Yakuza article

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Re: Yakuza article

by Pogo The Clown » Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:51 am

We can use some of those laws over here.


Re: Yakuza article

by Wiseguy » Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:19 am

‘Obsolete’ gangsters proving problematic
October 31, 2015

Organized crime syndicates are not fading away, they’re just becoming obsolete.

Lawyer Hideaki Kubori and journalist Atsushi Mizoguchi, the country’s leading expert on the powerful Yamaguchi-gumi gang, held a news conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Tokyo on Oct. 20.

While the recent breakup of the Yamaguchi-gumi led discussions, Kubori and Mizoguchi provided a succinct outline of the yakuza syndicates’ decline.

“At first, they were parasites swarming to collect money whenever there was a bankruptcy. They were especially active before the ’80s,” said Kubori, who has 45 years’ experience in dealing with yakuza-related issues.

Kubori noted the syndicates’ ties to gangsters known collectively as sōkaiya (specialized racketeers that extort money from companies by threatening to publicly humiliate management boards at annual shareholders meetings).

In 1982, Kubori said, the government enacted legislation that banned payoffs to sōkaiya. In 1992, the country’s first anti-organized crime laws were enacted but had little effect. In 1997, however, the Tokyo Prosecutor’s Office arrested executives of a major securities firms for paying off gangsters and their associates, a move that Kubori said made large corporations sit up and take notice.

Beginning in 2009, the police began to crack down on the gangs, and prefectural bodies began drafting anti-organized crime ordinances. By Oct. 1, 2011, such legislation had been enacted by local governments nationwide, making it illegal to work with gang syndicates.

Ultimately, Kubota said, the consequences were devastating for organized crime syndicates. Any time someone takes out a loan, rents an apartment or even opens a bank account, applicants must acknowledge they do not have any ties to organized crime. If subsequent ties are identified, the police can — and often do — arrest applicants on suspicion of fraud. Life as a gangster in Japan has become something of an inconvenience.

Mizoguchi noted that organized crime syndicates no longer engage in gang wars because, legally speaking, the leaders of the gang are held liable for any damages incurred. What’s more, syndicates are failing to recruit the country’s youth.

“Youngsters aren’t joining yakuza syndicates,” Mizoguchi said. “They’d rather remain outside the gangs in a gray zone where they can put profit first. I can’t see this new generation of criminals getting involved in a gang war, and they certainly wouldn’t want to use firearms. At the worst, they might use a metal bat or beer bottle to bash their opponents into submission.”

Both Kubori and Mizoguchi agreed that local authorities now need to target organized crime leaders for tax evasion. For example, police in Fukuoka arrested Satoru Nomura, head of the Kudo-kai, on June 16 on suspicion of not paying income tax on his earnings. “The (Yamaguchi-gumi) split will ultimately weaken the power of organized crime syndicates,” Kubori said. “As the country’s economy expanded so did the yakuza. Now, however, the domestic economic situation has changed.”

Gangsters themselves aren’t seeing many advantages to working in a syndicate. “We can’t even wear our badges in public,” a low-ranking member in the Inagawa-kai, the third largest crime syndicate, told me earlier this year.

“We can’t show people business cards with the organization’s logo on it. It’s like paying for a McDonald’s franchise without being able to use the golden arches — what’s the point? The brand no longer encourages people to pay up or earns respect. It’s a liability, not an asset.”

A number of former gangsters agree. “Organized crime syndicates used to be thought of as a necessary evil,” Satoru Takegaki, a former Yamaguchi-gumi leader, told me in September. “Now they’re just evil. They are no longer even necessary.”

Takegaki now runs Gojin-kai, a nonprofit organization that specializes in rehabilitating former gangsters.

He said anti-gang legislation had made life for many low-level yakuza members economically unfeasible. Many are quitting but have few alternative opportunities, Takegaki said. Many of them are poorly educated and lack discipline.

Takegaki helps many find work in the salvaging industry, dismantling obsolete electrical equipment. Still, he said, the country’s lawmakers need to provide better assistance to former gangsters who end up on welfare.

“Dismantling a refrigerator is easy once you know how to do it but you have to careful, as dangerous materials are often involved,” he said. “The government is dismantling organized crime syndicates with no plan on what to do with the mess that is left behind. That can’t be good.”

http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/1 ... jXKbMvn_qB

Re: Yakuza article

by Wiseguy » Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:08 pm

One of the better articles I've read on the recent Yakuza split

http://www.wsj.com/articles/japans-gang ... 1441773870

Re: Yakuza article

by Giacomo_Vacari » Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:23 am

That is true Five Felonies, Kozo Mino, a former boss in Hiroshima, said in his memoirs, that were used to make The Yakuza Papers, that after the bomb fell, the people of the city were fighting like dogs over food, water, and shelter. When he and other Japanese service men returned to their home city after Japan surrendered, they too were having troubles adjusting and many of them fell in with the Yakuza due to their skills and discipline. The clans fought each other till the early 1960 regularly. I asked a friend of mine who live in Hiroshima about the rumors that the Yakuza clans in the city are increasing. My friend said that there are some highly regarded Webori Horishi (traditional Japanese tattooists) currently residing in the city and other Yakuza members (Osaka, Tokyo, the Islands) are coming to the city seeking their work. Some of the Yakuza is ordering their members not to get tattoos or remove them. My friend clams that the only ones are Aki, and Hayakawa-kai have double in size in the city but are small (50 to 60 members). The police are having more troubles with the Bosozoku, Chinpire, Sukeban, and Yankiis, rather than the Yakuza, so they don't go after them that often. My friend claims that some of the bosses in the city have been celebrating at clubs and bars since the split within the Yamaguchi-gumi, and has ended some hostilities towards the Osaka members that use to belong to that organization, on a side note my friend called Tadashi Irie the Frank Costello of the Yakuza, his split from the Yamaguchi-gumi is bigger than the Yamaken-gumi splitting.

Re: Yakuza article

by Five Felonies » Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:51 pm

i think it's important to keep in mind that post-ww2 conditions were very conducive to organized crime similar in a way to prohibition/the great depression in america. these groups were able to ride that for a while, but as things became more economically stable the pull of the criminal life just wasn't as strong. as these groups slowly but surely get weeded out of certain areas, they just aren't replaced.

Re: Yakuza article

by Giacomo_Vacari » Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:19 pm

From what was told to me, many of the Yakuza members have gone into fully legitimate business and after a set number of years with no criminal activity and minor meetings with their clans during a year, the Japanese Police no longer considers them being members, even though they still are. Other members retired, and there is generation gap as well, not to mention a high suicide rate among 18-30 year olds in Japan.

Re: Yakuza article

by scagghiuni » Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:33 am

yakuza membership peaked at almost 200.000 in the 1960s today they have 50.000 members and associates i wonder why they losed so many members maybe there are not enough youngs involved in crime and attracted to yakuza nowadays

Re: Yakuza article

by Giacomo_Vacari » Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:28 am

This is from Mediax 2008; NPA 2011a:27; Prefural Police Department Bulletins of Fukuoka, Osaka, and Tokyo of known Yakuza members and their clans.

Yamaken-gumi (Kobe, 7000) Kodo-kai (Nagoya, 4000) Sumiyoshi-ikka (Tokyo, 2200) Takumi-gumi (Osaka, 1800) Kohei-ikki (Tokyo, 1600) Matsuba-kai (Tokyo, 1200) Kyokuto-kai (Tokyo, 1100) Aizu Kotetsu-kai (Kyoto, 1000) Yokosuka-ikki (Kanagawa, 900) Iseno-kai (Saitama, 900) Nakanish-gumi (Osaka, 900) Dojin-kai (Tokyo, 850) Kato Rengo-kai (Tokyo, 800) Kudo-kai (Fukuoka, 650) Kyosei-kai (Hiroshima, 650) Kyokushin Rengo-kai (Osaka, 600) Shoyu-kai (Osaka, 600) Oishi-gumi (Fukuoka, 600) Kobayashi-kai (Tokyo, 600) Kogomutsu-kai (Tokyo, 600) Kokusei-kai (Osaka, 500) Shinwa-kai (Tochigi, 400) Kyokudo-kai (Hokkaido, 350) Kokurya-kai (Okinawa, 300) Kyodo-kai (Hiroshima, 300) Soai-kai (Chiba, 270) Koryu-ikki (Fukushima, 250) Asano-gumi (Fukuoka, 230) Tashu-kai (Fukuoka, 180) Goda-ikka(Yamaguchi, 160) Sakaumo-gumi(Osaka, 160) Kozakura-ikka (Kagoshima, 100)

The information is old but it does give a good ideal of the Yakuza size. These are the largest clans that do illegal activities, while other larger clans have maintained legal activities and are not named nor are the smaller clans below 100 membership that also conduct illegal activity. It is not against the law to be a member of the Yakuza in Japan, it is just what activities you do.

Re: Yakuza article

by Giacomo_Vacari » Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:04 am

Hawaii has always been in the Yakuza grip, they run a lot of unions and representatives in the US Congress.
Update on the Yamaguchi-gumi split. The new group is called the Kobe Yamaguchi-gumi, with Kunio Inoue from the Yamaken-gumi as the Boss, Tadashi Irie and Koji Nunokawa of the Nakanish-gumi both from Osaka have joined the group, which leaves the Yamaguchi-gumi with no members in Osaka. Osaka alone add roughly 1300 members to the group. It seems that Shinobu, Takayama, and Yamamato were forcing many members into retirement, and other clans in the Yamaguchi-gumi decided to switch their allegiance to other Kai, Gumi, and Ikki groups.

Re: Yakuza article

by Five Felonies » Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:08 am

i'd add honolulu and other cities in hawaii as areas of the us where various yakuza groups hold influence as well.

Re: Yakuza article

by Giacomo_Vacari » Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:18 pm

I think the reason why there is drop of known members in Japan is they are going to other countries, South East Asia has seen an increase of Yakuza members in those countries. Los Angeles and San Francisco both received waves of Yakuza in those cities from 2005 to 2008. The Obama administration as order no entry into the United States rough 40 members to those organizations, top of the list is Shinobu Tsukasa. They have shares in many legitimate areas around Los, San Francisco, Sacramento, Berkeley, and Las Vegas. In San Francisco, they are known to hold street races, own many bussiness in the Fish District.l, run gambling, loan sharking, prostitution using their wives and daughters if you can believe that to help blackmail and extort powerful clients, run drugs, and smuggling guns back to Japan.

Re: Yakuza article

by AustraliaSteve » Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:22 pm

Reports that the Yamaguchi-Gumi clan is facing internecine problems.

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/a ... oup-splits

Re: Yakuza article

by AustraliaSteve » Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:45 pm

Tokyo Vice was a good read. Adelstein is probably the best non-governmental Western authority on the Yakuza clans. It's a strange dynamic, with the clans technically being legal groups. Maybe not that strange though, considering it's fucking Japan. They only just criminalised child porn in 2014 FFS. There was an earlier bill that made the production illegal, but it wasn't until last year they closed the loop-hole that kept possession technically lawful. And as I understand, it still doesn't apply to their comics.

Found an older article by Adelstein where he talks about Tadamasa Goto, "the Japanese John Gotti", (his words), who made a deal with the FBI exposing some Yamaguchi-Gumi operations in exchange for a liver transplant performed in the US. I think this is the one I posted on RD a few years ago. Somebody else may have posted it.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 02544.html

Re: Yakuza article

by Five Felonies » Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:50 pm

dixiemafia wrote:I know the Yakuza supposedly had a hand in the Pride MMA organization when they were actually bigger and better than the UFC. No telling what they are worth overall.
they didn't just have a hand, they were pride. dse, pride's parent company, were little more than a front for the yamaguchi gumi clan, things went smooth for a while but they got greedy and fucked it all up. too many rumors about shady underworld dealings caused fuji tv to shitcan their tv deal with pride, which killed them.

Re: Yakuza article

by Lupara » Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:56 am

