Respect in 2015

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Re: Respect in 2015

by AustraliaSteve » Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:07 am

Not American, so don't bite my head off. But wouldn't it just come down to the populace, history and socio-economic conditions of a particular location? Like, a rowdy-ish group of middle aged Italian dudes in a seedy little bar in the Bronx or LI would garner a bit more "respect" than than the same group in say, Minnesota or North Carolina? Maybe a little off-topic, but in my part of the world, I remember a little 'ethnic" bar my grandfather would go to,where known criminals of Italian extraction would congregate. I remember these guys having their own table, laughing and sneering at the 'plebs', and having their drinks on tab. I went there recently, and there was one Italian guy left (looking about 50 years older then the 10 it'd been) and he was surrounded by El Salvadoreans and other Spaniards, Latin American or otherwise. Times change. It's what makes us different from the rocks.

Re: Respect in 2015

by Pogo The Clown » Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:13 am

It is pretty incredible how South Philly has been able to maintain itself as both an Italian enclave and a mob breading ground. Especially how one sees others disppearin around the country.


Re: Respect in 2015

by B. » Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:14 pm

In South Philly the Italians are still pretty tight knit and some of the guys still have a lot of "respect" among people in the area. But how much of that is because of their status in the mob? These are people who grew up around each other and have known each others' families for a long time. Some people might respect them for who they are in the life, but they're still just people from the neighborhood.

Re: Respect in 2015

by Pogo The Clown » Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:52 pm

I guess it would depend on the neighbohood, the place and the wiseguy in question. They are definitely more underground today.


Respect in 2015

by Eddie mush » Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:25 pm

was just wondering what kind of respect do the wise guys get in this day and age ?? Does Any1 even know who they are ??

When I grew up As a kid wise guys were like celebs in our neighborhood. They didn't pay there bills at bars or restraints. Women all wanted to be with them and every1 knew who they were whether they liked them or not

In 2015 do people even recognize these guys . 3 wise guys walk in a restraint do they have to wait for a table ?? Just curious . I been in the burbs for a long time now and was wondering what the life is like for this generations wise guys
