What families are still active?

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Re: What families are still active?

by Wiseguy » Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:10 am

JVerilla wrote: Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:03 am The Pittsburgh mob was said to have gone defunct 2000 - 2006 but who knows, maybe theres still some underlying activity.
There has been some gambling busts involving sons of dead associates and such but there's no family left. Only one made guy still living and he's pushing 90.

Re: What families are still active?

by JVerilla » Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:56 am

Nick Prango wrote: Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:44 pm
Rat wrote: Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:41 pm The NY 5
New England

Then people debate Buffalo and Detroit
What about Cleveland?
JCB can maybe give you some info on cleveland, i know hes a good Cleveland historian

Re: What families are still active?

by JVerilla » Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:03 am

The Pittsburgh mob was said to have gone defunct 2000 - 2006 but who knows, maybe theres still some underlying activity.

Re: What families are still active?

by Gabagool718 » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:18 pm

Ozgoz wrote: Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:08 pm Why would someone, on their own, a million miles away, kick up to anybody?

Isn’t the point of kicking up, to pay an underworld tax for protection? What are they going to say, give me my money or I know a guy 2000 miles away who will come and beat you up?
Connections, contacts & Clout

Re: What families are still active?

by JoeCamel » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:15 pm

Trust me, someone somewhere will fly out and beat someone up for enough money

Re: What families are still active?

by JoeCamel » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:14 pm

The point is to some that kicking up brings you the support and protection of the family, as well as status among the underworld. “You can cheat lie steal and kill and it’s all completely legitimate “

Re: What families are still active?

by Ozgoz » Sun Dec 27, 2020 4:08 pm

Why would someone, on their own, a million miles away, kick up to anybody?

Isn’t the point of kicking up, to pay an underworld tax for protection? What are they going to say, give me my money or I know a guy 2000 miles away who will come and beat you up?

Re: What families are still active?

by JoeCamel » Sun Dec 27, 2020 3:25 pm

Wiseguy wrote: Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:58 pm
Timmoffat wrote: Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:05 pm I
Grouchy Sinatra wrote: Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:09 pm Let's say cities like Philly and chi die out but you have guys there that still know the ropes they just need the muscle. Why wouldn't they consolidate with someone like Barney? Works for Barney too because again they know the back alleys and have the personal face to face connections. No point in sending NY guys just let the remaining Chicago, Philly guys run their cities and kick up to NY. Win/win
I wouldn’t be surprised if this already goes on a lot more then we are aware. Just was talking about it on LA thread. Seems to be any nationwide LCN activity is Probably this nowadays.
In LCN terms, Chicago is a world away at this point. NY doesn't really have any dealings with Chicago now, much less down the road when the Outfit is completely gone. You don't see the NY families making those arrangements in closer cities with no family left. They're not going to look 800 miles to the west.

Theoretically speaking, Philadelphia would be the most likely city outside of the NY metro area to do that. Just a couple hours to the south. But by then, I think the NY families will just be trying to maintain what they have in their own town.
You might be right. I guess the question is how far would they be willing to go and how much of it maintains the same network and organization. How loosely does it connect before some LCN guy lines his pockets. Historically they always stuck to the northeast and they will always be in the northeast. I guess I can buy into it. Anything in other cities anyway will just be a crew member kicking up here or there.

Re: What families are still active?

by Wiseguy » Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:58 pm

Timmoffat wrote: Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:05 pm
Grouchy Sinatra wrote: Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:09 pm Let's say cities like Philly and chi die out but you have guys there that still know the ropes they just need the muscle. Why wouldn't they consolidate with someone like Barney? Works for Barney too because again they know the back alleys and have the personal face to face connections. No point in sending NY guys just let the remaining Chicago, Philly guys run their cities and kick up to NY. Win/win
I wouldn’t be surprised if this already goes on a lot more then we are aware. Just was talking about it on LA thread. Seems to be any nationwide LCN activity is Probably this nowadays.
In LCN terms, Chicago is a world away at this point. NY doesn't really have any dealings with Chicago now, much less down the road when the Outfit is completely gone. You don't see the NY families making those arrangements in closer cities with no family left. They're not going to look 800 miles to the west.

Theoretically speaking, Philadelphia would be the most likely city outside of the NY metro area to do that. Just a couple hours to the south. But by then, I think the NY families will just be trying to maintain what they have in their own town.

Re: What families are still active?

by JoeCamel » Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:05 pm

Grouchy Sinatra wrote: Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:09 pm Let's say cities like Philly and chi die out but you have guys there that still know the ropes they just need the muscle. Why wouldn't they consolidate with someone like Barney? Works for Barney too because again they know the back alleys and have the personal face to face connections. No point in sending NY guys just let the remaining Chicago, Philly guys run their cities and kick up to NY. Win/win
I wouldn’t be surprised if this already goes on a lot more then we are aware. Just was talking about it on LA thread. Seems to be any nationwide LCN activity is Probably this nowadays.

Re: What families are still active?

by Grouchy Sinatra » Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:09 pm

Let's say cities like Philly and chi die out but you have guys there that still know the ropes they just need the muscle. Why wouldn't they consolidate with someone like Barney? Works for Barney too because again they know the back alleys and have the personal face to face connections. No point in sending NY guys just let the remaining Chicago, Philly guys run their cities and kick up to NY. Win/win

Re: What families are still active?

by Pogo The Clown » Sat Dec 26, 2020 8:58 pm

Rat wrote: Sat Dec 26, 2020 6:30 pm
Chopper wrote: Sat Dec 26, 2020 4:55 pm
Rat wrote: Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:41 pm The NY 5
New England

Then people debate Buffalo and Detroit
I think Chicago and New Engeland are gone already or on the way out in a big way. Philly, however, is a different story imo. That family has been taking huge hits for the last 30 years, yet, they are by far the most active and resilient family outside NY.

I wouldn't be surprised if in 2040, American LCN consists of the NY 5 and Philly.
I think the reason Philly seems so much more active than the other small families is that they have reporters that basically cover them 24/7 which other small families don’t have

That certainly plays a part in how they are perceived but even if GS and DS were not covering them we have about a dozen Philly related indictments just in the last 5 years. By far that is the most out of any group outside of the NY five,


Re: What families are still active?

by Wiseguy » Sat Dec 26, 2020 8:57 pm

Grouchy Sinatra wrote: Sat Dec 26, 2020 8:02 pm
Chopper wrote: Sat Dec 26, 2020 4:55 pm

I think Chicago and New Engeland are gone already or on the way out in a big way. Philly, however, is a different story imo. That family has been taking huge hits for the last 30 years, yet, they are by far the most active and resilient family outside NY.

I wouldn't be surprised if in 2040, American LCN consists of the NY 5 and Philly.
At what point do they just consolidate? Just one family that covers the entire country, yet with 5 factions across NYC and others in Phily, Chicago, etc. Back to the Masseria days. Full circle. What it started as.
Consolidation between cities won't happen. The rest will die out leaving the Mafia only within the extended NY metropolitan area. Now, theoretically speaking, I think the NY families consolidating way down the road would more of a possibility. But just as possible would be the weakest of those fading out first leaving less than five.

Re: What families are still active?

by Grouchy Sinatra » Sat Dec 26, 2020 8:02 pm

Chopper wrote: Sat Dec 26, 2020 4:55 pm

I think Chicago and New Engeland are gone already or on the way out in a big way. Philly, however, is a different story imo. That family has been taking huge hits for the last 30 years, yet, they are by far the most active and resilient family outside NY.

I wouldn't be surprised if in 2040, American LCN consists of the NY 5 and Philly.
At what point do they just consolidate? Just one family that covers the entire country, yet with 5 factions across NYC and others in Phily, Chicago, etc. Back to the Masseria days. Full circle. What it started as.

Re: What families are still active?

by JoeCamel » Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:22 pm

ThAts very true, fanboy reporters chase them and even do the mob talk weB tev show about them
