The Venezuela Family

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Re: The Venezuela Family

by CabriniGreen » Fri Jan 15, 2021 3:55 am

CabriniGreen wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 3:50 am
scagghiuni wrote: Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:08 am
felice wrote: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:54 am yes of course, Valencia in Venezuela, I think it was originally a decina of the Santa Ninfa family (Trapani province)
the mafia of trapani always was very close to venezuela ... enaro.html

Lots of references to Venezuela, and a Sicilian cell.....

The map of the Trapani mafia of the fugitive Matteo Messina Denaro
AM Two thousand-8 08 July 2018
messina money matteo threeby Francesca Panfili - 2nd Part

There is a common thread that unites Sicily to Lombardy and that passes through Milan, up to Partanna. This thread of close relationships woven by the Trapani mafia reaches as far as Venezuela and is what Matteo Messina Denaro built during his hiding place with the help of unsuspected entrepreneurs, lawyers and professionals.

These routes that unite northern Italy with Sicily and Latin America are administered by the super fugitive who boasts a management of unsuspected activities ranging from the drug business and drug trafficking to livestock breeding and money laundering. behind great works and events such as Expo.

Let's start with the latter. As shown by the investigations of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office, the affairs of the gangs took place in the shadow of Expo thanks to a key man, Giuseppe Nastasi who, together with his father Calogero, is one of the drivers of the contracts piloted with respect to the construction of the Expo pavilions. Through their company Nolostand, numerous pavilions have been set up linked to countries such as France, Qatar or sponsors such as the well-knownPoretti Brewery .

It is a river of money that did not pass through company accounts but left directly from Milan, through trucks that carried suitcases, bags and boats that hid avalanches of money ready to be transported to Sicily, Liechtenstein or the countries of Eastern Europe. . These are figures that often travel by plane and that amount to 300/400 thousand euros in cash. A business led by Giuseppe Nastasi who, as shown by the wiretapping related to the Expo investigation, is a strong and tough man. A man who has a real boss attitude in his criminal behavior.

The investigations carried out by the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office shed light on very important facts and helped to clarify the picture that emerged from the Year Zero investigation conducted by the Trapani police. This investigation led to the arrest of the brothers-in-law of Matteo Messina Denaro , Gaspare Como and Rosario Allegra and of characters such as Nicola Accardo , the Partannese who appears to be the link between the boss Messina Denaro and his Venezuelan and Milanese affairs.

The entrepreneur Nastasi, as shown by the wiretapping acquired in the Year Zero survey , has a deep respect for Nicola Accardoand proves to know the dynamics of the Partanna clan well. It is Accardo himself who commands the Partanna clan, as can be deduced from the interceptions of Nastasi, from which also emerges an encounter that the same would have had in Milan, probably with Matteo Messina Denaro or with his alter ego Nicola Accardo . A meeting went very well and took place after the signing of important contracts linked to Expo that would have brought a lot of money to be directed to Sicily.

But let's understand more closely who Nicola Accardo is . This is the key man to whom the superboss Messina Denaro has conferred the appointment of undisputed leader and his alter ego in his business and in the relationships to be held, especially after the arrest of Patrizia Messina Denaro, which took place in 2013.

After years of inaction in Venezuela to escape a mafia investigation in 1982, Accardo was able to interact with one of the reference families of the South American dome, linked to Messina Denaro, and thus began to make his way for the qualities that were recognized by the super fugitive within his companies and business. Businesses ranging from drug trafficking to businesses to a printing press of false documents, useful for guaranteeing the inaction of those who went from Sicily to Venezuela.

In '96 Accardo took care of getting the pizzini direct to Messina Denaro and to his personal doctor Vincenzo Pandolfo, cousin of Accardo himself, known as the good doctor, who formed himself after a long hiding and was found mysteriously dead in the prison of Caserta in 2010.

In those little pizzas found, Accardo it is indicated with the code "W". It was he who wrote to Matteo Messina Denaro , calling him by the code name "Manuele", and to his doctor Pandolfo, inviting him to spend his hiding in Venezuela where he had to take care of one of the Messina Denaro breeding companies that it wasn't going well. The deal was followed by Antonino Augello and Gaspare Bianco , both representatives of the Trapani mafia in Venezuela.

In those pizzini there was also talk of Franco Safina, found dead in 2002 in Venezuela in a strange car accident. The man had returned to the South American country after a path of collaboration with justice undertaken during the prison in Italy. From the pizzini it appears that Messina Denaro himself took care of Safina's release, because he would have had to carry out important favors on behalf of some people from Palermo.

Safina ended up in prison first in Germany and then in Italy for drug trafficking he had dealt with between Spain, Germany and Italy, again on behalf of Messina Denaro. Once in prison, he began his path of collaboration and spoke precisely of the intertwining and presence of the Trapani cell in Venezuela and of the question of the chicken farming company linked to Matteo Messina Denaro .

Safina tells the public prosecutors how this company was bought in Venezuela by the super fugitive and the dense network of collusion present in the South American country, linked to money laundering that passes and takes place directly through Venezuelan banks such as Banco del Venezuela, Banco Capital or Banco Unione and through people who act as front names or intermediaries for money laundering. One of these is Rubino, a person that the clan uses for money trafficking that passes through the United States. In the case of the breeding company, Gaspare Bianco was used as a figurehead.

Safina explains that money laundering and laundering often takes place with very simple methods, especially if you are dealing with old-fashioned mafia like the Augellos, not accustomed to using technologies like computers. Augello was defined by Safina not from the brain up as the Fontana, more organized in having great accountants and in looking after institutional relations. It was precisely the Fontana who introduced Nicola Accardo to Safina.

Safina talks to the PM about Nicola Accardo's intense bond with Matteo Messina Denaro, describing Accardo as the closest person to Messina Denaro as Matteo's childhood friend. It was therefore Safina who first spoke of their bond which he became aware of directly when he was asked to take care of the construction of an alibi for an important man to be protected. This is Salvino Madonia , son of the district head of Resuttana di Palermo.

Safina reports that Augello was summoned directly by Leoluca Bagarella and Matteo Messina Denaroin the province of Agrigento to solve the case which also required the help of Safina himself, who had to take care of having his wife testify to cover Madonia, constructing an alibi. In this way he would have avoided the conviction for the murder of Natale Mondo and the massacre of the market in Viale Francia in Palermo. Augello reported that Bagarella and Messina Denaro were extremely close and hugged every minute during this meeting. As is clear from his testimony, Accardo had a certain moral caliber recognized within Cosa Nostra.

The latest recent Year Zero survey, coordinated by the Palermo Anti-Mafia District Prosecutor and led by the Trapani mobile team, redraws a precise map of Cosa Nostra Trapani led by its undisputed leader, Messina Denaro, boss of the Castelvetrano district.

.In Alcamo the district chief is Nino Melodia , who succeeded his brother Ignazio Melodia now in prison.

In Castellammare del Golfo, instead, 'don Ciccio Tempesta' alias Francesco Domingo , heir of 'don Tano Seduto' , Gaetano Badalamenti , commands .

An important man who will soon end his detention is Mariano Asaro , a man who frequented the gangs, near the lodges of deviant Freemasonry.
Other important men who are free today are the sons of Vincenzo Virga , Pietro and Francesco Virga . Don Ciccio Pace has remained in his cell since

In the panorama of the Trapani mafia it would seem that the affiliates of the Minore clan are back on good terms with Messina Denaro thanks to the mediation of Franco Orlando , recently released from prison. Orlando was private secretary of the deputy Bartolo Pellegrino .

As shown by some interceptions, it would seem one of the leaders of the Trapani mafia who in silence maintains relations with the Freemasons and the gangs.
Among those who will soon be free again there are also three members of the Messina Denaro family: Matteo's brother , Salvatore Messina Denaro , former director of one of the agencies of Banca Sicula, and his two brothers-in-law Filippo Guttadauro and Vincenzo Panicola . While his sister Patrizia Messina Denaro remains under arrest as well as his favorite nephew Francesco Messina Denaro .

The Messina Denaro family network boasts excellent arrests, while in the shadow of her inaction, the elderly mother, widow of the patriarch of Belice Don Ciccio, contemplates the photos of her son scattered in every room of the house. The power network of the super fugitive remains undisputed, but something begins to falter since men like Giuseppe Grigoli , former king of Despar supermarkets, have begun to tell some important background of Messina Denaro's power system.
(2 of 2)

Re: The Venezuela Family

by CabriniGreen » Fri Jan 15, 2021 3:50 am

scagghiuni wrote: Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:08 am
felice wrote: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:54 am yes of course, Valencia in Venezuela, I think it was originally a decina of the Santa Ninfa family (Trapani province)
the mafia of trapani always was very close to venezuela ... enaro.html

Re: The Venezuela Family

by scagghiuni » Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:08 am

felice wrote: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:54 am yes of course, Valencia in Venezuela, I think it was originally a decina of the Santa Ninfa family (Trapani province)
the mafia of trapani always was very close to venezuela

Re: The Venezuela Family

by felice » Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:54 am

yes of course, Valencia in Venezuela, I think it was originally a decina of the Santa Ninfa family (Trapani province)

Re: The Venezuela Family

by Moscone65 » Sun Dec 20, 2020 8:05 am

I think Valencia in venezuela. So Caracas and Valencia families

Re: The Venezuela Family

by CabriniGreen » Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:47 am

felice wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 2:35 pm yes, in venezuela there was a family founded by the caruana cuntrera plus a decina of another family based in valencia that later become a full indipendent family as well
I just picked up on what you posted. Valencia, Spain?
Was an independent family too? Do you know who was boss? A familiar surname?

The DEA had Pasquale Cuntrera among the top six of the Sicilian Mafia in the late 80s......

Re: The Venezuela Family

by Etna » Sun Dec 20, 2020 5:43 am

So, would the Triassi brothers of Ostia be made members under the cosca as well as those underlings arrested, whom we really don't know about. If I recall correctly, there were others arrested in the Straits of Messina Bridge indictment when Rizzuto had an arrest warrant issued from Rome.

Re: The Venezuela Family

by B. » Sun Dec 20, 2020 12:15 am

I'll bet Nick Gentile knew the older generations of the clan. Too bad he didn't mention more about Siculiana. In a way Gentile is the predecessor to them as he was a major heroin trafficker from Siculiana with ties all over. His nephew in Vancouver had ties to the Bonanno group in Montreal, so you have to figure the Caruanas and Cuntreras in Montreal and Toronto knew about their compaesano Giuseppe Gentile on the west coast.

I saw a report on Ribera mafia members active in the 1940s/50s and it listed a Caruana. The vowel at the end of names used to get confused, so I wonder if it is the same as Caruano, a known Riberese mafia name, or if there are also Caruanas in the Ribera mafia. In Ribera there are many Rendas and Rizzutos, like in Cattolica, so there's crossover in names among these villages.

NJ DeCavalcantes from Ribera are friends with the Cattolicensi and Siculianesi Bonanno members in Montreal. When Nick Gentile went to Quebec in the 1910s he brought a man from Ribera with him. There was a colony from Siculiana in Montreal already at that time, which I suspect Gentile visited. We heard recently from Sicilian investigators that the Ribera mafia has slot machines in Canada with the Cattolicensi. These are long-standing relationships.

I think the Caruana-Cuntreras and their friends are a continuation of the old Agrigento network. Wish we knew more about the early Siculiana presence in Canada and whether it included mafiosi. Gentile visiting at that time is a good indication there were mafia contacts.

The way the Venezuela family is described makes sense. The Sicilian mafia has members in Canada and the US that are still formally affiliated with their Sicilian family, so it would be the same for the Caruana-Cuntreras. They could still be members of the Venezuela or Siculiana families while living in Canada. Agostino Cuntrera was suspected of being a Bonanno member, which if true would show that they are willing to get made or transfer into local groups when possible.

Re: The Venezuela Family

by scagghiuni » Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:55 am

motorfab wrote: Sat Dec 19, 2020 9:49 am As he's mentioned in the article Johnny posted, I would have a question for the Italian experts: What family did Pietro Davi belong to? I never really knew ... Palermo Centro? I read that he was a relative to the La Barbera brothers
i thought brancaccio

Re: The Venezuela Family

by motorfab » Sat Dec 19, 2020 9:49 am

As he's mentioned in the article Johnny posted, I would have a question for the Italian experts: What family did Pietro Davi belong to? I never really knew ... Palermo Centro? I read that he was a relative to the La Barbera brothers

Re: The Venezuela Family

by motorfab » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:06 am

CabriniGreen wrote: Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:43 am
motorfab wrote: Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:14 am
johnny_scootch wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:38 am
motorfab wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:09 am Interesting that the Italian authorities consider the "expatriates" of Venezuela as a separate cosca. Do you have the date of this extract Johnny?
It was said by Italian Investigator Allesandro Pansa and is contained in an article from 5/29/97.

here is the full paragraph

The implication, as Italian investigator Alessandro Pansa has noted is that "Venezuela has its own Cosa Nostra family as if it is Sicilian territory ... Until this day, the structure and hierarchy of the Mafia has been entirely reproduced in Venezuela ... The clan has direct links with the ruling Commission of the Sicilian Mafia, and are acknowledged by the American Cosa Nostra." Pansa claims that they are the funnel for the Gambino Family. Indeed, according to Tommaso Buscetta, it was the all-powerful New York Mafia boss Carlo Gambino himself who sponsored the acknowledgement of the Cuntrera-Caruana Family.

This is a really great article but I'm sure you may have read it in the past
Thank you ! Yes indeed I already read this article a few years ago when I started to be interested in Cuntrera-Caruana. I just read it again, thanks for that.

Besides, you quote Vito Triassi in your previous post, he was married to one of the daughters of Santo Caldarella, one of the chiefs of the clan. I believe his brother Vincenzo was also married to Caldarella's other daughter.

Another prominent name quoted in the article is Carlo Zippo, a Neapolitan (not a Camorra member I think) involved in drug trafficking with Buscetta & the C-Cs and who laundered a lot of money in Aruba. I believe he was convicted in the 90s
You can trace the Cherry Hill guys power as well. When Cali organizes the shipment for the Sicilians Mandala and Nichhi, he did it through a Miami based trafficker from Venezuela. He clearly inherited Gambino- Inzerillo contacts, that they may have shared with the Caruana- Cuntreras. Mutolo said he split a heroin shipment between the 2 groups. Cali was no drug dealer like THAT, at least not while cutting his teeth in NY.

I actually posted the stuff on the Triassi brothers. I got interested in them watching Suburra, which made me curious about the mafia in Ostia.

I've found it interesting for awhile, Cali organizing that shipment. Because he didnt cultivate those contacts, the Gambino brothers did, the Inzerillos, the Cuntreras.

What's interesting to me, is it seems the Caruana- Cuntreras capabilities in the Narco- Industry were severely curtailed by a series of arrest and seizures, whereas the Inzerillos contacts were still viable.

If they had shared contacts, I wonder why in the early 2000s, the Rizzutos seem to struggle to source large loads of cocaine, whereas Cali, through the Inzerillos, had no problem. The Cuntreras might have been too hot.

Which family is Caldalrella?
Santo Caldarella was a member of the Siculiana's cosca. He emmigrated with the C-C's in Canada/Venezuela during the 60's. I post a photo of him on this thread viewtopic.php?f=31&t=6626

I know the Cherry Hill Gambinos were powerful Mafia people, but my knowledge of the Gambino Crime Family is very limited. I will read your thread

Re: The Venezuela Family

by CabriniGreen » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:43 am

motorfab wrote: Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:14 am
johnny_scootch wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:38 am
motorfab wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:09 am Interesting that the Italian authorities consider the "expatriates" of Venezuela as a separate cosca. Do you have the date of this extract Johnny?
It was said by Italian Investigator Allesandro Pansa and is contained in an article from 5/29/97.

here is the full paragraph

The implication, as Italian investigator Alessandro Pansa has noted is that "Venezuela has its own Cosa Nostra family as if it is Sicilian territory ... Until this day, the structure and hierarchy of the Mafia has been entirely reproduced in Venezuela ... The clan has direct links with the ruling Commission of the Sicilian Mafia, and are acknowledged by the American Cosa Nostra." Pansa claims that they are the funnel for the Gambino Family. Indeed, according to Tommaso Buscetta, it was the all-powerful New York Mafia boss Carlo Gambino himself who sponsored the acknowledgement of the Cuntrera-Caruana Family.

This is a really great article but I'm sure you may have read it in the past
Thank you ! Yes indeed I already read this article a few years ago when I started to be interested in Cuntrera-Caruana. I just read it again, thanks for that.

Besides, you quote Vito Triassi in your previous post, he was married to one of the daughters of Santo Caldarella, one of the chiefs of the clan. I believe his brother Vincenzo was also married to Caldarella's other daughter.

Another prominent name quoted in the article is Carlo Zippo, a Neapolitan (not a Camorra member I think) involved in drug trafficking with Buscetta & the C-Cs and who laundered a lot of money in Aruba. I believe he was convicted in the 90s
You can trace the Cherry Hill guys power as well. When Cali organizes the shipment for the Sicilians Mandala and Nichhi, he did it through a Miami based trafficker from Venezuela. He clearly inherited Gambino- Inzerillo contacts, that they may have shared with the Caruana- Cuntreras. Mutolo said he split a heroin shipment between the 2 groups. Cali was no drug dealer like THAT, at least not while cutting his teeth in NY.

I actually posted the stuff on the Triassi brothers. I got interested in them watching Suburra, which made me curious about the mafia in Ostia.

I've found it interesting for awhile, Cali organizing that shipment. Because he didnt cultivate those contacts, the Gambino brothers did, the Inzerillos, the Cuntreras.

What's interesting to me, is it seems the Caruana- Cuntreras capabilities in the Narco- Industry were severely curtailed by a series of arrest and seizures, whereas the Inzerillos contacts were still viable.

If they had shared contacts, I wonder why in the early 2000s, the Rizzutos seem to struggle to source large loads of cocaine, whereas Cali, through the Inzerillos, had no problem. The Cuntreras might have been too hot.

Which family is Caldalrella?

Re: The Venezuela Family

by motorfab » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:14 am

johnny_scootch wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:38 am
motorfab wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:09 am Interesting that the Italian authorities consider the "expatriates" of Venezuela as a separate cosca. Do you have the date of this extract Johnny?
It was said by Italian Investigator Allesandro Pansa and is contained in an article from 5/29/97.

here is the full paragraph

The implication, as Italian investigator Alessandro Pansa has noted is that "Venezuela has its own Cosa Nostra family as if it is Sicilian territory ... Until this day, the structure and hierarchy of the Mafia has been entirely reproduced in Venezuela ... The clan has direct links with the ruling Commission of the Sicilian Mafia, and are acknowledged by the American Cosa Nostra." Pansa claims that they are the funnel for the Gambino Family. Indeed, according to Tommaso Buscetta, it was the all-powerful New York Mafia boss Carlo Gambino himself who sponsored the acknowledgement of the Cuntrera-Caruana Family.

This is a really great article but I'm sure you may have read it in the past
Thank you ! Yes indeed I already read this article a few years ago when I started to be interested in Cuntrera-Caruana. I just read it again, thanks for that.

Besides, you quote Vito Triassi in your previous post, he was married to one of the daughters of Santo Caldarella, one of the chiefs of the clan. I believe his brother Vincenzo was also married to Caldarella's other daughter.

Another prominent name quoted in the article is Carlo Zippo, a Neapolitan (not a Camorra member I think) involved in drug trafficking with Buscetta & the C-Cs and who laundered a lot of money in Aruba. I believe he was convicted in the 90s

Re: The Venezuela Family

by CabriniGreen » Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:29 pm

johnny_scootch wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:38 am
motorfab wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:09 am Interesting that the Italian authorities consider the "expatriates" of Venezuela as a separate cosca. Do you have the date of this extract Johnny?
It was said by Italian Investigator Allesandro Pansa and is contained in an article from 5/29/97.

here is the full paragraph

The implication, as Italian investigator Alessandro Pansa has noted is that "Venezuela has its own Cosa Nostra family as if it is Sicilian territory ... Until this day, the structure and hierarchy of the Mafia has been entirely reproduced in Venezuela ... The clan has direct links with the ruling Commission of the Sicilian Mafia, and are acknowledged by the American Cosa Nostra." Pansa claims that they are the funnel for the Gambino Family. Indeed, according to Tommaso Buscetta, it was the all-powerful New York Mafia boss Carlo Gambino himself who sponsored the acknowledgement of the Cuntrera-Caruana Family.

This is a really great article but I'm sure you may have read it in the past

This is part of the reason the question of recognition is a thorny one. They were ALWAYS partners with the Gambino family, even though they ran a parallel network. Like its said, the Gambinos sponsored- recognized the clan. The Bonnanos gave tacit approval when they let them kill the Violis. We know Settecasi and the Sicilian mafia recognized them. They were partners with Salvatore Greco too.

They held power in Sicily, Rome, Montreal, and Venezuela.

The Triassi are like their Rizzutos of Rome, but not as powerful.

Re: The Venezuela Family

by CabriniGreen » Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:22 pm

If Venezuela wasnt a separate family, then it simply was a branch of the Caruana- Cuntrera family. Kinda like the Triassi brothers ran Ostia for them.....

Vito Triassi, the "colonel" of the Caruana-Cuntrera clan, rival of the Spada, died in Tenerife
Vito Triassi, the "colonel" of the Caruana-Cuntrera clan, rival of the Spada, died in Tenerife
Monday 4th February 201901:15

by Emilio Orlando

A heart attack killed Vito Triassi, one of the bosses who made good and bad weather on the Roman coast. The man was in Tenerife, Spain, when he fell ill and collapsed on the ground while he was near his home. The homonymous clan controlled the racket of beaches, kiosks and some establishments in Ostia together with drug trafficking. Together with his brother Vincenzo Triassi he was the colonel of the historic Caruana-Cuntrera mafia family of Siculiana in the province of Agrigento.

Vito Triassi, boss of the Caruana-Cuntrera clan ...

The mafia infiltration of the Sicilian clan was carried out in Ostia after the "colonization" of the Banda della Magliana. Vito and Vincenzo Triassi were sent to Ostia to stay obliged, but they continued their criminal activity which began in Sicily, with the control of almost all of the economic activities on the Roman coast.

The drug and arms trafficking was managed by the historic Caruana-Cuntrera di Siculiana mafia family. According to investigations by the district anti-mafia directorate, the Triassi family dealt with drug and arms trafficking that also came from the Balkans. They were linked to the Fasciani clan and had close relations with the survivors of the Banda della Magliana.

In May 2006 Triassi had already been kicked in Ostia , under his home in the area of ​​the Cape Verde Islands. Not even a year after a new attack. It was September 20, 2007 in Casal Palocco, on the Roman coast, when two people shot him. He was hospitalized in Ostia hospital and underwent surgery. And he got away with it on this occasion too. In 2011, on the other hand, his brother Vincenzo was ambushed. And since then the judicial problems for the clan also began.

The motive for the attack lay in the friction of two criminal groups that controlled Ostia for the underworld. The last blitz that saw the Triassi in handcuffs was the anti-crime operation baptized by the investigators "Maverick" which beheaded the clan between Lazio and Sicily with forty-two arrests. Yesterday it was a heart attack that took his life.
