The Peppermint Lounge

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Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by HairyKnuckles » Wed Dec 02, 2020 3:16 pm

Absolutely not Jackie Kennedy.

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by E. Lou Minotti » Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:37 am

Nope. Not her. While I'm sure she attended the club with her sister Lee, as noted in articles about the place, but that's not her in this particular photo. Its not even Lee.

You know you can see blue or light eyes in b&w photos btw. That woman has them. Jackie always had thick downturned brows, not thin ones that angle up. She was probably the most photographed woman in the world in the early 60s, circa those photos. Never had those brows, different color eye, different smile...

I mean, cmon, you (innocent mistake, with benefit of the doubt) tried to pass off Cynthia Lennon as Sharon Tate, and they dont look remotely similar. Same thing here.

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by Peppermint » Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:58 am

E. Lou Minotti wrote: Sun Nov 29, 2020 11:57 pm Argue to whatever ends you like, but Its not her. For starters, the eye color and eyebrows are wrong.
The eye color? The photo I shared is black and white! But the facial profile is exactly the same; her smile, her cheekbones, the shape of her eyes, her nose is exactly the same too. The only difference between the photo you shared, and mine, is that in yours her eyebrows are thicker.

That is Jackie.

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by E. Lou Minotti » Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:05 am


Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by E. Lou Minotti » Sun Nov 29, 2020 11:57 pm

Argue to whatever ends you like, but Its not her. For starters, the eye color and eyebrows are wrong.

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by Peppermint » Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:30 pm

E. Lou Minotti wrote: Sun Nov 29, 2020 2:32 pm The blonde woman in the middle photo is Cynthia Lennon, John's first wife.

The dark haired woman in the bottom photo is lovely, but it's definitely not Jackie Kennedy.
Ah, then my father was mistaken because the man swore up and down that she is Sharon Tate. I would have had no idea otherwise, I had no clue who she was until he told me. I figured personally that she was just some "groupie" on the road with The Beetles lol

But no, that woman is definitely Jackie. That I am absolutely not mistaken on, and I will argue til the ends of the Earth that woman is in fact Jackie Kennedy. Lol

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by E. Lou Minotti » Sun Nov 29, 2020 2:44 pm

Better angle on Cynthia Lennon here, better angle on your grandfather too

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by E. Lou Minotti » Sun Nov 29, 2020 2:32 pm

The blonde woman in the middle photo is Cynthia Lennon, John's first wife.

The dark haired woman in the bottom photo is lovely, but it's definitely not Jackie Kennedy.

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by Peppermint » Thu Nov 26, 2020 10:38 pm

When I made this thread, I promised unreleased photos (ones you cant find on google) of my great grandfather, with famous and influential people. Such as; The Beetles, Sharon Tate, Jackie Kennedy, Sammy Davis, and others. For a while, I thought the only photographs that existed were the original prints in my Aunt’s possession out in California, however while visiting my father in October, over in P.A as it turns out he owns photocopies of those same photos, he offered to give me the entire envelope, unfortunately I forgot to take them home with me. However, before he offered, I did manage to take pictures of a couple of them using my phone. I would have shared these sooner, but recently I dropped my phone in the toilet, and only just got it back into working order. So until I visit him again in December for Christmas, I’ll share what I have for now.

In these photos, you’ll see Sammy Davis of the Rat Pack (I guess Sinatra wasn’t there that night, or didn’t want a photo with his mob affiliates) - Sharon Tate, while in town with The Beetles before she was obviously murdered by the Manson family - last but not least, Jackie Kennedy who famously loved frequenting The Peppermint, even when John wasn’t at her side, so much so she hung a Peppermint sign in the White House during her time as First Lady because she loved the club that much.

& here they are:

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by JeremyTheJew » Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:29 pm

Raven wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:44 pm
Peppermint wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 3:57 am Going to try writing a screenplay, based on the book. About the Peppermint Lounge, my Great Grandfather, and their role in the Mafia. However, I don’t want it to be based entirely on information just from the book, naturally I want to make it my own.

So I was wondering if anyone happens to know anything more about the Peppermint Lounge and it’s mafia history? Nothing exclusively about my great grandfather, my family can source me all that information. But I need more about the rest of it, and I can’t seem to find any anywhere online, and other than what I have shared about it, which is mostly from the book, there doesn’t seem to be anything about it. Not even in any of the Genovese threads, and they are the crime family that centered around the Peppermint at the time.

Anything anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated
Good luck writing a screenplay based on a book that you probably don’t own the rights too. That isn’t how that works.

Your talking to a guy who admitted to actively going to other cities using fake names as well as disguises..... ya :roll:

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by Raven » Mon Aug 17, 2020 4:21 pm

Peppermint wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:46 pm
Raven wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:13 pm Have you read the book? It’s a pretty good one I just don't remember Lombardi/Lombardo being in it much at all and nothing in it to indicate he was made or anything of that sort.
It’s Lombardi, I just heard my Uncle wrong and thought it was Lombardo.

I haven’t gotten around to it yet, no. Oddly, I enjoy writing but I have zero attention span when it comes to reading a book. I do want to read it, I just don’t want to start something I don’t think I’ll ever end up finishing.

But I don’t know for sure if he was made or not, I can’t see why a mere associate would be on the cover of a book that is hardly even about them. Just also based on everything my family has told me, and personally showed me about him that indicated to me he must’ve been made. None of us even know what exactly happened to him after the club was transferred to the ownership of Matty The Horse, he kind of just vanished as far as I’m concerned because the family story ends there. That’s the whole reason I joined these forums in the first place, I figured if anyone would know anything it would be you guys. Even my other sources, reach a dead end about him with anything beyond the Peppermint Lounge.

My apologies on the snarky attitude by the way, I was expecting you to come at me about him like Cheech did. I didn’t think you were actually engaging me seriously.
No worries, it is a pretty good book. You can probably get it at the library as well. The author talks about Johnny Biello having “made” brothers but I have never seen that said anywhere else. Been curious if it’s true.

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by Peppermint » Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:46 pm

Raven wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:13 pm Have you read the book? It’s a pretty good one I just don't remember Lombardi/Lombardo being in it much at all and nothing in it to indicate he was made or anything of that sort.
It’s Lombardi, I just heard my Uncle wrong and thought it was Lombardo.

I haven’t gotten around to it yet, no. Oddly, I enjoy writing but I have zero attention span when it comes to reading a book. I do want to read it, I just don’t want to start something I don’t think I’ll ever end up finishing.

But I don’t know for sure if he was made or not, I can’t see why a mere associate would be on the cover of a book that is hardly even about them. Just also based on everything my family has told me, and personally showed me about him that indicated to me he must’ve been made. None of us even know what exactly happened to him after the club was transferred to the ownership of Matty The Horse, he kind of just vanished as far as I’m concerned because the family story ends there. That’s the whole reason I joined these forums in the first place, I figured if anyone would know anything it would be you guys. Even my other sources, reach a dead end about him with anything beyond the Peppermint Lounge.

My apologies on the snarky attitude by the way, I was expecting you to come at me about him like Cheech did. I didn’t think you were actually engaging me seriously.

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by Raven » Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:13 pm

Have you read the book? It’s a pretty good one I just don't remember Lombardi/Lombardo being in it much at all and nothing in it to indicate he was made or anything of that sort.

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by Peppermint » Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:26 am

Raven wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:53 am Who was he? Because I’ve read the book and don’t remember him being prominent in it at all. You make a lot of assumptions based on a few mentions in a book.
You think I’m just getting my information solely from the book? Because I didn’t even know this book existed until I joined these forums only a few months ago. I just praise the book, because my great grandfather being written about in the book and not to mention being on the cover with the goddamn beetles, confirms to me my family’s accounts about him.

I’ve been getting information from my family now residing in California, who have nothing but photographs of my Great Grandfather with all kinds of prominent figures of that era. Celebrities, politicians, and future First Lady’s don’t take photographs at high profile clubs like the Peppermint was at it’s time, with nobodies and act like that nobody is somebody important for no reason.

I’ve been getting my information directly from Joey D, who’s band the Starlighters became famous from creating the Twist and performing there and knew my Great Grandfather, and his grandson my Uncle Dennis personally.

I’ve also recently been in contact with Joel Selvin, who’s one of the authors of the book. Who actually has been helping me in going about finding out more, things my family probably didn’t even know about my great grandfather, though I haven’t followed up with him due to everything that’s been going on in the country I been distracted with other research more relevant to that.

It’s fine that you think I’m just making assumptions, I don’t have anything to back any of this up with at the moment other than what I could find on google, and that’s my fault. I should be in California right now, where I would be able to access all the proof of everything I’m talking about, which I said in this thread I would have by now. But the pandemic happened, and I had to cancel my trip.

This thread isn’t even relevant until I can back it up, so why are we even resurrecting this now? So you can look like an asshole later? I don’t get it.

Re: The Peppermint Lounge

by Raven » Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:53 am

Who was he? Because I’ve read the book and don’t remember him being prominent in it at all. You make a lot of assumptions based on a few mentions in a book.
