christ for years many posters have openly refered to Dave Schratwieser as 'Mayo Face' and no bats an eye at any of it. Yet if you question Scott B you will see a certain segment of the forums get up in arms over it. It is like a Twilight Zone alternate reality.

I've defended both Capeci and Anastasia when hating on them was the flavor of the month on the boards. I'm also more than happy to challenge their info when I have something that disagrees with them. The same applies to every person on this board, every author, and every former mobster.

I've never seen Scott placed on a pedestal here. People repost his stories and at most take them at face value, but he doesn't get treated like a celebrity or higher authority by the vast majority of the board. Scott's articles should be questioned and discussed, period. I see his site as a "mafia tabloid" -- I don't think Scott is sitting there brainstorming bogus info for his articles, I think he reports gossip he actually hears but without knowing his sources it's hard to do more than read it, think about it, and move on.

Keep in mind some people know each other off the boards. Not everyone on here communicates 100% anonymously and that is reflected in the way they communicate on the board.

Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by Pogo The Clown » Fri Jan 01, 2021 7:05 pm

cdc wrote: Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:12 pm We certainly don’t have much if any evidence of Florida based rackets but merlino has conducted criminal business (meeting other organized crime figures) there related to the philly family and has legitimate business interests there.

Also we do have evidence of a Boston based philly crew it’s just that it was a while ago. We do know there are made philly mafia guys there the question is are they active anymore and are the still reporting to/ in contact with the family.

I don't know if they do or not but over the last 21 years there have exactly zero Philadelphia members and associates indicted in either Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The closest thing to any of the old Luisi Crew remaining criminally active was Robert Gentile and Anthony Parnete being busted in Connecticut (where they both lived) for conspiring to distribute oxy 9 years ago. They are both well into their 80s now. During the same period we have seen hundreds of Patriarca and Genovese members and associates indicted. I think that is pretty telling.


Re: Philadelphia's Boston Crew

by Angelo Santino » Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:58 pm

Pogo The Clown wrote: Fri Jan 01, 2021 11:28 am It's funny that during the entire history of these forum mob authors and reporters are never held on any kind of s pedestal. Everyone from Carlo, Volkman, Davis, Balsamo, Roemer etc are regularly ravished and often in vicious ways. Even Capeci is regularly shit on. I mean Christ for years many posters have openly refered to Dave Schratwieser as 'Mayo Face' and no bats an eye at any of it. Yet if you question Scott B you will see a certain segment of the forums get up in arms over it. It is like a Twilight Zone alternate reality.

No one is putting Scott on a pedestal. There's a difference between "Pogo, I think you confuse/inflate...." versus "Pogo, you're lying and embellishing..." The former welcomes and encourages amicable debate while the latter is a non-starter which would make you not want to take whoever said that seriously.

Also, the difference between Scott and all those other names is that they don't post here, he does.
