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Re: Stefanelli

by NJShore4Life » Sun Apr 26, 2020 11:22 am

Yeah the younger guys that roll with the LCN crews here in Jersey, a lot of them are hooked on those pills.

A lot of those guys also used to deal pills before Law Enforcement here started really clamping down and relentlessly persuing guys who sell pills and heroin. They have even started actually charging dealers here in Jersey when the loser junkies OD with strict liability death for dealing the pills/heroin to the junkie. Look, I think that these loser junkies who OD have no one else to blame but themselves for injesting the drugs. No one put a gun to their head. People need to start being held accountable for their own actions, I really hate the blame game all these loser junkies and their families cry all the time. Oh well, population control I guess....

They are very prevalent here in Jersey. I am 35 and know many many guys my age in Jersey who are dead from Overdoses. I dont fuck with that shit ever and never have or will. I have enough vices already that I thoroughly enjoy lol.

Re: Stefanelli

by West Coast1 » Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:48 am

NJShore4Life wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:24 pm The Cross's!

Wayne Cross Jr was popped here in Jersey awhile back with a lot of the up and comers selling pills by the DEA about 10 years ago. His Father Wayne Sr has been running with mob crews here in Jersey forever. Wayne Sr was/is an associate of the Philly North Jersey Crew. The Cross's have been around forever. I think Wayne Sr has a brother that was/is in Scoops crew as an Associate as well (could be wrong about 75% sure if my memory is correct) They're interesting guys here in Jersey, literally around and in the rackets forever. ... 0710p.html
NJ, just looked up the first two names on the second list on the release.

The first kid may have passed away and the second Gary Cross, looks to have still been using drugs in 2018 and was arrestred.

Not to be a old fart, but these pills are the devil man. I don't even want to keep looking up the names, hopefully most have left it alone and are doing well.

Re: Stefanelli

by Philly d » Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:17 am

How is Gary Cross in relation?

Re: Stefanelli

by BobbyPazzo » Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:42 am

TommyNoto wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:15 am Probably Wayne cross sr

His son Jr is an up and comer

Longtime Bellville area guys in the usual rackets

They would go to America Bistro . Longtime Bellville Italian restaurant with biggest portions ever and nicest owner.
Everything he just said. The younger Wayne used to be a nut but I haven’t seen or heard about him in awhile. American Bistro’s braciole....

Re: Stefanelli

by outfit guy » Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:44 pm

Wayne Cross's brother Donald had the influence and was close with Michael Perna of the Lucchese Family. Wayne followed Donald. When Donald drown and Perna went to prison, not sure what happened to Wayne. I won't be conspiratorial, but odd that he drown in a pool at the Breakers (where he spent a lot of time) right before he was about to be indicted in a multi-million dollar mortgage fraud. I don't know if Wayne was ever with the Philly crew. I believe I read in the paper he was assaulted by a Lucchese member in Jersey.

Re: Stefanelli

by Bklyn21 » Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:35 pm

mafiastudent wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 8:52 am Thanks for posting that up.

What I don't understand (and I'm not trying to start a controversy here) is how only snippets of conversation (that's how it appears to me) can be played at trial. I mean the jurors are only being given a portion and not seeing the whole conversation in context so how can anyone evaluate the whole picture and what's really going on? And half of that stuff is unintelligible.

However, what I found interesting is that Mannino actually said where he had served his time. I don't think that's ever been established. A minor point, but still.

I also think it's funny how Stefanelli made sure to identify anyone he first started talking to. I don't know, wouldn't that make you suspicious? John, blah blah blah. Joe, blah, blah, blah.
Yeah that was funny how he introduced everyone basically out loud like a damn game show or night show host lol

Re: Stefanelli

by Bklyn21 » Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:33 pm

Stroccos wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:55 pm
CornerBoy wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:13 pm Are there any complete transcripts of the dinner w scoops? im sure its been spoken about but im not too swift and cannot find.

Go easy on me lol
I don’t think there were complete transcripts , there was a thread on here about the dinner I couldn’t find it either .
Sorry , Someone already replied

Re: Stefanelli

by Bklyn21 » Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:32 pm

Stroccos wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:55 pm
CornerBoy wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:13 pm Are there any complete transcripts of the dinner w scoops? im sure its been spoken about but im not too swift and cannot find.

Go easy on me lol
I don’t think there were complete transcripts , there was a thread on here about the dinner I couldn’t find it either .
I think its in the FBI files section

Re: Stefanelli

by NJShore4Life » Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:24 pm

The Cross's!

Wayne Cross Jr was popped here in Jersey awhile back with a lot of the up and comers selling pills by the DEA about 10 years ago. His Father Wayne Sr has been running with mob crews here in Jersey forever. Wayne Sr was/is an associate of the Philly North Jersey Crew. The Cross's have been around forever. I think Wayne Sr has a brother that was/is in Scoops crew as an Associate as well (could be wrong about 75% sure if my memory is correct) They're interesting guys here in Jersey, literally around and in the rackets forever. ... 0710p.html

Re: Stefanelli

by Cheech » Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:48 pm

ok ya that's him in the operation heat indictment, thanks Tommy

Re: Stefanelli

by TommyNoto » Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:15 am

Probably Wayne cross sr

His son Jr is an up and comer

Longtime Bellville area guys in the usual rackets

They would go to America Bistro . Longtime Bellville Italian restaurant with biggest portions ever and nicest owner.

Re: Stefanelli

by Cheech » Fri Apr 24, 2020 9:59 am

did we find out who the Wayne is that is close to Taccetta and Joey DiNap? there was a Wayne busted in the operation heat that was an associate IIRC

Re: Stefanelli

by Chaps » Sun Mar 08, 2020 4:08 pm

I realize that this is totally off topic but I'd thought that as a bit of mob history I should say that the restaurant where this meeting was held is La Griglia at 740 Boulevard in Kenilworth, NJ. As fate has it this is the site of Ange & Min's Restaurant of DeCavalcante tapes fame. It looks like the back part could be the original building with the front added on.

Re: Stefanelli

by Cheech » Sun Mar 08, 2020 12:04 pm

Chucky wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 11:18 am
Cheech wrote: Sat Mar 07, 2020 9:01 am
NJShore4Life wrote: Sat Mar 07, 2020 8:50 am I would bet anything Anthony Nicodemo is the one who proposed Dom G for membership. Dom G and Nicodemo were always tight and Dom G was with Nicodemo. This was even evident in the Borgata bookmaking bust. Dom G and Nicodemo also had real estate ventures together, they’re close. They also allegedly did the Gino DiPietro hit together. They’re as close as it can get.
I believe this was corroborated in some wiretap that dom proposed anthony but not 100% sure. @chucky might know.
I honestly never heard anyone refer to Nicodemo proposing Grande on the wire, I just assumed, like NJ, that given how close they were, and you have Licata saying that "Anthony" proposed him. I really doubt it would be Staino.
Ya I looked back and couldnt find anything.

Re: Stefanelli

by Chucky » Sun Mar 08, 2020 11:18 am

Cheech wrote: Sat Mar 07, 2020 9:01 am
NJShore4Life wrote: Sat Mar 07, 2020 8:50 am I would bet anything Anthony Nicodemo is the one who proposed Dom G for membership. Dom G and Nicodemo were always tight and Dom G was with Nicodemo. This was even evident in the Borgata bookmaking bust. Dom G and Nicodemo also had real estate ventures together, they’re close. They also allegedly did the Gino DiPietro hit together. They’re as close as it can get.
I believe this was corroborated in some wiretap that dom proposed anthony but not 100% sure. @chucky might know.
I honestly never heard anyone refer to Nicodemo proposing Grande on the wire, I just assumed, like NJ, that given how close they were, and you have Licata saying that "Anthony" proposed him. I really doubt it would be Staino.
