Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

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Re: Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by 500YearReign » Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:09 am

mlm0047 wrote: Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:02 amPost it here!
It would not allow me to upload a pdf to this section of the board.

Re: Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by NJShore4Life » Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:46 am

He's younger than Johnny Chang - late 50s I would say, Skinny's age.

Re: Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by Philly d » Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:09 pm

How old is this guy Frank DePasquale?

Re: Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by chin_gigante » Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:32 am

Thing is there were associates in that photograph. At the time it was taken Dom Grande was still an associate, and so was Anthony Borgesi (if he is in fact now made - I think he likely is but I won't say confidently one way or the other). Then there's the two individuals in the photograph that haven't been identified yet - we don't know if they were made or associates.

Re: Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by dack2001 » Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:52 am

Honestly, I don't care what you do with your charts and chin you have spent some time on this but he's also in the picture at the wedding with a group of members attending the wedding (when there were probably 50-100 associates there as well, along with the FBI seizing the photos) provides some strong evidence he's made, no? To me that's much more reliable than some agent's testimony.

Re: Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by chin_gigante » Mon Apr 20, 2020 4:25 am

Fughedaboutit wrote: Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:06 pm So what are you saying about DePasquale?
I'm not convinced that he's made and I wouldn't put him on any charts.

Re: Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by Fughedaboutit » Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:06 pm

chin_gigante wrote: Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:40 am Thanks again for posting. Been looking for this audio recording for a while. I have a few notes from listening to the audio - mostly from the testimony of Cynthia Felicetti - but I'll post them here because I think they'll get more traction in the main forum than in the FBI files section.
  • Direct and cross examination of Officer Cynthia Felicetti of Philadelphia Police Department. Felicetti had worked surveillance of the Philadelphia LCN family since c.2007.
  • On 17 Dec 2009, Felicetti and her partner observed Anthony Staino arriving at Joseph Ligambi’s house in South Philadelphia. Staino entered Ligambi’s house for a short period of time. Both men were dressed in suits. Ligambi got into Staino’s car and they drove to the Saloon Restaurant on South 7th Street. Ligambi went inside and Staino drove away. Staino returned shortly after, accompanied with Joseph Licata, Louis Fazzini and a third man Felicetti could not identify [Vincent Centorino].
  • Felicetti observed Martin Angelina, Joseph Massimino, Steven Mazzone, Michael Lancellotti, Martin Curro and Anthony Nicodemo enter the restaurant. When Lancellotti arrived, he was with (at least) Nicodemo and Eric Esposito. Felicetti also observed Frank Gambino arrive with Gaeton Lucibello.
  • Others Felicetti identified as entering and leaving the Saloon on that date were Frank Narducci Jr and Frank DePasquale. The gathering at the Saloon lasted for approximately three to four hours. Staino had parked on a fire hydrant in front of the restaurant and was given a ticket for it.
  • On cross examination, Felicetti stated that, to the best of her knowledge, the 2009 Christmas party was the first time Joseph Licata had been picked up in Philly by police surveillance since his release from prison in 2003.
One of the reasons I was looking for this trial audio was because I had read on the forums that it was Felicetti who identified DePasquale as a member, leading to his inclusion on our Philadelphia charts. I listened to this recording twice and Felicetti (though identifying DePasquale as attending the 2009 Christmas party) does not identify DePasquale as a member. Every other individual Felicetti pointed out has been identified by other sources as a member, but in the context of the direct examination it is not specified that Felicetti was only discussing members. The only mention of members in Felicetti’s examination was that she was tasked with surveying LCN members as well as LCN associates. At this point I'm not convinced of DePasquale's membership. (Though it's not related to this trial recording, I have similar reservations about Albert Lancellotti.)

DePasquale was also briefly mentioned in the first half of the audio in the testimony of agent Augustine. They played a 2006 recorded conversation between Damion Canalichio and Dominic Grande (due to the nature of the trial audio it's hard to decipher what they are saying on the tape, but some things are clarified in the testimony). On the tape, Canalichio and Grande make reference to several Philly mob figures: "Pickles" [Frank DePasquale]; "Lance" [Mike Lancellotti]; "Anth" [Anthony Staino]; "Marty" [Marty Angelina]; and "Nicodemo" [Anthony Nicodemo].
So what are you saying about DePasquale?

Re: Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by chin_gigante » Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:40 am

Thanks again for posting. Been looking for this audio recording for a while. I have a few notes from listening to the audio - mostly from the testimony of Cynthia Felicetti - but I'll post them here because I think they'll get more traction in the main forum than in the FBI files section.
  • Direct and cross examination of Officer Cynthia Felicetti of Philadelphia Police Department. Felicetti had worked surveillance of the Philadelphia LCN family since c.2007.
  • On 17 Dec 2009, Felicetti and her partner observed Anthony Staino arriving at Joseph Ligambi’s house in South Philadelphia. Staino entered Ligambi’s house for a short period of time. Both men were dressed in suits. Ligambi got into Staino’s car and they drove to the Saloon Restaurant on South 7th Street. Ligambi went inside and Staino drove away. Staino returned shortly after, accompanied with Joseph Licata, Louis Fazzini and a third man Felicetti could not identify [Vincent Centorino].
  • Felicetti observed Martin Angelina, Joseph Massimino, Steven Mazzone, Michael Lancellotti, Martin Curro and Anthony Nicodemo enter the restaurant. When Lancellotti arrived, he was with (at least) Nicodemo and Eric Esposito. Felicetti also observed Frank Gambino arrive with Gaeton Lucibello.
  • Others Felicetti identified as entering and leaving the Saloon on that date were Frank Narducci Jr and Frank DePasquale. The gathering at the Saloon lasted for approximately three to four hours. Staino had parked on a fire hydrant in front of the restaurant and was given a ticket for it.
  • On cross examination, Felicetti stated that, to the best of her knowledge, the 2009 Christmas party was the first time Joseph Licata had been picked up in Philly by police surveillance since his release from prison in 2003.
One of the reasons I was looking for this trial audio was because I had read on the forums that it was Felicetti who identified DePasquale as a member, leading to his inclusion on our Philadelphia charts. I listened to this recording twice and Felicetti (though identifying DePasquale as attending the 2009 Christmas party) does not identify DePasquale as a member. Every other individual Felicetti pointed out has been identified by other sources as a member, but in the context of the direct examination it is not specified that Felicetti was only discussing members. The only mention of members in Felicetti’s examination was that she was tasked with surveying LCN members as well as LCN associates. At this point I'm not convinced of DePasquale's membership. (Though it's not related to this trial recording, I have similar reservations about Albert Lancellotti.)

DePasquale was also briefly mentioned in the first half of the audio in the testimony of agent Augustine. They played a 2006 recorded conversation between Damion Canalichio and Dominic Grande (due to the nature of the trial audio it's hard to decipher what they are saying on the tape, but some things are clarified in the testimony). On the tape, Canalichio and Grande make reference to several Philly mob figures: "Pickles" [Frank DePasquale]; "Lance" [Mike Lancellotti]; "Anth" [Anthony Staino]; "Marty" [Marty Angelina]; and "Nicodemo" [Anthony Nicodemo].

Re: Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by mlm0047 » Sun Apr 19, 2020 10:02 am

Post it here!

Re: Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by 500YearReign » Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:04 am


Uploaded to FBI Files section.

Philadelphia RICO trial audio 12/12/2012

by 500YearReign » Sun Apr 19, 2020 6:58 am

Okay, I have downloaded from PACER, a special request from one of our members, specifically the Philadelphia RICO trial audio from 12/12/2012.

It came to me via two pdf files with an embedded mp3 attachment.

Can someone please help me to get this pdf/audio onto the board.

I can email it to Soliai if that helps.

Let me know.
